Drunken Monster

Super Drama
A flash here. A flash there. Flashes going off everywhere. I swear I'll go blind by the end of this press conference. Even though I'm waiting on the side of the stage away from the flashes they still bounce off the silver background reflecting towards me. Leaning over I ask one of the staff members to pass me a pair of black sun glasses, seconds later I have them on my face protecting me from the dangerous flashing lights. 
As the host continues to introduce my promotion schedule, a man in the crowd catches my eyes, in fact quite a few of them, five to be exact. Do people not recognize them? All the members of Super Junior are nosy, and love to know what's going on whether it involves them or not. This time, one of the things I'm going to be talking about actually involve one of them. 
"Kwon Rumi!" The Hostess announces my name as he moves away from the center of the stage. I walk to the center of the stage flashing the crowd of reporters my signature smirk. 
"Annyeonghaseyo Monster Rumi-imida." I bow slightly. Glaring at Eunhae, Kyumin, and Heechul behind my dark shades I settle down in my sit, preparing myself for all the questions that are about to be asked. The host calls on the first reporter to ask a question.
"What made you want to make a sudden comeback?" When it comes to answering reporters' questions never keep them waiting for more than five seconds. After those five seconds they automatically assume you're thinking of a lie.
"I hate to keep my fans waiting. Teasing them at the Award Show was enough, they want a comeback."
"Are you just going to release a digital single or is there something more?"
"I'm releasing 'Dub On This Track' as a single. While I'm doing promotion for it, I'll be working on a Full Length Album."
"Any ideas on what the concept of your album will be like?"
"Haven't decided yet." 
"Rumi have you and Donghae really broken up?" I wish I could answer no, that this whole situation was a lie.
"Yes. Donghae and I have officially ended." I looked towards the back of the room where Donghae and SJ were at. No emotion was written on their faces.
"Did your break up involve screaming and loud banging noises?"
"There was only screaming involved, no banging noises." At least not done by me.
"Why did the two of you break up?" 
"Is that any of your business?" The room went quiet. If I wasn't trying to put a cold front up, my would have been on the ground laughing. "Next question." The questioning went on, no longer did any of them involve Donghae. Finally, the host announced that only one question was left. Little did I know that question was going to question my thought process.
"Have you spoken to your father? If have, would you be able to forgive him for what he has done to you and your family?" I stayed quiet for more than five seconds, it was a full 15 seconds. 
"I think we're done here." I stood up bowing a goodbye and walked off stage. JunJu met me backstage, bringing me into a hug but pulled away slightly not wanting to show people that question bothered me; even though I already did.
"Are you okay?" JunJu rubs my back.
"No, but I'm going to answer yes. I'm okay." 
- Three Months Later - 
I've never felt so tired in my life. If I even look at someone I'm sure to past out from exhaustion. The last three months I've worked each day, having two hours at the most of alone time or time with Konggie. I wonder if he still knows I'm his mother? The first two months involved promoting, variety shows, interview, and working on the album. The rest of the time I spent my time in a recording studio, practice room, and recording the MV. 
Taking a final sip of the bottle of Alcohol, I stand from the couch and leave the recording room. I head for the conference room because instead of sleeping I have to be in a boring meeting discussing the arrangement for my Album release. It's called 'Behind The Music' with the leading tracks being the Album title and a song I wrote, Riot. Everything is pretty much done, the only thing left is for the MV to be released; the Album itself as well.
I stop by my car bring out a bottle of vodka and pouring it into my PINK VS water bottle. Something has to keep me up and running and coffee stopped working a while ago. Entering the conference room I sit as far as I could from Man Man, the last thing I want is for him to smell the alcohol. More people that helped out with the Album enter the room signaling the start of the long boring meeting.
"Anything else." I take a sip of my 'water'.
"No, go home and get some rest, spend time with Tain Kong. The next two days are yours." Man Man patted my back before leaving the conference room. I wait for everyone else to leave before I wobble out of the room, at this point if I get up the alcohol will definitely show itself.
Sighing, I head for my car digging through my purse for the keys, I lose my balance tripping over an invisible banana peel. Closing my eyes I brace myself for a fall that never came. Opening one eye, I look around seeing arms wrapped around me. 
"Should you be driving?" Luhan grins at me.
"Probably not." I stand up straight, not really caring that Luhan's hands never left my hips. "But I'm tired and want to go to my comfy bed." I rest body against his too exhausted to move anymore. 
"You're not driving. Where's your phone?" Luhan tells me as he picks me up and takes me to one of the empty practice room. He lays me down on the love seat before searching through my purse for my cell phone. "Hello? Hyung.....Luhan.....Ummm....Rumi she's..... No nothings wrong with her other than being..... no one's in the hospital!.... can I speak hyung?.....Rumi is drunk. She was about to drive home but I got her now. We're in the practice room. Okay, see you in a few. Your welcome Hyung."
Sitting up I take off my jean jacket feeling hot. Not being able to get rid of the heat that's rising inside me I take off my shirt leaving me in my white floral bra. "Rumi! Put your shirt back on!" Luhan covers his eyes with his hands, spreading them a little to actually see.
"I've performed on stage in this." I tell him laying on the ground. "It's hot!" I start rolling around on the slick floor. Using my arm strength I crawl my face towards my purse and take out my 'water'. Gulping down the rest of it, I walk over to the stereo turning it on. Luhan sits on the couch and leans his head back. Feeling the music pump through my blood, my body starts moving to the beat.
"I never thought I would see you like this." I hear Luhan say, but choose to continue my dancing. After 15 minutes of dancing, jumping, sliding, and falling around the door opening grabs my attention. A very pissed off Fishy walked through that door.
"Fishy ~!" I stumble over jumping into his arms.
"Why is your shirt off?" He asks holding on to me so I wouldn't fall.
{Donghae's POV}
Entering the SM building I wasn't sure which drunk Rumi I was going to get. There was the happy hyper one, a one, or an angry depressed one. I've seen all three, the one is more practical for me, but even if that was the case I couldn't let it happen; not this time. Opening the door to the practice room I see a sleeping Luhan on the couch and a dancing Rumi. Definitely the happy hyper Ru.
"Fishy ~!" A more than tipsy Rumi jumps on me.
"Why is your shirt off?" My arms go around her waist keeping her from falling.
"Oh, Hyung you're here?" Luhan immediately stands up greeting me.
"Oppa ~, I'm hungry." She pouts wrapping her legs around my waist. 
"Yeah, why is her shirt off?" Choosing to ignore her was a mistake. Rumi starts playing with my hair. It took all the strength inside me not to react to the small action.
"Rumi said she felt hot, so without warning she threw her jacket and shirt off." He gestures to the piece of clothing on the floor.
"Luhan, thanks for calling me. Sorry if she caused you any trouble."  I go over to him patting his back. "You should go get some rest." 
"No problem hyung. I like Rumi." I send him a questionable look. "Not like that." He panics making Ru giggle.
"I know. Go get some rest, do you need a ride back to your dorm?"
"No, we're actually practicing all night. I used Rumi as an excused to get out, she was my rest." Luhan rubs the back of his neck.
"It's okay." I laugh. Setting Rumi on the couch I pick up her clothes and start putting them on her. First time I actually put clothes on her instead of taking them off. "Anyways, we should get going. Bye Luahn." I pick up Rumi again and wave him off.
"Bye Hyung." He smiles shaking Ru's hand as we passed by him.
Quickly grabbing the keys to my car, I unlock the doors carefully setting the drunk in the back. I go over to her car entering the code on the side to get in, searching through it I find the other bottles of alcohol and put them in the trunk of my car. Making sure her car is locked I get into mine and drive off to the dorm. She really thinks drinking is going to give her the energy to keep up with her schedules. At least she hasn't resorted to drugs. 
"Oppa, why are you so sweet?" She wraps her arms around my neck from behind.
"Ru, I'm driving." I try pushing her off me by moving my shoulders. 
"I'm still hungry." She lets go. From the review mirror I can see her getting sleepy as her head sways from side to side. A car beeping takes me out of my staring, putting my eyes back on the road.
"Appa!" She screams out a couple minutes later. I pull the car over, adjusting my hat and glasses before getting out an checking on her.
"Ru, what's wrong?"
"Appa, Appa, Appa is back...." He's back? I quickly put her seat belt on and drive off her words never leaving my mind.
As we entered the dorm, I kept hushing Ru, she was being to loud and the other members could be sleeping. Little did I know they were all in the kitchen talking and eating. I cover Rumi's mouth with my hand and quickly guide us towards my room. It didn't work.
"Donghae!" Kyuhyun calls me.
"Rumi!" Shindong Hyung comes over lifting her up.
"Oppa ~" She smiles as he sets her back down. How can she be all smiles after what she told me in the car.
"Drunk Ru Ru." Ryeowook chimes.
"I'm happy! Not drunk." She twirls around making the members laugh.
"Thought you were with King Kong." Kangin Hyung puts his arm around my shoulders.
"Did you and Rumi get back together?" Eunhyuk squeezes himself in between us. 
"No, we're not back together." I look over at Ru who was inhaling the food Ryeowook gave her. "Luhan called me to go get her, she was about to drive home like that." Kangin sighed. He knew the problems she would have gotten into if it weren't for Luhan.
"Oppas! We should go out and have fun."
"Hana, people are sleeping." Siwon shushes her.
"Rawr!" She yells and starts running around the dorm.
"Rumi, calm down." Sungmin bear hugs Rumi. We all stay quiet for a good minute hoping that will knock her out.
"New stage name 'Drunken Monster'." Kyu blurts out making Rumi crack up and us to groan from frustration. Having two drunks in the house isn't fun.
"Annyeonghaseyo Drunken Monster-imida ~" She pushes away from Sungmin Hyung bowing.
"Drunken Monster." Kyuhyun hugs Rumi.
"Kyuhyun time to go to bed." Sungmin pulls him away from Rumi and makes there way out of the dorm to go to their's.
"Night night." Rumi waves them off then head towards the kitchen picking up the pot of food.
"No, no, no it's time for bed for you as well." I pull her from her waist and drag her towards my room.
After 30 minutes of trying to get Rumi to sleep, she finally knock out. I slide off the bed and head back to the living room where I see Eunhyuk watching TV. "Did she fall asleep?" I nod feeling to tired to speak. "Are you going to sleep with her?" I stare at him realizing he meant actual sleep.
"No." No for both. "I'm going back to her place, to be with Kong." 
"How is he dealing with being away from his mom?"
"Not so well. He sleeps without her now, but he'll wake up looking for her." Eunhyuk shakes his head. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Won't she wake up angry?" He starts freaking out.
"You'll be fine." I laugh. But it soons go away as I leave the dorm, I need to figure out why he wasn't put in jail.
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.