Like Our First

Super Drama
I hate police officer, never was a big fan of them. My father once had a friend who was a police officer, he'd come over and didn't do a damn thing about what my father did to us. The officer knew everything, at one point he even saw, but he never did help us.
Entering the police station a sick feeling ran through me as if something bad was going to happen I just didn't know what exactly. I was greeted by the secretary, she showed me to the officer's office where I waited for ten minutes before he finally showed up. He sat in his seat with an exaggerated sigh. Noticing my presence he gives me a smile to which I don't return. 
"How are you doing, Ms. Hana?" He asks me. 
"How do you expect me to be doing Officer..." I try looking for his name but it seems like he doesn't have a name plate. 
"Officer Kim." He bring his hand out expecting me to shake it. 
"You're the one who asked me to come. Now what exactly do you need from me." I ignore his hand. 
Pulling his hand away he laughs. "I need you to tell me what happened. From the beginning." 
"Why? It's been a week and you ask me that now?" I check my phone, 7:32  in the morning. I'm up way too early for this. 
"I was letting it settle." I give him a look of disbelieving.
"Settle my ." 
"Do you not notice how serious this matter is?" 
"If I tell you what happen I can leave?" I send him a wink hoping to get out of here as soon as possible. 
"Yes." He sighs.
"My father appeared at the Summer Special. He kidnapped Tain Kong and I, Super Junior saw and followed us. My father took us a warehouse, Donghae and Eunhyuk came in. Eunhyuk then grabbed Tain Kong and left. Donghae stayed, three gun shots went off. One hit Donghae and the other my father."
"What about the third one?" He leaned in. 
"Shouldn't you know that? You did police the place down, right Officer Kim?" I stood up. 
"I was just wonder if you happen to know." He fiddles around with some papers. 
"I don't. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go." My hand reaches the door knob, when he spoke again. 
"What about your mother?" 
"I don't know." With that I leave the station.  I should reward myself for nor crying and going off on the officer.
We've been staying in SJ's dorm for the last week because our new house was being furnished, luckily today the interior designer called saying our house is ready. Unlocking the door, the loudness of the dorm hit me. I come face to face with a Konggie and a half Anchovy. All of a sudden I felt a need for a half Fishy.
"Omma ~, Me ." Konggie giggles as he runs his little feet towards me.
"Why is he ?" I look at Eunhyuk. Tain's eyes divert from me to Hyuk.
"I thought I should let him air dry." He smirks.
"He wouldn't let you cry him would he?"
"No! Donghae makes it look easy. I swear I almost drowned trying to bathe him." The poor Anchovy has been traumatize. Laughing I take Tain's hand and walk his body into Donghae's room. Inside a sleeping Donghae's soft snores tells me he fast asleep. I change Konggie into closes and sit him in front of the TV with warm milk in a sippy cup. 
Once I settled down Tain Kong I walk back to the room, I lock the door and start stripping leaving on me in my undergarments. A tiny baby blue box catches my eyes. The memories from when Donghae asked me to marry him at the hospital flutter back. I had told Hae that now wasn't the time for his foolish questions, pretty much saying no. Yes, I felt bad at first but I knew this is something I really have to think about.
"Ru ~." Donghae stretches his body out before flashing me his five year old smile. "Someone looks y." He winks.
"When did you buy the ring?" I ignore his comment and pick up the box examining it.
"Two years ago." He sighs ruffling his bed hair. If it weren't for the fact that we were moving in today, I would have attacked Donghae.
"You were going to give me a ring you got me two years ago?" I take pillow and start hitting him with it.
"Do you know how much that ring cost me?" He catches my wrist to keep the pillow from flying at him. "If you wouldn't have left me then the ring would have been yours." he mutters out as he let's go of my wrist. He swings his legs onto the floor pulling me forward in between his legs placing his hands on my waist.
"If you would have listened to me then maybe I would have had the ring!" I yell, slapping his arm.
"I love you." He puckers his lips up. Pecking them I wrap my arms around his neck.
"You piss me off." His smile falls making mine grow. "I love you, now let me go."
"You make me crazy." He presses his lips against mine, not resisting the temptation I respond to kiss. I take advantage of the locked door and let our body do the talking for us.
Checking around for anything that might be mine, I grab my duffle bag and lock up Super Juniors dorm and head out the door. Outside the sun is raving down on us like it owns the place, I love it. I hand Donghae my bag watching him put it in the trunk with the rest of my stuff. A smile appears on my face when I see the purple-ly red mark on his neck.
I sit myself down in the driver seat of my car while Donghae climbs into the passenger side. He hates not being at the wheel driving but today he didn't complain like usual, maybe it's because we'll no longer be able to sleep beside each other everyday. Ignoring the fact I look back checking if my son was in the car, check. I pull out of the parking lot and head for our new house. 
I feel like this is a new beginning for me, for all of us. To start fresh free of drama, but knowing me  or us,  it'll show up again. Sighing I take a left turning into our new house. The soft white paint coat gives the house a posh look with the golden wood giving the warm touch. Getting out of the car, Yuhan pulls in beside us practically running me over.
"! You almost killed me!" I yell at him.
"Calm down Hana, I didn't kill you. You're still standing here, being a pain in the ." He laughs. Donghae laughs along with him smackking both I grab Konggie and head inside. 
The white walls with different flowers painted on surrounding the room with a home-y sweet feeling. I slip my heels off and set Konggie on the creamy wooden floors, at first he slips causing the people behind us to laugh. Turning around I slap Hyuk, Kyu, and Yuhan before attending the crying monster.
"How come you always get big houses when there's only four of you live here? Even when it was you and your Appa you had a huge house." Eunhyuk walks in flopping his body on the white round couch.
"This place is to white, so bright. Leetuek white." Kyuhyun complains.
"If you don't like it, get out." JunJu comes in with her suit cases. "Be men and help me take these upstairs." She whines and insults them.
Ignoring their argument I take myself and Tain Kong upstairs. We see a white door with a little Nemo on it, immediately  Konggie goes crazy wiggling out of my hold. I set him down and he runs towards the door trying to open it. He pouts then kicks the door, cute.
"Just like Omma." Donghae comes out of no where scaring the living day lights out of me and opens the door for Konggie. The room was amazing definitely something that expresses who my little monster is. I ignore Donghae's chatter and search for my room, a white door with 'Hana' written in cursive grabs my attention.
Opening the door, I gasp at how amazing my room is. The floor is the same creamy color along with white walls, the only difference being is that my song lyrics are written on the wall in a baby blue color. A big king size bed in the middle of the room with white sheets and black furniture surrounding it in the right places.
"Nice room. We should test the bed out." Donghae wraps his arms from behind me.
"As much fun as that sounds, we can't. There's a lot of things I need to get done, like planning Tain's party." He let's go and sits on the edge of the bed. 
"He's getting old." The five year old whines.
"He's turning two. The terrible two's, dear lord help us." I fall next to Donghae laying on my stomach.
"Let's have another one. I want to experience being woken up in the middle of the night to my baby crying." He slaps my .
"Yah, I can get Konggie to do that now if you want." I feel my phone vibrate.
"It's not the same." Donghae falls next to me. I look at the caller ID and sigh. "Who is it?"
"Hello?" I sit up on the bed crossing my legs. Donghae mouths at me to put it on speakers, doing so he lays his head on my knee.
"Rumi, hey, are you busy right now?" Jiyong asks me. 
"Hang up..." Donghae whispers. I shake my head no.
"No, what is it?" A couple of days after the incident happen Jiyong called me asking me a whole bunch of questions. I didn't answer any of them and just told him that we should no longer see each other. He, against his will, agreed and told me to take care of myself.
"I want -" 
"Ru ~!" Donghae yells out making Jiyong stop talking. Hitting him across his chest I try getting off only to be grabbed my Donghae and pinned against the bed.
"I don't think I'll be calling again." Then the line went dead.
"Donghae!" I push him off of me and slide off the bed.
"That's not the type of screaming I want to hear from you." He says innocently.
"I was on the phone. Why did you speak?" I throw the phone at him.
"He was going to say that he wanted you back." He says angrily.
"What if I wanted to go back to him?" I cross my arms.
"You're joking right?" Donghae comes towards me.
"Of course Donghae! But you didn't need acknowledge your presence to me. The least I could do is give him an explanation." I pull my Fishy towards me and wrap my arms around his torso.
"I know. Call him back." He hugs me back kissing the top of my head.
"Nah, thanks to you I don't have to explain myself." I smile before letting him go and l jumping onto my bed.
"Wow." Is all he says jumping in after me. I cuddle close to him taking in his love for me. "Rumi?" He says after 10 minutes of being silent
"Hmm..." I open my eyes. 
"Go on a date with me." I position myself on his chest resting my head on my folded arms. "Later tonight. Eunhyuk already said he can take care of King Kong."
"Okay." His five year old smile appears on his face making he giggle from his cuteness. "Donghae, what have you done to me?"
"I don't even know."
Hours later, I'm drying my blonde hair trying to find something to wear at the same time. Donghae said he was going to be here at 8:00, it's currently 7:15 and I still need to put make up on and actually do some sort of style to my hair. Just then my door opens revealing a gummy anchovy. I'd put clothes on but Hyuk's seen me in my bra and before.
"Someone looks amazing even though she had a baby." He walks by me and heads for my walk-in closet.
"What are you doing?" I turn off the blow dryer and switch on my wand. "Eunhyuk!" I walk inside my closet seeing him search through my clothes.
"Hmmm...." He mumbles not looking me. Kicking him in the get's him to turn around. "I'm going to help you find something to wear women! Go get your make-up and hair done. He'll be here in less then an hour!" Well then. I sit at my vanity table and start doing what I was told to do. I swear I've become soft since meeting these crazy Suju members.
Deciding on a natural look, I don't put too much make-up on not wanting to cake my face with cosmetics. I let my thoughts run wild enjoying the peace and me being normal for once in my life. Getting ready for a date with the help of my BFF, the only thing being is that I'm getting help from my boyfriend's BFF. My mind wonders to the past just like on my first date with Donghae, Hyuk helped me pick an outfit out. 
"What are you smiling about?" Hyuk comes back in with clothes in his hands and throwing them on the bed.
"Nothing. What did you pick out?" I start doing my hair.
"Something at will be easy to take off." He smirks before laying on my bed.
"Good." I smile. Last time I denied the fact that Donghae and I would even be doing anything, but this time it's totally different.
"I like your answer. Mind video taping it for me." He calls out.
"Nope, that will never happen." I mutter.
"It was worth a try." He laughs.
Finishing up my hair, I change into the clothes that the anchovy picked out for me. I take a look in the mirror satisfied with my look. My wavy hair is perfect, the make-up fits perfectly and I look hella good in this outfit; shoes killing the hell out of me but I'll live. Hearing the bell ring I take my eyes away from the mirror.
"Once again Anchovy, you came in handy." I grab my cell phone and slip it into my pocket. 
"What can I say, I'm just good at what I do." He smiles with confident. "Go have fun, be calm and relaxed. You deserve it." He pushes me out the door. 
Downstairs, Donghae's standing by the door with a single orange rose in his hand being eyed up by Yuhan. Seeing my face his smile shines the room making Yuhan leave with a smirk on his face. Without saying a word, he hands me the rose and pulls me outside. Just like before he unlocks his car but doesn't open my door. I stand their thinking of the memory.
"Did you want me to open it?" He asks half his body inside the car. I nod my head and get inside the car. Also like last time the car ride to where ever we were going was silent, only this time Donghae has my left hand in his. We drove for 30 minutes before Donghae pulled up to an apartment complex, the same apartment complex from last time. 
He leads me to the elevator pressing the 18th button. As the door closes he pulls me into his wrapping his arms around my small frame. "I love you." He whispers. The doors open making Donghae let go and drag me out of the elevator. Apartment 1818, exact place we were in last time, Sora Unni's Apartment. He opens the door revealing a simple apartment the light was dim, going further inside I saw the romantic part to this.
A table was set full of food, that looked and smelled amazingly delicious, with two lit candles on the middle of the table. Instead of going for the food, he takes me outside into the balcony. I am hungry, why do I need to be outside away from food? On the balcony, the table from last time was still there along with a bottle of wine. Donghae pops it open and pours two cups of wine.
"Kwon Hana." He looks at me handing me the glass of wine. "I, Lee Donghae, love you more than you know. Therefore I want you to marry me but for some odd reason you say no. Why?"
"What makes you think now is the time to get married, Mr. Lee Donghae." I take a sip of wine.
"Don't answer me with a question, but I'll answer your any ways cause you will be answering mine sooner or later. Being with me will bring you happiness plus I'm the father of our son. Tell me you don't want to be with me."
"Pabo, I want to be with you more than ever, but..."
"But what? What exactly are you scared of?"
"Loving you, even know I shouldn't be it's just there. I have no control over it, bad things run through my mind whenever I'm happy."
"Then whenever your thinking something bad, tell me. I'll make them go away." He caresses my cheek.
"Why an orange rose?" I look at the rose I laid on the table. "Don't most guys give girls a red rose?" 
"The color orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, and success. Everything you are."
"Bull . You've done this before, haven't you?" I eye him carefully.
"Language," He laughs. "and no, I've never given a girl I love a rose. I've given roses because I was told to but nothing more."
"You better." I pull him down pressing his lips against mine. Donghae pushes my up making my legs instantly wrap my legs around his waist bringing him closer to me. 
Once again, pro Donghae manages to open the slide door and bring us into the air conditioned apartment without taking his lips away from mine. We enter the room where he throws me onto the bed, petals fly around me from the impact. 
"Just when I thought the rose petals were not going to show up, they do." He crawls on top of me trailing butterfly kisses from up my neck and onto my lips. Pulling him close his hands work their way down to the hem of my shirt and pull it up making me shiver.
He stops kissing me staring into my eyes, trapped I'm  helpless in those lakey brown eyes. "Marry me." I gulp down the knot that formed inside my throat. 
"Donghae...." He sits up letting his weight settle on my pelvis. 
"Rumi....." He mocks me. 
"Yes." I sigh closing my eyes as I feel the weight of him lift off me. Breathing out I open my eyes seeing a happy five year old hover over me. "Can I help you?"
"Give me your left hand." Handing it over he holds onto my ring finger and plants a white diamond ring set in it. 
"This isn't the same ring." I hold my hand up admiring the beauty of the diamonds. The moonlight catches it making it twinkle.
"It's not. I was able to return the other one and get you a new one." He says proudly. A smile takes over my face. And my suppose father told me no one would ever love me. "I love seeing your smiles." Hae leans in trying to kiss me but I push him off, he lands beside me growling in response.
"Who made the food I'm not going to get to eat?" I rub my hungry belly but I know Donghae deserves to be rewarded.
"I did." He grins.
"Oh, then we're good on not eating." I potion myself on top of him.
"I'm a good cook." He puts his hands on my thighs squeezing them to prove his point.
"Whatever you say..... Oppa ~" This caused Donghae to be extremely happy. He flipped us over so I was on bottom and he was on top.
"You're mine." He growls.
"I love you."
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.