When Someone Knows

Super Drama
Waking up to this lovely morning was pure hell. It feels like demons are pounding on my head and like I was eating a dessert last night my throat is so dry. Clearly opening my eyes I look around noticing something was completely wrong, I wasn't in my room. I'm in Donghae's room, wearing Donghae's shirt, no pants on and I can't remember anything. Moving around I didn't feel sore down there so I knew we didn't do anything. 
Checking the time, I get up and head for the bathroom. Although someone was in there it didn't bother me, I walk right in and started brushing my teeth with Donghae's tooth brush. Staring the silhouette I knew right away it was Eunhyuk. 
Did I feel mad? I could easily start yelling at him for no reason but that took work and at the moment I was to tired. "Eunhyuk." With simply saying his name he jumped at least a foot into the air. Laughing I rinse my mouth and use their make up remover wipes to take off my make up. "Are you not going to say anything to me?" I add face wash on my face. 
"Rumi, what are you Doing in here while I'm ?" His hand come out of the shower searching for a towel. Grabbing a towel I throw it at his hand. 
"I wanted to see you So bad." I tell him sarcastically. "Anyways I saw the picture of you on Donghae's phone." I shrug as he step out, the towel on his hips. I ignore his glare from my comment and rinse off the soap from my face making sure to bend down extra hard for him. 
"Whoo Hoo Rumi will never change." He slaps my before leaving the bathroom. 
"!" All he does his laugh. Searching Donghae's room for some clothes that I might have left here years ago, my phone starts ringing. "Hello?"
"Hannie." My eyes automatically rolled.
"Yes, how can I help you?" Taking the Advil out of my purse, I pop in two pills into my mouth.
"I don't want to see you drunk anymore. Also I need you to be more loving to Jiyong, get him to open your relationship to the public eye." Not only have I been dealing with my schedules, but also secretly 'dating' dragon boy. He doesn't know the reason why I have to date him he only knows, or thinks that I like him.
"I'll see what I can do." I find a white Adidas shirt and slip it on.
"Sleep with him. Be the you are." The calm mood I was in left my body. Hanging up the phone I pull my pants on and storm out of the dorm. I grab a taxi and head to SMent for practice.
"Two weeks ago, Rumi was spotted leaving Super Juniors dorm. No one saw when she got in but it's weird to see her leave a dorm where her ex boyfriend lives." Biho read out loud as I was getting dressed. It was seven in the morning, I was already running 30 minutes late. Quickly brushing my newly dyed golden blonde hair and slipping into Adidas we make our way towards my car. 
Sitting in the back seat I lean my head back thinking about what the article said. No more drinking for me, that way I don't end up at SJ's dorm again. Now I'm going to have paparazzi on me wherever I go. I'm actually surprised I haven't got a call from Dragon Boy, he is the jealous type and I never told him I stayed the night there. 'Donghae wasn't even there', that's what I'll tell him.
Coming into the parking lot, I see SJ getting out of their vans. Before getting out of mine I fix my shorts, once I know they're covering my good I step out only to run into someone. Dragon Boy. "Hey y." He kisses my lips. Jiyong probably hasn't seen the article.
"People are going to see us." I push him away already seeing some of the SJ members looking over at us.
"I don't care. Anyways aren't you the one that said let's make our relationship public?" He holds my waist as we start walking over to my dressing room, more like a tent, area. SBS is having an outside summer special event.
"Yeah, I'll shout it out when I'm on stage or do you want to do it?" Forgot he was performing here as well.
"Let's not say anything on stage." He stops us giving me a quick kiss. "I'll see you later." If fans were around I would have heard screaming instead I heard foot steps walking behind me. I start walking again, only walking a little faster than before, knowing exactly who those foot steps were. Making it to my tent I set my stuff down and fall onto the couch. 
"Rumi time for rehearsals." I staff members comes in and drags me away from the comfortable couch.
"Omma!" Instead of turning to see him, I ignore it and head for the stage. I'll see him later, right now I need to be Rumi.
The whole time during rehearsals I kept messing up, my mind on Konggie. I've been busy to keep him safe from the devil, but yet I feel like I'm hurting him more. Wrapping everything up I head off stage and run straight for SJ's tent. I enter the tent to find Konggie in his Grandma's arms and Dara sitting down right next to her laughing about who knows what.
Konggie notices me and wiggles out of Ms. Lee's arms running straight into my awaiting arms. As soon as his small body come into mine, I couldn't help but squeeze him to death. I lost count of how many kiss I attack him with. No one said a word as I talked to Konggie about everything telling him Omma is sorry for not being with him. He give me the biggest smile I've ever seen as if he actually understood what I was going through.
"Kwon Hana." Donghae's Mom gestures for me to come sit by her. I've never met Mrs. Lee as Donghae's girlfriend or his anything to exact, but I have met her at one of SM Town Live Concerts.
"Dara." I knowledge her presence. Sitting on the other side of Ms. Lee, Donghae walks in shocked by my appearance. 
"Rumi." She says back.
"Rumi, what are you doing here?" His question comes out a little rude but I don't say anything about it.
"To see my son, Konggie." I bark back. Yeah, so maybe I did say something about it.
"We need to talk." It's as if he doesn't notice the other people around us, especially his mom.
"Ms. Lee, how have you been?" I ignore Donghae.
"Not too happy with you, Hana." 
"Omma..." Donghae buds in.
"I'm not to happy with myself either." My words shocked the people inside this tent as well as they shocked me. "I have to go. Nice seeing you Ms. Lee. Konggie, I'll see you later." I give him a quick kiss before leaving.
"Rumi." Donghae grabs my wrist pulling me back. "We seriously need to talk."
"I can't right now." I try pulling away but he pulls me back.
"It's about your father." He whispers. Does he know?
"There is nothing to talk about."
"Stop lying."
"What do you know anyways?"
"I know he's back. I know he's contacted to. I know I can get him in jail if only you'll come with me, right now." He doesn't know about the threat.
"I can't I have to perform. But either way, leave me alone Donghae." I pull away going back to my tent. 
How does he know all this? Shaking my head I push the memory of our conversation out. Changing into my stage outfit, I get my hair and make-up done with only minutes left before I had to go on stage. As the staff members rush on getting the mic of me, I see the devil himself walking around as if he was looking for something. I'm probably seeing things, I tell myself before getting on stage.
I become inpatient as the staff member take their sweet time taking off the mic box, I want to go see Konggie while I still have free time. As soon as they finish I go by SJ's tent, seeing that the members weren't here only the Unnies playing with my little monster. Konggie sees me and runs into my arms, I pick him up wave the Unnies off as I go over to my tent. 
"My little monster ~" We sit on the couch. I rush all of my Unnies out so I can get some alone time with him.
"Omma pweety ~" He giggles. 
"So much like your Appa." I his hair away from his lakey eyes.
"Yes he is." The man who calls himself my father enters the tent. 
"What are you doing here?" I stand up hugging Konggie close to my chest.
"Worrying about why I'm here is the least of your worries." He growls coming closer towards us.
"Omma." Konggie tries pushing away.
"Go away. You said you wouldn't hurt him." I get back up against the corner of the tent.
"Someone found out. Now let's go." He grabs me and leads us out the back of the tent. I would scream but that would only cause Konggie to get hurt, instead I fight against him trying to pull away.
"Omma...." Tain Kong whines.
"It's.... Okay Konggie." I coo still trying to get out of my fathers grip, only to have his grip tighten. "Let go!" I finally scream as we reach the parking lot. I look around hoping to see others around us. 
"Omma!" Konggie screamed. Tears filled my eyes blurring my vision. We reach a black van, my father opens the door trying to force me inside it. I fight back holding onto my screaming Konggie. I spot a similar figure a little ways away from us, it looked like he was trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.