Squares and triangles.

THE STORY OF US: krishun drabbles

Title:  squares and triangles. 

Word count: 1183

Genre: flufffffff

Rating: PG

Music: Jonsi-we bought a zoo ♥♥    (i suggest you to read with the song)


„is it any particular reason, why are we driving at 2 a.m, when we have to get up at 5:30?” Yifan muffles a yawn, hands gripping the driving wheel, as the lights of the night creep through windows.

“nope” sehun hums kara’s song, playing on the radio, limbs comfortably spread on the cockpit.

yifan really doesn’t get it, why sehun pulled him out of the dorm in the middle of the night, at the time when their group’s schedule almost explodes with comeback activities and the time for sleep is something unreachable. also, why out of the whole eleven guys sehun chose him?  they don’t even talk much on a daily basis, don’t share the same points of view, interests. they’re just partners, co-workers. but it’s oh sehun he is thinking about—the bubbly teenager, the flower boy of exo, he doesn’t think much before doing something.  

“we could have gone a bit earlier, or even in the morning, you know…” with a mumble, yifan rubs his eyes,  but then doesn’t say anything, just allows himself being directed by the maknae of the group he’s the father of.


“here” sehun with a happy squeak jumps out of the car, turns around and with arms spread grins at yifan.  the older takes a glance at the surrounding and sees nothing but the deserted  field ahead, covered in grass, bushes and flowers—knapweeds, poppy-seeds, gyps growing, embellishing the greens. it looks like the ocean, scent of freshness hitting yifan’s nosestrills, the dew wetting his sneakers.

sehun is sat on the grass, few steps ahead when yifan joins him, inhaling the air which is a whole lot different, though it’s just ten miles away from seoul

“look above,hyung” sehun says, head arranged on the grass,not caring his rainbow strands are going to be soaked.

billions of stars are watching them, white dots glinting, almost as if they were blinking. night’s color is navy, clear without any clouds. at the horizon the first flashes of sun rise, nights of june being short in compare with days. it’s beautiful, breath taking as yifan realizes that stars are shaped in triangles and squares, making a real show on the sky.


yifan almost forgot there’s a world outside show business planet. a real world, simple, where a casual things like stargazing bring the real joy and solace. yifan’s heart clenches, a he sees the memory of freedom  and childhood, when observing the Big Dipper brought his jaw down in awe. he felt so small in compare with stars back then. now is ten years later, and surprisingly,  yifan finds himself feeling the same.


they sit in a silence. words somehow not needed, and what’s weird, yifan doesn’t feel uncomfortable. it’s actually nice.  sound of their breaths slipping through lips, crickets doing the concert, hidden somewhere in the grass. yifan doesn’t feel the pressure to talk, to show off his eloquence and it’s alright. so right to lay next to sehun.  

“do you see that one star, on the left?” sehun points out with a finger, his voice hoarse.

“mmm.” yifan squints his eyes, stretching his limb forward and catching it in his hand.

“that’s oh sehun.” sehun turns, his head , looking at him. what yifan sees is the stars mirroring in his chocolate orbs. starry eyes glint at him with a simple happiness. it’s mesmerizing.

yifan frowns at the beginning, but then gets the meaning of the words.

"so cool."he chuckles, and darts his eyes off sehun's angel silhouette covered in moonlight.

"and that one next to it, is wu yifan."

now yifan laughs, not remembering someone bought him a star, like in sehun's case.

"i don't recognize my fanbase bought me a star, like someone's" yifan lets out a  playful snicker, as his eyes finds sehun's, looking at him seriously.  


the latter gets up and takes out folded piece of paper of his jeans pocket, giving it to yifan.

it's hard to read in the dark, but yifan manages to, and gets to know it's a certificate confirming that one of the stars in the universe is called wu yifan.

"i did" sehun says, almost in a whisper.

"what?" yifan is confused so so much. why?   he gets up, the paper still in his hold.

"i wanted you to be by my side at least that way..."

“I don’t understand…are you making fun of me?” yifan’s mind explodes, processes the fact, though it does not give any answers, just more questions.

“what—no!” sehun denies, lips nervously, sight averted somewhere behind before fixing gaze on the taller. “i like you, yifan.” he confesses, voice trembling. sincerity screams through his orbs, yifan knows it’s true. sehun’s face has never been expressing so much glorious feelings.

“and zitao?" yifan’s voice also shakes, but he has to be sure.


“you’re close, in dorm never leaving each other’s side. even luhan feels abandoned.i won’t speak about jongin…”

sehun stands in front of him, something cracks. disappointment  in his eyes, flashed, makes yifan heart clenched. the boy is giving all his effort to show his real feelings, gain the courage. and yifan does what? mentions another boy, destroying the moment, one of the most important in life.

“we’re just friends.he knows that i like you…he’s a brother.” sehun’s pale face is blank. “you know…forget it. let’s go back to the dorm, go sleep and forget it has ever happened.” sehun passes him, heading to the van.

yifan is an idiot.

he turns abruptly, chases sehun who is almost by the car, ready to dip in. with one swift move, yifan pulls his arm and turns sehun around, locking in a hug.

yifan realizes tears are adorning sehun’s beautiful face, silent sobs ripping his heart. he doesn’t give a damn thought— he cups  sehun’s cheeks to kiss  out all the new shining pearls.

“hey, don’t cry.” he soothes with calm, husky voice, leaving the kiss on the tip of sehun’s nose.

“i’ll be fine. don’t pity me. you know i hate it.”

“but it hurts when someone my heart adores the most cries.” yifan caresses sehun’s cheek, tender in voice soothing and warm.


“i like you too, sehun. i’m sorry for my reaction, but it was hard to believe you’d feel the same. i had to avoid the feeling, to not complicate things. you were so distant, unreachable, my feelings would ruin the grou— “

“you’re an idiot.” sehun interrupts yifan’s talking and their lips meet, the kiss brief but sweet, dazzling the square and triangle constellations above their heads.

“apology accepted.” he adds later, starry eyes looking at yifan and it’s a cosmos of love.  

thumbs wiping the streams left by tears, yifan leans a kiss on sehun’s forehead as the latter brings him closer, hands clasping around waist.

“i’m glad you took me here.”

“me too.” Sehun hides his face in the crook of yifan’s neck, delightful smile adorning his face.  

(wu yifan and oh sehun on the dark sky gleam together, witnessing everything from above) 



It;s a spontanous drabble i've been trying to finish for 3 days.  hope you will like it! 

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frysninger #1
strafield #2
Chapter 12: Aahhhh each of your stories are greatttt
I wouldn't mind to read your chaptered one :D
Krishun love is in the airrrrr ♥
Chapter 12: Aww...
Cutie and clingy sehun are the best right? Kkk
Chapter 12: krishun feels once again <3 <3
Chapter 12: you should!! I need more cutie and clingy Sehun lol xD
reepeater #6
Chapter 12: Oh,yeah u should....especially when hunhun is so clingy 2 kris lately....chaptered this please...... :D
Chapter 12: So cute >w<
Chapter 12: this is so cute omg omg omg

yes yes yes i'd like to read another krishun from you.
omg >//<
they re just adorable and aff needs more more more and more krishun aaaaaaaaaaaa >/<
BitKV95 #9
i haven't read any yet and i am really excited to read just from your song choice well done there