
THE STORY OF US: krishun drabbles

song: Katy Perry- Birthday




Today’s 12 April.

Sehun’s birthday.

Yifan’s terrified.

So terrified he huffs a nervous  sigh, hand threading through his brown locks covered in a thick layer of hairspray.  Everyone around him  chat happily, entertaining a birthday boy who’s never looked as joyful as tonight. He silently thanks to all the good spirits of the world no one noticed that he’s sitting all alone, observing how Sehun runs around the room hand clutching his smartphone, forcing everyone to take selcas to memorize this so another great day filled with nothing but happy events.   Not for Yifan, though. Nerves are eating the out of him, because , his present is so lame as how great the galaxy universe is.

“Wind up a little bit, it’ll be fine,” Yixing jabs him delicately on the ribs, waking him out of daze

“Nope—“ he sing-songs, trying to be cool, stoic and calm.  Too bad his hands started to tremble and  he wants to a little cry out of frustration.

Why the hell he’s come up with this idea?  No, of course he had to be original, to do something that would make this birthday even more memorable.  So what he’s untalented giant with too many names.

“Jeez, Yifan, you’ll be fine. It’s under control! Just relax, hmm? It's good!  He's going to love it.” Yixing ruffles his hair, to let out a sound of faked disgust and wipe his hand on his jeans.

“Gosh, too much gel on your hair!”

“As if you don’t use it. At all.”, he scoffs.


It’s already late and the party appears as if is never going to end.  Yifan feels he’ll no longer be able to wait what seems as waiting all the eternity.  Shifting on the coach, changing his sitting position every ten seconds  doesn’t make it any better.  

So when he senses that few more minutes and he’d be in need to look for a psychiatric ward in one of Japanese hospitals, he finally stands up . Though a little abruptly everyone gets startled.

He hopes the blush covering his cheeks can’t be seen on this dimmed light.



“ Sehun…can you come with me?” Yifan clears his throat and no, he’s not getting any more redder.  

“Sure hyung.” Maknae gives him a shy smile and follows him to leave the hotel room occupied by them. Yifan walks first,  and the route to his hotel room lasts too long.   


Yes, finally! They’re in the room! But.. he lets out a loud oh .

It was supposed to work, this whole projector! 

Don’t panic. Just.. don’t panic, he tries to calm down.


“So…Are we going to sit in the darkness?”

“No!! Of course not! Just wait a little bit!”, he tries to walk up to the lamp, trying not to stumble on something on the way. Of course he does, almost knocking out his teeth. Eventually reaching to the projector he switches it on and suddenly the all room is covered in starry constellations. Stars and planets glint on the walls, turning this into a galaxy.  

Swiftly reaching for the guitar, he'd earlier ordered in the reception,  he sits himself on the bed.

“So…It’s your birthday…”he starts.

“Oh, really? Thanks for reminding me, hyung.” He ignores that sarcastic comment and lets with a flow.   

“And I had no idea what to give you. I at choosing presents. I know I could’ve asked someone to help me come up with an idea, but I am an artist. Artists do these things themselves.”

“So what my artist decided to surprise me with?”

Sehun plops next to him, huge grin stretching his lips.

Instead of answering, Kris starts playing the first chords. 

He is aware his voice is nothing like Kyungsoo’s, Jongdaes nor Baekhyun’s. But he practiced hours for this to sound just a little decent.  Plus he likes it. Enjoys singing for himself, being all alone in the music room allows him to relax, release the tension off his shoulders. Sometimes Yixing joins him and they compose lyrics just like the old times when they were just boys making their dreams come true.

Maybe it’s cheesy as hell. Or stupid. And Katy's Perry isn't the best choice.  But he wanted to express himself through this performance,  show Sehun his other side so unknown to the whole world.

During the second chorus all the thoughts disappear.   He’s  letting out his feeling with the singing. The corners of his lips curl in a smile, eyes stare gently at Sehun, who’s covered his mouth with both hands, probably trying not to burst out with laughing.  

Boy, when you're with me
I'll give you a taste
Make it like your birthday everyday
I know you like it sweet
So you can have your cake
Give you something good to celebrate

So make a wish
I'll make it like your birthday everyday
I'll be your gift
Give you something good to celebrate


“I-I” Sehun stutters, not knowing how to delicately say that Yifan’s performance was nothing but disaster.  But Sehun chooses to punch him on the arm with all his might, Yifan hisses in pain and falls with his back onto the mattress.

“Damn, Sehun you could’ve just said it’s horrible! I’m gonna have a bruise!”   

“That was for making me cry,” birthday boy says, simply crawling onto Yifan and sitting on his stomach as if he was a damn coach or any other furniture, placing both knees on his sides. Yifan stares at him, not hiding irritation, hand rubbing gently the burning spot on his limbs.

He no longer knows what Sehun’s thinking as his face adorns this damn pokerfaced  mask.  Still, something twists in his stomach  when he leans down the way the tips of their nose touch.  His warm breath tickles on his skin and it lasts few seconds before   Sehun  smiles delicately and presses his lips onto Yifan, giving him a chaste kiss.

“And that’s for the sweetest present in the whole world.”


Later, Yifan learns between kisses that for Sehun he is the lead singer of EXO, yet prefers he sang songs only for him.

“Selfish brat,” he just laughs, playing with the latter’s hair, head settled on his lap. 


this is a complete disaster. i'm so sorry this is such a poop and i cannot write. ;_; sorry i'd come up only with this...thing, ewww. 

but i wrote it just to celebrate this special day. the day Oh Sehun was born.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE EVIL MAKNAE RUINING MY BIAST LIST! All day I've had these feels and i just freaking cannot.

i still love you, you yehet. even if you're this hot little .  Addy loves you, k. 


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frysninger #1
strafield #2
Chapter 12: Aahhhh each of your stories are greatttt
I wouldn't mind to read your chaptered one :D
Krishun love is in the airrrrr ♥
Chapter 12: Aww...
Cutie and clingy sehun are the best right? Kkk
Chapter 12: krishun feels once again <3 <3
Chapter 12: you should!! I need more cutie and clingy Sehun lol xD
reepeater #6
Chapter 12: Oh,yeah u should....especially when hunhun is so clingy 2 kris lately....chaptered this please...... :D
Chapter 12: So cute >w<
Chapter 12: this is so cute omg omg omg

yes yes yes i'd like to read another krishun from you.
omg >//<
they re just adorable and aff needs more more more and more krishun aaaaaaaaaaaa >/<
BitKV95 #9
i haven't read any yet and i am really excited to read just from your song choice well done there