A breakup

An accdidental kiss >3>
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At School (Monday)

At school I didn't get to talk to Myungsoo.

I shot furious glares at L.joe, who was the cause of the break up.

The school still thinks we are still dating...

'That will soon change,' I thought.

At lunch, in the Cafetifira, Myungsoo had avoided to look at me.

Tension filled the air.

"Is there something Sungjung should know about?," Sunggung asked me and Myungsoo.

I shook my head.

Myungsoo said,"Iie..."

"I've noticed Myungsoo hadn't looked at _____ as he used to...," Woohyun commented quietly while hes eating.

"That is true...," Sunggyu agreed.

All but L.joe, Myungsoo , and you agreed.

L.joe knew the reason... he still wanted you...

you avoided looking at both of them.

She was completely (and I mean... COMPLETELY...) furious at L.joe. She was still thinking of what happened on Friday... 'He kept kissing me... Myungsoo saw... UGH!! It's all a misunderstanding.. why can't Myungsoo believe me!?' I thought while looking down at the table.

"___________!! Something is wrong!! It says so on _____________ says sungjung

"E-Excuse me," I said as I ran out of the CCafetiria.

infinite and l.joe looked after me except for Myungsoo.

"L, aren't you gonna run after ___?" Dongwoo asked.

Ldidn't answer.


It had happened everyday, he ignores me, Mungsoo hadn't talked to me since that day...

I cried myself to sleep everyday.

My friendsand family did get worried, but they know I could survive it.

I still loved him, even though he wasn't my first. I counted him as my first, after what L.joe did to me on Friday.

I didn't lie to him, why can't he get the message??

'I guess, he won't love me ever again... and it pains me to think that he wouldn't, no matter how much I loved him... he would never be the same. He doesn't grin alot anymore, he's less enthusiastic, has our break up change all that?

He's still in denial, I want him back.. I want him back in my life... for him to love me again.. to forgive me... but... no... L.joe was jealous of us. He wanted us to break apart... and now we have...

Everyday, its different...but I still love you.. Myungsoo ... please forgive me...,' these were the thoughts I have when I cry myself to sleep.

Next Morning

Today was Thursday. I woke up, and did the usual. I was still thinking of why Kukai hadn't forgiven me yet.

I walked to school, and found another bulliten notice:

An Official Break up

On Friday of last week. We see that our Kim Myungsoo and Nam ___ had breaken up. It seems fromMyungsoo  that ____ had cheated on him and he found out. We can forgive Myungsoo , but _____ has to pay the price... Our belovedMyungsoo had been very quiet...

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AS_SarahW #1
Chapter 7: Ugh L.Joe you almost ruin her life -_-" and Myungsoo kyaaaaaaaaa!!!!*fangirling scream* he's so sweet please update *.*
KameFishy #2
Chapter 4: they're dating yeah!! but when teen top will be in the story?
Chapter 1: they'll come out soon
mahea_808 #4
Chapter 3: please update soon... and when is teen top coming into the story
Chapter 3: Omg, Myungsoo please confess soon. x_x
Chapter 2: Myungsoo, confess now!!! :(
It'd be a great time for you to do so, specially since the article happened.
Chapter 1: Wow, I wish Myungsoo would wait for me. X_x