Its a misunderstanding!! I Swear!!

An accdidental kiss >3>
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Their classmates were staring at their touching hands. Hyuna was (again..) furious.

"Why that damn Nam_____... stealing myMyungsoo !! UGH!!" she muttered through her hankerchief.

"Calm down, Hyuna, you won't look cute infront ofMyungsoo !!" one of her Friend whispered to her.

She immediately calmed, and walked past Myungsoo .

Myungsoo glared at her. But she mistook as the way the boys stare (cough,glare,cough)at her. "Look out Nam______.. you've got competiton...," she muttered to you .

"Eh? What is that? Hyuna ..??" You asked her again when Myungsoo had walked to his class.

"YOU'VE GOT COMPETITION !!" Hyuna yelled at her. The whole class had heard her, and stared at her curious what she meant... although they know if the competition is with nam ____, Hyuna would lose big time...

Myungsoo heard it also, from his classroom to yours.

"What competition?"He asked her when he came into your class.

Hyuna barely looked at him when he asked her. "U-uhhh... n-nothing," she stuttered nervously (cough,also, cough--embarrassed,cough, cough) that he heard.

Myungsoo looked at you . You looked as confused as he was.

"Ok then... !!" he said as he rushed to his class.

"Yeah," she said waving.

You hadn't notice L.joe yet. He was looking really jealous of them both.

'When she's alone...,' thought L.joe.

you had sat down in her seat. "Ah... so the rumors were true..," she heard one of the girls whisper to her friends behind her.

'This is the first times its gonna be shut up!!' she wanted to yell that to them but she held it in, knowing it would cause more rumors...

At your House

you were talking online to Myungsoo(IM).


You: I have no clue, what she meant by that...

Myungsoo: You sure?

You: Yea.. thats all she said when I passed her..

Myungsoo: Hmm...

You: What?

Myungsoo: Well she did catch me glaring at her...

You: What does that mean?

Myungsoo: I don't know.. she maybe musta mistook that..

You: Maybe... oh well...

Myungsoo: Do you think I can come over to your house soon?

You: Um... I'm not sure.. I haven't told my parents yet..

Myungsoo: Why?

You: Cause my appa might have a heart attack of me having a boyfriend and all.. I don't know if my omma will be ok.. I'll ask her brb... Myungsoo.. hopefully won't be long...

Myungsoo: Eh? Ok...


"Omma? May I talk to you in private for something?" you asked your mom.

"Ok...," her mother replied confused.

"Well.. don't tell Appa but... is it ok for me to have a boyfriend? Because.. umm.. well... I-I h-h-h-have one and... w-well I thought if I asked you, for the 'ok'..," you explained.

"Ask him over, right now... I wanna ask him a couple of questions...," your mom said.

you nodded and went for the phone to dial Myungsoo #.

"Hello?" came the answer on the first ring.

"Myungsoo ? My mom wants me to invite you over.. don't tell Appa we are dating.. not yet..," you told him.

"Ok, I'll be there in 7 minutes tops...," he said and hung up.


When I came onto my laptop it said that Myungsoo has logged off.

I did the same thing and waited for Myungsoo to come.


Finally the doorbell rung. "Must be him," I told my mom and answered. It was Myungsoo . "Hello babe," Myungsoo said.

"Hello Myungsoo ," you replied. "My Omma wants to ask you stuff so I'll be in my room, ok?" she whispered to Myungsoo as she passed him.

He slightly nodded.

you were up in you room when myungsoo came in.

"So, what did my mom say to you?" you asked him, curious.

"First I had to introduce myself... then she asked me if

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AS_SarahW #1
Chapter 7: Ugh L.Joe you almost ruin her life -_-" and Myungsoo kyaaaaaaaaa!!!!*fangirling scream* he's so sweet please update *.*
KameFishy #2
Chapter 4: they're dating yeah!! but when teen top will be in the story?
Chapter 1: they'll come out soon
mahea_808 #4
Chapter 3: please update soon... and when is teen top coming into the story
Chapter 3: Omg, Myungsoo please confess soon. x_x
Chapter 2: Myungsoo, confess now!!! :(
It'd be a great time for you to do so, specially since the article happened.
Chapter 1: Wow, I wish Myungsoo would wait for me. X_x