thanks hyuna~~~

An accdidental kiss >3>
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At the Beach (Afternoon)

"C'mon Myungsoo !! Plllllzzzzz!! I'm too tan!!" You said while showing your tanness.

"Ok fine, but before dinner we come out again.. ok?"

you nodded.

They ate lunch at the hotel, you paid for it to repay Myungsoo for paying the rooms.

Myungsoo said that wasn't nessesscary (sorry, don't know how to spell it, but hope you know what I mean).

But you insisted she would pay.

Myungsoo gave up and let you have it your way.

In The Hotel Room

YOu were laying lazily and watching the hotel's TV.

Myungsoo was taking a bath, so you watched while she waited.

you was watching the Olympics 2008.

When Myungsoo came out, you switched with him, and took a bath, while Myungsoo watched TV.

Myungsoo was as loud as a horn. Well You thought in the bath anyways.

A Few Minutes Later

Yes, unfortunately, Hyuna found out the two were staying at the hotel in the beach.

She had checked in the room next to theirs after they had watched the sunset the previous day.

She and her friends were planning how they would completely embarrassed ~~~~~, and make myungsoo , hyuna's boyfriend. (That is too impossible girl..)

"Ok, I will plan to trip ~~~~~, making her land in the sand right beside Myungoo ... She runs away in tears, Myungoo will think I'm cute, unlike I already am, and he will become my boyfriend!! (Hyuna laughs)," she told her followers.

"ok !!" as they tried to remember the plan.

"Ok when ever they leave their room to go to the beach (how did she know that? Hyuna eavesdrops.. and her followers spy on them...) I will trip ~~~~when she stands, then the rest will fall in place!!" Saaya continued.

Foreshadow-I don't really know if thats the right word... but I'll go with that instead of Flashback. (99 is completely Hyuna 's imagination,1 Authors saying)

you: (in tears)

Myungsoo : Wow, Hyuna, I had finally noticed how cute you were... Will you be my girlfriend?

Hyuna : (laughs) Oh yes Myungsoo

Myungsoo: Call me Oppa

Hyuna : (Blushes deeply) Ok... oppa..

you : (watches the whole scene in tears)

Myungsoo : (looks at you ) ~~~~~.. you are completely foolish, I shouldn't have been hanging out with a girl like you... I was probably blinded by how beautiful Hyuna is...I see that Hyuna is way better... C'mon Hyuna ..



(Runs to each other)

-I cannot believe I'm writing this!! Ima throw up a garbage if I continue also I am gagging when I'm typing this...-

You :(tears dry up and you gags-which is the 1)

End Of FS (Foreshadow)

(Hyuna laughs at her imagination, of ~~~~in tears, Myungsoo her 'boyfriend')

Then Hyuna watched TV (like You &  Myungsoo ), the Olympics...

"Wow.. that cannot be perfect.. I do it way better than her!!" she yelled at the TV, half talking to her followers.

"Yes, you do!! Lady Hyuna !!" they all said in unison.

Myungsoo and ~~~~~~'s Room

Right when Hyuna had yelled she covered too. To make sure Myungsoo &~~~~~~~~~~~hadn't heard...

They did..

"Eh? What was that noise?" you asked.

"I don't know .." Myungsoo replied.

Myungsoo went to the door, and opened it.

"It's coming from next door, ..." Myungsoo told her.

you knocked on hyuna 's door.

"Be quiet please!! We can hear you next door..." you told the person inside, not knowing it was Hyuna .

Hyuna had to pretend to be nice to ~~~~.

mianeh !" she told her back sweetly.

'I coulda sworn that was Hyuna's voice... but thats impossible.. no one knows we are here..' you thought as she walked back.

"All taken care of Myungsoo .. she told us she was sorry..." You said.

"How'd you know it was a she?"

"Somehow it sounded like Hyuna , all girly and that cra

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AS_SarahW #1
Chapter 7: Ugh L.Joe you almost ruin her life -_-" and Myungsoo kyaaaaaaaaa!!!!*fangirling scream* he's so sweet please update *.*
KameFishy #2
Chapter 4: they're dating yeah!! but when teen top will be in the story?
Chapter 1: they'll come out soon
mahea_808 #4
Chapter 3: please update soon... and when is teen top coming into the story
Chapter 3: Omg, Myungsoo please confess soon. x_x
Chapter 2: Myungsoo, confess now!!! :(
It'd be a great time for you to do so, specially since the article happened.
Chapter 1: Wow, I wish Myungsoo would wait for me. X_x