chapter 4

your life as a idol...with myungsoo in woollim entertainment


That night myungsoo was laying in bed unable to fall asleep. He just couldn't wait to see aleyna tomorrow! He kept on imagining her when she blushed at the recording room today! 'She's so cute!'He thought.

He finally fell asleep by trying so many methods...


-next day-

this is what tae jun and aleyn awore...notice their both wearing the same necklace.


Aleyna got up and didn't go to school because the CEO wanted them to come tomorrow morning. But she still had to take chi hoon to school because of the bullies.

They were all sitting down eating breakfast and one of the maid came in running with the phone in hand.

"Here you go miss" she said and handed the phone to aleyna's umma.

"Hello?" She asked.

"YABEO!(honey)" umma exclaimed.

"IS IT APPA?!" Chi hoon and aleyna asked jumping up and asking for the phone to talk to him.

"GIVE IT TO ME NOT HIM!" Aleyna yelled reaching for the phone.

"Hold on!" Her umma yelled and they both sat down.

"What you are?! CHINCHA?! When?!" Her mother was saying.

"WAH! I can't wait! Okay bye!" She said an hung up.

"I want to talk with appa!" They both exclaimed.

"What did he say?!" Chi hoon asked.

"He's coming in 2 days!" She exclaimed!

"YES!!!!" Aleyna said jumping up and down! "Can I call him later in today or will he be busy?!"

"He said you can call him later. But not chi hoon! You have to go to school!" She looked at the time and said "OMO! Your going to be late!"

The butler handed chi hoon his uniform blazer and bookbag and aleyna and chi hoon went out.

"Chi hoon you be ashamed I'm still walking you to school! Why won't you aske the driver to take you!" Aleyna said to him.

"Noona! I never get to see you anymore! That's why!"

"Chincha?" And aleyna hugged him.

"Hurry lets go!" He said and they ran to the bus stop.

"Ugh. I hate taking the bus..." Aleyna said.

"Noona. It's okay you can go. I'll be fine" chi hoon said and he kissed her on her cheek and left.

Aleyna took out her skateboard and went to the company. When she arrived Taejun wasn't there yet so she just went inside the practice room and got a violin from the instruments and started to play it.

When aleyna plays the violin she's at her happiest! She can't help but smile. When she finished someone started clapping their hands. She turned around and myungsoo was standing there watching her.
"What do you want?" She asked.

"You are really good! When did you learn?" He asked.

"Thanks. I've been learning since age of 6" she said an put it away.

"wow! Why did want to learn the guitar when you play the violin?" He asked. When he asked that aleyna froze. She started to remember young pyo oppa. Her eyes started to form tears and myungsoo asked "what's wrong? Are you okay?"

She looked at myungsoo's face and nodded. She smiled so he wouldn't notice the tears but they gushed out! She covered her face in her hands and myungsoo put his arm around her shoulder and was comforting her.

She stopped crying and she was thankful she didn't wear any makeup or else she'd look like a monster.

"Thanks" she said.

"For what?" He asked.

"Comforting me." He said.

"That's what friends are for" he said.

She looked up at him, and she opened to say something but taejun rushed into The room! Aleyna shot up and asked what's wrong because he looked worried!

"YAH! WHAT'S WRONG?'" She kept asking but he was trying to catch his breath.

"CHI HOON....."

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH CHI HOON?!" She grabbed taejun a shoulder and shook him!

"HE'S...IN....TROUBLE!" He said.

"WHAT?! WHERE IS HE?!" She asked. She got her phone out and called jiho and 3 other of her friends.

park ji ho

park hyun seok

jung jun young

gwak min jun




"Yah! You guys come to this place----- chi goons in trouble! Hurry!!" She hung up and her and taejun ran out the building.

Myungsoo was left standing there...alone.

-aleyna's pov-

We ran to where chi hoon was and we found him surrounded by a bunch of 11th graders maybe even graduates in a alley.

"We meet again big guy" i said and smirked.

All the guys turned around and look shocked. "I told you to not mess with him again!" And I walked toward the main guy and punched him in the face! As soon as I did that another guy was about to hit me but then jiho grabbed him and pulled him against the wall and started beating him up. We were all fighting and chi hoon was standing there watching. When they were all on the floor unconscious we all sat on the floor breathing deeply. We started laughing because the last time we fought together was a month ago!

"Yah chi hoon! Why won't you tell anyone about them!" I asked him!

"I don't know... BYE NOONA! I love you!" He said and kissed her in the cheek and ran to school.

"Well that was fun!" Jiho said.

"Yeah! Well lets clean this up and leave to school" jun young said.

"Aish. I hurt my face again!" I said looking at my reflection on my phone.

"Poor aleyna. Her face is being ruined..." Ji ho said laughing at me.

"Yah! Be quiet! Don't make me do this to ur face!" I said making a fist with my hand and raising it to his face.

We all started laughing and they all left to go to school and taejun and I went back to the company. When we entered everyone was staring at us.

I would give them deathly glares and then we were called into the CEOs office. When we entered he yelled "YAH WHAT IS THIS?!"

We kept our heads down not knowing what to say. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS ACCEPTABLE?! HUH?! ANSWER ME"

"Mian. We will try to not get into trouble again.." I said. This was actually my first time getting scared by someone.

After he cooled down he asked what happened and taejun and I just said we got into a fight with a couple of guys. But the CEO wouldn't believe us and was saying there's more to the story but we were stubborn and kept saying that was what happened.

"Okay fine. You may go now. Oh and you 2 will be moving into dorms tomorrow"

"We'll be living together?" I asked.

"No! Are you crazy?! How can a boy and a girl live together?" He said.

"It's not as if anythings going to happen..I mean we've know each other since I was 3" I said.

"Still no. There'll be rumors going around if they find out. And meet your new manager." And he called 2 people in. It was a male and a female came in. "They will keep track of what you do from now on. And they'll be seeing what you eat since you 2 will have to start dieting."

-narrator pov-

"Me? Dieting?*lol*.…no" Aleyna said. It's not as if She need to diet!Her bodies amazing!

"Yes why?" The CEO asked.

"Do you not see us? And this girls gonna kill you if you take her food away..." Taejun said and Aleyna pushed his face away with my hand.

"Yah maybe you should diet fatso!" Aleyna said.

"Oh no you did not just call me fatso!" Taejun said and he pulled up his sleeves up and they started bickering and fighting.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The CEO yelled and aleyna and taejun looked up. Taejun was under aleyna arm and they were bent down.

She let go of him and they left the office following their manager. They were explaining what they had to do for today's schedule. Aleyna and taejun forgot all about the cuts and bruises on their face until the managers mentioned it.

"Aniyo. It's okay" taejun and aleyna said. They were use it and they always went away in a week.

The manager unni/noona sat aleyna and taejun down and went to get the first aid kit. They were sitting down in silence because they were still awkward towards the manager hyung/oppa. Then myungsoo and sungyeol were passing them...

When myungsoo saw aleyna's face he quickly knelt down to her and held her face saying "WHAT HAPPENED?! WHO DID THIS TO UR FACE?!" He asked and got a napkin out of his pocket and held it to the cuts.

Aleyna pulled her face away from his hands and grabbed the napkin and threw it on the ground. She rolled her eyes and said "leave me alone!" And looked away from him.

Myungsoo was hurt a lot by what she said but he still got up and left.

"Yah aleyna you shouldn't to tuff on him. He just cares" taejun said.

"I never asked him to care," she said.

The manager unni/noona came back and cleaned up the blood and they all left to the practice room. Aleyna and taejun were practicing all day and then aleyna went to the CEO's office because he asked her to come.

"So I heard you play the violin?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why?" She asked.

"I want you to play the violin as a intro on your debut stage. Okay? You may go now" he said.

"Can I compose it?" She asked.

"Compose a song and then we'll listen to it and if its good then yes. If its not then someone else will compose it". He said.

"Okay" she said and left. She already had a song composed at home and all she had to so is bring it.

When she went back to the practice room,infinite was in there talking with taejun. She sat down next to taejun and they all said hi to her.

Aleyna got hungry and she asked the manager unni/noona of she could eat.

"No" she said.


"I said no! You have to go on a diet!" She said. Aleyna went on her knees and was begging her!

"FINE! But we'll pick the food"

"Yes!" aleyna said. About 10 minutes later the manager oppa/hyung came in with food but it was a small portion for aleyna and taejun and a normal portion for infinite.

"But that's not fair!" Taejun and aleyna exclaimed!

"The CEO said you two have to diet until your debut!"

"BUT WE DINT NEED TO BE ON A DIET! You guys don't even know how much we weigh!"taejun said.

The managers kept on saying no and somehow made aleyna and taejun sit and eat. Infinite ,aleyna and taejun were sitting in a circle eating and aleyna and taejun was the first ones to finish. Aleyna was sittin 
next to dongwoo. Then an idea came to mind.

Aleyna screamed and said "AHHHHHHHHHH IT'S COCKROACH!!!!" She got up and started jumping and running. Infinite and everyone else ran out of the room screaming.

Aleyna started laughing and sat down and started eating! "HAHAHAHA! Their so gullible".

She finished eating half the food and they all came back in.

"YAH! WHY DID YOU SCREAM FOR NO REASON?!"dongwoo screamed at her.

"I didn't. There was really a bug here" she said innocently.

"YAH! Stop eating!"the manager oppa grabbed the chopsticks from her. Aleyna stuck her tongue out at him and She got up and went out the practice room so she could some death air.

Myungsoo went an followed her too. "You know you really have to stop following me" she said.

"Why? I like wing with you. And what happened in the morning?" He asked.

"It's a long story" she said.

"I have time tell me" he said.

"Well long story short my little brother was being bullied by some older guys and some of my frieda and I went to help him as we fought and this is what happened to my face" she said.

"Oh. See that wasn't long. Hope your face gets better". He said and while they were walking L saw a pharmacy. He told aleyna to wait and he quickly ran in and came out with cream.

"Come here" he said and he put some on his finger to put on her lips and on an her left cheek.

"Stop what is that?" She said groomed out by the color.

"It's to help heal the cuts and won't leave marks on your beautiful face" he said and smirked.

"Give me. Ill put it myself " she said trying to grab the thing from his hand.

"Ani. I already have some on My fingers." And he held her face with his left hand and brought it close to his and he was putting it on her lips.

-myungsoo pov-

I was putting the cream in her soft pink lips and I just wanted to crush my lips against hers. She tried to not have any eye contact with me so she was looking around which made her look so cute!

When I finished it let her face go and she quickly looked alway and her cheeks were red!

"So how's the album going do infinite?"she asked.

"It's really good! And I have a solo song on it" I said.

"Chincha? Oh and did you tell the CEO that I play the violin?" She asked.

"Yup" I said. Wow we have nothing to talk about.

We were just walking and I was happy no one was around taking pictures like last time. Aleyna broke the silence asking if my solo song was a duet.

"Yeah. The song writers are still trying to find someone that matches my voice" I said.

"Oh. Do you have someone in mind?" She asked.

"Um. The song writer is thinking of kim yerim. Why" .

-narrator pov-

When myungsoo said kim yerim, aleyna started laughing really hard!! Myungsoo was confused at why she was laughing and when she finished she finally calmed down but she couldn't stop smiling.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Kim yerim and your voice? Hahahaha!"

"Why what's wrong with my voice?!" Myungsoo asked concerned.

"Ani! It's not that...her voice is more how do I say it...umm...more creamy I guess. While your voice is clear. And I heard the song love you like you... It didn't sound good together.." She said.


"Why are you disappointed ?! You like her? Huh?" Aleyna kept asking.

"NO! I don't like her. I don't even keep in touch with her " myungsoo said. He only talked to her on set and that was because he had to, to film each other.

"Ok..." Alena said smiling at myungsoo.

"I think we should go back. It's getting dark" myungsoo said.

"Wait hold on" Aleyna said. She saw a mini ice cream when they were passing by and she ran to it quickly. She bought an ice cream and came back.

"Let's go." She said.

"What?! Where's mine?!"

"Eh? I didn't know u wanted one.."

"Well you could've asked" myungsoo said and he crossed his hands over his chest like a little kid and looked away.

Aleyna felt bad and she tapped his shoulder and he turned his head over and she quickly put the ice cream on his lips.

"Here have some" she said and smiled. Myungsoo opened his mouth and took a bite.

"Thanks" he said. 'Hahaha we just a indirect kiss !' L thought.

They were walking to the company sharing the ice cream.

-Aleyna pov-

This was my very first time sharing food with someone! But I had this weird feeling in my stomach and my heart was beating every time I'd give him some.

-narrator pov-

They finished the ice cream and now were walking in silence. When they reached the company it was 7:30. Aleyna went to the practice room and her and Taejun started dancing and practicing all night. But on the other hand infinite left 1 hour later after myungsoo came.

It was 11:00 and Aleyna and Taejun went home. Aleyna still had energy while Taejun was about to die!

"Yah u lazy old bum! Hurry up!" Aleyna said on her skateboard.

"I ....can't....I'm.... So...tired!" He said. Aleyna stopped and waited for him to reach up and they started walking.

"Omg. I should've called someone to pick us up!" Taejun said.

"Stop talking. I have to tell you something! APPA IS COMING TOMORROW!!!"

"CHINCHA?! Lucky. My dads still in turkey (I forgot to mention Taejun is half Turkish)".

"He'll come back soon" Aleyna said.

"Are you gonna dress up tomorrow?" Taejun asked.

"Yup!" Aleyna said.

"Everyone's going to be shocked when they see you with a dress on tomorrow! Hahahahahahahaha!" Taejun said.

"HAHAHAHA! I KNOW RIGHT!" They were laughing like there's no tomorrow. 




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