chapter 3

your life as a idol...with myungsoo in woollim entertainment




Im young pyo was his name... the eldest of them all...he was like a father for them, he would always protect them when someone would bully them in school and thanks to him their playing music. Music was young pyo's life...without he would've been dead..earlier.

Tae jun,aleyna and ji ho were in school last year and when they tried calling young pyo afterschool but he wouldn't pick up.

"Do you think he's okay?!" Aleyna asked

"Yeah. He may be busy or something" ji ho said.

Usually when they'd call him,he'd pick up immediately. After they were done with practicing they went to his house.

"WHAT?!" Aleyna screamed when one of the maids said he was rushed to the hospital.

All 3 of them hurried to the hospital on their skateboards. When they arrived there they quickly ran to the ER and asked what room he was in. They saw the doctor in front of his room talking to his mom. She started screaming and dropped down to the floor.

"Doctor. What's wrong with him?! Will he be fine?!" Ji ho asked.

"Sorry. But young pyo has 4th stage stomach cancer... He might only have tonight to live" he said.

"....what" aleyna said and years formed in her eyes.

Taejun started screaming and grabbed the doctors collar and screamed "YAH YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE HIM! YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! PLEASE!" He started crying and ji ho pulled him away and taejun hugged him.

"This can't happen to hyung..." He said.

Aleyna just stood there crying "can I see him?" She asked.

"Yes" the doctor said and she went inside.

Young pyo turned his head over and smiled at aleyna. She didn't want to cry but she couldn't help it. She ran to him and hugged him.

"The doctor told you huh?" And he smiled. "Yah. Don't cry. Your making me feel bad."

"Oppa! Please don't go! Please!" She said crying in his chest.

Young pyo didn't want to cry in front of her. He the back of her head with his hand. He couldn't help his tears forming in his eyes. "Shhh" he said. "You have to promise me something" he said.

"What is it? What ever it is I promise I will do it" she sobbed.

"You have to promise me you,jiho and taejun to play music and never leave have to be know by others. and live your life like there's no extent. Please." He said.

"I promise oppa. I promise" she said. Taejun and jiho came in and said "we promise too hyung" and they all were hugging each other.

Young pyo fell asleep and the stayed with him. Aleyna couldn't help and cry all night. Ji ho was in too much shock to even move. And tae jun was crying in his sleep. When the sun rose his heart beat was slowing down!

"CALL THE DOCTOR!" Ji ho screamed.

Aleyna went out and brought the doctor in! But they were too late... He was gone.

"OPPAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Aleyna screamed and fell to her knees! Taejun was pulling on young pyo's shirt and yelling at him to come back. Ji ho just stood there and was crying...

-end of flashback-

The 3 of them were standing in front of the company in silence. Just thinking of the memory made aleyna start crying. Taejun and ji ho hugged her and comforted her.

"Come on. Lets take you home." Ji ho said.

On their way it was silent and then aleyna said "ji ho. It's okay if you don't want music as your sure if young pyo was still here he'd understand" she said.

"Yeah ji ho. She's right. You don't have to sign the contract if you don't want to" tae jun said.

"Thanks for understanding..." Ji ho said and they all went home. 




-next day-

this is what aleyna and tae jun wore


Aleyna got ready and went with her mom to woollim entertainment. While they were walking in the hall way myungsoo was walking towards them.

"Umma. Ignore him. Don't even look at him" aleyna whispered to her mom.

"Annyeonghasaeyeo!nice to meet you. I'm kim myungsoo" Myungsoo said to her umma and bowed to her.

"Oh annyeonghasaeyeo. Nice to meet you too. I'm aleyna's mother. " umma said.

"Annyeong aleyna!" He said and waved at her.

But aleyna just rolled her eyes and crosse her arms over her chest.

"Aleyna." Her umma said to her and giving her 'the look'.

Aleyna sighed "annyeonghasaeyeo" she said walked away.

"Bye. It was nice meeting you." Her umma said and walked away. 



-myungsoo pov-


Aleyna wasn't wearing any make up which made her look so innocent! My heart started to beat when she walked away and me cheeks turned red!

-narrator pov-

Myungsoo was smiling at aleyna directions and taejun saw him smiling like a fool. He went up to him and tried to see what he was staring at.

"What are you staring at?" Taejun said.

Myungsoo jumped "U scared me!"

"Mian. I'm park tae jun. and you are?" He asked.

"Kim myungsoo" he said.

"You like aleyna...don't you?" Tae jun said smiling.

"What?!" Myungsoo asked shocked.

"I mean come on. How obvious can you get?!" He said. Myungsoo scratched the back of his neck..

"Don't worry. I won't tell her...that's because you will. Well will you look at the time, I'm late. See you around hyung!" And he skipped his way to the CEO's office.

When taejun went in the office, aleyna's mom was sitting down looking through the contract. When she was finished she said everything was fine and signed it. Taejun got one too and signed it.

"Where's ji ho?" The CEO asked.

"Oh about that... He said he didn't want to do music as his career so e won't be signing with you.." Aleyna said.

"Oh. Okay, I can't force him to sign it. Well you 2 go to the recording studio" he told them.

Aleyna hugged her mom goodbye and she left.

"Taejun where do you know where it is?" She asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" He said. They walked around the entire building and finally found it.

When they went inside myungsoo, sungyeol were recording. "WHY ARE YOU 2 LATE?!" The ahjussi yelled at them.

"First of all who are you to yell at us?!" Tae jun said and sat in the sofa. Aleyna followed and sat next to him and she pulled out her phone.

"I'm you manager! Now do t be late again!" He yelled.

"What ever" aleyna said.

Sungyeol, taejun and aleyna greeted each other and he asked aleyna if her hand was okay.

"Yup." She said.

"Oh that's right! Aleyna how's your stomach?!" Tae jun asked.

"Aish I don't know. I didn't pay attention to it." She said and tae jun tried pulling her shirt up.

"Yah. leave. me. alone!" She said pushing taejun away.

"What happened to your stomach?" Sungyeol asked her.

"Nothing" she said.

"Liar. On that day you guys hit her with the car she got into a fight and one of the guys punched her in the stomach. And it was bruised really badly." Taejun's big mouth said.

Aleyna turned around facing the wall and picked up her shirt. "It's fine taejun! Now be Quiet." She said. Aleyna sat between sungyeol and taejun and was on her phone. Then the song writer kept yelling at myungsoo saying "your singing without feeling! Do you have someone to fit into the lyrics? Think of them if you do"

Myungsoo started singing and aleyna looked up at him and he was staring at her. "Oooh" sungyeol and taejun said laughing.

Aleyna's face turned red and she quickly looked down to her phone. Myungsoo saw her and chuckled.

"Good job. You could come out now." The songwriter said. "Sungyeol, go".

Myungsoo came out and sat next to me. "Annyeong!" He said.

"Annyeonghasaeyeo" she said and was on her phone. Myungsoo and taejun were talking to each other nonstop until sungyeol was finished and the songwriter wanted us to go and record our song.

"Where's the bassist?" He asked.

"He's not going to sign the contract" taejun said.

"Oh okay" he said and called in a bassist and another person who plays the guitar.

"Start." He said.

Aleyna started and when it was we guitar solo everyone was stars trucked at how amazing she was!!!

When they finished and came out sungyeol said "WAHH!! That was amazing! How can such small hands do something like that?!" He said and raised her hand.

She pulled her hand away and made a face...and myungsoo laughed at her cuteness.

"That was good you guys. But aleyna next time try to have feelings in the song. Like now when you sang the song it was as if it was for no one.. But try to think of someone special next time" the guy said.

"But I don't have anyone to think of. And I didn't write the song,ji ho so he knows the feelings for the song,not me". Aleyna said.

"From my understanding this song is about a guy liking a girl but the girl won't notice" he said.

"Ooooh I wonder who ji ho likes" taejun said to aleyna. Aleyna and taejun laughed and sat on the sofa.

"Can we go now?" Aleyna asked.

"No. Why?" The songwriter said.

"I'm hungry" she said resting her head on her hand.

"You were only in here for 45 minutes!" He said.

"You do not know how much aleyna loves her food..." Taejun said.

Aleyna got up and said "see you later. Bye" and left.

"Hyung I'm hungry too. Bye" myungsoo said and followed aleyna.

"So where are we going?" Myungsoo asked aleyna and she got scared.

"Who said you can come with me?" She asked.

"I did."he said and smiled.

"Mhmm" she said and was just walking.

"Are you happy you going to become a singer?" He said trying to talk to her.

"Yup" aleyna said.

"Do you usually not wear makeup?" He asked.

"Yes. Why? I should?" She said.

"Ani. You actually look even more prettier without it" myungsoo said.

Aleyna stopped and turned to him "what?"

"Why?" He asked.

"Nothing. I guess I should start wearing makeup from now" she said and laughed.

"Aniyah! You don't need it" he said.

"I know..but I don't want to look pretty in front of you." She said.


"I don't know.i just don't" she shrugged her shoulders and started walking faster.

"Yah! Wait for me!!" Myungsoo screamed after her. He reached her and they both went into a grocery shop and there were people taking pictures of

them. Aleyna hated the attention so she quickly went out after buying a bag if chips and a energy drink. Myungsoo who was still inside didn't know she left. He looked for her through out the entire store and a fan finally told him she left.

L ran out and went back to the company and went to recording studio. Aleyna was sitting next to taejun eating her chips.

"Yah just give me one please" taejun was begging aleyna.

"LOL no" she said.

"Please. Just one." He made a puppy did face but she still said no. She finished it and threw it in the garbage.

She turned around and said "no".

"Meanie" taejun said.

They finished all the work and went home. They had to come and practice tomorrow.



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