chapter 1

your life as a idol...with myungsoo in woollim entertainment


Chapter 1

Narrator pov

Aleyna got ready for school and got out of the house with her little brother.

"Noona. Aren't you going to be late?!" He asked since his school started 1 hour after hers did.

"Who cares. It's not as if I'm going to become a doctor or something. I'm gonna be a idol! Just watch. One day noona will be on TV performing in front of thousands of fans."she said.

"Yeah yeah keep dreaming." Chi hoon (younger brother) said.

While they were walking jiho met up with them.

"ALEYNA GUESS WHAT?!" He said putting his hand around her shoulder.

"We're gonna perform in a rock festival this weekend!!!" He said.

"CHINCHA?! R u lying?!" She asked too shocked to believe.

"YES! I already registered us in!"

"Wait. By this weekend you mean tomorrow on Saturday?" She asked.



"SO! We're already good! We don't need to practice." He yelled at her.

"UGH! Come on we're gonna be late! Chi hoon, your on your own today! Bye" she kissed him on his cheek and her and ji ho took out their skateboards from their bookbag and went to school.

When they arrived it was one minute before the bell rang! They ran into class and the teacher said "just in time! You guys are lucky today!"

Aleyna and ji ho were breathing deeply trying to catch their breath. They started class and end of school they got ready to go home.

"Yah. Are you being serious?! Or were you just kidding about tomorrow?" Aleyna asked.

"CHINCHA! I swear over my grandfathers grave I'm serious!" Ji ho said. Aleyna smiled and hugged him. It was her dream to perform in a Rock festival.

"And some CEO of a company will be one of the judges too" he said.

"Come on. We should go and practice." She said they went to her house. They always practices in her garage.

"Yah! Call tae jun (the bassist)" aleyna said.

"Hello taejun?! Hurry and come to aleyna's house!! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" And he hung up. Taejun came in 20 minutes breathing really deeply!

"What's..... the .....ah....emergency?" He said.

Aleyna looked up "nothing. We just wanted you to come quickly. Tae jun tell him." He explained to him and he was jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yah. Come on. We have to practice all night!" Ji ho said.

They were practicing all night and when it was 6:00 am they went to sleep in the garage. At 2:00 pm tae jun and ji ho woke up and went home. The rock festival starts at 8:00 pm.

It was 7:20 when aleyna woke up! She quickly got ready but when she was about to get out of the house,her phone rang. 

 what she wore


"Yabesayoe?!" She said.

"Noona. It's me,chi hoon. I need your help. Their are a couple of guys running after me! Please hurry! I'm at the play ground at the little kids school!!" And the phone turned off.

"Aish! This kid is always getting in trouble!" She looked at the time and it was 7:30! "God I have hurry up!" She quickly ran to the playground,which was 15 min away when running.

Aleyna reached there and saw her little brother surrounded by 4 guys. Aleyna walked from behind and hit one of the bald guy in the head.

She was throwing fist and she was kicking them!! Chi hoon was standing there watching his sister fight. When all the guys were laying down on the floor she sat down to take a breath.

"Is there anything on my face?!" She asked.

"I'm yeah. A small cut.." He said.

She looked in her phone and there was a cut on her right cheek and her the side of her lip was bleeding.

"AISH! YOU OWE ME BIG TIME! NOW GO HOME!" She screamed. She got up and started running.

Her phone started ringing and she picked it up. "Hello?!"

"YAH! WHERE ARE YOU?! WE'RE UP NEXT!" Ji go screamed in the phone.

"IM ON MY WAY! BYE" she ran accross the road and and van came and hit her. Her guitar was going to hit the floor but she blocked it from the ground using her hand. "OW!" She screamed.

Her left hand was bleeding and a ahjussi came out of the car. "ARE YOU OKAY?!" He said running to her.

Then 7 boys came out (infinite <3). Myungsoo ran to her and knelt down. "Are you okay?!" He asked.

Aleyna looked up at him and said "aish!"

Myungsoo saw the cut on her face and asked "come on. We'll take you to the doctor!" She got up and started to walk. 



"Wait! We'll give you a ride!" Sunggyu screamed after her.

"Why would I want a ride from someone who hit me?" She said and started running.

"She dropped her phone and wallet." Woohyun said picking it up from the floor. "Her names aleyna. Foreigner?" He asked.

"I don't know. But hopefully we see her next time and give it to her." Myungsoo said.

"Hurry kids! Your gonna be late! Get in the car!" The manger yelled.

Aleyna arrived and she saw ji ho and tae jun ready to go up. They saw her and hugged her.

"Sorry I'm late. Chi hoon was in trouble." Aleyna said.

"Yah! What happened to your face?!?! Who did this?!" Ji ho asked.

"Just forget it for now." She said. Ji ho looked down her body to see if she was injured any where else. He saw something dark under her shirt on her stomach. Aleyna was looking at the stage and he picked up her shirt.


"Chi hoon was in trouble and I went to help him. Then one if the guy punched me. "She looked down to her stomach. "But I didn't feel anything. I'm fine."

"That's it we're not going up on stage!" Tae jun said getting angry.

"Aniyah! I'm fine! My fingers and voice are fine and that's all I meed today to perform! We are not leaving!" She screamed.

"Okay up next is (bands name). They announced.

"Lets go!" Aleyna said. Taejun and ji ho went up first and she was behind. She looked down at her hand and it was all red with blood! She wiped it on her jeans and went up.

The judges were shocked to see her with the cut on her face. But she didn't care. All she wanted to do was perform on stage.  this was how performance was..just imagine a girl..with a less deeper voice..and imagine her stopping halfway..if u know what imean...imagine

When they were performing the crowd was cheering and yelling! They were chanting the bands name. While aleyna was performing her hand was hurting and she felt her guitar wet with blood. 'Don't stop aleyna...Do it for him. Don't forget him' she kept thinking. Now it was the time..the guitar solo!

When she started everyone was amazed because she was a girl! Her hand was killing her but she didn't stop... She was almost done but ji ho saw her expression and realized she was in pain. He looked down at her hand and ran up to her and picked up her left hand and hugged her so she wouldn't continue.

She was trying to get away from him so she could continue. But she stopped and started crying on his shoulder. They left the stage and infinite performed as a guest star





Aleyna kept quiet while taejun was cleaning up her wounds.

"YAH! STOP YELLING AT HER!" Taejun yelled at ji ho.

"Aish!" And ji ho went to the bathroom.

"Don't worry about him. He's only yelling at you because he's worried about"

"I know." Aleyna said and tae jun gave her a ice pack to put on her stomach. She got up and infinite came up to her.

"Is your hand okay?" Myungsoo asked.

"Did it look okay during the performance?!" She asked and turned around.

"We're sorry Aleyna-si." Sunggyu said.

Aleyna turned around "how do you know my name?"

"Oh sorry. Here" and he handed her her wallet and cell phone. She took it and walked to tae jun.

"What did they say to you?" He asked.

"Nothing. Anyway,it's because of them my hand is like this." She said and they walked out.

-infinite pov-

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Myungsoo asked.

"I hope so..." Hoya said.

"She seemed really pissed off.." Dongwoo said.

"Come on its time to go" their manager said and they left. 


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