Part 2.1

JYJ on Running Man

-First guest’s side-

“It’s all tangled up.” A distorted voice was heard, as the face was blurred. The long-haired guest continued the hair that seemed to be tangled up.

“Mission start.” The speaker all around the building suddenly boomed, causing the guest to jump slightly.

“Oh no, gotta run!” And that was what the guest did.

-Second guest’s side-

“Do I look pretty?” Another distorted voice was heard, as the guest twirled around, seemingly satisfied with the outfit for the day. The camera’s view moved from the guest’s head to toe, and a giggle was heard. “I think it’s not bad.”

“Ah, what do I do with this pretty face of mine?” The guest laughed some more, pausing when the speakers announced the start of the mission. “Ah, they are starting from level one right? Hm, where should I hide~?”

-Third guest’s side-

“This is quite nerve-wrecking.” The last guest sat down on the chair, breathing out deeply. The guest seemed to have looked into a mirror, because the next thing that happened was a cute laughter along with a self-conscious touching of the hair. “Man, why do I look like this.”

“You look beautiful.” The video journalist spoke up, to which the guest giggled.

“Thank you, I guess.”

“Mission start.”

“Should I just stay here?” The guest asked, and then decided to take a quick look around for an exit route, just in case.

-Jihyo’s side-

“Why am I here?” Jihyo blinked, drinking coffee as if she was a worker on tea break. An actual worker tried to avoid the camera while getting some water. “Oh, sorry for the interruption.”

“Your mission is to avoid the Running Man members as much as possible. They will be finding the guests and you.”

“Oh.” Jihyo nodded for a moment, before pausing. “Hmm…”

“Are you dazing off again?” Another producer that was assigned to inform Jihyo asked, amusement clear in his tone.

“No, no. I’m thinking.” Jihyo defended herself, then finishing the coffee in her cup. “Did you pull me out because I knew who the guests were?”

“You do?” The producer panicked slightly, but Jihyo laughed it off.

“Of course I do! It’s-” Jihyo quickly cut herself off, a sneaky expression appearing on her face. “I mean it was broadcasted all around the company, how wouldn’t I know?”

“Ah, pulling you out was a distraction.” The producer sighed, although thankful that at least she was now on the guest’s side.

“Why?” Jihyo frowned, quickly falling into confusion as she always did.

“The guests are in disguise.”

-First guest’s side-

“You think this is a good place?” The guest sighed, hunching over a cubicle a worker kindly allowed the guest to use. Bringing out some papers and files to look busy, the guest borrowed a formal jacket to hide the casual wear underneath.

“I hope it’s okay.” The blur effect on the guest’s face then slowly disappeared. “It’s bad for my reputation if I get caught too quickly.”

-Flashback : First guest-

“Hello everyone, I’m JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong.” Jaejoong greeted brightly, waving at the camera.

“The first mission will be Finding the Guests. The Running Man members will search the building for you guys, and so you will have to hide for an hour.” The producer explained.

“Why?” Jaejoong asked, innocent expression causing the producer to be temporarily speechless.

“Pardon?” The producer questioned back, unsure of what the question meant.

“What do we get from hiding?” Jaejoong blinked.

“You get to decide on the groupings.” The producer answered, satisfied with Jaejoong’s nod of understanding. “However, to make things more difficult for the Running Man members, you will be wearing disguises.”

“Oh?” A chorused reply from three people, although only Jaejoong’s face is clear.

“A wardrobe of women’s wigs and clothes are in there, so feel free to make use of them.” The producer ended off, pointing to a room at the side.

-Jaejoong’s side-

“Do you think they’ll reach this level so quickly?” Jaejoong whispered, raising his head to look around. The wig he chose was quite a normal hairstyle for girls so he did hope he could last for at least half an hour. “Does my shoulders look too broad for a girl’s?”

Jaejoong rose from his seat and quietly look over to the person in the cubicle opposite his. “Hello, could I bother you for a moment?”

The male worker quickly looked up and smiled amiably. “Yes?”

“Can you walk behind me and tell me if I look like a girl from the back?” Jaejoong sheepishly asked, while the male worker complied. The superstar then hurriedly got back into seat and made a position he was confident of staying still in.

“It looks perfect.” The male worker complimented, then shaking hands with Jaejoong as the latter thanked him.

“Oh, when the Running Man members come, could you approach me like we are discussing something?” Jaejoong requested once more, eyes with an excited glint.

“Haha, yeah, sure.” The worker laughed, then going back to his job.

“Preparations, complete!” Jaejoong grinned at the camera, before blinking it all away, searching for a name plate in the cubicle hurriedly. “Oh no, what’s my name…Ah, Kim Youngmi.”

“Hello everyone, I’m Kim Youngmi, please address me as this for the day!” Jaejoong announced, requesting for everyone to hide his position here as a secret. He received a few thumbs-up and giggles of “You’re so pretty!”, then thanking them all before going back into position.

Just at that moment, the chasing bells could be heard moving closer to them.

Jaejoong placed his hands over his chest, expression stoic. It drew closer and closer, the footsteps quicker and quicker. It couldn’t be that he was discovered so quickly, right? Hurriedly grabbing a pen, he hunched his back more and worked on the blank paper before him.

Turns out Gary was just darting around to take a look around the whole place, not once stopping for closer inspection. Jaejoong raised his head when the bell sounds got further, then sighing in relief.

“I watched the broadcast quite a few times, seems like he’s living up to the “go-straight Gary” title.” Jaejoong whispered, smile stretched across his face.

-Second guest’s side-

“Hello.” The guest bowed to the cafeteria auntie, pointing at the food on display. “Can I have one of that, please?”

After ordering, the guest turned to the camera and smiled, the blur effect disappearing similarly. “I’m hungry, so I’ll get some food first, heh.”

-Flashback : Second guest-

“Hello everyone, I’m JYJ’s Park Yoochun.” Yoochun introduced himself with a bright smile, bowing slightly.

“Let’s go choose our disguises.” Jaejoong laughed, leading the way, while Yoochun followed quickly after, along with a blurred figure behind him.

“Should I get a blonde wig?” Yoochun sniggered, while the person behind him laughed heartily. “Or is that too unnatural?”

“I’m getting brown~!” Jaejoong sang, while Yoochun chose his disguise in a more haphazard manner.

-Yoochun’s side-

“You’re so pretty.” The cafeteria auntie complimented, to which Yoochun laughed and thanked at the same time. “Here’s your order.”

“Thank you, auntie.” Yoochun politely thanked, paying for his food. “Do I look like a girl?”

“Yes, very much like one.” The auntie laughed. “Am I going to be on television? Oh no, I didn’t put on make-up!”

Yoochun laughed, then complimenting the auntie for looking beautiful nevertheless. They then quickly left in case the Running Man members dropped by the cafeteria. “Bye auntie!”

“Should I blend in the crowd?” Yoochun considered his options, looking at the camera as he munched on his hotdog. “Though there’s not much crowd now…”

Noticing a group of three workers chatting, Yoochun approached them with a bright smile. “I’m on a mission right now, so I was wondering if I could hide here.”

The seemingly youngest of the three, a lady worker in her late 20s, gasped as she saw Yoochun. “Oh my, aren’t you-”

“Haha, yeah, hello.” Yoochun greeted.

The older male worker of the three then pulled out the seats for both Yoochun and his video journalist. “Sit, sit, I heard about the filming.”

The lady continued staring at Yoochun in a slight daze, while the last worker was curious about what was happening.

“They are finding us, so we are trying to hide.” Yoochun tried explaining, hurriedly cowering when bells were heard.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Sukjin’s voice was pretty clear, and it sounded like he was accompanied by another person.

“Are you buying?” Haha joked, walking alongside the oldest member. “If you are then I am.”

“Tsk.” Sukjin shook his head, but went to the counter anyway. “Pick the cheapest one!”

Yoochun’s eyes continued shifting around, not daring to turn back, and instead hurrying to finish his hotdog. “Please do continue chatting.”

“Ah yes.”

After the two Running Man members got their food, they then left the area, leaving Yoochun with a sigh of relief.

-Third guest’s side-

“Is this too obvious?” The guest fidgeted, hiding between shelves of tapes. “I’m not sure where I should go.”

The guest continued to be on a lookout, and the blur effect disappeared to reveal the final guest.

-Flashback : Third guest-

“Hello everyone, I’m JYJ’s Kim Junsu.” Junsu smiled, then breaking out into his unique laughter.

“Junsu-ya, you should totally wear this.” Yoochun grinned, pushing a mini-skirt to the youngest of the trio. Jaejoong burst out into laughter, giving Junsu a skimpy top to complete the outfit.

“Hyung!” Junsu frowned, pouting slightly as he returned the clothes to their original position and tried finding something less outstanding.

“No, no, you should totally wear this!” Yoochun picked out another outrageous outfit while chuckling, taking joy in watching Junsu wince at the thought of himself in it.

-Junsu’s side-

“Is it weird that I’m fumbling through these shelves of tapes?” Junsu scratched his head, pausing and deciding whether or not he should change his location once more.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard, and Junsu hurriedly moved deeper into the mass of shelves. It got quicker and heavier, causing Junsu to panic as he watched around four bodies moving towards him.

“Eh?” The man leading the group looked shocked to see Junsu, and so did the said celebrity. “Sorry, we need to find some tapes, so…”

“Ah, sorry, sorry.” Junsu quickly apologised, leaving the area for the workers to do their job. “Sorry for the interruption.”

While walking out of the shelves, Junsu sighed in relief. “I thought they were Running Man members. At least I didn’t get caught.”

“There weren’t any bell sounds…” The video journalist following Junsu muttered.

“Ah!” Junsu stopped in his tracks, looking at the man holding the camera for confirmation. “Is that so? Oh no, I must have looked like an idiot.”

After his last word, the bell sounds rang as if to start the panic once more. Junsu then entered an empty meeting room and closed the door within a second.

“So what do we have to do after we catch the guests? Anything to take out?” Jongkook questioned,  voice sounding quite far as he moved at a quick pace.

“Their employee’s pass.” The video journalist helpfully supplied, though it was said during the chaos when the mission started previously. It had been a while since they had to find the guests, so naturally the producers forgot to inform them.

“Ah, will the rest know?” Jongkook sighed, then zooming pass the room Junsu was in.

“That was close.” Junsu bit his lower lip, waiting for the bell sounds to completely disappear.

-Jihyo’s side-

“Ah noona!” Kwangsoo winced as his hair got grabbed by Jihyo, who shushed him fiercely. “It hurts, it hurts!”

“I know!” Jihyo replied, looking around cautiously. “That’s why you should just keep quiet!”

“Noona!” Kwangsoo yelled again, while Jihyo hurriedly ran away.

Kwangsoo tried to give chase, but Jihyo paused and turned back, glaring. “Try following me, just try.”

The youngest of the Running Man members then paused, watching the only girl run off but not daring to give chase.

“Kwangsoo-ah, what are you doing here?” Jaesuk asked, amused when he saw the other standing rooted to the ground.

“Hyung!” Kwangsoo cried, pointing in the general direction where Jihyo ran off in. “Jihyo-noona grabbed my hair!”

“Jihyo? Where is she?” Jaesuk asked, immediately on alert.

“She just left towards there, but she-” The resident giraffe didn’t get to finish his words as Jaesuk ran off in the direction he said, cruelly ignored while he was trying to complain. “Ah, seriously!”


Thank you Crazy4SJ4ver and xijunna for commenting, along with the 7 subscribers!
I really wanted to do it segment by segment but it started getting quite long eh-heh. 
Hope you guys liked it!

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lazycharms #1
Chapter 6: I've been waiting for a year....where is the next segment?!! Lol... Reread it.
It's a great plot !!
I'd like JYJ to be coming on Running man T_T
Anyway, it'd be cool if you continue this story !
Fighting ! ♥
Chapter 6: Loved it cant wait to
i love this. thanks
Chapter 6: If JYJ really was in running man... Nice story! ^^ write more of jyj in running man !! ^^
Chapter 6: The winner is JYJ.. hehehehe..
Thanks you for the update..
I Love You..
lazycharms #7
Chapter 6: I love you author-nim!!! come back more with awesome funny chapters of jyj on running man! ^^ since this is the only place i'll probably see them on running man for the time being.
Chapter 6: JYJ for the world babe!
Yippie yeay, now lets go to the second part
silvergalleon #9
Chapter 6: yey!!jyj win!!!1-0..hahhaa
bite me joongkok oppa~~
update soon..its really great!!!