Part 2.5

JYJ on Running Man

“A man, a man!” Gary yelled into the walkie-talkie and turned to his video journalist with an incredulous look. “I was wondering what kind of superwoman ran faster than me.”

The video journalist chuckled slightly, and Gary instantly scratched his head as if guilty.

“Was that too silly of me?” Gary coughed in embarrassment, hurriedly responding to the questions of his hyung-deul over the walkie-talkie. “Yeah! A man!”

“Who? Who is it?” Jongkook asked urgently.

“Um…I…don’t know.” Gary sighed, lowering the walkie-talkie which was making loud, unrecognisable noises. Looking at his video journalist, he sighed lowly. “Ah, I don’t want to listen to Jongkook-hyung’s lecturing.”

“It’s okay, Gae-li ah.” Jaesuk piped up into the one-way conversation, using his favourite nickname for the younger. “We’ll catch him, survey the higher grounds.”


“Hyung, what are you doing?” Kwangsoo laughed as he walked towards the oldest member while surveying the level.

Sukjin turned towards the youngest member with a half-sheepish and half-nonchalant expression, legs crossed while sitting comfortably on an office chair. “Resting, of course. Leave all the chasing to the other members.”

“No!” Kwangsoo suddenly yelled, face being one of those he uses when he acts. “I need to secure my air time!”

Sukjin laughed, then stood up and patted the youngest’s shoulders. “Do you want to be this episode’s main character?”

“Yes!” The younger of the two fervently nodded.

“You do? Then leave me alone.”

The video journalists present both snickered at the oldest member’s new gag, while Sukjin finished up his comment. “If you’re with me, it’s not going to air. Don’t you know?”


Jaejoong took in a deep breath while widening his already large eyes. He could hear the bell sounds gradually closing in on him, and decided to type fervently regardless of what ridiculous words were coming out from his keyboard-typing skills.

“Perhaps…” Haha’s husky voice resounded in the relatively quiet workplace, and the Running Man member immediately got self-conscious. “Sorry, but perhaps you’ve seen any strange people around here?”

Jaejoong froze for a moment, before realising he might seem obvious and instantly got back to his furious typing. Unconsciously, he started typing the lyrics to his latest solo single.

The worker opposite Jaejoong picked up the question with a shake of her head, the perfect assistant to Jaejoong’s disguising act. “Not at all.”

“Ah, is that so?” Haha nodded and bowed his thanks, easily trusting the worker and leaving after one last glance. “Where could the guests be?”


Jongkook frowned, checking the area and every worker’s face more thoroughly than before. His fellow members never took so long to capture just three guests, and more than that, they couldn’t even name the guests.

The time was ticking, and they were soon down to only ten minutes.

Surely, there must be some clue as to where they could be.

Hearing quick footsteps in the main hallway, Jongkook signaled for his video journalist to keep quiet as he inched towards the door. Leaning close to the walls, he saw a shadow and hurried after it.

“Yah!” Jongkook yelled, chasing but seemingly on par with the other’s speed. “He’s fast!”

The one being chased, Junsu, now lacking any bit disguise, ran with all his might in his most comfortable clothes. He headed to the emergency staircase where he had ran up and down quite a few times already, turning to the one leading to lower floors.

“It’s Junsu!” Jongkook hollered into the walkie-talkie, taking a quick glance at their level before asking for reinforcement. “Going down from level thirteen! Emergency staircase! Quick!”

There was an immediate response, as Jongkook heard the opening of the emergency staircase door from the lower level, and Junsu’s dolphin yelp.

“Oh! Are you okay?” Gary helped the younger up, and was quickly joined by Jongkook.

“Great timing, Gary-ah.” Jongkook laughed, taking the employee’s pass off of the sweat-drenched singer. “Sorry, Junsu.”

“Kim Junsu, out. Kim Junsu, out.” The speakers announced, and the said man lowered his head and allowed himself to be guided to the “jail”.

“It was nice to see you all!” Junsu smiled and did a belated greeting, exchanging hugs with Jongkook.


The Running Man members now all knew they were down to the last member of JYJ, and decided the careful member was most probably in disguise rather than up and about.

“Ah, why am I stuck with a kid.” Jaesuk teased once more as he met up with Haha again, both checking the places where they last saw the guests.

“Why am I stuck with the one who always nags.” Haha rebutted, standing akimbo. Mocking the superpower episode yet again, he pushes his palm through the air and yelled the nonsensical spell. “The one who always nags!”

“The one who never listens!” Jaesuk shot back with the same action, before hiding his face in embarrassment when a few workers laughed at their antics. “Sorry for the disturbance.”

They both then turned to each other in mock anger, hands on the other’s shoulder. “Yah!”

“I’m going this way!” Jaesuk huffed, turning to the left.

“Well, I’m also going this way!” Haha rebelliously followed, with a righteous expression as if he had decided on his route before Jaesuk. “I chose this first!”

“No, I did!”

“I did!”

Jaesuk scrunched up his face and turned to the right side instead, forcing his palm through the air. “The one who goes against me!”


Jaejoong smirked as he watched the clock. Just a minute more and the game would end, with no Running Man member in sight.

Clutching his employee’s pass tightly, he did a preliminary ceremony to thank all those who helped in his disguise.

“Everyone, countdown with me please!” The oldest member of JYJ spoke sweetly, watching the second hand of the clock inch closer and closer to the number “6”.

“30, 29, 28, 27, 26…”

“What’s happening in there?” Kwangsoo blinked, chancing upon the room Jaejoong was in. He signaled for Sukjin to come, believing two heads were better than one. “Hyung, they are counting down inside!”

“…18, 17, 16, 15…”

“What? What is there to countdown?” Sukjin replied quizzically, entering the room without a clue.

Still confident of keeping his employee’s pass safe, Jaejoong urged everyone to countdown louder, as if for himself to memorise this moment.

“…10, 9, 8, 7, 6…”

“Wait!” Kwangsoo yelled, pointing at Jaejoong. “Isn’t that-”

“…5, 4, 3…”

“It’s Kim Jaejoong!” Sukjin shouted back, rushing forward.

“…2, 1, 0!” Jaejoong clapped his hands, dangling his employee’s pass before himself. “We win!”

The female staffs all cheered for him, as he went around shaking each and everyone’s hand for their help.

“That was so close.” Kwangsoo and Sukjin sighed in defeat, dramatically losing in the first mission.


HAHA, I wanted to end with smug!Jaejoong, heh.
Thank you all 6 commenters for the nice words :D Glad you guys enjoyed this!
And of course my 48 subscribers :D
First segment is over, the next segment will then commence soon~

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lazycharms #1
Chapter 6: I've been waiting for a year....where is the next segment?!! Lol... Reread it.
It's a great plot !!
I'd like JYJ to be coming on Running man T_T
Anyway, it'd be cool if you continue this story !
Fighting ! ♥
Chapter 6: Loved it cant wait to
i love this. thanks
Chapter 6: If JYJ really was in running man... Nice story! ^^ write more of jyj in running man !! ^^
Chapter 6: The winner is JYJ.. hehehehe..
Thanks you for the update..
I Love You..
lazycharms #7
Chapter 6: I love you author-nim!!! come back more with awesome funny chapters of jyj on running man! ^^ since this is the only place i'll probably see them on running man for the time being.
Chapter 6: JYJ for the world babe!
Yippie yeay, now lets go to the second part
silvergalleon #9
Chapter 6: yey!!jyj win!!!1-0..hahhaa
bite me joongkok oppa~~
update soon..its really great!!!