Minute 2: Ice Cream




awwww ren in his before debut days..imma squish 'im!

“Nobody cares, Baekho!” JR exclaimed exasperatedly. The blonde mawhawked teenager had been babbling about the way his ice-cream was melting too fast and how Ren’s was being unfair. How Baekho had the idea that ice cream can be unfair was beyond the other members- and it was driving the leader up the walls.Nobody cares if your ice cream is evil, nobody cares about how everything Ren does makes him look cute and absolutely nobody cares about YOU!” Kim Jonghyun spat, after putting up with Baekho for the past thirty minutes.

“What’s that thing about Ren?” Aron asked, raising an eyebrow and surpressing a chuckle. He knows for a fact that JR has what-they-call, an infatuation, on little baby Ren. How disastrously cute.

“WH-What? What did I say?” he spluttered, all wide-eyed and panicky and glancing at the bewildered maknae in an oh-so-awkwardly-embarrassed sort of way. Aron doesn’t even get why Ren wasn’t noticing the exaggerated affection JR showers onto the him. JR would always be the one feeding him, asking the maknae to decide things, giving him random hugs(aside from Baekho), and occasionally spend money on candies for the sweet-tooth. The one time JR offered Ren to bath with him as a joke had been one of the most unbearable situation for the other members. Ren, however, simply laughed and rolled his eyes.

NU’EST’s maknae was clueless.

JR’s clumsy moment ended when Baekho cut in, his words slurred and heavy like he had been drinking.

Don’t touch him! This is MY Ren. MY, MY REN!” Baekho wrapped one strong arm around Ren’s waist and the platinum blonde just gasped in mild response. “JR you bastard…”

Everyone was either shocked or freaked out right then, because Baekho never curses. He was raised that way.

Only Minhyun had the sense (as always) to pry Baekho’s grip loose and free the mind-wounded teen still blushing at his hyung’s brash- or romantic(?) words and took a whiff at the ice-cream Baekho was eating halfway through.

“Ugh, it’s alcohol.” Minhyun snatched away the cone and threw it in the drain. “Should’ve known when the ice-cream man asked to repeat the order.” He muttered to himself.

“There’s alcohol ice cream? How is that even legal??” Aron exclaimed, partly shocked and partly…well, excited.

“But how…” JR began, blinking in confusion.

“It was a foreign shop.” Minhyun explained curtly, throwing Baekho’s arm over his shoulder. “Come on, let’s go home. He smells so bad.”

“I told him not to order that one.” Ren shrugged, probably already forgetting about Baekho’s drunken confession from just now. And JR’s blunder.

“D’you remember where that shop is at?” asked Aron.

Nobody bothered to answer.




“Min—hyung~” Ren whined, pushing Baekho off of his shoulder roughly for the tenth time. Ren knows now how clingy the boy can get, especially when he’s supposedly only slightly drunk.

“What?” Minhyun asked curtly, not bothering to look up from his twitter account on the group’s shared laptop.

“Can’t you get him to brush his teeth or something? He stinks like hell.”

“Watch your words.” Minhyun warned, knowing full well the maknae is more open to bad words and harsh actions, contradicting with Baekho’s clean and bubbly personality.

Ren didn’t bother apologizing. In his defense, maknaes are born evil, aren’t they?

“Please, hyung! Please, please prettyprettyprettypreeeeeettty pleaassee, hyung~? I’ll help…”

Ren batted his eyelashes rapidly and stuck out his bottom lips in a pink, pretty pout. Minhyun sighed, again recognizing the full potential of Choi Minki in the fine art of persuasion. Damn it, maknae.

“Fine.” Minhyun huffed, standing up and immediately regretting the action when he saw the figure slumped on the floor and basically drooling all over. He wondered how long it would take to make a 17-year-old, alcohol-intoxicated, not to mention very heavy guy to brush his freakin’ teeth. Ren must have sensed Minhyun’s train of thoughts because he stood up and clung to the latter’s arm, swinging it this way and that.

“Don’t worry hyung. Help me out this once, okay? Baekho’s your member too…” he was using the voice. That voice- the one he uses priorily for his own selfish needs. Such a proffesional, Minhyun thought.

“Yeah, yeah okay.”

“Thanks, hyung.” Ren beamed for a second at the older male and ran over towards Baekho, lifting the guy halfway up by his left hand. Minhyun followed suit and they heaved Baekho onto their shoulders.

“Damn it, Baekho.” Minhyun muttered, groaning at how heavy the muscle freak was.

“Watch your words.” Ren said in a deep tone in an imitation of Minhyun and giggled. The elder male just smirked.

“So…hyung.” Ren began, attempting at making casual talk when all Minhyun wanted was for this to be over and done with. They were huddled around the small sink, with Minhyun holding the wall for support and Ren forcing a toothbrush into Baekho’s mouth. The latter, however, simply limped and melted and was being downright lazy and Minhyun was thoroughly annoyed. How drunk could a person be when he just tasted a few drops of booze?

“Hmm?” he hummed kindly, not wanting to distress the maknae. (Not that Ren’d even be distressed, but Minhyun just doesn’t like any more drama than what he has to handle every day.)

“Umm…can I ask you something?” Ren was looking at the taller male now,  tilting his head so he can see through his blonde bangs. “Answer it honestly.” He added before Minhyun could muster a reply. Okay, maybe this isn’t just an attempt at small talk.

“…Sure.” Minhyun said, after hesitating when he saw the glint of nervousness in Ren’s eyes. Is he…going to talk about puberty or something?

Ren focused on Baekho’s mouth again and started brushing more slowly than before. The silence became awkward before he started talking again. “Is it…bad if a guy confessed to another guy?”




A/N: i don't know but Aron strikes me as an alcoholic. am i the only one with such weird thoughts?


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sHinerenzu #1
Chapter 3: OK…I knew the mad Ren is really cute. So you found him amusing too now, heh,Min? I wonder who is the person that Ren likes. Well,I don’t know whether should I say poor Baekho for Ren’s abused to his teeth or thanks to him now Baekho’s teeth will look whiter than before…LOL.

Oh...so he confess already??? *kyaaaaaa* (I kinda have a feeling Ren'll think he is still drunk)

Yuppp author-nim, I'll comment on every chapter *hoho. This story is funny.
sHinerenzu #2
Chapter 2: Aron is the only one who interested at the alcohol ice cream XD and nobody even cared. Is there really an alcohol ice cream? I never knew neither found one.

Poor Minhyun. He couldn't resist the maknae, huh? Not all of maknaes are evil. I'm a maknae in my family, and I'm not evil..hohohoho *evillaugh*
sHinerenzu #3
Chapter 1: I just found this story and already love the 1st chapter ^^. It's so cute. I like the part 'maybe Baekho just being Baekho',, LOL and Baekho attempted tomurder the maknae in sleep...haha...

I'm going to read the rest of the chapter and then I'll comment again ^^.
shinoside #4
Chapter 10: This story is cute! Love it