The Suju/DBSK concert part 1

From Ms. Ngo to Ms. Kim

A few days passed, and it was the day Super Junior and DBSK would do a joint concert at the Seoul Stadium. Fans had wanted Super Junior and DBSK to do a concert together for a long time, so the two bands were able to work schedules and times out, just for ELF and Cassiopeia. The fans were really looking forward to it, becausee of the collaborations they've done together, and how they're close friends. What was crazy was that L.O.V.E. would be singing a few songs with them too.

As I looked outside, the stadium was a huge ocean of red and blue glowsticks. I still couldn't believe that I would be on the stage and be officially announced as Junsu and Junho's stepsister.

It also turned out that I would do a duet with Changmin since I was the leader of L.O.V.E. Not sure why out of all the guys, it had to be Changmin. I wondered if it was rigged. Even though I was really happy, I was also super shy to perform in public. We were going to sing Confession, which is a solo song in his and Yunho's sub unit's album. I had confessed to him, but I couldn't help but fantasize that Changmin singing his song was like him confessing to me back.

When we finished rehearsing the songs with Super Junior, I decided to talk to Yunho. I had to confront him about his feelings and reject them, because if I didn't, wouldn't it be considered leading him on? He couldn't have liked me that much anyway. I mean, he's an idol. He could have any girl he wanted. Just not me. He can definitely do better. Especially when I had feelings for someone else.

"Yunho, can I talk to you for a few minutes?" I asked him when he had just finished rehearsing his dance solo. 

"Sure." He got his towel and wiped his forehead. We stepped outside to speak privately. O.V.E saw us go outside and they gave me a hwaiting! pose. Particularly Violet.

"What's up?" He questioned, still wiping sweat away.

"It's about when you kissed me, and I want to tell you how I felt about it." I stated, without beating around the bush.

"So... I didn't ask for a reply." Yunho exclaimed. He seemed really nervous.

"Well, I'm answering anyway." I declared. "Yunho, I like you... but I like you as I would like Junsu and Junho, as an older brother."

Yunho's countenance was obvious as he frowned in disappointment. "Yeah, I figured you would answer like that. After all, you like Changmin." He murmured. "But I ended up liking you anyway. I mean if only I had caught your heart earlier..."

"I'm sorry. I know that I met you first but it's just something about Changmin.... that I can't really put words to, but he just makes me feel good, you know? Besides... I think you know how much Violet likes you, right? I would never be able to hurt my friend."

"Araso. Well, thanks for answering me truthfully." 

"LYNN! It's time for you to rehearse with Changmin!" Someone called.

"Neh! I'll be right there!" I shouted back in Korean. Yunho gave me a good luck hug, then whispered in my ear, "Be careful of the evil maknae."

I gave him a puzzled look while I headed back inside. "Hwaiting Lynn!" He shouted from behind me.

"Thanks!" I got on the gigantic stage with Changmin and stared in awe. It was so awesome! I couldn't contain my nervousness.

I noticed how Changmin didn't say a word to me. He also didn't acknowledge seeing me with Yunho either. It was the first time I saw such a serious expression on his face in person. He probably has that face on every time he was about to sing. 

We began to sing as soon as the music came on. Confession was such a deep and melancholic song. I could feel the emotions pouring out of Changmin as he sang. I wondered if I did the same. Before I knew it, the song came to an end. I felt a little disappointed seeing that Changmin just went back to his dressing room without telling me if I did good or not. 

"Linh!" I heard one of my stepbrothers say. I couldn't tell who it was until I was finally off the stage. 

"Great job! We might not be related, but our family has amazing talent!" It turned out to be Junho. He flashed a silly grin.

"Thanks Oppa. What's up?"

"Kyuhyun's looking for you." He claimed.

"Really? Alright, I'll go see him." I thanked him and left to Super Junior's dressing room. The group was spilt in two sides of the dressing room since there were so many members. 

I noticed as I went in the dressing room, that only Kyuhyun was in there. "Hey Kyuhyun, what's up?"

"I have an awesome idea that will make Changmin jealous for sure!"

"Bwoh?" I don't understand why he was still continuing this silliness. "Why?"

"Because.... eh you'll find out later."

He left the room and I went back out to find O.V.E at the door, pretending like they didn't just all have their ears at the door.

"Were you guys eavesdropping?" I accused them.

"Hehe..." They couldn't lie. It was obvious how they were touching their heads from getting hit by the door.

"So Kyuhyun... hmmm I wonder what he's gonna do?" Olivia questioned. I just shrugged.

"I'll tell you guys what happened with Yunho later. So are you guys ready?"

"Of course! I can't believe we're gonna perform in front of a huge crowd. Over 14,000 people? I really hope I don't screw up." Emily smiled.

"Yeah, I'd never dream that we would actually be singing in Korea with the guys we always fangirled over." Emily murmured. 

"Hehe yeah. It's thanks to you guys that we're here today." I grinned at them. I put my hand out.

They put their hands on top of mine and we shouted "Alright! Let's go L.O.V.E LOVE!!!" 

It was finally time to perform. The crowd was incredible.

The opening song was Balloons. I kept on throwing the balloons at the fans. They didn't seem like they were displeased with us girls being up there with them. 

The performance soon ended and it was time for all the dancers of the two groups to have their solos. First up was Junsu, then Eunhyuk, Yunho, and finally Donghae. They were all awesome.

L.O.V.E's performance with Super Junior was next. We got on stage and as soon as the music played, we started dancing. The song was Sorry, Sorry. I was right between Siwon and Kyuhyun. The dance was pretty easy for us and only Olivia did the tutting part. But I noticed how Kyuhyun winked at me during his singing part. Was he going to act on that plan of his to make Changmin jealous right now?

I anticipated that it wouldn't be bad and that I wouldn't get murdered by the fangirls. The performance was about to end with Kyuhyun being the only one standing like usual. However, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up so I was standing with him. I gave him a 'what are you doing' look, but he just smiled and kissed my cheek. 

"Omona! (Oh my goodness) Kyuhyun Oppa!" I could hear fangirls frantically screaming out of envy. 

We all went backstage and I noticed a staff calling for me. "Hey Lynn! I just wanted to tell you that Changmin decided to change your song schedule. You guys will be the second to last performance before the ending song with everyone."

I looked at him oddly. "Hmm, okay then." I tried to look for Changmin but I couldn't find him anywhere.

*Oh well, I'll ask him why he did that later.*

"Kyuhyun!" I yelled for him. There was no reply. I can't believe he did that. As I searched for him, O.V.E started giggling at me.

"Seriously, Lynn. You're in another love triangle or something." Emily raised her eyebrows. 

" It should be a love square. That was what Kyuhyun was planning to do?" Violet just grinned at me.

"Enough. I'm trying to look for him." I scolded them. 

"Oh, he went that way with Changmin." Olivia pointed to the right hallway.

"Alright. Thanks." 

As I walked down that hallway, I finally saw Kyuhyun and Changmin. But it looked like Changmin was glaring at Kyuhyun.

Don't tell me that plan worked?

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Chapter 16: finally they are together & their moments are so cute & sweet! will surely wait for your next update to know what will happen next! update soon :)
wonderkris #2
Chapter 15: this is too good to handle!.
pleaseman #3
Chapter 15: this is good!
Chapter 15: that was sweet of Changmin to confess during the concert & Kyuhyun surely knows Changmin that he knows ways on how to make Changmin jealous! they are already a couple! will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially Lyn who fell in love with Changmin at first sight & who loves his smile just like me :) Changmin kissed her because he's drunk after a shot! will continue reading to know what happen next :))
updates please!
BluePandaCassie #7
love this story^^~~update soon plz
AsianAddict #8
She Is Like Me, Fluent In English, Learning Viet And Thats All In Common
lana_iu_jaesica #9
mình cũng tên Linh này ^^