
Special One Percent


-The next day-

“WHAT??” Hyoyeon accidentally sputtered her newly bought apple juice at Sooyoung who fortunately, duck just in time to avoid it.

 “Aww…gross……. Fiona, you’re disgusting!” Sooyoung took out some tissues from her bag and wiped the surface of her desk which currently had some big blob of mixture of apple juice and Hyoyeon’s spit on it.

“You and Changmin..(cough)….paint walls…(cough2x)…together??” Hyoyeon managed to say between coughs.

Duh….So? Sooyoung replied flatly, with a bored expression hanging across her face.

“Sooo?? I thought you dislike-NO, scratch that-HATED the guy’s gut for putting you in detention. Do you remember that you screamed at some random girl’s face just because she said ‘I wants some chocolate pudding’ to her friend, earlier this morning?? How on earth do you plan to work together??” Hyoyeon shouted at her friend, ignoring the looks that the rest of the classroom was giving her.

Well, it’s not like the class is quiet or anything. Sooman songsengnim, their maths teacher, is still receiving treatments at the hospital for his allergies. Therefore, for 2 weeks, the class 2-A students took the time to do anything and everything BUT studying, before their half-human-half-devil teacher comes back to haunt them.

Sooyoung sighed deeply and rest her chin on her table. “That’s why we both made a deal with each other.”

“Deal? What kind of deal?” Hyoyeon asked, confused.

Sooyoung glanced at her for a bit before letting out another big, fat sigh. “Well…..




Sooyoung and Changmin walked in a restaurant nearby to discuss a little bit more about their ‘deal’.

After choosing a table near the window, they sat there comfortably waiting to be served.


……Awkward silence……..


(cough).“So, what is it about this ‘deal’ that you have in mind?” Sooyoung asked directly.

“Getting a little bit impatient now, are we?” Changmin replied, a smirk tugging on his lips as he speak.

“Shim-freak... I don’t freaking have all freaking day….So, freaking spill the freaking deal before I freaking kick your freaking feet” Sooyoung growled while clenching her teeths, hard.

Changmin couldn’t help but laughed at her. “Haha….you’re pretty funny, you know that? (Sooyoung glares).Fine, fine….. I’ll be serious…So, about the deal-

“What would both of you like to eat?” The waiter just had to interrupt him.

“Continue.” Sooyoung mouthed at Changmin before facing the waiter. “I want the special Thursday menu, jjajangmyun with eggs-jumbo size, 3 scoops of chocolate chip ice-cream- she paused to look at the menu- and………… a glass of lemon juice, the biggest one you have. She closed the menu booklet and looked up. Changmin and the waiter were just staring at her, their mouth slightly agaped.

“ What?” She asked them innocently.

“Is….is …that ALL…..miss?”

“Yep, that’s all.” Sooyoung looks at Changmin and poke his cheek with the menu.

“ Shim-freak. What are you gaping at? Hurry up and order, slowpoke.”

“Ah..umm….I’ll…just have what she is having. And oh, instead of lemon, I want orange juice. That’s all.”

“Your food will be served in a moment. Please excuse me.” The waiter excused himself from their table.

Changmin, still in shock, asked Sooyoung “Yah, how could a girl eat that much? Have you been starving for weeks? Don’t your parents feed you at home?”

Sooyoung in turn, rolls her eyes at him wearily. “I can, no and of course they did. Jeez, why do people always ask the same question over and over again when they ate with me? Was it that shocking to see a girl eats something other than water and celery?”

Changmin opened his mouth to retort back but Sooyoung cut him. “And besides, you ordered the same amount as I did, so that means you’re quite a shikshin yourself, am I right? And not to mention, YOU are the one who threw us both in detention because of your greed for my pudding the other day.”

Changmin smiled sheepishly at her. “That incident is also one of the contributing factors as to why we HAD to make this deal.”  Sooyoung raised her right eyebrow in confusion.

“This deal is quite simple really. However, you have no other options BUT to agree on it, not that I have any other options either. I’ve been thinking thoroughly for the last hour on what method to use to solve this little problem of ours, but only this way came to my mind. Come to think of it, if you DO agree with this deal, then everything will be solved. To be honest, I have no other intention whatsoever from proposing this deal, but I think it will benefit both of us greatly and I - Changmin paused to look at Sooyoung’s face – do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

“Shim-freak. I don’t understand a single word you’re blabbering. Are you trying to make an essay again? Can’t you just cut all the introductions and paragraphs and just jump into the conclusion?”

“You don’t get it? I thought I’ve explained it to you well enough-

“Just state the deal, Shim.” Sooyoung muttered darkly at Changmin, she is reaching the state of inability to hold her patience any longer.

Changmin gulped. Well, here goes nothing. He leans forward on the table a bit, trying to minimize the distance between him and Sooyoung. When the gap between both of their faces reaches about 18cm, he paused and looks at Sooyoung’s eyes.

Sooyoung’s cheeks flushed at the close proximity. Wha….wha..what… the heck…is this ..guy…doing???? She feels very, very uncomfortable right now, but the guy in front of her seems to be unaffected at all. If possible, he looks like he is enjoying himself, staring deeply at her face, searching for zits maybe? Her surrounding feels hot all of a sudden and being an 18 year old girl who never have been this up close and personal with a guy all her life, she opted to make 2 choices.

Option number 1: Hit him in the face real hard with her school bag.

Option number  2 : Make a run for it.

Sooyoung ponders for a sec. Why not both? She grips her sling bag tightly, ready to make her move when Changmin suddenly spoke.

“Choi Sooyoung.” He bit his lower lip slightly. Sooyoung raises her bag ready to aim….

“Let’s be friends.”

Sooyoung releases her grip on her school bag and it falls down to the floor with a loud *THUD*.

…..Awkward silence…..

Changmin stares at Sooyoung and her bag alternately.

“So, umm…did I hear correctly? You want us to be friends”? Sooyoung awkwardly tried to divert his attention from her bag.

“What are you planning to do with that bag?” Changmin asked, his gaze is still not leaving the bag of hers.

“I was umm….trying to..exercise..yeah! Exercise my hands! To give it more muscles, yeah…see….HAHA… “Sooyoung continued to laugh awkwardly while flexing her non-existent muscle.

“You’re weird.” Changmin look at her while leaning back to his chair.

“Yeah…HAHAHA….” On the contrary, Sooyoung feels relieved for some reason. She was sure that he was going to…………….Well, it’s not like he can pull that kind of stunt to her without getting injured in the process.

“So? What do you say?”

“About the let-us-be-friends deal?”  Changmin nodded in agreement.

“I don’t know….Being friends with a guy like you….is a bit…..” Sooyoung said hesitantly.

“What’s wrong with being friends with me?” Changmin pouts.” Ahhh…it’s about those chocolate pudding, am I right?”

“Well that and-

“Kyuhyun.” Changmin stated simply. Sooyoung looks at him in surprise. How did-

“I read your mind? Easy. I’m a psychic, u-know…..Get it?” Changmin laughed at his own joke.

“A psychic? No, really? I just COULD’NT tell….” Sooyoung’s words were dripping with sarcasm.

“Oh, come on! Make up your mind already! We’ve got to start those wall painting tomorrow, and I sure don’t want to start a bloody bath with you when were in the middle of it. My clean record have been scarred once and I don’t want to add another –

“FINE! I accept. “

“Now that wasn’t so hard wasn’t it?” Changmin grinned teasingly.

“But on several conditions. Don’t start a fight with me. Don’t tease me -I hate it when you do that- Don’t get too close to me. And the most important, DO NOT steal my food ever again. Can you do that? “Sooyoung replied back mimicking Changmin’s grin perfectly.

Changmin pouts. “Hmmpphh. Fine. In that case, I want you to stop calling me Shim-freak. Call me Changmin oppa or oppa for short. And I won’t steal your food if you don’t steal mine. And the teasing…..we’ll see about that. Deal?”  Changmin put out his hand for a handshake.

Sooyoung took his hand and shake it.


“Yah!! Its Changmin oppa!!!! OPPP.PPPPA!!!!”

"You know, Shim....I've been waiting for our food for a while now."

"Yeah....Me too..WAITER!!!!"


-Flashback ends-


“Pheww… that’s a long story. What do you think about it Hyo-

“O…M….G..!!!! He almost this close to kiss you!!! O..M…G..!!!O..M..G…!! Tiffany should know about this-

Typical fangirls..Tch. A faint blush crept to Sooyoung’s face when she remembers that scene. Embarassing…Stupid…..She remembers that her heart beats at a faster pace at that time. Surprisingly, it’s the same reaction as yesterday, when that guy, Cho Kyuhyun whispers to her ears slowly.

Cho Kyuhyun. I remembered his name.

And that weird guy Shim.freaking.Changmin.

Why am I feeling the same kind of reaction from both of you? Sooyoung pouts.


Just maybe…..





Allergic to guys??


Could be. There’s no other reason besides that.



Class 3-A – After recess.


“Kyuhyun-ah!” Changmin plops himself next to Kyuhyun’s seat and look at him. Kyuhyun is currently playing a game called angry birds in his i-phone.

“Yep. “

Changmin inhales deeply.

“Why are you in detention yesterday? Did you do something bad? Why didn’t you tell me? Are we even best friends? How did you know Choi Sooyoung and why did you pull that stunt on her yesterday? Do you like her? “

Changmin managed to say all that in one single breath in less than 5 seconds.(applauds)

Kyuhyun paused his game and ponders for a while. “The headmaster made me. Yep. I did at recess. You weren’t listening. We are. Somewhere.  Just because. Why do you ask?”

Changmin looks at him with a dazed expression. “Kyuhyun-ah, I’m confused.”

“Pity you…...NOT.”

 Kyuhyun was about to continue his game when Changmin suddenly grabbed his i-phone and dangled it carelessly before him.

“Changmin.Give it back. “

“Not before you answer my question, Kyuhyun-ah. How did you know Choi Sooyoung?”

“Why do you want to know so much? It’s really none of you business.” Kyuhyun tried to say it in the nicest way as possible.

“Answer me.”


“Answer me or I’ll delete your saved games in your phone here.” Changmin threatened, while fondling Kyuhyun’s phone.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Kyuhyun stared at him, eyes wide with fear.

“Let’s see….Oh my. There’s Starcraft in here too. Wow….so many saved games…..”

Without any warning, Kyuhyun tries to grab his phone, but Changmin is faster and he takes a couple of steps away from Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun’s slender body is no match for Changmin’s tall athletic figure. Curses.

“Which one should I deleted first? Ouu..this one looks tempting…”

“Okay..!!OKAY…..! I’ll tell you but leave my baby Starcraft alone!”

“Finally!” Changmin smirks evilly. He proceeds to sat on Kyuhyun’s desk. “Come on. I’m listening……”

And they say I’m the evil maknae. Seriously, Changmin’s the most evil of all the evil maknaes combine, including me.

“Well…..hurry up! Teacher might come in any second now. I don’t have all day!”

 Kyuhyun sighed. I suppose he has the right to know. Besides, what’s the harm in telling him? It’s not like he likes her right?

“Choi Sooyoung…..”

Their teacher, Alex songsaengnim just had to walk into the class at that moment.



Even with all that noise, Changmin can still understand the words Kyuhyun mouthed.

“I love Choi Sooyoung.”

That’s what he said.

He loves Choi Sooyoung.

He loves that weird short-haired girl.

The same girl who happens to be on his mind these past few days (even though he won’t admit it out loud)

Things are just starting to get weird.

And what’s even more weirder…..

His body couldn’t help but feel numb all of a sudden.






what will happen next my dear reades?

We'll just have to wait and see.....

arigatou.komawo.thank you.terima kasih for reading!

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Chapter 11: Ohmygod, it's leeteuk?!?!?
Go everyone, save her!
Anyways, I enjoy reading this fic so much. Sooyoung and Changmin are sooooo funny! XD
I hope you can continue this! ㅠㅠ
Chapter 11: it's relly nice author-nim you should update it :)
adabanayeah #4
Such a great story. So much fun to read it ;)
Please update this :33
soshi_zhen #6
update,update please.
Chapter 11: Lurking through my subscriptions and I found this. And then I realized how much I miss this story D:
When are you going to update this? I miss your sense of humor lol
Dung-ban-sink-key. HAHAHA
Chapter 11: it sounds interesting
hope changmin rescue sooyoung soon
please update
kekeek we all love tvxq
Okay, so the one sending those boxes are Kyu and the kidnapper is Leeteuk? There's really something fishy here. Are Kyu and Teuk in this together?? or maybe not. T__T

New reader by the way and I hope you'll update this soon~~