Let Me Love You....

Lil Shop of Love...

This is...the day you been waiting for...you got this Seunghyun, you got this.

1 year...it'd been one year since our first date and it had been the best year of my life. Ashley had given me everything I could have hoped for and more. I loved her more today then I did a year ago, because I know knew her...like truly knew her...I knew everything about her and her soul. This year had been nothing but amazing, hard at times, but all together amazing. And tonight, tonight would be a night I know she wouldn't soon forget. Everyone was going to be in on it...her sister MiRae and Junsu, her mom, and the BigBang boys...were all ready to help make tonight Ashley's best night ever.

"Hyung, you seem nervous are you nervous?" GD asked me as he came up behind me while I paced in my room.

"Aniyo, just thinking is all." 

"You know she's definitely going to say yes, right?" He smiled trying to keep me calm.

"You HOPE she says yes...until of course she realizes she's madly in love with me." Seungri fired at me as he walked in my room.

"Maknae...you , don't say that to TOP hyung. Ashley's head over heels for him, she'd never love you...you're too...well you are too ." GD laughed.

"Yah! What is this? How dare you say that about my girlfriend. Aish...this kid..." I was all set to fight him if I had to.

"Does she still think you are out of the country with you parents???" GD asked, helping to straighten up my tie.

"Neh! She's under the impression that I am still out of the country until tomorrow. I told her Taeyang wanted to pick up Mike tonight and have him come over to play with his new puppy Dope. So he should be bringing him any moment and then we should be all set for the plan. Now remember you four will meet her at the store,....ok? From there, just remember to give her the next clue...I can't wait to see her face...she's going to go crazy."

"I think I want you to propose to me." Seungri laughed.

"Sorry, Ri, but I don't think so." I said as Taeyang and Daesung entered with Mike.

"Hyung, you gonna be ok?' Taeyang asked as he handed Mike to me noting how nervous I was.

"Neh, of course. This is gonna be an amazing night." I smiled.

"Ok, we will be off then. See you at Banpo Bridge." Taeyang said.

"Hyung hwaiting!" They all said as the left.

"Ok Mike, you ready to make Ashley your Umma?" I said hugging the dog that had brought with him the love of my life.

----Ashley's POV-------

5 minutes...then I can get my out of here and go home. Aish, what a day from hell. I wish Seunghyun was here...I miss him. Today had been nothing short of hell for me at the store. My damn sister opened it late while I was at school, then when I got here, she left me to clean up the dog cages citing that she was late to meet Junsu. Then I had the worlds worst customer whom I was convinced was out to kill me. And on top of it, my boyfriend was on a family holiday and Mike was with Taeyang and I was alone and exhausted. Some one year anniversary...my own boyfriend couldn't reschedule his trip for another weekend...ugh...at least he was cute and I could forgive him. 

As the clock struck 10pm my heart breathed a little easier. The worst day of work ever was over and now I could go home and rest up before my love got back from Italy. As I hurried to grab my keys and purse to lock up, I could hear the faint sound of humming outside the store. "What the hell is going on?" I walked towards the front door and left, turning around to lock it, I must have been completely out of it, because before I knew it...I was being serenaded by BigBang (minus TOP) with my favorite song, Haru Haru. "What are you guys doing?" I asked completely dumbfounded at the four guys in front of me. Without talking, just singing, the walked up to me, GD hanging me a note and then smiling as he continued on singing. I looked at it and opened it..

Hey Babe! 

A little over a year ago my sister drug me here to look for a companion. I never told you this but I fought her the entire way. I never wanted a pet, I liked animals as long as they weren't mine, but my sister, being her force of nature, have to obey me self drug me into "Little Shop of AnimalS" to find my companion. Funny, I thought it would be a dog or cat, but ended up being the shops owner. Happy 1 year anniversary babe, sorry I can't be there. But know that I love you day by day. Haru Haru - forever. Can you do me a huge favor, could you go to the Dog Cafe we went to on our first date and get Mike his favorite treats??? And yes, you have to do it tonight...please?!

"Do you guys know anything about this?" I asked now that I had read the note and they had finished their song?

"Perhaps, but I would obey him...you never know what amazing things happen when you do as you are told!" GD said, chuckling.

"This is ridiculous." I said as I headed to my car. 

"Trust us...just do as he asks!" Seungri yelled. 

I sped across town and to the dog cafe completely confused and a little irritated. All I wanted after my day was to go home, put my feet up, watch some TV and drink a nice cold beer. not go to a damn dog cafe at 10:30 at night for some dog bones I could buy in the morning. But, being curious and a good obedient girlfriend I did as Top asked me to do in the note. I made it to the cafe 5 minutes before it closed and ran in...to find MiRae, Junsu, and my mom waiting for me.

"UMMAAAA!!!! Mommy what are you doing here?"

"I came to see my daughter, is that ok?" She asked hugging me.

"Neh, but I mean...what's going on, why why are you guys here waiting for me?" I was beginning to think that Top had planned a little game for me to help me recreate my first date, since he couldn't be here.

"All we can say is, read this." MiRae said, handing me another note.

"Aish! Another?" I said opening it up.


Surprise...thought maybe you could use seeing your umma. I told them to meet you here because I didn't want you to be alone on our  1 year anniversary. They agreed to help you recreate it and surprise you, I am sneaky aren't I? I remember coming here with you and playing 20 questions...remember that? I asked you about your hopes and dreams...you asked me about mine. Remember that cherry??? That cherry...is you. I finally found my last love, my soul mate. Last request...but I bet you can guess. Head over to Banpo bridge with your family and run through the water fountain for me? Ok? 

"Wow." I said laughing because I wasn't exactly sure how to respond! "Looks like since Top isn't here, you three are my dates for the evening. Top asked me to take you all to Banpo bridge, he wants us to go play in the water fountains like we did a year ago. You all up for it."

"Well hell yah!" MiRae yelled a little overly excited. "Come on mom, Junsu...lets go help Ash remake her 1st date, but I get to be Top!" 

After piling into the car we drove the short distance to Banpo Bridge and walked to the water fountain. 

"Well, here we are." I said. 

"Sweet!" MiRae and Junsu yelled as the ran hand and hand into it with no care at all.

"Thanks for being here mommy. I miss you so much." I said grabbing her hand.

"Oh my little lady, I miss you too. I'm so glad you are making a life for yourself here." She smiled kissing the Top of my head.

"I wish appa were here to see us all together and happy. To see how Top has made me love again. I think he'd approve." 

"I know he would sweetie." My mom said.

"You two get in here!" yelled MiRae, who was riding Junsu's back and acting like a 5 year old. Mom and I looked at each other and yelled as we both ran into the fountain. Top wasn't here, but being able to be here, a year later, was nothing short of special, especially since my family was here too.

---------TOP POV-------

"Look at her Mike, there with her family...she is so happy." Mike and I were hiding several feet away from the water fountains. Ashley was glowing as she ran around playing...just like she had a year ago when I had made her join me. "Mike, let's go get your umma!" I said tying the last note on his color and letting his leash loose. "Go get her." I said, as I let go and he ran at lightening speed towards Ashley.

"Ashley...look!" MiRae yelled and pointed, as I turned around to see Mike running towards me.

"What the...well hey Mikey boy, how did you get here." I kneeled down to love on him, noticing a note on his collar. "OMO, another note?" I asked taking it off and opened it.

Beautiful Ashley,

Last surprise...Remember a year ago how I made you dance with me here...lets do that again...

"Be bingu with me...choom with me." I said walking up behind Ashley.

"What...what..what are you doing here." Ashley said, shocked with tears forming in her eyes.

"You didn't think I'd miss our 1 year anniversary for a silly family vacation did you?" I said, pulling her into the middle of the fountain.

"I...I...I really don't know what to say." Ashley said still trying to comprehend the situation.

"Then don't say anything...let me say it. Ashley...I love you.. I have loved you since the first time I laid my eyes on you. I never would have bought Mike, if it weren't for you and I am so thankful that my sister made me come to your store. The past year has been perfect and I am more in love with you tonight than I was a year ago. Babe, I know it's been hard, to allow yourself to love someone again, but I hope that you can continue to let me love you...let me love you forever."I smiled, pulling a box out of my pocket and then getting down on one knee as Ashley began to sob tears of joy. "My beautiful Ashley, will you do me the honor of letting my be your last love? Will you let me love you forever? Will you..." I smiled as I opened up the ring box and held it up for her to see. "Will you marry me?" 

Ashley simply stood there and held her hands over as her family and my BigBang brothers, who'd just arrived looked on. 

"Ash...babe..can..can you say something." I asked standing up a little nervous.

"She says yes.." MiRae yelled from the side of the fountain. 

"Shut up MiRae." Ashley said, turning around to her sister. "You've already had your proposal, this is mine." Turning back around to me Ashley smiled as tear streamed down her face. "What she said." She smiled... lunging forward and wrapping her arms around my neck. 

"Is that a..." 

"YES! My last love, yes!' 


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Chapter 9: Aawwww this story is so sweet and it didnt feel rush
sunset812 #2
Chapter 9: That was so sweet. Wrapped it up quite nicely really.
ashleymikia #3
Chapter 9: omg omg I love this I wish it really was my life
sunset812 #4
Chapter 7: Such a sad past! Good thing TOP is there to help her heal.
sunset812 #5
Chapter 6: LOL. I love her sister.
sunset812 #6
Chapter 5: Awwww! So cute!
niknac #7
Chapter 5: Awwwww!!!!!!!!!
ashleymikia #8
Chapter 1: its getting soooo good I love this story sooo much
ashleymikia #9
Chapter 3: wooh :) I cant wait till you come back to finish my story
niknac #10
Liking this story...