First Date pt. 2

Lil Shop of Love...

"What is this place?" Ashley asked as we continued to walk in.

"This is Bau House Dog Cafe. It's pretty well know. I thought it would be fun to include Mike on our first date so I did a little research. Found this place and thought...perfect. We can get some food and drink, Mike can come with us and it will be fun. And it is ours for the night. All ours."  I smiled.

"Daebak." Ashley exclaimed.

"Anneyong! Welcome to the Cafe Mr. Choi. We have your table ready for you as requested. Please follow me."  The waiter ushered us to the awaiting table and smiled. "Would you guys like some tea to begin?" He asked. 

"Neh, jebal!" I replied as I pulled out Ashley's chair. "Here you go my love."

"Thank you." She smiled sweetly noticing the doll and flowers I had planted prior to picking her up. "What's with the flowers and the doll here?"

"A little something from your boyfriend...who wants to always makes you feel special."

"I do feel really special Seunghyun. OMO, you even have a card here." Smiling she grabbed the card and began to read it out loud. 'My Dearest Ashley, I am so thankful that you have given me a chance to be that someone special in your life. I want you to know that, regardless of my current situation as an idol, I will treat you normally and be normal. I want our relationship to be...normal. I am so excited to see how things unfold for us and I hope you are too. Never stop smiling your beautiful smile. I love you. Top.' I, I don't know what to say to that." She responded grabbing my hand in hers. "You know, I really tried to fight this, given my past and all, but you are so damn charming, I couldn't. And now as I sit here, staring at you, holding your hand, I am so very glad MiRae pushed me to explore my feelings for you."

"Ah so this is all your sister's doing?"

"Well sort of. I mean, I trust her...with everything...with my life and while you were away she confronted me. I had been missing you a lot, but was so scared to admit that feeling. We had lunch and I told her about it and she knew right away how I felt, even if I was too scared to admit that. So in a sense, yes, Rae had something to do with this."

"I think I should thank her then. Hey, I had an idea while we waited on our food. Why don't we play 20 questions, only more like a couple each...we each get up to 5 questions to ask the other. Sound fun?" 

" first?" 

"Me first. What's your biggest dream or goal in life?"

"Easy. I want to be a vet, take care of animals. I want to focus on loving and protecting them, they don't have a voice like us humans and I want to be their voice and fight for them. I love animals with my entire soul and they really are my life." She smiled widely as she continued. "Other than being a vet. I don't know. I think I would like to travel, have children, you know, all that kind of stuff. What about you?"

"I'm living it. Being Top, performing with dream has come true. Acting is just icing on the cake...the only thing missing is the cherry on top of the that." 

"And that cherry?" Ashley asked.

"Getting married and having a family. I want that so much, sometimes it hurts." 

"I can understand that. Having that seems to make people feel complete so when you don' feel like you are missing something." Ashley was simply brilliant and perfect. 

"Well since you asked me the same question...I guess it's my turn again. Hmmmm..." I thought, contorting my face as I thought. "Ah...tell me about your sister. I want to know about her, how she met Junsu, why she likes G freaking Dragon and not me." I chuckled. 

"Well. She's my unnie, she's 3 years older than me...25. She and I are close, more like best friends than sisters. We really really get each other, which is what makes us the prefect sisters. Her real name is Deni, but she legally changed it to MiRae because she wanted to fit into the culture. She studied fashion in college and is trying hard to find a job in that field...specifically as a stylist. She and Junsu met about a year and a half ago. She was working at a coffee shop and he stopped in one day. Long story short, he became a regular and they became friends...yadda they are happily and sometimes disgustingly in love. As far as why she likes G's 'because he's the iest bad boy I've ever seen.' Her words not mine. She's sort of a psycho Big Bang fan and how Junsu puts up with it, I'll never know."

"Hey, I can be bad!" 

"Hahaha, no you can't. You are to dorky to be bad." 

"Here is your tea and your dinner." The waiter said interrupting our talking.


"And now, on to our next location." I smiled, driving away from the cafe and headed to our final stop for the evening, Banpo Bridge.

"There's more?" 

"Definitely. I am bound and determined to give you a first date to remember." I said, lifting the hand I was holding and kissing it on the back. 

"So. full. of. surprises." She chuckled. "Aish, my phone is ringing...excuse me." Ashley took a moment and looked at her phone then let out a big sigh before saying. "Aigoo... I swear."


"That unnie of mine...she just texted me and it was very Rae-ish."

"How so?"

"Wait, here, I'll read it. 'Sis. I hope you're having a blast with T.O.P. Have you two made out yet?'"

"OMO...your sister is straightforward isn't she? What did you say?"

"She's very blunt at times yes...and I replied back. 'None of your business, but yes, it's been super fun!'"

"And we are here beautiful. I thought since we didn't finish our little questions game we could go on a walk and just talk, by the river, here at Banpo bridge."

"This is one of my favorite places here, how did you know?" She said mesmerized. 

"Lucky guess, actually. I had no idea." I got out of the car and again made my way around to her side, helping her out and closing the door. Mike was sleeping peacefully in the back so I chose to let him be so Ashely and I could focus on us. I wrapped an arm around her waist as we began to stroll down the sidewalk. I wanted to badly to remember this moment, Ashley, taking in the breeze and fresh air while I held on to her proudly, and watched on.

"Anymore questions you want to ask me?" She said, looking up at me.

"Neh." I said pulling her to a bench. "There is one that I am dying to ask you...but, I really don't want you to get upset."

"Why would I get upset?" She smiled.

"Because it's about your past. I promised I wouldn't bring it up, but I want to know...about your dad...and...what happened."

"Well." She began. "My dad got very sick. He had pancreatic cancer and sadly destroyed his body."

"Wow, I'm so sorry. Is he the reason you didn't want to be in a relationship, because you lost him or something?"

"He's part of it." Ashley sighed then looked out at the river. She seemed quite lost in thought, as if readying herself to tell me something big. I wasn't going to push her though, if she chose to tell me, then I would listen and if not, I would respect that. Ashley looked back at me and then down at the ringer on her right ring finger. "My fiance is the reason I didn't want to be in a relationship or ever love another man."

"Fiance???" I had no clue she had a fiance. 

"Neh, fiance. Kim Jung Hwa. The man that I was sure was the love of my life, he was supposed to be anyways."

"I'm confused, was?" 

"He died too. Not of cancer, but because some idiot was drunk and decided to drive home." Ashley paused a moment as she began to cry. "He died on the eve of our wedding on his way back home after the....the rehearsal. He was crossing the street to head to his car...when...a car just...came, out of no came and I screamed, but it was took late, he turned back around and next thing I knew I was sitting beside him in the street screaming his name."

"Oh my god, babe, I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked, come here." I said, grabbing Ashley into a warm embracing and holding her as she sobbed. It wasn't my intention to hurt her and yet, I felt terrible, like I had. 

"You know he proposed to me here at this bridge." She finally said after crying for sometime. 

"Ashley, you don't have to keep talking about it...I..I'm sorry for asking." 

"Aniyo, I want to. I haven't told anyone all of this...I haven't talked about it ever. For some reason, I want to share it all with you." I smiled and let her continue her story. "We met here, me and Jungie. I was out running, he was too and like fate, we ran into each other. We were together for three years before he proposed. We got engaged and then the next day, found out my dad was very ill and had very little time to live, so we planned the wedding in a month. At rehearsal dad was probably the best I had seen him. He loved Jung Hwa as a son and was so completely thrilled we were going to be married. Jung Hwa died that night. My dad, he died, the days later. I buried my fiance and then buried my dad...all within the same week. I vowed at that time that I would never love again, because for some reason, love felt like a curse. I lost my daddy, the man I idolized and loved, who gave me my passion for animals. Then I lost the man I thought was the love of my life. I walked away from my dad's funeral and told myself I would never love another man, because love was too hard."

Ashley stopped and sat up looking me square in the eyes. "Then you came along and I broke my vow. I fell for you...I began to love you and I opened my heart up again to love. girly as this may sound. Please don't leave me, don't die.. I couldn't bare the thought of losing you too."

I smiled and stood up taking a hold of Ashley's hand to pull her up too. "Come with me." I gabbed Ashley's hand and lead her to a park with a water fountain. I kicked my shoes off and ran into the middle of the jets of water that randomly shot up from the ground. 

"What are you doing Top, you are going to get soaked in there. You're clothes they'll..."

"Forget my clothes...get your pretty self in here and play in the water with me. Be bingu with me, come choom with me, lets have some fun."

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes, now get in here." I said, running around like a child in the water. 

"Ok...I'm in here..and I am soaked already. I can't believe you are making me do this Top!"

"Deal with it. I couldn't take those sad beautiful eyes of yours. Now come on." I grabbed Ashley's hand and flung her towards a jet of water that had just shot out of the ground. The next 15 minutes would be possible the best of the entire date as we played like children in the fountain and I taught her how to choom properly. Ashley was the happiest I had seen her since I had known her as she ran around and ducked in and out and around the sprays of water. I chased after her, catching her from behind and lifting her up off the ground. "YA! I got you!" I said, placing her down and flipping her around wrapping my arms around her waist as the water sprayed up and trickled down on us.

"Yes you do." She smiled. "You definitely got me..."


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Chapter 9: Aawwww this story is so sweet and it didnt feel rush
sunset812 #2
Chapter 9: That was so sweet. Wrapped it up quite nicely really.
ashleymikia #3
Chapter 9: omg omg I love this I wish it really was my life
sunset812 #4
Chapter 7: Such a sad past! Good thing TOP is there to help her heal.
sunset812 #5
Chapter 6: LOL. I love her sister.
sunset812 #6
Chapter 5: Awwww! So cute!
niknac #7
Chapter 5: Awwwww!!!!!!!!!
ashleymikia #8
Chapter 1: its getting soooo good I love this story sooo much
ashleymikia #9
Chapter 3: wooh :) I cant wait till you come back to finish my story
niknac #10
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