Meeting My Companion

Lil Shop of Love...


"But noona, really? Come onnnnnn." I whined to Hye Yoon. 

"Yes, really. It's your birthday and I am buying you a dog...or a cat...or something. You need something to love in your life other than your music and acting Seunghyun." She said as she drove wildly through the streets of Itaweon. She seemed to think that I was in need of a companion because to her I was just so lonely. 

"Noona, I don't need a companion. I am perfectly fine with the guys and my other friends. Why on earth would I need a pet and moreover who is going to take care of this pet when I am away promoting my movies and singing with BigBang?"

"It's not up for debate Seunghyun. I am buying you a pet and you are going to like it or else." She laughed as she pulled into the parking spot. "Now stop whining and being the big 27 year old baby you like to be and get your inside and find yourself a new friend." Sticking her tongue out she got out of the car and waited for me.

I was in no rush so I leisurely unbuckled and slowly opened the door. What was the point of this anyways? I never understood my noona's obsession with animals. Sure, they are cute and the like, but really, why would I, of all people, need one? I sighed as I walked around behind the car. "Lil shop of Animals." Huh, what a cute name. Gah, no I don't do cute. I am not an aegyo type of guy. This . I followed my sister at a distance, wanting to prolong the time it took to walk the few steps from the car and into the shop. I had hoped my sister would at some point turn around and tell me she was joking, but it wasn't going to happen. 

"AYYEEEEE, OMO Seunghyun look at all the cute little itty bitty baby lovies they have in here." Hye Yoon screeched in excitement. 

"Right, cute." I huffed as I slowly walked behind her, hoping nothing more then to just pick out a stupid little fish and leave.

"Hi, welcome to the store. Can I help you find the perfect pet?" I heard a sweet voice behind me proclaim happily. 

"Nah, just....just looking." I said as I turned around. Her eyes meeting mine. Her beautiful blue eyes were more blue than the ocean. They sparkled as she smiled at me and then took a step back.

"Oh, oh, I''re.." she said, obviously realizing with whom she was speaking.

"I'm Top." I smiled. 

"Yes, yes you are." She said shyly. "I mean, I'm sorry. I apologize. I think I was just taken aback when I saw you. That was rude of me. Forgive me? I'm Ashley, I own this store and would like to help you find the perfect pet for your home."

"No need to apologize." I smiled. "Honestly Ashley I don't really want a pet, my sister over there seems to think I need a companion. I disagree."

"Oh, but animals are the best. Especially if you find just the right one to take home. One that will love you and that will brighten your day just by walking in the door. Having something like that to come home to, makes each hard day and each time away worth it."

"You are very wise Ashley." I said, as we now walking slowly past all the dogs. 

"Not really. I just know animals, I'm an animal lover so I've put time into not only taking care of my own, but running this shop and studying to be a vet. I have gotten to know each animal for what each one is, for their personality. Take this pit bull for example." She said, pointing at the cutest little brown puppy I'd ever seen. "These guys are known for their strength, confidence and zest for life." She began, tapping the glass playfully.

"Sounds a bit like me." I chuckled.

"Yes, much like you. But not only that, these little guys are eager to please, they are great with families and children. However they require a lot of training, but my goodness is it worth it." The way she talked about this dog and the light in her eyes and smile on her face made me fall instantly in love with her it. "Oh and the biggest muscle in it's body is its has a lot of love go give."

"Perfect, I'll take it." I said without any thought or reasoning. She could have talked up a turtle and I probably would have taken it. It wasn't about the dog anymore, it was about her. If I had to get a dog to make her my companion I would. 

"Really? That was fast." She said looking at me confused. 

"What, you talked that little guy up, I can't help it. You should have told me something terrible, then maybe I would have found a different pet." I smiled as she walked in to get him out for me. "Oh my, look at you, aren't you just adorable." I said as she placed him in my arms, her arm lightly touching mine, making my skin crawl at such a petite, yet perfect touch. 

"Now." She said, walking to the supplies and grabbing a whole cart full. "He's 7 months old, he'll need shots and plenty of training. He's a baby, remember, so he will get  into don't leave your bearbricks laying around. And make sure he gets plenty of food and exercise and cuddle time."

"Got it. Hey, you should come train him." I said, hoping for a yes.

"Um, I don't do that sorta thing. I'm sorry, but I could give you the name of a great trainer." 

"Oh, uh, yah, sure. That'd be great Ashley." She handed me a card with a trainer's name and smiled. 

"Can I help you out to the car, you have your hands full." She smiled.

"Aniyo, thank you though. My noona can help." I smiled, wanting to not leave her presence. "Hye Yoon, come help me please?"

"OMO, look at that little face." Hye Yoon said snuggling the puppy and talking in the most irritating little baby voice. "Aren't you just the cutest little thing in the whole entire world of puppies? Yes you are, you are just so cute, yes you are...who's the cutest puppy."


"Sorry, sorry. Ah, thanks miss for helping my nut of a brother to find his new companion." 

Yah, thanks for helping my find you, Ashley...owner of this store and quite possibly my heart. 


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Chapter 9: Aawwww this story is so sweet and it didnt feel rush
sunset812 #2
Chapter 9: That was so sweet. Wrapped it up quite nicely really.
ashleymikia #3
Chapter 9: omg omg I love this I wish it really was my life
sunset812 #4
Chapter 7: Such a sad past! Good thing TOP is there to help her heal.
sunset812 #5
Chapter 6: LOL. I love her sister.
sunset812 #6
Chapter 5: Awwww! So cute!
niknac #7
Chapter 5: Awwwww!!!!!!!!!
ashleymikia #8
Chapter 1: its getting soooo good I love this story sooo much
ashleymikia #9
Chapter 3: wooh :) I cant wait till you come back to finish my story
niknac #10
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