No Name

Lil Shop of Love...

Ashley, aaaaaa-ashley. Why the hell am I trying to write a rap about her? I've lost it.

I should have been focusing on the rap I was supposed to be writing for Jiyong and our new album, but instead my mind was focused on Ashley. It'd been a week since No-Name, my puppy, came into my life. I called him No-Name because I just couldn't find anything that suited him. It was hard for me to admit, but that little rascal had really brought joy into my life this last week. He really was as Ashley had said, very sweet and eager to please and extremely cuddly. He was also really annoying at times, chewing my favorite pair of shoes and peeing on my floor. Normally I would have already returned him or given him away, but he was growing on me. Maybe because I really did need a companion or maybe because I knew I could use him to get to her

Ok, now, focus Seunghyun. Think..Jiyong wants a new, fun, hip rap. 



Never ceasing you increasing the blood supply to my heart. It's like im high, high, i'm so...

NO. Focus.

Never ceasing, you increasing...A-a-a-a-...Ashley.

". You know what No-Name? This is useless." I picked up my puppy and snuggled him closely. "Let's go see your umma, shall we?" I carried No-Name to the car and sat down. All I could think about was her, so clearly I was not going to get any work done. I just wanted to see her, talk to her, know her, was that so wrong? She was intoxicating and I was happy to be drunk on her.


"Thank you so much! Have a great day Ms. Jung, I'll have those shipped to you right away." Ashley said hanging up the phone. Ms. Jung was her favorite customer. She was a cat lover and was always calling to order her cats favorite foods. Ashley got busy pulling down the food and boxing it. She was far too busy to notice that just a few feet behind her stood the man that just a week prior she'd talked into a puppy. 

"Go get her." I whispered in No-Names ear as I let go of the leash and let him run up to her.

"Aigoo!, What the...well hi there little one, where's your...Top? What are you doing here?" She said picking up No Name and cuddling him.

"He missed you." 

"Hah, really, the puppy missed me." She said, pushing the box out of the way with her foot and still cuddling No Name.

"Yah, he told me. He said, appa, I miss that pet store girl, let's go find her." I smiled, walking past her and lifting up the box to put it on her counter.

"When did dogs start speaking like us humans?" 

"I don't know, but clearly that dog of mine is brilliant. He even told me to ask you to lunch..."

"Lunch? I...I...I don't know that I can get away. I don't really have anyone to take the store for me for the hour I have free. I usually sit in the back and eat and then help customers if needed. I don't get a lot of time to just go somewhere."

"Hmmm...what if I went and picked something up? I could bring it back here and we could eat? I mean, if you want?" 

"S-sure. Yah, that'd be great. I usually get the number 3 from the place across the street...if you want to get that." She smiled. 

"Perfect, do you mind hanging on to him for me?" I said rubbing No Names tummy.

"Not at all."


"Should I call you Top or Seunghyun?" She smiled at me. We'd just had a lovely little uninterrupted lunch where she told me about her studies. She was going to be a vet, because she loved animals that much and wanted to give them what others couldn't. 

"Whatever works for you." I smiled. 

"Choom Top?" She laughed out in a way that caused her to wrinkle her nose. 

"Maybe not that." 

"Seunghyun...I will call you Seunghyun."


"What did you end up naming your puppy?" She said, pointing to No Name, who was curled up under my chair sleeping.

"I haven't. I'm not good with this kind of thing." I admitted.

"You mean to tell me you can write raps but you can't name a dog?"

"Aigoo, yah, I guess so. I am sure it shouldn't be difficult, but it just is."

"So then what do you call him? Like when you call for him, what do you say? Come here little doggy?" 

"I call him No Name." 

"Ah, original." She laughed.

"What would YOU call him?" I said, leaning forward, searching her eyes for an answer?

"Mike." She said without any hesitation.

"Mike? Why Mike?" I asked.

"Just always thought he looked like a Mike." She said, pulling back and slouching in her chair. I didn't know her well, but I knew there was more to that name. Something more special then just 'he looked like a Mike.'

"Ah...ok...Can I help you out around the store? I am free this afternoon and I would love to get to know the animals here better?"

"Sure, I guess...I mean...listen I don't know what this is all about, but I am not looking to be in a relationship, especially not with you. No offense."

"What do you mean by that? And who says I'm looking for a relationship? I just wanted to get to know you as a friend." And I wanted to kiss you and hug you and hold you..and...

"I have a lot on my plate, Seunghyun. I don't have time to date, especially not an idol like you. That's not really the life that I am looking for right now. I have this shop to run and school to attend, I have little free time. I am doing all this on my own."

"Listen, Ashley. It's ok, I just wanted to get to know you. Thought you could help me with little No Name and we could just be friends, that's all. Hey, let me stay and help you, please? Like I said, I am free, no plans for a change, I'd love to be of some sort of assistance. Let me be your friend?"

"Sure. I'm sorry, I guess I just assumed you would want more or something. I'm just not open to that, I hope you understand."

"Of course." I said standing up. "Put me to work, boss lady."

Ashely laughed and walked by me, gently touching my arm. "Follow me!" She said leading me out onto the main floor area and to the snake cages. "You get to help me feed them." She smiled, it wasn't exactly how I would have pictured our first date together, but thankfully, it wouldn't be our last. 

"Will you help me name No Name?" I said as we put the mice in the snake cages. 

"No. He's your dog, you have to find the right name for him." She smiled, nudging me jokingly, causing my heart to race. Even if all I could be was her friend, her helper right now, it was perfect to me. If I had to spend every day here, making her love me, I would. She was worth all the effort and Mike needed his umma just as much as I needed her. 

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Chapter 9: Aawwww this story is so sweet and it didnt feel rush
sunset812 #2
Chapter 9: That was so sweet. Wrapped it up quite nicely really.
ashleymikia #3
Chapter 9: omg omg I love this I wish it really was my life
sunset812 #4
Chapter 7: Such a sad past! Good thing TOP is there to help her heal.
sunset812 #5
Chapter 6: LOL. I love her sister.
sunset812 #6
Chapter 5: Awwww! So cute!
niknac #7
Chapter 5: Awwwww!!!!!!!!!
ashleymikia #8
Chapter 1: its getting soooo good I love this story sooo much
ashleymikia #9
Chapter 3: wooh :) I cant wait till you come back to finish my story
niknac #10
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