Hyung, I'm Sick!

Allmighty Shim vs President of YunJae
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Yunho just arrived at TVXQ’s dorm after doing morning exercises, one of his morning routine that he did these days. Feeling so exhausted, Yunho just drops his body to the sofa and closes his eyes tightly. But in vague, he can heard the kitchen utensils collide one to another in the kitchen.

“Changdola~” Yunho called without moving his body, even for an inch, “Changdola, please get me a drink. I’m deadly tired!”

Right after that, everything turns to dead calm, as if there was nothing heard before. Feeling something fishy, Yunho then arises and walks lazily to the kitchen, while keeps calling Changmin’s name.

“Changdola, why didn’t you answer?” Yunho asked, “Chang-”

His words stopped just like that, when he’s seeing a familiar figure standing still in front of him. Jaejoong. His Kim Jaejoong that’s been around him for years, whatever happened. His Kim Jaejoong that just asked him for a break up because of a kissing scene. His Kim Jaejoong that he misses so much each night.

Is it dream? Yunho thought.

Both of them just stay in silent, feeling numbs in every parts of their body, before finally Yunho able to speaks up. “J-Jaejoong?” He called, hesistantly, “Boo-”

Jaejoong sends a death glare to Yunho when he was about to call Jaejoong with BooJae. “Don’t BooJae me, Jung,” Jaejoong said, trying to act as cold as possible. “We’re nothing anymore, remember? Did you want me so badly?”

Hearing cold words came out from Jaejoong’s mouth, Yunho seems to come back to the world. “Yah! What are you doing here?” Yunho asked, half scolding Jaejoong, “How could you get in here without permission? How could you know my passcode!”

“Listen, Jung,” Jaejoong said, can’t accept the fact Yunho just scolded him, “I’m not a buglar, not a sasaeng fans, or a desperate person that want you too badly until have to get in without permission, understand?!”

“Then what are you doing here?” Yunho asked, confused and still can’t truly believe what Jaejoong said.

“Hyung...” Both Yunho and Jaejoong can heard clearly Changmin’s hoarse voice from his room. Quickly, Jaejoong’s leaving Yunho in the kitchen and going to Changmin’s room. Yunho, who doesn’t know what exactly happened, finally chooses to follow Jaejoong to Changmin’s room.

“Minnie, what’s wrong?” Jaejoong asked softly, while sitting beside Changmin that lying on his bed with thick blanket covers his body.

Yunho shocked and stunned for a moment, when seeing Changmin’s condition. As far as he knows, yesterday Changmin still fit and can hang out with his Kyu-Line. “Changdola, what’s with you?” Yunho asked, half panic, “Didn’t you allright last night?”

“I don’t know Hyung,” Changmin answered with a hoarse voice again, “When I was awake this morning, I suddenly felt so dizzy and couldn’t stand up. That’s why I called Jaejoong-Hyung right away, since I can’t bear with the pain and you’re out.”



Jaejoong was sleeping tightly in his dream world, when the phone rang so loud, signing there’s one incoming call. Feeling upset with the caller in the morning, Jaejoong quickly cut off the call and planned to continue his sleep. But unfortunately for him, not long after that his phone started ringing again, this time made Jaejoong straighten his body.

Aish, who’s calling in the morning like this, Jaejoong thought while answering the call, without seeing the caller ID first.

“Yes?” Jaejoong said, a bit upset.


In instant, Jaejoong had suspicion to the caller. Because as an idol, even though he doesn’t know how’s that happened, his phone number always spreads around the fans, especially sasaeng fans. “Yah, if you just want to hear my voice, please choose a better time next time! I need sleep y-”

“H-Hyung?” Jaejoong’s word was hanging by a hoarse voice that sounded familiar to Jaejoong.

“Minnie,” Jaejoong said after recognized that the voice was Changmin’s, “Omo, I’m sorry for yelling at you and cut your call before. Why did you call in the morning? Your voice doesn’t seem good, Minnie.”

“Hyung... my head hurts so bad,” Changmin said, half begging, “I can’t even stand up from the bed because of way too dizzy. If you don’t have any schedule, can you come here?”

“Are you okay, Minnie?” Jaejoong asked in panic, started to getting ready, “Where is Yunho? Is he not at dorm right now?

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chap2 is up~ thank for all readers and subscribers! ^^


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Chapter 11: Thank god i found this fic! Hahahaha yoomin are hilarious! Anyway glad yunjae are back together..
Sky_luv #2
I'm sad to say why I didn't find this fic earlier ?!?!? Oh well glad it's still here. Perfect read for a day of stressful work ^^
susandy #3
This fic is soo fun..
I love it.. Minnie is so so cute
Chapter 10: It is end. Finally together. Thanks for creating the story. Its fun. ^_^
Chapter 9: At the end Junsu won. Cluelessly at that. Lol ^_^
Chapter 8: Oh my god... Junsi why did you cry a river huh? It
Chapter 2: My god. Minnie you put nail. Gosh. Hahah lol
samirajoon #8
Chapter 11: i can't read the sequel . can you plz invite me? *pouting*
samirajoon #9
Chapter 10: this 2 guys are unbelievable . their childish behavior