Chapter 4

When Sandeul Stays Over




"Lee Sandeul!" Sungmin exclaimed looking down on the floor where Sandeul was busy piggying on choco bars.
With an expression of a deer being caught in headlights, Sandeul stuttered," P-piggybunny! Sandeullie can explain! "
Sungmin narrowed his eyes into a glare,"Oh yeah? Go ahead you naughty lil duck..!"
Sandeul whimpered twisting his yellow shirt nervously," But Sandeullie did not eat Uncle Kyuu's present to Piggybunny. I saved it for you,Piggybunny..."
Sungmin sighed amusedly and bit back a chuckle,"Thank goodness for that. Kyuhyunnie would surely have gotten super mad at you if you had gobbled it all up.."
Sandeul blinked innocently and tried to wipe his chocolate stained lips with the sleeve of his shirt. Sungmin crouched down and picked up Sandeul who squealed in surprise, "Sandeul, we are gonna train now."
Sandeul squeaked nervously,"T-train?"
Sungmin smirked," That's right lil duck, we are gonna exercise and I'll teach you some basic level of martial arts.. "Sandeul squirmed against Sungmin's broad chest as the elder walked out of the bedroom and headed for the living room.
"M-martial arts?" he asked fidgeting.
Sungmin smiled smugly,"Yep~ We have to get rid of your sugar rush before you can wreck havoc around the house.."
"We can't let all those choco bars show on your tummy now,can we? " Sandeul grinned sheepishly as Sungmin placed him down. He bounced on the couch innocently as Sungmin carefully wound the sock adorned with chibi yellow duckies around Sandeul's little feet. 
He accidently kicked Sungmin's jaw as the elder stretched to grab Sandeul's sports shoes. Sandeul screamed in horror, touching Sungmin's cheek in apology,"Sandeullie is sorry, I'm so sorry Piggybunny..It was an accident, I swear.."
Sungmin flinched and then looked into Sandeul's eyes b with tears. He raised his thumb and wiped away the tear drops that threatened to pour down the little boy's eyes. 
Sungmin pressed a loving kiss to both of Sandeul's cheeks and whispered softly,"Calm down, I forgive you."
Sandeul sniffed miserably and replied,"Sandeullie is a bad boy."
Sungmin laughed and ruffled Sandeul's brown mop affectionately,"Come on, lil duck.. Let's put those muscles to good use now." Sandeul blinked innocently at his Piggybunny and squeaked,"Muscles? I really have muscles, Piggybunny?"
Sungmin grazed his fingers over Sandeul's chubby arms and squeezed them ,"Of course you do,Sandeullie." Sandeul's eyes glimmered and he exclaimed joyfully ,"Uwwaaa~"
"Can I be as strong as you,Piggybunny? I don't want to be like Uncle Kyuu."
Sungmin stifled his laughter,"Kyuhyunnie? Wae? Kyuhyunnie is pretty strong too, lil duck.."
Sandeul deadpanned,"You're just saying that because you love Uncle Kyuu,Piggybunny.." Sungmin exclaimed in pretend horror,"Yah~ Dont let Kyuhyunnie know about that,alright? He might stop taking you out for blueberry yogurt.."
Sungmin nearly burst out laughing at the alarmed look on Sandeul's face,"My lips are sealed,Piggybunny~! Please don't tell Uncle Kyuu about what I said.."
"Hmmm~ Lemme think about it.." teased Sungmin, tapping a finger to his chin.
Sandeul pouted and launched himself on Sungmin,causing both of them to topple over the soft carpet,"Pweeeaaaasse,Sungminnie Piggybunny~"
Wrapping his arms around Sandeul's small form,Sungmin chuckled,"I wont tell Kyuhyunnie if you will be good,Sandeul.." Sandeul squirmed,"I can be good,Piggybunny! Sandeullie will be good."
Raising both of them to their feet,Sungmin continued,"Alright then,Sandeul.. Let's excercise."
Half an hour later,both the boys lay panting on the cold wooden floor,completely drenched in sweat.Sandeul mumbled breathlessly,"That was fun,Piggybunny.. Can we excercise tommorow as well?"
Sungmin widened his eyes in surprise ,"Really? You wanna do this tommorow,Sandeullie?"
Sandeul hummed cutely,"Anything with my Piggybunny is fun. I want to be just like you,Piggybunny. Then I can challenge Barobunny to fight with me."
"So that's what its about,huh?" teased Sungmin.
"Your barobunny~"
Sandeul squealed and pummelled Sungmin's chest with his tiny fists,"Don't tease me Piggybunny! I'll tell Uncle Kyuu on you!"
Sungmin smirked,"Alright alright,but I doubt Kyuhyunnie would say anything. He loves me too much."
"True.."Sandeul admitted grudgingly.
"Say, Sandeul?" Sungmin started suddenly.
Sandeul hummed in response following Sungmin to the kitchen for some iced water to parch their dry throats. "How about we visit Kyuhyunnie and have lunch in the office?" 
Sandeul twirled around excitedly,"Can we do that,Piggybunny? Really?"
"Sure we can Sandeullie~ Shall we prepare Kyuhyunnie's favorite snacks,kay?" Sungmin replied joyfully. His Kyuhyunnie was gonna be really surprised.
Sandeul asked curiously,"What is Uncle Kyuu's favorite snack,Piggybunny? Its blueberry yogurt, isnt it? We should bring loads of blueberry yogurt."
Sungmin flicked Sandeul's forehead,"Yah No more of your naughtiness,Sandeullie.. If Kyuhyun is okay with it, then we can go for some blueberry yogurt in the evening."
Sandeul pouted cutely, sulking because his Piggybunny did not fall for his trick. "I did say that we could go for some blueberry yogurt yesterday, Sandeullie.But you didn't want to go without your Uncle Kyuu~" Sungmin said affectionately.
Sandeul mumbled cheerfully,"Of course,Piggybunny. Uncle Kyuu has to be there too, otherwise it wont be special."
"You adorable little thing~!" Sungmin mumbled squishing Sandeul's chubby cheeks together.
"Hehehe Piggybunny is more adorabler than Sandeullie" Sandeul replied joyfully.
Sungmin pinched the lil duck's cheek,"Nope~ Its still you."
"So what will we have for lunch,Piggybunny?" asked Sandeul with a greedy grin over his face.
Sungmin replied thoughtfully,"How about some fried chicken, coleslaw sandwiches and spinach soup?"
"Sounds delicious,Piggybunny~!" Sandeul cheered happily.
"What can I do to help?" 
Sungmin ruffled Sandeul's hair affectionately,"I can manage,Deullie.. You should take a bath now so I'll set up the bath tub for you now,okay?"  Sandeul hummed in response and followed Sungmin to the bathroom. He giggled happily as the elder poured in scented oil and prepared a special bubble bath for him.
Sandeul quickly undressed and then plastered himself to the bath tub so that his Piggybunny couldn't see his chubby body.
After checking whether the temperature was appropriate for Sandeul,Sungmin gave thumbs up and teased,"Do you want me to bathe you,Deullie?"
Sandeul yelped embarassedly," Sandeullie is a big boy now,Piggybunny. No need to help."
"Are you sure?" Sungmin asked playfully biting back a laugh at how flustered Sandeul appeared. 
"Yes Piggybunny.. go and make Piggybunny's special lunch now..." Sandeul mumbled while jumping into the bath tub in lightening fast speed causing the water to spill onto the white tiles.
Sungmin chuckled at Sandeul who seemed to be occupied  with the rubber duckies and toy ship  that were floating monotonously in the water. He left the door ajar, just in case Sandeul needed him for anything and then walked into the kitchen.
He cut thin slices of the tender chicken, coated them with a mixture of flour, eggs and other seasonings and then arranged them aside onto a plate. He minced the cabbage and red onions into tiny pieces and tossed them into a shallow bowl as he waited for the oil in the pan to heat up for the chicken.
Sungmin delicately mixed some vinegar and mayonnaise into the bowl along with some sour cream and a pinch of sugar and mixed the vegetables thorougly. He gently placed the coated chicken pieces into the pan with hot oil and sighed happily as the familiar crackling sound evaded his ears.
He drained the brown crisp chicken nuggets and then cut out some coleslaw sandwiches.He then blanched the spinach leaves in warm water and fried some garlic and onions for the soup.
After swimming around, splashing the water happily, and playing with the yellow rubber duckies and ship, Sandeul was done with the bath. He gingerly tiptoed out of the bath and giggled cutely as the water whirlpooled out of the drain. Pulling out the plug from the bath tub was the best part of the bath after all.
He waddled out of the bathroom, clutching the yellow chibi duck printed towel closely to his chest to protect his chubby body and sniffed deeply as the delicious smell of food evaded his senses.
With a puddle of water near his feet, Sandeul gazed greedily at the kitchen counter where tupperware containers neatly packed with their lunch was carefully placed and out of his reach.
With a miserable sigh and a pat to his tummy, Sandeul shuffled behind Sungmin so that the elder could bring out the lil duck's clothes from the suitcase. 
After making sure that Sandeul was sitting comfortably on the couch watching 'Adventures Of Piggybunny', Sungmin decided to shower, so that they could visit Kyuhyun as soon as possible.
Swishing his wet hair, Sungmin came out of the bathroom only to meet with a comical sight of Sandeul on his tip-toes trying hardest to nick a sandwich from the tupperware. He chuckled lightly and creeped behind the oblivious boy and whispered creepily,"Sandeullieee~!"
Sandeul jumped in surprise and stuttered,"P-piggybunny! I was just s-shooing away the a-ants. That's all"
Sungmin raised up his eyebrows in disbelief,"Really? So you weren't looking for a snack?"
Shaking his head frantically, Sandeul exclaimed,"Snack? No...! I dont want a snack,Piggybunny!"
Sungmin replied teasingly "Aww~ Too bad... I was wondering whether Sandeullie would like some Chocopie. But since he doesnt want sna.." 
Sandeul screamed indignatly and launched himself against Sungmin, nuzzling his cheek against Sungmin's leg,"Noooooo Sandeullie wants! Gimme Chocopie, Piggybunny..Pweaaaase~" After the little monsters in Sandeul's tummy had been fed properly, the duo exited the house, with Sandeul clutching a thermos of jasmine tea to his chest and Sungmin carrying the food basket.
They slide into Sungmin's pink sports car, a birthday present from his Kyuhyun, of course, and they drove off to Kyuhyun's office building.
"Kui Xian, Kui Xian, KUI XIAN!"
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, typing furiously into the computer,"What the heck is it now?"
Zhou mi narrowed his eyes,"I know you're my boss, Xui Xian but we've known each other since two years now.."
Kyuhyun deadpanned,"Yeah so?" 
Zhou mi huffed," You're so mean,Xui Xian. I shall tell Shengmin on you."
"Alright..." Kyuhyun brushed it off, barely registering what his assistant was nagging him about.
"Wait. Whaaaat?!" Kyuhyun asked tearing his eyes off the screen and looking at the chinese man who was trying to glare scarily at him. 
Pfft~ Of course. Noone could scare off Kyuhyun, except Sungmin. Dealing with an angry bunny isn't fun especially when that meant no y time for him. But then Sungmin rarely got mad at him but when he does, woah~ You wouldn't want to be in Kyuhyun's shoes.
"I knew Shengmin would grab your attention." Zhou mi replied with a smug smile on his lips.
Kyuhyun clicked his tongue in annoyance and snapped,"Get out Zhou mi. I'm not going out for lunch. Don't nag me about that, alright? I'll just grab a sandwich or some coffee from the cafeteria. So scoot."
Zhou mi smirked,"So I'll tell Chengmin and little Sandeullie that you are apparently to busy to see them?" 
Kyuhyun exclaimed," My muffin is here? Why didn't you say so?" 
Zhoumi whined,"Well, I tried to but..."
Kyuhyun interrupted by brushing past the chinese man and reaching for the door,"Yeah, yeah.Whatever. Just go nag the new intern. I hear he's chinese like you~"
Zhou mi blushed,"H-henry? "
"So you do know him,huh? " Kyuhyun smirked before exiting the cabin and shutting off all the whiny protests from his assistant.
Kyuhyun's eyes sparkled in delight seeing Sungmin and Sandeul sitting on the couch in the lobby, chattering away joyfully.
"Babe~ Why didn't you tell me? I would have fetched you.." Kyuhyun grinned while swooping down to press a soft kiss to Sungmin's chubby cheek.
"Kyuhyunnie~" Sungmin smiled at Kyuhyun's gesture and stood up.
"I brought lunch,Kyuhyun.. Shall we eat?" Sungmin asked whooshing the food basket excitedly.
Kyuhyun wound his arm around Sungmin's waist and beamed,"Of course.."
Zhou mi mumbled under his breath,"He's such a er for Shengmin.."
"G-gege?" a timid voice broke through his thoughts of how biased his boss was to Sungmin and he ly to see the new intern fidgeting with his tie shyly.
Zhou mi resisted the urge to squeal at Henry's chubby cheeks tainted with pink and grinned at the intern. 
"Would you like to have lunch with me?" Henry asked shyly.
Zhou mi exclaimed trying not to pinch the chipmunk's baby soft cheek ,"Of course... I would love to, Henry-ah. You're so cute!"
"Ermm.. I m-mean, let's go?" Zhou mi mumbled embarrassedly.
"Uncle Kyuu~!" Sandeul galloped happily around Kyuhyun's spacious office.
"What is it Sandeullie?" Kyuhyun asked not tearing his eyes off Sungmin who was occupied with taking out the tupperware containers from the food basket.
Sandeul yelled, launching himself at the revolving chair and spinning joyfully," Stop drooling at Piggybunny, Uncle Kyuu~"
Kyuhyun yelped feeling embarrassed at the smirk that Sungmin sent him,"W-what?! I was not!"
"Oh please Uncle Kyuu~ Don't lie. Daddy says telling lies is a very very bad sin." Sandeul reasoned cutely.
Clearing his throat, Kyuhyun mumbled," Okay, fine. What is it then?" 
Sandeul blinked cutely and giggled, "I forgot.."
Kyuhyun bounded across the room in a quick strides and spun Sandeul around," Why you lil duck!"
The room echoed with Sandeul's high pitched squeals and happy laughter from the duo. Sungmin laughed,"Alright boys, break it up.. Time to eat. Arent you hungry Sandeul?" 
With that Sandeul leapt out of the chair knocking his head to Kyuhyun's forehead in excitement earning a loud groans from the elder," Ow.. Deullie! Be careful,alright?"
Sandeul giggled adorably while galloping to the coffee table,"Sorry Uncle Kyuu~"
Kyuhyun creeped behind Sungmin and whispered, his warm breath ghosting over Sungmin's ear,"Won't you kiss it away,muffin?" Sungmin hissed, feeling his face warm up,"Not now,Kyuhyun.."
Kyuhyun mumbled unhappily and sighed,"You're too cruel, Sungminnie~"
Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun's forehead and beamed,"There. Don't sulk anymore,okay?" 
Kyuhyun yelped, settling down on the couch next to Sungmin," I wasn't sulking!"
Sungmin pecked Kyuhyun's lips lovingly and smiled,"Alright, my big baby~! Let's have lunch,okay? I made your favorite,Kyu.."
Kyuhyun beamed," Fried chicken?"
Seeing Sungmin nod his head amusedly he exclaimed," Coleslaw sandwich? And..?"
"Spinach soup, yes Kyuhyunnie.." Sungmin smiled completing Kyuhyun's sentence.
"I love you so much,Sungmin..." Kyuhyun beamed happily opening the tupperware containers that enclosed their lunch.
Sungmin smiled softly,"I know. Kyuhyun, I know.... I love you too"
After gobbling up Sungmin's delicious food,Kyuhyun stood up and walked to the window and dialled a number. He smiled softly at the precious sight of his Sungmin and little Sandeul squabbling as he waited for the person to pick up.
"Hello? Kui Xian..?" 
Kyuhyun spoke into the phone," Zhou mi. Cancel all my schedules for the next week. I'm gonna stay home with my boys."
A high pitched squeal echoed through the phone," Kui Xian! I'm so proud of you.." Kyuhyun interrupted,"Dont hyperventillate on me, Zhou mi.. Henry might think you've gone bonkers.."
Zhou mi stopped squealing abruptly and cleared his throat,"Erm.."
 "Just take care of everything, alright?" Kyuhyun asked softly while glancing fondly at Sungmin across the room.





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Gonna update this story next~^^


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nAJOnHyun #1
Chapter 6: re-reading this fluffy fic :')
Mingsshi #2
Chapter 6: I'm wondering why didn't you continue this sweet fic ? i have to restrain my curiousity about how the picnic will going *sighs *
but overall i enjoyed it and spoiled with all sweetness

update soon ^^
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 5: all of fluffiness makes me totally flushed throughout the story *giggles cheekily*
Mingsshi #4
Chapter 4: kyuhyun is such a perfect boyfie . he took a day off just for his adorable and squishy boys ><
Mingsshi #5
Chapter 3: KyuMin like a married couple >< all fluffiness and how they treats each other affectionately is too sweet for me to contain all of these *flailing*
Mingsshi #6
Chapter 2: i cant stand with all fluffiness >< but i have to *chuckles cheekily*
Mingsshi #7
Chapter 1: it turns out the fic hasnt completed and the last update has been a while. but i couldn't hold my curiousity about this fic and i enjoyed it so far ^^
eunhaeron #8
Chapter 6: I love this story author-nim! They all so cute, make me wanna squeeze them :3 pls update soon ^^
hanie1 #9
Chapter 6: Awww! So super cute and sweet! Kyu is really into Min. Love it like always. Please update it soon.
Chapter 6: This is so adorable and sweet <3 hope you'll update soon! ^^