Chapter 1

When Sandeul Stays Over



(A/N) Okay, forget about me saying that this will be a oneshot. I honestly have no clue how long this series will be so I wont say anything~


Kyuhyun clenched his eyes together as the sun rays slowly fell into the room giving it a warm glow. He squinted one of his eyes open and grinned dorkily at the sleeping figure cuddling next to him.  Ever since that fateful day, life had never been the same, he finally found his other half, his petite lovable lover- Sungmin and had never been more happier.
 He pressed a kiss on Sungmin's bare shoulder, nuzzling his cheek into the latter's baby soft skin, causing the latter to whimper.
Sungmin moaned, feeling Kyuhyun peppering his face with loving kisses,"Aaah... Kyu... Its too early for that.."
Kyuhyun smirked into Sungmin's neck,"Too early for what Min? What are you thinking about you little ert? "
Sungmin rolled onto Kyuhyun and settled his head into lover's chest and groaned,"Don't tease me Kyuhyunnie.."
Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around the smaller male's waist, pressing their bodies closer,"We should be getting ready soon, you know.. We have to go to Ahra Noona's place soon."
Sungmin nuzzled his cheek into Kyuhyun's neck,"Let's snooze for a couple of minutes more, Kyu. I'm tired and its all your fault!"
Kyuhyun chuckled, running his fingers through Sungmin's brown hair,"I don't remember you complaining about it yesterday... Just five more minutes, okay?"
Sungmin simply groaned softly and entangled their legs together, and fell into a deep slumber.Kyuhyun just laughed lightly, he stared at his beautiful angel's milky white complexion and sighed blissfully.
After few minutes, he moved his fingers over Sungmin's stomach, knowing quite well that Sungmin was very ticklish there. 
Sungmin wriggled over Kyuhyun and slightly punched his shoulder, pleading him to stop.Kyuhyun just smirked naughtily and applied more force with his fingers over Sungmin's stomach, causing the latter to giggle and squirm,"Kyuuu~ Stop! Okay I'm up!"
Sungmin managed to get away from Kyuhyun's tickle attack and sat on his lover's stomach,causing Kyuhyun to huff out at the sudden weight. He moved his head closer to Kyuhyun and gently pecked his lips, causing the latter to grin dorkily, before pulling him for a deeper kiss.
 After a few long minutes of kissing and cuddling,the couple separated with identical smiles on their faces. Sungmin spoke while planting his feet onto the cold wooden floor,"I'm gonna shower now,okay? Dont try anything funny,Kyu!" 
Kyuhyun just groaned at the loss of Sungmin's warmth and squirmed into the sheets. He rolled over the bed a couple of times, his legs entangled into the white sheets. 
Sungmin doubled in laughter when he came out from the shower, seeing Kyuhyun resembling a small cocoon, wrapped into the sheets.
Kyuhyun mumbled indignantly,"What? Its cold!"
Sungmin smiled lovingly,"Alright you big baby! Go and shower now. I'll get the breakfast ready,okay?"
Kyuhyun smirked naughtily getting off the bed and wiggles his eyebrows,"Won't you join me, Min?"
Sungmin simply shook his head in disbelief before pushing Kyuhyun into the washroom.  He chuckled lightly, heading towards the kitchen. He softly hummed to himself while buttering the toast and scrambling some eggs in the pan. He felt so content with his life. 
 As he was putting the green tea leaves into the pot for brewing the tea, warm arms wrapped around his waist, making him squeal out in surprise. 
Kyuhyun nuzzled his face and breathed in Sungmin's soft hair that that had a sweet green apple smell to it. He pressed his chest to Sungmin's back and kept his chin onto the smaller man's shoulders. Sungmin grinned adoringly when Kyuhyun kissed his cheek softly. 
He switched off the stove and poured the brewed tea into two teacups. He gently led Kyuhyun to the table and set down the teacups and the plates of eggs and toast. 
Kyuhyun mumbled between mouthfuls of food,"This is delicious Min! You definitely do have magical hands. Everything you make is just so good!"
Sungmin laughed,"You are just saying that because you love me... "
Kyuhyun pressed a soft kiss onto Sungmin's palm,"I do love you but Im not saying it just because of that.."
Sungmin smiled,"You cheesy brat! Let's finish eating quickly.. I cannot wait to see Sandeullie again."
Kyuhyun smirked,"I'm sure even he can't wait to see his Piggybunny too."
Sungmin replied indignatly," Yah! I told you not to tease me about that.."
Kyuhyun chuckled ruffling Sungmin's hair affectionately,"Alright alright, my big baby.. I won't tease you~"
After both of them had finished eating the delicious spread, they sat in comfortable silence sipping the warm green tea. Sungmin started suddenly,"Kyu, don't be mean to Siwon, okay? Its been like a decade since Ahra Noona's marriage and you still.."
Kyuhyun groaned pitifully,"I shall try for your sake Min, but I really don't like him."
Sungmin laughed,"Kyuhyun-ah you do have a sister complex."
Kyuhyun sighed and mumbled,"I probably will never get along with that horse."
Sungmin smiled settling into Kyuhyun's lap,"I'll stop you from doing anything stupid, so its okay,Kyuuu.."
Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and breathed down his neck,"I don't want to go. Let's just go back to the bedroom and sleep again."
Sungmin sighed audibly nuzzling their cheeks together," I know, Kyuhyunnie but we promised Noona to pick up Deullie at eleven o'clock and its almost half past ten so we have to leave."
Kyuhyun sulked,"Okay.. But why does Noona have to accompany that horse to Japan, anyways?"
Sungmin comforted, "Its okay Kyu they will be back in a week and we have Deullie staying with us! So it won't be as bad as you think."
Kyuhyun smirked, "Of course,it won't be bad. As long as you are with me, nothing will be bad."
Sungmin smiled softly," You!"
"Yes me!", Kyuhyun replied playfully.
Sungmin got down from Kyuhyun's lap earning a groan of protest,"We have to get going now. Noona is gonna kill us, Kyunnie."
Kyuhyun scoffed,"Kill us? More like kill me. She cannot resist you at all. Sometimes I feel Noona likes you better than me..."
Sungmin laughed and teased,"That just might be true.."
Kyuhyun groaned before shuffling into the bedroom behind Sungmin to change into their clothes. After they donned suitable clothing, Kyuhyun grabbed the car keys and the couple walked outside after Sungmin had carefully secured the apartment lock.
Sungmin sank into the passenger's seat and Kyuhyun started the ignition of the car and they set off. Theyreached Ahra Noona's within a couple of minutes.
Kyuhyun spoke worriedly,"Sungmin! Its fifteen minutes past eleven. Noona is gonna kill me."
Sungmin comforted,"Don't worry so much,Kyuhyunnie. She won't say anything, me."
Kyuhyun just pushed Sungmin forward and rung the bell. He hid behind Sungmin's slim figure and peeked over the latter's shoulders.
The door opened and Ahra yelled,"Yah! Kyuhyun you are lat.... "
"Oh Sungminnie! Come inside" Ahra cooed pinching Sungmin's cheeks affectionately.
Kyuhyun mumbled into Sungmin's ears,"Works everytime."
Sungmin chuckled and whispered back,"What would you do without me, huh?"
Kyuhyun smiled adoringly before following Sungmin inside.
A small hurricane popped out from nowhere and ran towards Sungmin. Sandeul flung himself over Sungmin who picked him up and twirled him twice affectionately before pressing a soft kiss on the little boy's cheek.
Kyuhyun sulked, "Deullie! Won't you greet me too?"
Sandeul merely said,"Oh! Uncle Kyuuu, you are here too."
Kyuhyun pouted cutely and whispered to Sungmin,"I told you they love you more than me!" Sungmin laughed lightly at his lover's childish behavior and pecked his cheek affectionately.
Ahra rushed out of the bedroom with Siwon tugging the suitcases behind them.
She spoke hurriedly,"Sungminnie, Don't feed Sandeul too much sugar, he will go bonkers. I have packed his clothes into that suitcase. See to it that he sleeps on time. I can't thank you enough for having a week off from your work to look after Sandeullie. It was fortunate that the hospital is under renovation so I can count on you to watch over Sandeul because I really can't trust Kyubaby over there. If you need anything don't hesitate to call me,okay? And.."
Kyuhyun interrupted her,"Oh gosh Noona! You sound like an old worried woman! And what do you mean by not trusting me,  huh?" 
Ahra laughed nervously, " Uhm and you Kyubaby don't bully my Sungminnie okay? Sungminnie tell me if Kyubaby is troubling you, I shall spank him for you."
"YAH! NOONA! And why are you calling Sungmin yours?! He is mine." Kyuhyun spoke indignatly causing Sungmin to giggle cutely.
Ahra crouched to Sandeul's level and spoke emotionally," Baby Duckie, don't miss mommy and daddy too much okay?"
Sandeul just grinned cheerfully and said,"It's okay mommy. I have my Piggybunny here so I won't miss you and daddy at all."
Ahra widened her eyes," Look at this kid! Becoming so snarky these days. Kyubaby is a bad influence, I tell you."
"And Sungminnie remember to- "
Siwon interrupted her second round of worried blabbering,"Ahra, don't worry so much. They will take care of everything."
Kyuhyun scoffed and scowled at Siwon's words,"Yeah, Noona. My Sungmin will take care of little duck, so just leave already!"
Ahra pressed a kiss to Kyuhyun and Sungmin's cheek and glomped her little duck again before handing the house keys to Sungmin," Take care.. I shall call you when we land in Japan."
Sungmin called after her," Travel safely, Noona~"
After the door closed, Kyuhyun spoke," Finally. Some peace."
Sungmin giggled,"Let's go home now,Kyuuu."
Kyuhyun grabbed Sandeul's yellow suitcase, few snack packets kept on the counter and other necessary items. He marched to the car and dumped all the things into the backseat while Sungmin was locking the house securely. 
Sungmin picked Sandeul up and walked towards the car where Kyuhyun was waiting for them patiently. Sandeul chattered happily as they sat into the passenger seat,"I have grown tall, right Piggybunny? I was almost as tall as Barobunny but then he grew too."
Sungmin giggled at Sandeul's pouting lips and replied,"I'm sure my Deullie will be more taller than Baro. As long as you continue eating your greens and drink milk, you will catch up to him in no time. Maybe you will grow as tall as Kyuhyunnie some day?"
Sandeul just cuddled to Sungmin who automatically wrapped his arms over the boy. He mumbled,"Piggybunny, I am so happy that you are with Uncle Kyuuu now. Uncle Kyuuu is not as troublesome as before."
Kyuhyun yelped indignatly,"Deullie! What do you mean by that huh? I was troublesome before? You traitor! Did you forget about all the blueberry yogurt that I treated you without your mommy knowing?"
Sandeul spoke hurriedly afraid that his supply of  blueberry yogurt was in danger," Of course not,Uncle Kyuuu~ I do love you but I love Piggybunny too now.."
Kyuhyun looked at Sandeul's squirming figure suspiciously before starting the ignition of the car. And they drove off.
Sandeul screamed,"Look Piggybunny! A cherryblossom tree!"
"Yes Sandeul." replied Sungmin feeling amused at the little duck's excitement.
"Piggybunny, a lamp post!"
"A dog!"
"A plant!"
"A double deckered bus,Piggybunny!" bounced Sandeul pointing towards the window.
"I can see tha...."
"Oh! Piggybunny, A cloud shaped like the starcraft logo."
Kyuhyun's ears perked up," Starcraft? Where, where?"
The car swerved off the road for a bit causing Sungmin to yell and wack Kyuhyun's head lightly,"Yah Cho Kyuhyun! What are you doing looking out of the window while driving?! We almost got killed, Kyu!"
Kyuhyun rubbed his sore head softly," Ouch Min, don't smack me like that!"
Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun apologetically,"Just keep your eyes on the road, Kyuhyunnie~"
Sandeul chattered happily,"Uncle Kyuuu, can we go for blueberry yogurt like old times?"
Before Kyuhyun could reply, Sungmin spoke hastily,"You need to have proper lunch,Deullie. If you are good then we can go in the evening."
Sandeul pouted but did not argue with his precious Piggybunny. Kyuhyun whispered,"How do you do that?"
Sungmin smirked,"What are you talking about Kyuuu?"
Kyuhyun replied," How does the little duck listen to you so easily? He is so stubborn when it comes to his precious yogurt."
Sandeul squeaked,"I'm right here,you know?!"
Sungmin ruffled Sandeul's hair affectionately while winking at Kyuhyun,"Magic~"
Kyuhyun scoffed,"Unfair..."
Sungmin smiled knowingly at Kyuhyun before hugging Sandeul closely to his chest.
After a few minutes, Kyuhyun drove up the familiar street and parked the car on the sidewalk. Sungmin gathered Sandeul in his arms and walked to the door, trusting Kyuhyun to handle the little duck's suitcase.
No sooner did the door open than Sandeul rushed inside the cozy apartment, his chubby legs making cute sounds against the cold wooden floor. He sniffed deeply and ran exploring each and every corner of the room. Sungmin just chuckled at the little duck's antics before entering the apartment. 
Kyuhyun soon followed behind him, panting with the luggage. 
He dropped it with a thud and plopped on the couch, feel worn out. Sungmin smiled before getting a glass of cold water for Kyuhyun and banana milk for Sandeul from the kitchen.
Sandeul's eyes sparkled at the familiar carton of banana milk and he grabbed it quickly with his chubby fingers, as though the drink might disappear if he waited for even a second. Sandeul finished the drink within a few gulps and he grinned happily, wiping his mouth by the back of his hand. He skipped to the garbage bin and threw the empty carton, remembering what his Piggybunny had taught him about good manners during his last visit.
Sungmin kneeled at Kyuhyun's slumped form and brushed hair from his forehead, gaining Kyuhyun's attention. He pushed the glass of iced water into Kyuhyun's hands and smiled warmly. Kyuhyun groaned as the cold liquid filtered his parched throat and he smiled gratefully at Sungmin. 
Sandeul whined,rubbing his tummy cutely," Piggybunny, Sandeul is hungry.."
Sungmin cooed, pinching Sandeul's cheeks affectionately," Does Sandeullie want to help me to prepare lunch?"
Sandeul just nodded his head furiously and skipped behind Sungmin to the kitchen.Kyuhyun chuckled lightly and then frowned when he received a call from his office. He stole out of the room and shut the door of the study, attending the call.
Sungmin sighed at Kyuhyun's disappearing form, and placed Sandeul on the kitchen counter, next to the sink. He asked the chubby kid,"So what do you want to eat for lunch Deullie-ah?"
Sandeul perked up,"Blueberry Yogurt!"
Sungmin tickled him lightly, earning giggles from the little duck," Deullie! In the evening, I promise."
Sandeul squirmed," Piggybunny's special Pumpkin Soup.."
Sungmin smiled affectionately," Alright then, Special pumpkin soup coming right up!"


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Gonna update this story next~^^


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nAJOnHyun #1
Chapter 6: re-reading this fluffy fic :')
Mingsshi #2
Chapter 6: I'm wondering why didn't you continue this sweet fic ? i have to restrain my curiousity about how the picnic will going *sighs *
but overall i enjoyed it and spoiled with all sweetness

update soon ^^
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 5: all of fluffiness makes me totally flushed throughout the story *giggles cheekily*
Mingsshi #4
Chapter 4: kyuhyun is such a perfect boyfie . he took a day off just for his adorable and squishy boys ><
Mingsshi #5
Chapter 3: KyuMin like a married couple >< all fluffiness and how they treats each other affectionately is too sweet for me to contain all of these *flailing*
Mingsshi #6
Chapter 2: i cant stand with all fluffiness >< but i have to *chuckles cheekily*
Mingsshi #7
Chapter 1: it turns out the fic hasnt completed and the last update has been a while. but i couldn't hold my curiousity about this fic and i enjoyed it so far ^^
eunhaeron #8
Chapter 6: I love this story author-nim! They all so cute, make me wanna squeeze them :3 pls update soon ^^
hanie1 #9
Chapter 6: Awww! So super cute and sweet! Kyu is really into Min. Love it like always. Please update it soon.
Chapter 6: This is so adorable and sweet <3 hope you'll update soon! ^^