Vol.3 Chapter 3: Hello New People!

Taking Chances





Just blend in, I’m pretty sure you can get out here safe.

These were Mr. Kim’s last words to me. Get out here ... safe. What does he mean by that? Am I not entering a school instead, a forest full of wild bores, wild animals, creepy creatures which will surely scare my off for the next few days? Oh never mind, challenges, that is what I love. Cayla, FIGHTING!

                Holy crap. But why are my knees trembling? I am already standing in front of the door where I will be entering most of my six months here at Seoul, South Korea. From the inside, the professor keeps on extending out his hand towards my direction, which confuses me whether I have to get in or not. I was close to making a step, when he halted me a ‘not yet’ sign. I moved back. And then, he’s doing it again. Why does he have to prolong my agony?

“...so to cut this short...” That’s it. That is his sign. From looking down to looking up, I took a deep breath, show time Cayla.

                Three guys right away caught my attention and kind of distracted my speech. First, a guy with one of a kind hairstyle, dyed with ... what is that? Brown-Orange?, curled like he had spent almost four hours to get into what he thinks is stylish and didn’t think he’s simulating a noodle hair, he is grinning like the corners of his mouth extends from one ear to another ear, and something seemed to be wrong because I believe with the way he sits he is tall, too tall, to be sitting at the second row, middle aisle of the class, so tell me, who would not notice him? Second guy that had my nose wrinkle in a disproving way was the one who maybe has this great, great obsession to all the eyeliners in the world because the way he puts it under his eyes it’s like he could use up one pencil every day. My mouth dropped when he suddenly checks the eyeliner on his tiny mirror and have the drive to add more. Mr. Kim, is this where you want me to blend in? Okay, I have not mentioned the last, but not the least, yet he’s the least creapiest guy I noticed, thank God. The third guy with too fair skin, and ... has not move an inch since I entered this room. Alright I don’t mean to scare you, but hell, yeah ... I am already done introducing myself, his classmates already welcomed me, and he is still staring blankly like there is something he is scrutinizing on the floor. What is so wrong with this class?

                Fortunately or unfortunately, I was asked to sit right next to the guy that had caught my attention first. Yeah, the guy with his own way of styling his hair. He bobbed his head as he acknowledged me, flashed his big beaming smile showing all of his teeth, as in literally I can see almost all of them and welcomed me with his expressive eyes. He’s not bad like what I first thought, just please ... if this eyeliner guy could only introduce him to a mirror, he’s probably cuter than what he thought he could be.

“Chanyeol-imnida.” He extends his left hand, but before I was able to handshake it, he swiftly changed his hand to his right hand. Alright, alright ... I get it, he’s playing tricks on me. He paraded again all of his teeth.

“Cayla.” I said, but instead of facing him, the guy from Chanyeol’s back distracted me. I was wrong when I say he’s not moving, because he does, he finally moved. And his name is, Sehun, that’s what Chanyeol said.

“Sehun?” I repeated.

“Oh Sehoon.” He completed. And he speaks. At least that tells me he’s alive. I finally was able to sit down. Chanyeol also introduced the guy from my left, and as expected, he’s again placing some eyeliner under his ... eyes obviously. “That’s Baekhyun. Obviously, he hates placing black lines under his eyes.”

“Wow.” Obviously, it came off as a sarcastic ‘wow’ like I didn’t notice it ... at all. Mr. Kim’s voice haunted my ears again. Just blend in ... I’m pretty sure you can get out here safe. And with a thud, my curious mind asked, so how did he blend in? Well... there is no time to worry about all of that now, and besides I am already here so ... let’s just take the challenge, maybe I could get used to this anyway.

My eyes were bloodshot red from crying last night after seeing my friend’s faces for the first time through Skype.

Andi... Jody... Tam... I wish you guys were here...


I sat up on the edge of my bed and wiped the newly forming tear away from my eyes.

Must not be too emotional.


The school is a bus ride away from my temporary home, which is a dormitory for exchange students.


“Good Morning~!”


Someone in a high pitched voice sang as I stepped down from the second story where my room is located. It was Mrs. Jo, our landlady/mayordoma is on the kitchen preparing our breakfast.


“Good Morning.” I greeted back so they wouldn’t think I’m rude or something.


An old-looking table that’s made of oak, if I know woods any better, was located in the middle of the dining hall. I grabbed a chair and seated down. There were some food that’s already served before I came down, bread and some spread, oh and a fruit basket in the middle of the table.


“How’s your first day yesterday?” a Malay-looking girl asked who pulled a chair in front of me.


“Uhm, good,” Actually I feel sick. Homesick.


“Liar! Bet you’re around some weird but cute Korean dudes but still getting homesick because you missed your girlfriends back home.” An English-looking girl teased as she sits at the end of the table.


This got me surprised. Is she reading my mind?


“Hey, hey! I don’t read minds!”

My eyes widened. “Seriously?” then I arched one of my brow to her.


She chuckled and said, “Yes. I swear to all the goodness and hotness that most the Korean boys have.”


“She’s not reading your mind, don’t worry. Everyone almost feel the same way on the first day.” The Malay girl said as she took some bread.


“But some doesn’t. Like me.” The English-looking girl swiftly grabbed an apple from the basket in the middle of the table and tossed it in the air and catches it back in her hands. “I always like adventures.” The apple was crisp as the sound of her teeth biting to it makes it seem so.

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