Vol.2 Chapter 1: And so we meet again

Taking Chances





My head landed first on to the soft comforter of what seems to be my new bed for 6 months right after causing myself a frenzy in the middle of the dormitory hallways, as I blindly probe my arms inside my ridiculously bottomless khaki knapsack fumbling on my options of receipts, gate passes, my now disheveled passport and all the travel necessities in search for that white plastic card key.

I was never good at travelling. And I’m in such mess when I do.  It is my first time to go all by myself let alone miles and miles away from home. I knew Jody would fit the part.  She loves Korea so much she’ll walk on the streets of Apgujong on a winter night if she’d have to. 

I miss her. I miss everyone.

I idly turned my head on the other side and felt a wee bit anxious after seeing those 3 pairs of neatly pressed uniforms hanging near the dresser which consist of a white collared shirt, a navy blue blazer with the school’s emblem embroidered in silver and golden threads, a matching checkered skirt, a pair of black knee-high socks and a tie to top it all off.

Well this is it. The once in a lifetime opportunity I vied for 3 months. But what is this gut feeling that I really don’t belong here? I buried my head under the doughy covers as another wave of headache poured down on me. A four hour travel from my country to Incheon slap jetlag in to my face.  And mere thoughts on things that might happen on my first day seem worsen the nausea.

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