Vol.3 Chapter 4: Hello New People!

Taking Chances





[Cayla’s Second Day in School]


The ride via bus only took me 20 minutes from the dorm. If I remember correctly, Jongin said that I can go to the library by 7am. Since I still have some time I might as well scan the books there so I could have something to share with Jody the next time we Skype each other.


The library is located on the east side of the school building. It is bigger than what we have in our country but not bigger compared to the National library. I swung the wooden door open and saw six sets of computer facing the window and an endless number of towering bookshelf. Okay, I feel like I’m exaggerating. There’s only 20 bookshelf with different selections.


From History and General Science to Arts and Geography. They have them in good condition, well, maybe some since they are too old but the rest are mint. I stopped at the literature section and scan the titles. I’m not really familiar with these but Jody might be. The bookworm/nerd of the group.


Na-naneunnn n-naleul p-pago-eehaal g-g-gwo-gwon-li-li-ga is-iss-daa~” I tried to read out the title of this book that seems to be a good one by the awards that it boast and endless reviews of it. My Hangul still . This got me to think of an idea.

“Aha!” I pulled out my iPhone and took a snap shot of the book’s cover. “Now I just need to show this to Jody. This Na-naneunnn n-naleul...


Naneun naleul pagoehal gwonliga issda [I have the right to destroy myself]”


There was a whisper from the other side of the shelf. I tried not to freak out and held on the book to my chest as I turn around to see who it was. Peeking through the little space that the bookshelf has, I only saw a guy’s back walking away. I returned the book to its proper place and strode towards the guy.


“Uhm, thanks.” I shyly said as I tapped his back. He turned around and I saw the face of the guy sitting behind Chanyeol.


“Hey, you’re Oh S-Se...” I just can’t remember it right.


“Sehun,” he said with a tight smile and started to walk away very fast. I can see a bit tint of pink on the tip of his ear.





Soon as I was in front of the room and about to set a foot inside, I halter when I heard someone laughing and talking with a really deep voice.


“...So yeah, I was going to the arcade but then I saw this...”


My seatmate turned his back and showed me a molar to molar smile.


“Caylaaa~! Good morning!”


I guess this is what Mr. Kim is saying about getting out here safe...


I tried to remove the lump on my throat and walk inside the room to my desk where my seatmate with a noodle hair and the guy who endlessly retouching his eyeliner. Nervously, I put up a smile and greeted Chanyeol back then turn to face Baekhyun who constantly looks to a mirror not realizing my presence beside him. This made my jaw drop again for the second time. I shook my head and closed my mouth back to its occlusion. I cleared my throat and greeted Mr. Guyliner.


“Good morning Baekhyun.”


But there was no response until he placed his mirror down to the desk and asked,


“Is my eyeliner okay? No smudge right?”


MENTAL JAW DROP. What the hell is wrong with this guy?


“Don’t mind him Cayla. Baek’s just frustrated.”


“Huh?” I turn my head to Chanyeol and saw him smiling sheepishly to Baekhyun.


“He’s not that tall that’s why he places all his frustrations to the eye liner.”


“Argh! Park Chanyeol!” Baekhyun stood up, holding his eye pencil as if he’s going to stab someone. “I will pierce you with my oh-so powerful eye pencil so that you’d be sorry that you ever mention about my height!”


“Ahhhh! Baek-liner is attacking~! Ahhhh!”


 Chanyeol started running all over the room while flailing his arms, while Baekhyun chases him with his eyeliner in a stabbing position. Chanyeol’s deep voice was all over the room.  The comedic skit that they are pulling made everyone roll on the floor laughing. Except Sehun who was staring on the floor again when I turned to look at him.


“Hey, Good morning.”


“...Morning...” just a one word phrase said in almost like a whisper.

“About this morning…” I started, more like startled when I saw him holding his chest acting like he cannot breathe at all. “Are...are you o-okay?” I tried to touch him but he refuses.


What did I do now?




Third person POV



The trio, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun, were walking home together. You may put a doubt in that since most of the time they would go to a computer shop before heading to their houses. But today seems like Sehun isn’t in a mood to play.


“What’s wrong?” Chanyeol asked, who was already a meter away with Baekhun. “You’re too quiet today.”


“Stupid. Isn’t it obvious? It’s because of the exchange student.” Baekhyun was still holding his mirror in his right hand but placed it down to his side to look at his friends.


Chanyeol’s eyes widened but then changed to a sheepish grin.


“Ooohh~ you really had a thing for exchange students. Don’t worry. This time I’ll help you.”


Chanyeol, who is known as “The shipper who can’t ship himself” tapped Sehun in the back as if everything will be alright. Sehun blew a sigh and said,


“Please take care of me.”


Another grin crept onto Chanyeol’s face.


“You can count on me!”


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