Vol.2 Chapter 3: And so we meet again

Taking Chances






Few years ago…


“Yah! What are you doing?”  I almost jumped in surprise when someone called me from behind in broken English crossed with another language that sounded awfully foreign to me. It took me a while to realize that the chubby boy with milky-white skin in front of me is the son of the owners of the house.

“I-I’m sorry!” I quickly bowed down, ashamed of how ill-mannered I am for picking flowers from their yard without asking permission.

“Can’t you see -signs-no picking flowers!” His eyes were jutting out of their sockets and his voice began to crack. God, I couldn’t look at him anymore. He must be really angry.

“I’m sorry! I –I thought no one’s living here and- I-it’s just that they’re pretty a-and it’s my mom’s birthday and I wanted to give this to her as a present- I’m sorry! I-” I explained, my eyes still plastered on the ground.  I was almost in the verge of crying when I felt that one of my hands is being lifted by soft little ones.

A bunch of flowers are now on my hand and before I could even speak, the boy has already left with his bicycle.

That same afternoon, I bought a cupcake for my mom’s birthday. The flowers? I thought of putting them on their rightful place, in a vase, on the table top, inside my room.


That was the first time someone gave me flowers in a non-cliché way.



Slowly, I creep on to the window for a better sight. Finally, Kyungsoo turns on his side for me to have the slightest opportunity to see his face.

It only took me seconds to feel that sudden thud on my chest and see sparks fly all over the place. The last time I saw him, I was just hanging onto the idea of how cute and child-like Do Kyungsoo was. But now, with a leaner yet broader physique, a more chiseled face and jaws sporting much of a v-line, there’s no room for those previous notions anymore. 

“Yo, Kyungsoo!” 

But whenever I see his eyes, those curious, doe-like eyes and how he stares at me from their garden-


Do  Kyungsoo is now staring at me from their garden.




When Kyungsoo finally wards off his gaze and continue nursing his plants (as if nothing happened), that’s the time it finally came to me- The fact that I was indeed caught by my crush, shamelessly staring at him from a window, looking like a complete retard. Oh god why…

I glared at Andi, who’s still crouching under her desk and laughing her goddamn heart out. I swear to the good heavens if we weren’t in her house right now, I could’ve diced her into pieces and make dog food out of her.

“Girl, you should have seen your face a while ago!”

 “What was that for?! … Why’d you call him?”

 “Why not? Remember how we used to play pranks on him? I didn’t know you were somewhere else when I called him w—hey why the heck are you blushing?” , I am?! - Oh god what am I suppose to do? Should I tell her now? No. No,no,no,no. Andi must not know anything about it.

“Hey guys,”

Jody! Thank goodness.

“I have to go now. I’ll be meeting a new client in an hour.”

“Don’t be such a pooper, why so early?”

“He’s my boss’s son so I have to be there on time.” 

“O-okay, you take care Jody.” I can hear myself laugh in nervousness, averting my gaze from those two who are probably weird-ed right now. My eyes somewhat landed on that same spot where Kyungsoo was a while ago. To my dismay, he’s already gone.

I know it’ll take another long while but I wonder…when I will see him again.

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