Park Shin Hye: The Survival

Heaven Knows



The Jung’s settled themselves opposite the old maiden, Ms. Lee  Hyo Rin. 


“She really loves you so much.” Ms. Hyo Rin said.  Yong Hwa’s tears starts to fell from his eyes. As she started , “ I saw her sitting on a folded hard board outside the church in Myeongdung in the middle cold nights. She’s thirsty, hungry and cold.  She comforted herself small bag with her clothes. She only have 30,000Won in her wallet.  She was thrown out from the house where she rented because she wasn’t able to pay the rent and all her things was been barred by the landlord. She was very pregnant for almost 7 months and it happened almost five years ago…..”





Mr. Song, please.. give me one more day. I will give you my rent for this month including last month.”  Shin Hye is begging to her land lord.



“Shin Hye, I am business person. If I am going to consider your case each time what will going to happen to us?  I have family and children too who needs support.” The tough old man said to her.


“Mr. Song, please I am begging you.  I have nowhere to go.” This time she kneeled and started to cry.


“Ok, guys take all her things... those kitchen appliances that are still useful..”  the old man instructed his people to ram the place of Shin Hye.  “You better start taking some of your clothes it’s quite cold outside and it’s not good for the pregnant woman.”  He told her with a fake concerned.


Shin Hye looked at the people who one by one took her things; she simply stepped backwards and silently cried in the corner of her small place. She is really doesn’t know where to go and she has no one and haven’t known the relatives of her parents.  She slowly bend down to collect some of her clothes that scattered on the floor and put it in a small bag and plastic. It was past 8 at night and the weather is getting colder and marks as the start of the winter season.  She took her wallet and a 30,000won inside that she saves from her part time jobs to buy for her vitamins.  It’s been almost 2 months now that she haven’t visited her OB-gyne since that she doesn’t have enough money.  Whatever she earned will only go to house rent and her food.  She doesn’t want her children to suffer inside.  She was mix emotion when she found that she is carrying the offspring of Yong Hwa.  Happy in the sense that she will have his babies. Sad and worried on how will she support them.  But she promised to her she will do everything and anything for them to have a better.  A life that she has before. A better life before she married Yong Hwa.  She continue to sobs as she watching her things has been taken out.  The only possessions that she  consider her own after she freed from a miserable married life. 



“Be sure that nothing has left in here.  The new tenants will occupy the place tomorrow.”  Mr. Song yelled to his laborers and moved out.


“ I am sorry, Shin Hye.” Said the other men to her when they saw her  in a helpless situation. “But we need to lock the place now.”


Shin Hye started to get up and collect her remaining items.  She secured the baby dresses and cloth that she bought earlier in case something might happen to her along the road and her remainder vitamins.  She puts on her sweater and jacket to protect her belly.  She haven’t have lunch and even dinner for the day.  She really feels hungry.  Even the little amount of food in her small refrigerator has been smashed by Mr. Song. 



The door has been locked.  Her tears fell heavily when the people left.  She sat down in the gutter in the corner next to her closed down place. A place with no bedroom, small toilet and small kitchen but with expensive rent which is not appropriate to the description of the small room.


“Oh God, please help us..” She whispered while touching her belly.  She started to moved carrying her small bag and a plastic bag. Cold air and night breezes touches her face.  She’s shivering.  She walked for more than an hour and she is very tired, hungry and thirsty.  There is no open small convenient store along the way.  As she walks farther she saw the church and went inside.


It was a relief for her to find a place for the night that can protect her and children inside her from the cold outside.  The moment she went inside she looks for a perfect place for her settle down to rest.  She was about to lie down when she the image of Crucified Jesus Christ.  She kneeled and spoke to him.


“I won’t ask anything for myself, but let my children be safe and away from harm.”  She prayed with all her heart and soul.  She touches her swollen belly, “Yong Hwa…”  she mentioned his again when she is emotional down and physically drain.


She took some hard board box and settles herself on the floor next to the wall.  “Yong Hwa.. I love you so much.” she call his name over and over again.


“Don’t let me see your face ever again or I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Yong Hwa’s last words that rocked her.  The threats that kept on haunting her for the last seven months.


“ Yong Hwa, if you just let me explain.” She cried heavily and she fell asleep.


Myeongdong Church became her comfort and refuge for the last 3 days.  The public-pay toilet on the opposite side of the road has become second resting place. A middle age lady street vendor offers her to look after the other stools of her mini business, in return she will give her 10000won and free lunch and dinner.  Shin Hye agreed to the set up for the meantime until she will find a place and proper work in preparation for her delivery.


The lady was very kind to her.  The lady took her used clothes for laundry and will return the next day.  Mrs. Kang felt pity for her situation but she can’t do anything about her.  Mrs. Kang lived in a place where 5 kids and 2 adults stays in one small house.  Shin Hye happily replied that she's fine inside the church.  She just sees to it that before sunrises she wakes up and she will be back by night time.



On one fine Sunday at Myeongdong, people are busy keep coming back and forth, a real good business for small goodies are incomparable to other given Sundays.  Both ladies are happy with the result of the income.  Mrs. Kang gave extra money and food as her bonus. It was almost 10pm and she forgot the time. 


“Mrs. Kang, Gamsahamnida, but I really need to go now, otherwise the church will be lock.” She explained to the old lady and bowed before she set her foot away.


“Ok, you be careful.” The old woman said.


Shin Hye rushed back to the church and she was late. It was already when she reaches.  The weather is getting colder and colder.  She has no choice but to sleep outside the church.  She walk on the opposite road where there is small store that sells textile.  She bought a cheap blanket and asked for some hardboard.  She was happy that she got a special discount for the last customer. 


She was about to cross the road back to the church when she saw the familiar car…its…its..Yong Hwa’s.  She started to panicked she went back inside the shop and hid herself.  She was very frightened. The shop owner noticed but ignored her.  The car stops at the front of the church and a group of men climbed out.  She’s familiar with those people.  It’s Yong Hwa’s cohorts. Jong Hyun, Jung Shin, Min Hyuk and of course a familiar physique whom she misses so much.. Yong Hwa.  Shin Hye eavesdropped with their conversation.  She cupped when she heard them talking.  She’s trembling and the water starts to leak in her eyes.


“He said they found her here within this vicinity only, Hyung” Min Hyuk said to Yong Hwa.


“Are you sure?” Yong Hwa asked.


“Yes, and she is pregnant.” Jong Hyun added.


“!!” Yong Hwa hammered the roof of his car with his madness.  Let’s go. She must be somewhere.”


When Shin Hye saw the car has moved from the place she make sure the road is clear before she crossed.  She walks fast and settles herself in the dark side of the church ground that no one will notice her. 


“He really wants me dead?”  She is trembling, she touches her belly and  cried again and again. “Yong, I hope you won’t do anything against our children.  God, please protect my children from the wrath of their father.” She wiped her tears and covered her entire body with the blanket to protect from cold. “Daddy, help me.” She called for help to her deceased father.



Few hours the sun's about to rise...


“Miss, wake up,  miss wake up..” Hyo Rin tries to wake Shin Hye up who is lying on hard board.


Lazily, the pregnant woman opened her eyes.  “What are you doing here?” the old lady asked.


Slowly by slowy Shin Hye rose from the ground. “Oh, you’re pregnant?” Hyo Rin noticed. “You should not be here.  It’s dangerous and it is not healthy for your baby.” The old lady added.


“I have nowhere to go.” Shin Hye honestly replied to her.


“Cover your body  and I will take you inside the convent for the meantime.” The old lady guided her to convent situated few meters away from the church. “I am Lee Hyo Rin by the way and you..?



Hyo Rin introduced Shin Hye to the other novice and nuns as well as to their mother superior.  Hyo Rin the same with Shin Hye, she doesn’t have a family.  Her husband died 2 years after their marriage and didn’t get married again.  She became a widow at a very young age. She joined them in break fast feast.



 Shin Hye answers the interrogation and told every detail how she ended up in this situation but she what happen to her and Yong Hwa was remains to be a secret. Its not yet the right time.. she thought.


To be continued.... (Shin Hye's life and her true identity on Yong Hwa's POV up next)


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Chapter 9: Por gentileza atualize essa história Yongshin.
Espero que você esteja bem.
uaenaland #2
still here???
uaenaland #3
it has been 3 years already.. what happen? are you okay author nim????
uaenaland #4
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
uaenaland #5
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
snowberry262 #6
Authornim? Are you still here?
snowberry262 #7
Authornim? Are you still here?
BlueDooley #8
snowberry262 #9
I wish you could continue this story. I love it. The plot makes me cry.
Anding2810 #10
Chapter 9: Pleasee update.......