Yong Hwa, Yong Ha and Young Hye

Heaven Knows

“She stayed in the convent until she delivered the children.  She was taken care of by the nuns and novice.” The old maiden continues to narrate.  “ She loves her children dearly.  She tried her best to give everything for them.”


“How did you ended up here in Gweongji?” Yong Hwa asked.


She smiled and said, “ Five months after she gave birth the nuns as well the other novice received  letter from the Papal Nuncio regarding a missionary clinic or refuge to the savage draught of Sudan.  They need to leave as soon as possible and the new group of missionaries will arrive in a couple of weeks around that time.  Mother superior had talked to her regarding the situation.  I was supposed to go on that trip but I decided not to leave because of the children.  We moved here in Gweongji in my sister-in-law and she later on passed away and left some amount for us start.  Me and Shin Hye shared in every expenses until she decided that I  will stay home to looked after the kids and she will be the one to work.”


“Why didn’t she asked help from me, from us?” Mr. Jung said.


“You never knew how scared she was to Yong Hwa.” Hyo Rin said facing to Yong Hwa. “Your threats were kept on haunting her.  She was not leaving in peace because at anytime you will find her.  Until we decided move in the coastal area of Gweongji.  She did a double job for us to survive.  She sells Yogurt and delivers milk every morning and a waitress in a restaurant in the town proper during the afternoon.  In that, she managed to our needs.  I also help her in my own ways by selling some homemade kimchi.” She added. She stood up and went inside the room. “This was in her possessions.” She said when comes back and she handed over to him the chain with the locket.


Yong Hwa's tears started to leak in his eyes when he opened the locket it's his photograph. He caressed the locket. A very important locket in Shin Hye's life.  A locket that tells her identity.



“The good thing to her, she never failed to show your photo to the kids and introduce to them as their father as they grew older.  She always said to them that you are working in a far away place and will come soon.  Although she knew that will not ever going to happen, but she's hoping not for her but for the children.” Hyo Rin continues her story. “When I told the children that you are coming they were so very excited.” Hyo Rin smiled when she remembered the kids busy talking on what they are going to wear when their father will come.


The Jung’s felt pity about the situation of Shin Hye and the children.  Yong Hwa continue to scanned the photo album of his lost family when he heard…


“Halmoni…Halmoni.. Halmoni” a cute and loving voice to a little boy.


“Halmoni.. Where are you? We are here..” another cute voice  and now it’s from a little girl.


Yong Hwa moved his head up and glanced to the old lady, with the looked of  question in his eyes that is that my kids?  He looked at his watch and it’s state that it is already 3.15 in the afternoon, that indicates the school time has ended.  They didn’t notice the  time while they conversed. 


Hyo Rin nodded. “Ori Aidul, Halmoni is here, inside.” She said as replied to the kids who are calling her.  She immediately stands to open the door for them.


“Halmoni!!!..”they said in chorus when the door opens. Excited to see their halmoni.  She kneeled to give them a hug and they kissed her back.


“What is this?” grandmother asked when she noticed that the kids has a plastic bag of each own.


“Ahjussi from the grocery gave this to us.” The little boy replied.


“I have 6 ramens, banana and apple.” The little girl said.


“I have 2 packs of bread and 2 bottles of milk.  Ahjussi said we can share it to you and finished it immediately.” The little boy added.


“OK, let me see that.” She said to the children. “I see, that is why Ahjussi said to finished it soon because it is almost expired.  That Ahjussi is very stingy.  Did you say thank you to him?” She said and they nodded in reply.


The Jung’s are listening to their conversation and was shocked about what they heard. People are giving an almost expired food to the children.  Yong Hwa was hurt knowing that his children are accepting the almost expired charity goods. To their surprised they saw the children having an almost damaged school bag, an old school shoes and wearing a rummage school uniform.  Yong Hwa wondered if his children were being subject for bully in school by looking at their outfits.  His heart was crashed looking at the children’s situation. A thin and was like a sickly children in the orphanage.


“Halmoni, who are they?” the little girl asked silently pointing her lips to the people inside their small living room. It seems that they haven't recognized their father.  Yong Hwa became two different people.  He is totally different from his photograph way back ages ago and a Yong Hwa who stands right in front of them. Hyo Rin almost forgot that they have visitors.  She looked back and she saw them already standing from where they seated.  Hyo Rin stood up while holding the children in both sides of her hands.


“Yong Ha..” She looked at to the little boy. “Young Hye..” she looked at to the little girl. “He is Jung Yong Hwa, your father.” She said to them.


“A..a..Appa…?” the twin said in chorus.


Yong Hwa nodded and his tears started running down from his eyes.  Grandparents Jung shed tears when they heard the kids call their son Appa.


“A..appa..!!!” the twin yelled in chorus and walked fast towards Yong Hwa and started to cry. 


“My Ori Aidul…” Yong Hwa kneeled to receive his children with a huge and tight hug.  Yong Ha and Young Hye hugged their father tight and continuously saying  my appa…my appa. Yong Hwa showered his kisses at them in both cheeks and foreheads as he wiped their tears and hugged them back again.  The moment lasted for more than 5 minutes.  They studied the features of each other.  Excitement and longing can be seen in their expressions. The grandparents hugged them as well.  The old maiden wiped her tears and silently muttered it was a dream come true for Shin Hye


“I thought we will not see you anymore, like Eomma.” Young Hye said to her father.


“Eomma is already in heaven.” Yong Ha added. “Halmoni said, one day Young Hye and Eomma will be together.” He looked at his twin with sad eyes.



Yong Hwa and his parents pulled themselves when they the conversation of the twin.


“Huh?  Why? Will she go to heaven?” Yong Hwa asked them. 


“Young Hye is sick.”  Yong Ha answered, only then their father noticed the bruises in the arms of his daughter.


Yong Hwa looked at Hyo Rin. “Ajumma, it is true?” he asked her.


“This is the reasons of Shin Hye’s untimely death.”  She answered.


Yong Hwa was shocked for the another revelation that has not been reported by the investigator.


“What is the connection of Shin Hye’s death in Young Hye’s ailment?” Yong Hwa asked her..

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Chapter 9: Por gentileza atualize essa história Yongshin.
Espero que você esteja bem.
uaenaland #2
still here???
uaenaland #3
it has been 3 years already.. what happen? are you okay author nim????
uaenaland #4
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
uaenaland #5
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
snowberry262 #6
Authornim? Are you still here?
snowberry262 #7
Authornim? Are you still here?
BlueDooley #8
snowberry262 #9
I wish you could continue this story. I love it. The plot makes me cry.
Anding2810 #10
Chapter 9: Pleasee update.......