The Past Part 3

Heaven Knows



Mr. Jung went to the living room when he finds out that his son has not yet home since he left in the afternoon.  He was worried for him.  A few minutes later he heard a horn and he walked towards the glass window and he saw the guard opened the gate and Yong Hwa’s car went inside with a convoy.  He seems to be familiar and he knew who they are.  It’s Yong Hwa’s friends.


It was pass 12 midnight when Yong Hwa reached their house.  Jong Hyun drove his car. Jungshin and Minyuk followed in the other car.   Min Hyuk and Jung Shin assisted him to go inside his house.  Without their knowledge Mr. Jung was waiting for his son in living room area.

“I’ll take him from here.” He said and that made the 3 guys surprised. 

“Mr. Jung..” they said chorus.

“We just had a good time and we didn’t notice that he drunk too much.” Jong Hyun explained how Yong Hwa got drank.

“Don’t worry it’s fine.” He assured.  “You may take your leave now.  Your parents might be worried.” He added.  “And thank you for taking him back.  Becareful when you drive home.”

The boys bowed and left.

Mr. Jung immediately took his upstairs and  when he is about to open his son’s room something  came up in his mind.  He looked at drunkard Yong Hwa and to Shin Hye’s room.  He contemplates if his plan will work or not, but he doesn’t have a choice.  He don’t want to spoil Shin Hye’s life but this is the only protection he can give as what he promise to his bestfriend and he can’t even ruin his son’s future. He took a deep breath.


“Are you OK, Yeobo?” Nae Young asked her husband.


He was surprised when he heard her speak.  He didn’t notice that she was already behind him.  “Open, Shin Hye’s room.  We need to do this.”


Nae Young nodded and helped her husband.  They went to Shin Hye’s room, they saw the young lady peacefully sleeping that she even forgot to turn off the bedside lamp most probably with the milk they gave with a sleeping pill. They settled Yong Hwa on her side. They felt pity for both kids but this is the only to save them both.  



“You may go back to our room now and I will undress him.” Woo Sung advised his wife.  Though Nae Young is a bit hesitant but she nodded and left. After a couple of minutes he finished and left the room with a bedside lamp on  and locked the door.


Yong Hwa slightly opened his eyes. He moved and positioned his self towards the other side and he saw a beautiful face in a deep sleep. He smiled. “Oh, Jung Shin you are naughty as ever..” he murmured out of his drunkard with a though that it was a .  He caressed the face.  “So soft like cotton candy and silky.” He added.  “Hmm, smells strawberry and honey dew.” He commented when he position his nose to her head on top of her long shiny black hair.


He started kissing the girl beside him.  He started to removed her clothes one by one and….


Shin Hye is visualizing her dream that she was under a man’s body touching, caressing and kissing her entire body.  She felt a different sensation and it goes faster and deeper.  “It’s only a dream..” she smiled.   She yanked when she felt the unfamiliar pain.  She opened her eyes was shocked that it was no longer a dream.  It’s Yong Hwa on top of her ness enjoying every curves of her body trying his alien gun to enter in a tight cave…


She’s shocked as her body has been rocked by Yong Hwa’s force entry, but before he can go further and took her ity away she gathered all her strength and pushed him back. Yong Hwa didn’t anticipate the situation, he fell out of the bed.  Shin Hye took the sheet and covered her ness and immediately stand up from the bed.  She’s trembling, frightened for the uprising situation but before she can reach the door she fell down in the carpeted floor again.


Yong Hwa is still under the influence of alcohol managed to get up and pulled the sheet in Shin Hye’s body.  He succeeded in his first attempt.  He took and tossed her in the bed.


“Yong Hwa..wha—what are you doing?”  She is trembling seeing Yong Hwa’s ness and  huge erected manhood.


“What do you think I am doing?” Yong Hwa sarcastically answered and he started kissing her forcibly in her lips down to her neck.



“Yong..please do—don’t, Are you drank?” Shin Hye is pleading trying to push him with her might as her tears ran down fast in her face.


“Please???” Yong Hwa smirked.  He took her both hands and locked with his hands above her head.


“Yong Hwa..No…please…” Shin Hye is begging to him.


Yong Hwa is deaf at the moment all he can hear was the echo of the voice of his father forcing him to marry a stranger.  His madness fueled as he recalled the incident earlier of that day.  His mind is covered with dark lust. He became stronger and powerful.  Shin Hye’s struggling to defend herself for the possible outcome of their situation. Yong Hwa forcibly spread her legs that made her scream of pain.  He is now in his full strength and ready to conquer her ity.


“Aaahhh!!!” Shin Hye screamed on top of her lungs as loud she can, when Yong Hwa powerfully rammed her womanhood.  She felt a screeched that sliced her feminism.  She became weak and her strength is useless compare to Yong Hwa’s.  She stopped struggling knowing that she’s a loser. She closes her eyes and her face is soaked with her tears.  She felt numb.


Yong Hwa is sweating as he continue his heavy pump on her until he reaches his goal and in one last heavy push his seeds came out and race inside her.  He rested his body on top of her.  Shin Hye could hear his heavy breath after his successful attempt.





“Yoebo…” Nae Young’s worried in the horrific scream of Shin Hye.  She stood from the bed but Woo Sung held her hand.


“She’ll be fine.  They’re fine. Go back to sleep now.”  Her husband replied.  Nae Young went back to bed in a worried state of mind.




“You ruined my plans.. you ruined my life..” he said while his eyes are closed.


Shin Hye became immobile upon hearing him.  Ruined? What about me? She thought.  She can’t fight with him knowing that it will be useless. Never in her wildest dream that she’d experience such things like this. Her life turned upside down after her father’s death.



“I will let you suffer..” Yong Hwa continuously talking. “You will pay for this.  I will let you pay for this.”


Shin Hye pushed his body out on top of her and settle him in her side.  She slowly moved her body and climbed out from the bed but before she can stand up straight her knees weakened and she dropped on the floor and her head batted on the angle of the bedside table.  She didn’t notice that she scratched her forehead because she can’t feel any pain except in the center of her feminism.  She cried miserably as she picked up her ripped clothes to cover her body.


She didn’t know how long she was in that position.  Yong Hwa moved and slowly opened his eyes when he heard someone is crying.  His vision is blurred and he closed his eyes again and now that the alcohol in his body has subsided.  He was shocked that he was not in his room.  He got up and to his surprised he found his body . He followed the sound of someone’s silently whimpering and he found Shin Hye on the other side in the corner of the bed, sitting on the floor, knees tucked and face covered with both hands.  He immediately looked for his undergarments and accidentally saw the palm size red stain in the bed cover.  His eyes widened when he realized the situation. He looked at Shin Hye  and to the red stain, he closes his eyes and recalled the scenario. 


“Oh… ..!” he silently muttered, he thought it was just a dream.  He was floating; he didn’t know what to say.  He planned to frightened her but not to the extent of ually abusing her.  He regretted of what he did.  He knows that his father will hold the situation to pursue their marriage.


“This is all your fault.” he said to cover up his broken ego. “I never regretted what I did.” He lied and he got up and gathered his remainder clothes and went out from her room.


Shin Hye let out a heavy sobs to released the pain both physical and emotionally.


Yong Hwa stands at her door and he heard her, he took a deep breath but before he do another step, he heard the door opened from the master’s bedroom.  It’s his parents; he looked at them before he crossed towards his bedroom.


Mr. Jung followed his son inside the room.


“There is nothing to talk dad. I will take the responsibility.”  Yong Hwa didn’t let his father talked and he went to the toilet and locked the door.


He went out and he knows that it’s not yet the right time to talk to him about the situation.  He knows that the situation is vulnerable as of the moment. He nodded to his wife when he saw her worried expression.


Nae Young went fast to Shin Hye’s room.  She was shocked seeing the miserable young lady.  Her condition can tell what had just happened.  She went to her side and helped her stands up.



“I’m.. I’m  sorry for what he did.” Nae Young sincerely said. “I’m sorry that you put in this situation.”



Shin Hye didn’t make a move their words won’t help her either.  Mrs.  Jung understands her.


In the morning time, Mr. and Mrs. Jung have waited for Yong Hwa and Shin Hye to come and  join them in breakfast.  A few minutes later it’s only Yong Hwa who appeared.  They had a quiet breakfast both sides didn’t open up last night’s incident.  Nae Young called the servant and instructed to send the breakfast of Shin Hye her room.   Yong Hwa silently sipping his coffee and observing his parents, he is waiting for their confrontation but it didn’t happen.


“Just let me know about the wedding plans.  I’ll be in my room.” Yong Hwa said when he finished his meal and left the place and didn’t wait for his parents to reply.  He wasn’t in the mood to eat; he just had his morning coffee to relieve his hang over.


His parents looked at each other meaningfully. “He will take the full responsibility according to his words last night.” Woo Sung informed his wife.


“We need to talk to her and explained everything.” Nae Young advised her husband.


“That’s what I planned.” He replied.


Yong Hwa felt guilty for what he did, it wasn’t his intention to hurt her.  He planned to ask for an apology but he doesn’t have guts as of the moment.  He started his foot towards the stairs when he saw the servant leaving Shin Hye’s room. 


“How is she?” he asked the servant when they meet in the middle of the second floor hallway.


The servant shrugged in replied.


Yong Hwa was a bit worried yet mad, it was a mixed emotion.  He knocked at her door but there’s no response.  He slowly opened and he found the bed empty and red stain is still there, he thought maybe the servant already knew what happened.  He went inside to check, bathroom is empty, food laid in the table and still untouched, his sight found her in the terrace sitting on the small divan.  He slowly walked towards and hid himself behind the curtain.  He can hear her silent weeping.  She is vulnerable.  He can’t continue seeing her and left.


Moments later, Mr. Jung is already beside Shin Hye in the terrace.


“I know things weren’t in the plan as what your father wanted to.” Mr. Jung said to open up the topic, he didn’t know when to start. “He is willing to marry you now.” he said while looking in the sky. “I need to tell you something about you and your past..”


Shin Hye looked at Mr. Jung.


to be continued... sorry for the late update, need to revised some scene..


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Chapter 9: Por gentileza atualize essa história Yongshin.
Espero que você esteja bem.
uaenaland #2
still here???
uaenaland #3
it has been 3 years already.. what happen? are you okay author nim????
uaenaland #4
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
uaenaland #5
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
snowberry262 #6
Authornim? Are you still here?
snowberry262 #7
Authornim? Are you still here?
BlueDooley #8
snowberry262 #9
I wish you could continue this story. I love it. The plot makes me cry.
Anding2810 #10
Chapter 9: Pleasee update.......