The Past Part 4:

Heaven Knows


Yong Hwa decided to leave and go to Min Hyuk’s house since it is Saturday.  He was about to enter to his car when he saw his father in Shin Hye’s terrace facing his back at him. He can’t hear them but he knew the two is having a conversation and the topic is about the incident.



He balled his hand, eyes are narrowed and he is fuming with madness. “You can’t get away with me, if you can fool my parents, as for to me your tricks won’t work.” He muttered.  He entered in his car and started the engine.



“I hope you understand.  Your father wanted your safety.   We knew the promise that you made for each when you were kids. It is sad to say that Yong Hwa has already forgotten it, since you left South Korea.” Mr. Jung said to Shin Hye after explaining and telling her situation…. their current situation.


Shin Hye took a deep breath. “About the wedding…” She uttered. “I would prefer that it will not be push through.”


Mr. Jung looked at her in shocked state. “We can’t do that.”


“I can’t stand seeing Yong Hwa’s plans and his future is being ruined by a selfish act.” She said to him.


“But what about you?” Mr. Jung asked.  “You are Yong Hwa’s responsibility now after what he did.”


“A problem won’t be solved by another problem.  I know it was not his intention, he was just…just.” She didn’t continue her words as her chest tighten and her tears started to fall.


Mr. Jung walked a little closer and gave her a comforting hug. “I am sorry…I am really sorry that you put in this trouble.”


“Please don’t be, it’s no one’s mistake.  This is my fate.”  She said while wiping her tears.


That scene was caught by Yong Hwa when looked at them again while waiting for their gate to open.  He is really angry.  He stepped on the accelerator and speed off away from their house carrying a heavy heart with full of hatred for Shin Hye.


Mr. Jung and Shin Hye released from hug when they heard a car’s engine revolution, they both looked at where the sound came from.  It was enough to know that it was Yong Hwa.  They looked at each other with the same thought that he saw them.


“Mr. Jung..” Shin Hye said,


“Call me Appa..” Mr. Jung suggested.


“A—appa, I would like to go back to Japan and settle the things that is needed.” She said. “Can you please promise me, whatever we’ve talked will be remained here.” She added.


“Why? Is there any particular reasons for that?” the elder asked.


Shin Hye looked away and Mr. Jung understand what she meant.


“Do you really love my son?”  He asked.


She looked back and smiled with tears in her eyes. “More than my life.” She answered.


Mr. Jung studied her and smile as replied.



“Baby, when are you going to tell your parents about us?” Laz asked Jong Hyun. 


“I don’t l know yet, can you please give me sometime? My parents didn’t know about us yet.” Jong Hyun told her “girlfriend” while he is kissing in her neck.  Jong Hyun is the player among the group.  Laz is one of his fling.


They are both surprised when the door sounded and immediately Yong Hwa went in.  It was a shared apartment, they both shared in the expenses.  It is the place where they go if they want to be alone, relax, do projects together and do some planning for summer escapades.  It’s their second home.


It was not new to Yong Hwa about Jong Hyun’s game. What made him shocked was that he didn’t imagine that his friend will hooked up their classmate, Laz.   Jong Hyun immediately whispered in her ear.


“Ok, but be sure to call me once you are done.” Laz said to him.


“Yes, I will sweetie.” Jong Hyun replied as he kissed in her lips and patted her .  The young lad took her bag and left the place.


Yong Hwa looked at the two and smiled.  “I thought you don’t like the idea of hooking a groupie.” He asked Jong Hyun when the girl left.


“Yong, who could resist a cheerleader?” Jong Hyun replied.


“How long you were into?” Yong Hwa asked and proceed to the kitchen and open the fridge.


“A couple of weeks…” before Jong Hyun can further elaborate the door opened for Jung Shin and Min Hyuk.


Their discussion has started and Yong Hwa detailed bit by bit of what happen along with a cans of beer.



Mr. Jung informed Shin Hye that her flight will be at the next morning.  His secretary managed to get a ticket back to Japan for her.


“Are you sure you will be alright?” Mr. Jung confirmed.


“Yes, I am. I just really need to meet him and settle the things urgently.” Shin Hye replied.


“Be careful  and gave me a call once you reached there, ok.” Mr. Jung handed the ticket to her and left her room.


That was the last conversation they for the day.  Shin Hye was worried that until now Yong Hwa hasn’ t come home yet.  He didn’t even bother to answer their calls.  He didn’t join them for the dinner.


“Don’t worry Yong, your will future will be safe and you can proceed in what you’ve planned.”  She whispered while looking at his old highschool photograph. A photograph that was being sent my Mrs. Jung to her every year.



She was about to lay down in her bed when she heard the car entering, she went off from bed and ran to the window and saw Yong Hwa’s car.  She smiled knowing that he is safe.  Before she went to back to her bed she heard Yong Hwa was singing loudly and indication that he is drank again.  She decided to go down just in time Yong Hwa opened the main door and she was in the staircase.  He looked at her intently with  devilish smile.  He walks towards her and simply caress her face and all of sudden he pulled her long and shiny black hair.


“If you think marrying me will help you and your family, you’re wrong.” Yong Hwa said silently.  He saw her winced in pain.  He pushed her heavily that caused her to sat down on the staircase.  She grimaced in the pain that she felt in her right arm and rib case.


 Yong Hwa didn’t mind if she’s hurt or not, he simply walks pass to her.  A servant silently watching them she immediately went to her when she noticed Yong Hwa went to his room.  She helped Shin Hye to stand up and assisted her going back to her bedroom.  It was a painful night for Shin Hye.




The morning sunlight hit Yong Hwa’s face coming from his window.  He stretched himself before he got up.  His eyes caught a breakfast tray in his small table.  A sandwich, a fruit juice and a white rose in it with a note. “A coffee is not good in hang over, it will add more to your headache.”  Yong Hwa smiled when he reads it. 



“Thank you,  mom.”  He said to himself.  He didn’t know that it was Shin Hye’s effort before she left to airport 30 minutes ago. He didn’t heard that Shin Hye said I love you, he didn’t felt her lips touches his forehead and he didn’t heard that she silently weep before she left.  He climbed out from bed and went to bathroom to refresh himself.  He ate the food and get ready his self for the day.




It was almost a week, when he noticed that he is not seeing her anywhere inside the house.  No one told him about the plans and that she left because he didn’t bother to ask anyone.  Something in his heart struck and he can’t explain and he recalled the incident about them earlier of that week.


Meanwhile, Shin Hye was busy facilitating her things in Japan, she keeps Mr. and Mrs. Jung updated about her status. She met those important people and did some necessary arrangements as what she told to Mr. Jung.  It took another 3 days for her to stay longer because the procedures are a bit delayed.


Mr. Jung made some arrangements for Shin Hye to continue her studies in Seoul.  He spoke to one of the school administrator where his son is enrolled.  Though it was a late for the first semester they admitted Shin Hye for a freshman in Arts Departments.


He can’t deny from himself that he regrets what he did to her.  He planned to ask for an apology, but how? He hadn’t seen her for quite a week.  He is also hesitant to knock in her door.  He decided to leave the library and went home.





Shin Hye didn’t inform them that she will be coming back to Seoul in exactly 15 days.  She hasn’t confirmed any of the dates because the proceedings take a little more time.  The couple was surprised when the guard at the gate informed that she has come.  The couple was at work and immediately drove back home.  Shin Hye have waited them at the study room when they arrived.


“Thank God you are safe.” Mrs. Jung greeted her.  She gave her hugged as if she is her real daughter.


“How is everything back there?” Mr. Jung interrupts.


“Everything went smoothly and here it is.” Shin Hye replied and she handed over the file to Mr. Jung.


He opened it. “Are you sure about this?”  he asked when he saw the documents. “What about you?”


“This is the only way to help the company survive. I left some for me to continue my life ahead.” She added.  “And this is for him.” Another documents she gave.


Mr. Jung opened the sealed envelope and saw a bank account passbook of one of the bank in Switzerland. “This is for you. Your father saved this for you.”


“I transferred and sold the shares in the car company.  I am buying some shares in your company.  I am going to use Atty. Jang Dong Gun as a dummy since I am not in the legal age.  All is being planned.  I have enough in the bank until I finished my studies.”  She explained.


“What about your trust fund?” Mrs. Jung asked.


“I want to help Yong Hwa to pursue his career if something happens in the company.  That is the reason why I transferred it to his account.”  Shin Hye said.


Mr. Jung hugged her. “Thank you, so much.  I will never forget this.”


“No, I should be thanking you, for accepting me in your house and gave me a new family again.”  Shin Hye replied.


“Oh dear..” Mrs. Jung went and hugged her. “You are always a family to us.”


“Yes, I know but not for Yong Hwa.” Her sad expression.



Yong Hwa was on his way to their house when passed by flower shop.  He decided to buy a bouquet of flowers to give to Shin Hye to start for a new beginning.  He smiled when the florist gave the beautiful bouquet and it was perfectly arranged for vibrant mood.


It was 5.30 in the afternoon when Yong Hwa reached home.  The moment he climbed out from his car he saw Shin Hye in the terrace facing her back at him.  Shin Hye was looking in the mid-air hoping for some miracles to happen. She is hoping for a change of heart from Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa smiled, he can’t explain why, just he smiled.  He was whistling when he enters the house.  He was surprised when he saw his parents in the living room.



“You looked so happy today and have flowers in your hand?” his mother noticed it.


He was hesitant to admit but instead he said, “Hi mom, Hi dad.”  He kisses both in their cheeks.  “Well…Someone gave it to me.” He lied.


“Yong, tomorrow is Shin Hye’s first day of school.  Please try to help her in your school.”  His father requested him.


“You mean she enrolled in my school? Dad? Are you serious? There are lot of school out there, why you enroll her in there?” Yong Hwa asked.


“Yes, I did and no more question asked.  My decision is final.” Mr. Jung said.


Again, Yong Hwa is mood off.  His plan of giving the flowers was off and he hated the idea that they will be in the same school.  When he enters his room he threw the flowers in the bin.


As the day ended, Shin Hye didn’t went down for dinner.  The elders understand her situation that she was stress out and tired from her earlier flight of the day. Mrs. Jung decided to send her food in her room.  Yong Hwa saw that, she is not a princess here. He thought.  Yong Hwa didn’t the current situation of their business and he doesn’t have knowledge that Shin Hye has transferred all her assets and inheritance to their company and her trust fund to him for some reasons.





The following morning, Shin Hye woke up early since it’s her first day at school.  She don’t want  to be late and becomes the center of attraction.


Yong Hwa and Shin Hye went to the school together.  He has no choice but to let Shin Hye sits in his car.  They drive silently no one attempts to open a conversation.  One block away from the university Yong Hwa slows down and do the hazards sign in his car in the open area.


“Move out.” Yong Hwa commanded her.


She looked at him worriedly.


“I said, moved out.  The school is in the next block.  I don’t want somebody sees us together.  I don’t like gossips.” He said it precisely and concisely.


Shin Hye lower down her head and open the door of his car.  Before she can step on the ground he hear him saying, “One more thing, we don’t know each other.  Is that clear?” He firmly said.  “Is that clear?” He repeats when he didn’t get her response.


Shin Hye nodded as an answer and closes his door gently.  Yong Hwa speed off the next block and turned right.  Shin Hye saw his car vanishes in the air.  She started her steps going to the school.  She felt the sunlight in her skin and it feels relief.  She smiled and she doesn't want to ruined the moment of her first day at school.





Shin Hye has been introduce to her classes and the day went smoothly.   There was an adjustment along with the peers and she is avoiding it as much as possible. She did what Yong Hwa has told.  The routine that Yong Hwa has introduce has continued for the next three days.  He dropped her on the same block and she will wait for him on the same block.  Seeing Yong Hwa and his cohorts in the hall way or corridor she immediately turn away or moved backwards in order for their paths will not cross. Some girls would to befriend to her but she is avoiding.  She don’t want interrogation from them.



 She finds herself sitting alone in the bench in an open ground behind the Engineering Building.  She closes her eyes to feel the breeze in her skin and in her beautiful hair.  She didn’t notice a guy walk towards and sit beside her.


“It’s really comforting isn’t it?” the guy speaks.


Shin Hye was surprised and open her eyes when she heard the voice.  She looked at her right side where the voice has originated.


“I’m Kim Ji Hoon and you are?” the guy introduce himself as he offers a hand shake.


Shin Hye still in shock and didn’t replied at all.


“I saw you here for 3 days now and your face is not familiar.  I believe you are new in this campus.” Ji Hoon removed his hand in the air and continues.  “I believe you have a name.”


“Shi..Shi.Shin Hye.  Ye..yes, I am new here.” Shin Hye trembles in her response.


“Relax, I don’t bite.” Ji Hoon assured her.


“I need to go now.” She said when she heard the bell rings.


“Wait….What department are you!?” Ji Hoon’s yelledd for a  follow up questions.


But Shin  Hye didn’t bother to look back and answered. She continued to walk to her classroom for her next class.


The day ends, as usual she waited for him at the same block.  Shin Hye didn’t know that Yong Hwa saw her earlier with a guy.  He didn’t bother to ask her because he knows what happened in there.  He secretly smiled when he remembered how she avoided the guy.


The following day, the same routine for them.  Again, Ji Hoon saw her in the same place.  Ji Hoon is persistent and this time she gave in to her request.  She stayed and they talked lightly.  Ji Hoon offered to buy some drinks while they are getting to know each other.  She felt light in the company of Ji Hoon.  She laughed in his light joke.  Ji Hoon never asked some complicated questions so that she won’t feel awkward towards him.


As days goes by, Shin Hye always sits in their special place, either her or Ji Hoon will be the first one to arrive. They exchange topics of what happen during class hours.  And while they are busy in their conversation, a pair of eyes silently watching at them.  His brows are narrowed.  He doesn’t like what he is seeing right now and even in the past few days.  Was he jealous or what?


The next morning the same routine, she’s in Yong Hwa’s car but this time he didn’t drop her in the same old spot instead he drove her through the parking area in the campus.  


“What are you doing?” She was stunned and asked him but she didn’t get a replied. 


Yong Hwa stops the engine.   Everyone was surprised when they both emerged in his car.  Shin Hye felt embarrassed.  She saw everyone’s eyes are envious looking at her.


“Who is she?” a y girl asked.


“What are they?” another girl asked.


“She is a nobody. I saw her walking and gave her a lift.” Yong Hwa answered when he heard their queries.


Shin Hye’s hurt with his words and Yong Hwa himself was hurt too in the words that he dropped.  Admit it or not seeing her everyday, being with her in his car, eating meals at home together, do some little chat after meal in the garden set and seeing her smile in a effervescent way make his heart beats fast.  Yet, he was too proud to admit he is falling in love with her and felt jealous everytime she’s with Ji Hoon.




It’s been more than two months since Shin Hye moved to Seoul.  She tried to live a normal life and she continues her secret friendship with Ji Hoon.  Slowly by slowly she opened her life to him and he understands her being aloof to other people.


“Are you OK? You look sick.” Ji Hoon said when he noticed that she’s pale and sitting in the bench lazily.


“I don’t feel like eating anything lately.” She replied.


“You want to go home?” Ji Hoon asked.


“No worries.  I’ll be fine. I need some fresh air.” Shin Hye said.


“No, I think you are not Ok.  Let me take you home.”  Ji Hoon insisted.  He guided to her to car and sent her home.  Ji Hoon informed her professor about the incident after he drive her home.


On that late afternoon,  Yong Hwa noticed that Shin Hye didn’t came out from her last period class.  He asked one of her classmate and he found out that she went home early because she was sick.




“Are you ok now?” Mr. Jung asked her when she woke up. 


Shin Hye fainted the moment she enter the house.  The servants scream when she saw what happened.  They immediately called Mr. Jung and informed the incident.


“Yeah, I am feeling better now.  What happened by the way?” Shin Hye asked.


“You fainted.” Mr. Jung answered. “You didn’t had your breakfast this morning and I believe you haven’t had your lunch either.”


“I don’t know what is happening lately but I feel sick every morning when I woke up.” Shin Hye explained.


Although the doctor who came and examine her earlier confirmed that she’s pregnant, but Mr. Jung wanted to ask her directly if she has an idea about the changes in her body.


“Shin Hye, I have a question and it’s quite personal. I hope you don’t mind.” Mr. Jung said.


Shin Hye’s innocent look suggested that there is something wrong with her.


“Did you have your monthly period lately?” Mr. Jung asked direct to the point.


Shin Hye was dumbfounded when she heard him.  She started to calculate in her mind, her last period, the incident and..and..


“Do you think, I.. I… pregnant?” She anxiously asked.  Her hands are shaking.


Mr. Jung nodded.  “But don’t worry we need to see the doctor tomorrow to confirm.”


Shin Hye started to cry.  “No this can’t be.  This is not happening. What will going to happen to me now, to us.”


“Yong Hwa, will marry you.” Mr. Jung said.


“No, I can’t do that to him.  I can’t afford to spoil his life because of this.” She said and she became hysterical.


Mr. Jung went to her side but she was a bit strong and he didn’t anticipate her force.  She unknowingly pushed him and he was out of balance.  He knocked his head in the angle of her bedside table and the lamp fell off in his forehead.


“Abeoji…!!” she screamed when she saw him on the floor and his head is bleeding.  She immediately climbed out from her bed to rescue him.


Yong Hwa has just entered in the house when he heard her scream. Servants came out to the living and looked at the second floor. They all both looked shocked.


“Dad…??” Yong Hwa knew that something is wrong in the horrific scream of Shin Hye.  He ran quickly as he can and reaches her room in a matter of seconds.


“What have you done!?!?!” Yong Hwa yelled when he saw Shin Hye holding the feet of the bed side lamp, the bleeding forehead of his father and the teary eyed Shin Hye.


He wasted no time and scream for help.  Everyone in the house rushed to her room and shocked of the situation.


“Moved away!” He shouted at her while they are lifting his unconscious father.


The driver prepared the car and speed off to the nearest hospital.  Shin Hye left immobile in her place after they gone.  She can’t believe what just had happen.  She’s trembling when she saw the monstrous eyes of Yong Hwa.  An accusing glare.


She seated in the corner of the room, shocked and trembling.  The servant offered her a water to come down.



Medical attendant assisted when they arrived in the emergency section. Immediately Yong Hwa called his mother and informed the incident.  They are waiting for doctor’s result when his mother arrived, by then doctor and told them that they need to examine the patient thoroughly if there is a severe head injury and concussion and the patient might be in comatose.  Yong Hwa balled his fist and left.  His mother was calling him but he ignores it.  He was really fuming.


“How dare you, Shin Hye?” He said while step on the accelerator.


After few hours Shin Hye heard a car engine went inside.  She stands up and waited in the door but she was surprised when she saw Yong Hwa along with the Police officers.


“Here she is.” Yong Hwa pointed at her while informing the police.


“Are you Ms. Park Shin Hye?” the police asked.


Shin Hye nodded unconsciously.  She’s nervous.


“You are hereby accused of attempted murder of Mr. Jung Woo Sung.” The police said.


“What.?” Shin Hye said when she regained her presence of mind but before she can continue the police officer read the Miranda Rights.


“Yong Hwa, it’s not what you think?  These are all not true. Please believe me.” Shin Hye is begging at him with a heavy tears.


She panicked when the police started to handcuff  her.


“Yong , Please listen to me, let me explain.” Shin Hye is begging and this time she is kneeling and holding his legs. Tears keeps running down so fast.


“You don’t have to explain, Shin Hye.  I saw everything.” Yong Hwa firmly said.


“No, Yong, it’s not what you think.” She tried everything to let him listen to her explaination but he was blind to see and deaf to hear any words from her.  “Yong, please I am begging you. Please don’t do this to me.”


He kneeled down and look at her straight in the eyes and only an inch away between their faces. “Shin Hye, listen to me.  If something wrong will happen to my father, you better start to nailing your coffin and start to digging your own hole.”


Shin Hye was shocked with his words.  The police pulled her up and guided her toward the mobile car.  Before they settle her inside, she ran back to Yong Hwa and the police followed her but before they can catch her Yong Hwa signaled to stop.


She stops in the middle. They look at each other intently, Yong Hwa can’t explain why he felt pity for her.  Her face is soaking wet with her tears.  The accident keeps running in his head and empathy he felt has gone, unconsciously he moved his right foot forward.  Shin Hye kneeled down slowly her eyes are getting blurry with her tears.  She kisses Yong Hwa’s foot.


Yong Hwa was then shocked, it was not his intention to let her kissed her feet.  Everyone who witnessed was surprised even the police officers. Shin Hye slowly turned her back yet continue crying started her steps forward going the mobile.  She voluntarily entered and police closes the door and left the place. Yong Hwa recovered his conscious when he saw the mobile car is leaving along with Shin Hye who has a heavy heart.  


He sat down and covered his face with his palms.  The event was too fast. He didn’t  listen to her and he didn’t have the chance to know that Shin Hye is carrying his child. 



Sorry for the long update.  I really need it to post in one chapter and wanted to end YH POV. Please do anticipate some emotional scene in the following chapters. for the father and the children, and the villain soon to be step mom.

comments is highly appreciated.


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Chapter 9: Por gentileza atualize essa história Yongshin.
Espero que você esteja bem.
uaenaland #2
still here???
uaenaland #3
it has been 3 years already.. what happen? are you okay author nim????
uaenaland #4
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
uaenaland #5
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
snowberry262 #6
Authornim? Are you still here?
snowberry262 #7
Authornim? Are you still here?
BlueDooley #8
snowberry262 #9
I wish you could continue this story. I love it. The plot makes me cry.
Anding2810 #10
Chapter 9: Pleasee update.......