The Past Part 2

Heaven Knows


“Whaatt???” His shocking response with a wide eyes. “Appa, what is this all about?” He asked in an angry manner and gave and intent glares to the young girl opposites him who stands besides his mother and a head bowed down and also shocked in the news but she refused to look at them.  Her being is not yet connected after what had happened in Japan and news has not yet sank in her.


“Yong Hwa, this is Shin Hye the daughter of my…” Mr. Jung didn’t complete his dialogue.


“Appa..Eomma, I don’t care whose daughter is she.  I want know what is going on right now?” Yong Hwa demanded an explanation.


“She or should I say they are the reasons why we extended our trip to Japan.  Her father died.” Mrs. Jung told to her son.


“So, what’s the connection of this decision in her father’s death?” Yong Hwa asked again and he is really confused at this very moment.


“Yong Hwa, son listen…” Mrs. Jung didn’t continue when she felt the Shin Hye’s presses hers. Mrs. Jung looked at her husband and signaled to help her explain to his and the husband nodded in response.


“Yong, let us put it is this way.  The Park needed our help badly.” Express by his elder.  Shin Hye felt relief to when she heard the explanation.



“Help?  What kind of help? Do you think getting married to her can help them? I don’t even know her?” He looked at her once more.


“You will know her better once you two will live together in one place.” Mr. Jung said to his worried son.


“But..Appa, you know I have plans too.” He again  expressed his side.


“No more buts Yong Hwa!” the elder exclaimed and fed up with his complain.  It gave Yong Hwa a big surprised.  It was his first time to hear and see his father in angry state. “If you are worried about your future plans, don’t be.  After your marriage you both can continue your studies and can proceed with your plans. It’s just that you need to get married as soon as possible. Is that clear?” He glared to his son who is about to cry. “Yong Hwa, did you hear me? Do you understand what I said?” He repeats.  Yong Hwa nodded but giving an intent glare to Shin Hye.  Shin Hye was terrified when he saw Yong Hwa’s  gawk.  Her heart beats fast.  She closed her eyes inorder to avoid his stares.


“Good… Now I will leave you both and get to know each other.  The couturier and wedding planner will join with us for dinner.”  Mr. Jung said before he walks towards the door.  “Yong Hwa, be good to her.” he warned before he closes the door.


He forcibly grabbed her left arm when his parents closed the door.  She winced when she felt his fingers digging painfully. “I don’t care what are the agreements of our fathers was and I am pretty sure it is all about money.  If you think your father fooled my parents, he is wrong.  I am still here and I am very determined to protect our interest against a scammer like you and your family.  Don’t be confident that you’ve won in this game. This is only just the beginning.  No matter what, I will see to it that I will win and I will be going to throw you out here with no hesitation. You gold digger, son-of-a-.”  He intentionally pushed her to release from his grip and she fell on the floor near to the couch. He walked pass her towards the door and closed it forcibly.


Shin Hye looked at the door blankly.  Her tears started to leaked in both eyes. “Appa…” she hissed as her tears heavily run down in her cheeks. 


A week earlier she met the Jung’s in hospital in Hokaido, Japan when they visited her dying father.  Mr. Park Sung Myun and Mr. Jung Woo Sung were best buddies way back in their middle school.  Japan and Seoul is not a hindrance of their great friendship. Park Sung Myun decided to live in Japan for 15 years to avoid the scandal that has been brought by his ex-wife the mother of Shin Hye.  He took Shin Hye with  him and started their meaningful life together.  But a sudden life – threatening health issues triggered Mr. Park. A Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria. A disease in which the bone marrow produces red blood cells with a defective protective layer. The destruction of red blood cells (called hemolysis) that is characteristic of PNH causes the urine to become dark or red in color. This destruction occurs because the blood cells, lacking the necessary protective molecule, are attacked by the patient's immune system.  Can be also called Aplastic Anemia.

“Don’t worry my little angel, Appa will be here with you forever and always..” her loving father told her.  She was sitting beside his hospital bed.  She knows that her father won’t stay any longer.  A sudden knock and the door opened.  Mr. Go their driver popped in the door.


“Sir, they’re here..”  he announced and the guest entered in the room.


Shin Hye stands to greet the guests. Jung Woo Sung and his wife cupped their mouth when they saw the pitiful situation of his best friend.


“Don’t shed your tears yet, I am still alive.”  He warned the new comers with a smile.  A meaningful smile. 


He introduced them to each other.  Mrs. Jung hugged the young lady.  “It seems only yesterday when you left Seoul and now you are fine and beautiful young lady.”  She commented, sadness can be recognized in her face upon seeing Shin Hye.


He looked at his daughter who bowed to their guest. “Shin, sweetheart why don’t you go home first and have some rest.  I want you to be here with me tonight.” He told his daughter.


Shin Hye wanted to argue, but she understood that her father wanted a little privacy with his guest. She didn’t have any idea about the discussion.


Shin Hye wiped her tears and slid her hand into her pocket.  She took a wallet size cut of an old photograph. A little girl almost 4 years old, wearing pink fairy dress with a pink bunny head band holding a balloon on her left hand and an ice cream on the other hand.  Besides the little girl was a little boy about 5 or 6 years old wearing a superman costume holding a sword toy and a balloon in both hands.  

“Don’t worry Shin Hye-yah, I am your oppa. I will protect you.  Don’t cry anymore.” the little boy said while tying the shoe lace of the sneaker of little Shin Hye.  He stands up after he finishes and wipe her tears. He took her hand and they walked together inside the house.


“Oppa…”  she whispered in heavy tears when the memories flashed in her vivid mind. She rubbed her  arm were  she could still feel the pain of Yong Hwa's fingers.



By the door Yong Hwa heard her sniffing. He’s fuming in the shocking news from his parents.  He can’t believe that his parents will ruin his plans.  He went off straight to garage and starts the engine of his car.  He stepped the accelerator and left the place.


His father was watching him in the terrace of the master’s bedroom as exited the main gate of their house.


“Yeobo, do you think it is a good idea for both of them?” Nae Young asked her husband as she approached in him.


“They will definitely understand when the time comes.” Woo Sung replied.


“I don’t want Yong Hwa will blame us in the future.” She worriedly said and looked up in the sky.  Woo Sung stared at his wife as he reminisced the last time they had with him.


“Woo Sung, my time is short.  Promise me that you will take good care of my princess.  She is all that I have.”  Sung Myun said to his best friend.


“Don’t say like that, you will fight for it.  We still find the cure of this disease.” Woo Sung eyes started to tear. He knows that his best friend is telling the truth.


“Don’t worry about her, we will be with her no matter what.” Nae Young promised to him.


Sung Myun smiled. “I know deep inside her, she is worried, sad and lonely but she tries to keep it for my own sake.  I know my daughter very well.  She is willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of others.”  He then recalled the incident in her middle school where she was hit by the car when she saved the 6th grader who crossed the road from their school. Shin Hye was fortunate enough that there were no serious injuries she acquired.  Their conversation was cut when someone knocked and opened the door and it was Shin Hye, their attention has been diverted.


She bowed to pay respect and she immediately went to her father kissed his forehead.  “You promised me that I will be the one to look after you tonight and not Mr. Go.” She reminded her father. 


“Of course, I want you to be with me tonight.” Mr. Park laughed to his daughter words.  “Give me some water, I need to drink my throat is getting dry.” He told.


Shin Hye nodded and walked towards the mini refrigerator near to get some water but before she reaches the area the BP monitor started to beep an indication that the patient’s condition is in danger.


“Appa!!!” She exclaimed.  She saw her father having a chest pain and trying to catch his breath.  Mr. Jung moved fast besides the patient and immediately presses the button for help.


“Appaa…Appa..!!”  Shin Hye started to cry.  She also moved fast and stay besides her father.  In less than a minute the medical personnel came to rescue. Resuscitation procedure is applied to revive the patient.


“Sung Myun…!” Mr. Jung called his best friend.  Mrs. Jung is holding Shin Hye tightly as stepped aside to give way the other medical personnel and equipment that has been brought inside.


“Appa..Appa…”  she became hysterical now.  The Jung’s are trying to console her. 


“Take her out…” the doctor’s advised to the couple.


“No…!!!” Shin Hye shouted.  Her face is wet as her tears keeps on running down fast.  She is struggling not to leave the room.  “Appa… Appa.. Don’t close your eyes….don’t leave me…”  She exclaimed.  Expecting that her father would hear her plea.


“Shin Hye, sweetheart, your father will be alright, the doctors will revive him..” Comforted by Mrs. Jung.


“No.. he needs me there..” She said while they are pulling her towards the door.


Her world stops revolving when she heard the flat line tone from the BP monitor. She became immobile for quite some time.  She was back in reality when she heard the doctor announced the time of death.


“NOOOO!!!!”  She shouted inside and she was from the tight hands of the couple.  She ran to her father’s bed wailing. “Appa….” She gently slapped the face to wake him up. “Appa.. Appa.. Don’t close your eyes..”  She hugged him tightly. “Appppaaa!!!” She screamed and wailed loudly.



“Nae Young, this is the only way we can protect her.”  Woo Sung said to his wife and he guided her back to their room.  “It was not my intention, but I hope Sung Myun will forgive me for using her daughter.” 


Nae Young looked at her husband who are in deep troubled thought.  “Let’s go and have dinner.  I will call Shin Hye.” She said.  The couple went out together.  They were about to open the door of the study room when they heard Shin Hye’s weeping. “Let’s give her some time, she is still in emotional turmoil.  Mrs. Jung felt pity for her soon-to-be-daugther-in-law.  The couple went down straight to the dining hall.




Yong Hwa continuously drives until he reaches the flat of Jung Shin.  He called the rest of his cohorts to meet in Jung Shin’s place.


“What?  Are you serious?” Jong Hyun asked when revealed his upcoming marriage.


“I wish I wasn't...” Yong Hwa replied in sigh.


“How is she, I mean is she beautiful, y, intelligent or what?” the playboy Jung Shin asked.


“How would I know, I have seen and met her properly. I haven't examine her anatomy.  The thing I remembered was she really annoys me.  I just dragged her and left.” He replied again.  “I really wanted to get rid of her out of our life..” he added.


“Hmm, why don’t you scare her? She will definitely change her mind once she sees the real you.” Min Hyuk’s bully suggestions.


“Hmm that’s a great idea.” Jung Shin agreed with his suggestions.


“Let’s drink to that..” Jong Hyun invited them for a toss of beer.



Mrs. Jung guided Shin Hye to her room after their dinner.  She stayed in the guest room opposites Yong Hwa’s.    She started to unpacked her luggage. Her attention was caught in an A4 size of a sealed brown envelope.  It was given by her father’s lawyer.  She haven’t opened it instead she keep it safely in the drawer of her closet.  She doesn’t have time to read for now.  All she wants is her father.  She wiped her tears away when it started to fall.  She misses her loving father.




“Please come in, it is open.” Shin Hye answered.


“I brought you some milk and cookies, your father told us that is you night rituals before you go to bed otherwise you can’t sleep properly.”  Mr. Jung said to her.


Shin Hye smiled and she can’t believe that every details of her likes and dislikes was being mentioned by her father to them. “Thank you.”


“You may take your rest after you finish unpacking, we talk again tomorrow. Good night”  Mr. Jung said and walked to the door.


Shin Hye bowed. “Good night too..Mr. Jung”


“Call me Appa..” He corrected her.


After the old man left, she proceed to the bathroom and soaked herself in the tub for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly.  She settled herself in the bed after she drank the milk and ate the cookies.  She took some books to read and after a 30 minutes she felt her eye lids starts to close.  She set aside the book the settled herself properly.


It was passed 12 midnight when Yong Hwa reached their house.  Jong Hyun drove his car. Jungshin and Minyuk followed in the other car.   Min Hyuk and Jung Shin assisted him to go inside his house.  Without their knowledge Mr. Jung was waiting for his son in living room area.


“I’ll take him from here.” He said and that made the 3 guys surprised. 


“Mr. Jung..” they said chorus.


“Don’t worry it’s fine.” He assured.  “You may take your leave now.  Your parents might get worried.” He added.  “And thank you for taking him back.”


The boys bowed and left.  Mr. Jung took advantage of the situation.  He guided his son in the second floor of their house but instead he takes him to Yong Hwa’s room, he opened Shin Hye’s room and settled him beside her.




“How is it?” Nae Young asked her husband when he enters their bedroom.


“He’s there... with her.” He answered.


Both of them are worried with the outcome but they know it is for the betterment of the young couple to be.



Yong Hwa slightly opened his eyes when he felt something beside him.  He noticed the bedside lamp was still on. He moved and position his self towards his right and he saw  a beautiful glowing face in a deep sleep.  He smiled. “Oh, Jung Shin you are naughty as ever..” he murmured out of his drunkard.  He caress the face.  “So soft like cotton candy and silky.” He added.  “Hmm, smells strawberry and honey dew.” He commented when he position his nose to her head.


He started kissing the girl beside him.


Shin Hye is visualizing her dream that she was under a man’s body touching, caressing and kissing her entire body.  She felt a different sensation and it goes faster and deeper.  “It’s only a dream..” she smiled.   She yanked when felt the unfamiliar pain.  She opened her eyes was shocked that it was no longer a dream.  It’s Yong Hwa on top of her ness enjoying every curves of her body and trying his alien huge gun to enter in her tight cave…



To be continued…..emotionally battered Shin Hye and some heartbreaking scene for the couple will follow..

sorry for the boring chapter.. so tired from the flight from Jeju-Seoul-Barcelona.

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Chapter 9: Por gentileza atualize essa história Yongshin.
Espero que você esteja bem.
uaenaland #2
still here???
uaenaland #3
it has been 3 years already.. what happen? are you okay author nim????
uaenaland #4
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
uaenaland #5
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
snowberry262 #6
Authornim? Are you still here?
snowberry262 #7
Authornim? Are you still here?
BlueDooley #8
snowberry262 #9
I wish you could continue this story. I love it. The plot makes me cry.
Anding2810 #10
Chapter 9: Pleasee update.......