
Heaven Knows


“Yong Hwa..” his mother put her hand over his and pressed gently. “Are you ok, son?”


He turned head and look his mother intently and tears starts leaking in his eyes.  Yong Hwa looked away and stare outside from the window of their moving car. “Eomma, I really don’t know how will I face those children... "my children".  He added softly. I don’t know if they are going to accept me.  I don’t know if they will forgive me in the future if they finds out that their mother died because of me.” He let out the guilt in his heart that he suppress for the last years since Shin Hye stepped out from their house.


“My son, everything happens in purpose.  Your children will definitely forgive you.”  His mother moved a little forward and comforted him.


“It hurts to know that they were being thrown out from their small for several time, that they only ate food twice a day  because they don’t have enough means to provide their needs. That they only wear a hand me down clothes of some other people and were eating the almost expired products just to fill their hungry stomach.  It hurts me to see my children in the photographs that are thin, no proper clothes to wear and being under nourished while I am here having a good life and spending so  much money for nothing while they are starving for the wealth that supposedly belongs to them.  I was a fool to believed in the gossips without asking her.  Now Eomma, tell me how can I bring her back to life to give the only happiness she ever wanted?  How can I tell to my children that I despised their mother?  It took 5 years for me to find her and only to find out that she's gone forever.” He continues to weep. “What kind of a husband and a father am I?  I doubted her love.”  He wiped his tears that keeps flowing in his face.


The investigator gave the photographs of the twin, a girl and a boy and the result of the DNA test that proves they are the offspring of Yong Hwa.  The girl has taken all features from her mother and the boy from his father.  There’s no doubt that it’s Yong Hwa and Shin Hye’s genes that runs in their blood.


The old maiden didn’t hesitate to give out some information needed by investigating team regarding Shin Hye and her children. They also informed her to be ready for the upcoming visit of the family the twins.

It was a long journey in Yong Hwa’s life traveling from Seoul to Gweongji.  The small shack where the twin lives is situated in near the sea view area.  The Jung's car stops small main road at the foot of the narrow path walk. Yong Hwa couldn’t imagine that the sophisticated and elegant Park Shin Hye she knew lived in this deserted and dreadful place.  Soon then he realized it was all because of him why she ended up in this place.


People within the place notice the  luxurious car park in the small main road.  Everyone gathered to look whose inside.  They moved back when first car open the some security went out and walked to the Jung’s car to barricade the crowd.  Whispers and curiosity can be pictured out among the faces of the people.


The Jung's climbed out from the car and immediately walked towards the path as being guided by the investigator and other security.  About 200 meters  far they stop at the front of the small door.  Yong Hwa was nervous in his first meeting with his children.  He didn’t when or how to start with them.


Before they could knock the door has opened.  They immediately recognized the old maiden, but the children are nowhere to be seen. Yong Hwa look through inside the possibility of his kids.


“They are still at school.”  The old maiden said when she noticed his head movements. “Please come inside, they'll be here by 3pm.”  She added.


Yong Hwa looked at his watch and it’s only 1.45pm.  He went inside along his father and mother.  The old maiden offered them to sit on the floor and put some drinks in the small table.


The Jung’s examined her face properly. 



She just smiled back at them and say, “I saw her sitting on a folded hard board outside the church in Myeongdung,” the old maiden started. she was thirsty, hungry and cold and having small bag of her clothes and 30,000Won in her wallet.” she is referring to the situation of Shin Hye.  She handed the photo album to them and they started to scanned the photographs of his wife and kids.  He smiled and his tears starts to form again when he saw the photo of the new born kids and Shin Hye on the first page.


She was thrown out from the house where she rented because she wasn’t able to pay the rent and all her things was been barred by the landlord. She was very pregnant for almost 7 months and was almost five years ago…..” as she started to tell the past of Shin Hye and her children...


To be continued……. (flash back revelations will follow)

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Chapter 9: Por gentileza atualize essa história Yongshin.
Espero que você esteja bem.
uaenaland #2
still here???
uaenaland #3
it has been 3 years already.. what happen? are you okay author nim????
uaenaland #4
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
uaenaland #5
Chapter 9: Omg please continue .. omg the story is heartbreaking
Omg Yong Hwa is a bastard
Anyway author please come back
snowberry262 #6
Authornim? Are you still here?
snowberry262 #7
Authornim? Are you still here?
BlueDooley #8
snowberry262 #9
I wish you could continue this story. I love it. The plot makes me cry.
Anding2810 #10
Chapter 9: Pleasee update.......