There And Back Again

Time with a psychic of another universe.

“I am glad that you have chosen me, instead of that low life. Maybe in the future we can go visit there, after we have some kids.” I thought back to what he has said.

“Kids! When are we going to have kids?” I was really shock that he would think that after all the crazy things that we had done together.

“I thought that after what you had shown him you would want to be with me instead of him. Later I was thinking that we could have dates, or at least start going out together.”

“Yeah, I think that would be ok and to have kids. If you keep your word and let me go back to visit that dimension one more time, I promise to stay with you forever.”

“Ok, I’ll keep my word.” Ji-yong said.

So after another three years we got married and had four children. Every time I see them I think of the times Seung-hyun and I would have had together. I have spent my days wondering when I can go back to him, but Ji-yong said “After a few more months. I promise.”

Finally the day came, but for some reason I has not as happy I thought I would be. So Ji-yong told everyone that we were going to have an anniversary there and the family agreed only if we didn’t leave the kids here. Later on the way home Ji-yong asked if I wanted to meet Seung-hyun, I said that I would like to, and tell him of the fun times we had.

Teleportation is the fastest way to there, so now we have arrived. I instantly went to find Seung-hyun, but stunned to find that he had become a star singer. Even though there was a lot of bodyguards Seung-hyun had been leaving a ticket behind so that I could go backstage. It was nice to see that he still cared about me, but scared about what I should say about the last year I didn’t see him.

Backstage is one thing but the dressing room was the only thing that he had granted only to me. “Hi, Seung-hyun.”

He turned around and started to cry, feelings came out of me also. But seeing him for the last time was the greatest joy I had that day.

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