A Dog

Prince in Disguise [Interactive Romance Story]

A dog! Let's go follow it!

    "Hi, boy!" you cooed to the dog. You bent down next to it and pet it, smiling as it seemed to like you. After a few seconds, the dog suddenly barked and started to run away.

    "H-Hey!" you exclaimed.

    Without thinking, you ran after the dog, trying to keep up with it as it maneuvered throughout the huge castle. 'First order of business when I become princess,' you thought. 'Make this castle not so damn big!'

    After a long minute of running, you finally find the dog, half of it obscured by a wall. You walk towards it, and, to your surprise, you see someone petting it.

    "Hey, Stryker!" the boy cooed. "There you are! Where'd you run off to again?"

    You smiled at the cute scene between the boy and the dog, but when you noticed who the boy was, you let out a gasp. The boy heard you and looked up, only to gasp, too. Once you saw his face clearly now, there was no doubting who it was...

    "J-Jonghyun?!" you exclaimed.

    Jonghyun blinked, a blank look on his face. Then, his eyes widened, realization flashing on his face. "_____!" he yelled.

    Stryker took that moment to walk up to you, rubbing his head on your leg affectionately like a cat would. The two stared at the dog, then you both laughed at the little mood killer. You reached down to pet him, but suddenly, he barked and took off once again.

    "Stryker...," Jonghyun sighed. He turned to you, gave you an apologetic gesture, then ran after the dog.

    You stared after them in confusion, but you figured it would be better if you left him to do what he (apparently) needed to do. Then, you turned around and saw...


Lots of fruit trees near the side of the castle. That carriage ride DID leave me a little hungry...


A letter. Did someone drop this?


A person with a beautiful dress! Ooh, I wanna try it on!


An official-looking badge. Whose own is this...?


The back of my eyelids. I'm tired of exploring!

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Sorry for the short and pretty uneventful update! But don't worry; I plan to make each and every one of these next set of choices lead to a good little story!


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Please update~ This is so cute! <3
kpop_luv #2
I'm loving This please update soon :)
MinwooBF_luv #3
Chapter 17: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OMFG!!! I GOT MINWOO!!!!!'
Chapter 9: THIS ISO CREATIVEE!!! its like a whole journey thing! love it!
Chapter 19: Yay~ Thanks so much for the update! <3 It's amazing as always~ Can't wait for the endings ^-^ Will there be a sequel? >///< With more princes?
kpopgirl2494 #6
Chapter 9: OMO OMO Luhan so manly here~be my personal guard!XD
taekeybb #8
Chapter 9: Mine's Kris. <333
My prince is Jonghyun! I'm so happy~~ Please, update soon! :)
Chapter 13: Youngmin~ *^* It's awesome how we share the same bias~ <3 Thanks so much for the update and which boys are next huh? *winks*