At the End of the Day

Prince in Disguise [Interactive Romance Story]

The back of my eyelids. I'm tired of exploring!


    After your little adventure in the castle, Jiyun had finally come back. Once she spotted you, she ran to you, looking completely excited.

    "_____!" she said. "Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, Princess _____!"

    You made a slight grimace at her emphasizing of the word 'Princess.' "Jiyun, if you keep saying my name like that," you teasingly threatened. "I just might reconsider my decision."

    She let out a small laugh and nudged your shoulder playfully. "Oh, ____. I was just teasing! No need to reconsider because of that!"

    "Right...," you said.

    "Anyways," Jiyun said. "I came to tell you that you're going to have to stand in front of the officials soon. You know, to be acquainted and stuff. You'll also be informed of how your tests will go."

    "The tests that'll test if I'm 'Princess Material'?" you asked.

    Jiyun laughed at your use of words. "Yes, but don't worry. I'm sure you're complete Princess Material!" You scoffed, and she just continued. "Besides, they've decided to give you a few days to yourself, in case you wanted to rest. Think about it as a chance to explore the castle!"

    'I already DID, though...,' you thought to yourself. Then, you shrugged. 'Well, it IS a big castle... Guess it wouldn't hurt to explore it a bit more.'

    "Alright then," you said to Jiyun. "Anything else?"

    "Oh, you must be tired, right?" You nodded in response. "Well, I just show you to your quarters for now."

    You followed Jiyun throughout the halls of the castle. After walking for a few minutes, you two finally reached your room. Once Jiyun opened the door, you were in awe.

    A green, queen-size bed was set near the wall, a mahogany headboard around it. The curtains were green and white, and a pretty chandelier hung from the ceiling, lighting the room in a comfortable light.

    "Sorry if it's a bit... plain," Jiyun said apologetically. "But don't worry; once you're princess, your room will be the grandest one in the whole castle!"

    "Plain?!" you exclaimed. "This room is gorgeous! I love it!"

    Jiyun was surprised for a moment, but then she smiled. "I'm glad you like it, then! I, uh, I guess I'll leave you to rest. You've probably had a long day."

    'You have NO idea,' you thought, chuckling to yourself.

    "Okay. Thank you, Jiyun!" you said as she exited your room.

    Once she was gone, you got ready for bed, and once you laid down, you instantly drifted to sleep.


    After you woke up, you had to remind yourself that were now a future princess. (You also had to restrain yourself from punching the servant that served you morning tea and breakfast, reminding yourself that you were no longer living alone.)

    Once you were finished with breakfast, you got dressed. After all your morning rituals, you walked outside. 'Another day,' you thought to yourself. 'Guess it's time for more exploring!'

    With that in mind, you made the journey to the castle courtyard. There, you saw...


A broken broom. Time to be a good person and clear it away!


A bench near a pond. I just want to relax...


A white rose bush. How pretty! Are there more?


A servant with a plate of food. FOOD~


A boy struggling with a large stack of papers. Does he need help?


An important-looking clipboard. Isn't someone looking for this?

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Sorry for the short and pretty uneventful update! But don't worry; I plan to make each and every one of these next set of choices lead to a good little story!


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Please update~ This is so cute! <3
kpop_luv #2
I'm loving This please update soon :)
MinwooBF_luv #3
Chapter 17: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OMFG!!! I GOT MINWOO!!!!!'
Chapter 9: THIS ISO CREATIVEE!!! its like a whole journey thing! love it!
Chapter 19: Yay~ Thanks so much for the update! <3 It's amazing as always~ Can't wait for the endings ^-^ Will there be a sequel? >///< With more princes?
kpopgirl2494 #6
Chapter 9: OMO OMO Luhan so manly here~be my personal guard!XD
taekeybb #8
Chapter 9: Mine's Kris. <333
My prince is Jonghyun! I'm so happy~~ Please, update soon! :)
Chapter 13: Youngmin~ *^* It's awesome how we share the same bias~ <3 Thanks so much for the update and which boys are next huh? *winks*