Date night (Day 6 cont.)


I shot off into my room to shower and change my clothes. Nan, of course, was on my heels, yapping on as usual. I wasn't really hearing her, trying to choose an outfit. I didn't want to look too dressy, but I didn't want it to look like I was just throwing on something either. I settled on a nice pair of high waist pants coupled with a stretchy, but fitted plain blue tee and thick half jacket pulled on to take the bite off of the air. Nan had picked out my high top sneakers from under my bed sometime during all this. 


"Try not to act weird," she advised. "You'll make him worry unnecessarily."


I rolled my eyes but nodded seeing her point. Always them before me, in her mind. Not that it was a bad approach to take seeing as they were still performers and I still had to maintain a certain image.


My ever reliable best friend did some quick work with my hair, sweeping it off my neck into a cutely messy bun before I grabbed my purse and went downstairs by the gate to wait for him. It was kind of dark since the light that had been installed on the outside was on the fritz. Tonight was one of those nights that it decided not to behave. I was used to it so I put in my ear buds and sang along to Seungri's "VVIP" until, two songs later, the black van pulled up and I tucked my phone away. I went up to the side door which was pulled open for me. Bang was frowning slightly when I sat in the space beside him and shut the door.


"Was it always so dark around here?" he inquired after I gave my greetings.


I shook my head. "The light bulb is shorting out. They'll fix it at some point."


He didn't appear to be satisfied by this. "That's not safe. Were you out waiting for very long?"


"Ani." Which wasn't a lie, but not quite the truth either.


Still, I was warmed by his concern and I watched as he, with an unconvinced look on his face, slouched in the seat and lifted his hat off of his head, his neck leaning on the top of the seat. I adjusted as well, turning on my side in the seat, and stared. In a white long sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans, he was still looking as fine as if he was going to the Inkigayo stage.


We looked each other in the eyes for a while before he gave up first, glancing out to the road ahead.


"Are you tired?"


He shook his head and looked at me. "Aniyo."


"Eyyyy...." I narrowed my eyes slightly at him.


Bang smiled a little. "I'm not really tired anymore. Chincharo (Truthfully)."


The van rolled on and for just a little while we stared at each other again, small smiles creasing our lips. He gave in first, turning his eyes to the look out to the road. 


I win, I sang mentally to him.


And of course he heard me, the side of his mouth turning upward even more. "Is there anywhere you want to go? I'm not sure if you'd want to go to a restaurant this late."


I snuggled my side into the seat. "I thought we could just go to a food stall or a fast food place. Something easy."


He nodded and said something to his manager who began to drive with more direction after Yongguk leaned back. It didn't take us very long before we pulled on the side near a closed cafe. I would've asked him what was up until he reached across me to open the door. I didn't speak as I hopped out, scanning the streets for a food stall or a Taco Bell or something. There was a McDonald's at the end of the vehicle crowded corner which shone brightly. Once Yongguk shut the door, Manager-oppa hopped out of the van as well, but headed in the opposite direction after a few low words with his ward.


"You don't mind walking, right?" he asked when he came over to me. "He couldn't park further up."


"Its fine," I beamed. "The night air feels good. Its not cold tonight."


He smiled at me again, adjusting his hat comfortably so that it cast a shadow over his eyes. With a tilt of his head, I caught the signal for me to follow him. 


Our pace wasn't a quick one; I could've looked around at the stars and the shops as leisurely as I wanted. My fingers grabbed gently above the hem of his sleeve near his wrist during our stroll. Bang glanced down at it very briefly though he didn't speak. 


You do this often. Do you...want know?


......C-can I?


I wouldn't.....object.


My fingers slid down his palm and held onto him lightly. He held me back almost immediately. I giggled ridiculously like a schoolgirl on her first date. I used to tease girls who acted like that; I suppose I could relate now. His hand was so warm and big that I wanted to even cuddle his arm, but, no, I wasn't THAT far gone.


Thankfully, McDonald's wasn't crowded so we got our order quickly. Bang had removed his hat, letting it hang on his knee and I was munching on fries when my phone rang.


Uh....BAP in the building.

Ya'll know what it is. 

Let's rock!


I snatched it up before the verse could be completed and I could be any more embarrassed. Even so, I heard a soft "Fight for Freedom," from across the table. 


I met Yongguk's eyes and laughed. "You just couldn't resist, could you?"


He merely looked on, chewing on some nuggets as I checked my text.


"Its Nana." I reported. "Apparently my mother is at the apartment right now and Heejin is flapping her gums about how I haven't let her meet you yet." I rolled my eyes and put my cell down on the table. "She's such a baby."


Bang smiled, sipping his water. "Your mom lives in Seoul?"


I nodded. "She's in our childhood home with her dog. Appa spends a lot of time over seas these days so she wanted company since Heejin lives with me."


"Can I ask why you decided move out and take your little sister with you?" He stared over the rim of his bottle curiously.


I blinked at his question. It was a good one. One that I bet was bothering him for a while. 


"Sure, you can ask." I reached into my fries and held one out for him.


He looked at it, then me, then the fry again. I waved it in the air to make sure he got the message.


Eat and I'll tell you.


His expression softened as he leaned forward to pull my fry from my fingers. I smiled as he chewed and ate one of my nuggets when he tried not to look at me to cover his laugh.


"Well, I didn't really want to leave, to be honest. My dad and I got into an argument about it and we made a bet about whether or not I'd survive a month alone." I sipped my juice. "I did better than he expected, so I decided to keep the place. Heejin only came too because she begged Appa. She thought living with me would mean no rules."


"Does it?"


I raised an eyebrow at him. "She still has a curfew and everything. She is still a high school student after all. I don't let her get away with anything."


Bang chuckles. "Because you wanted to be by yourself."


I nodded. "Precisely."


He leaned in slightly less hesitant to eat the fry I offered for his correct answer. This time though, he reached a little further than before, his tongue brushing against the tip of my thumb. I could tell it wasn't intentionally from the way his brows furrowed.


"Joesonghamnida," he said softly, the side of his index finger swiping over his mouth as if to wipe something off.


I didn't want to show that I was more than just a little disappointed so I just shook my head with a small smile. "Its fine."


I knew the audience would have no idea what happened and that part may be edited out so I didn't think much about it, but he didn't accept any more offers. I ate them by myself, a silence falling over us. 


Imagine my surprise when a nugget was placed in my empty container of fries when I took a drink of my juice.




I smiled and popped it into my mouth. Yongguk's eyes were now conveniently on the screen of his phone.


"So oppa," I went on casually, "what are we doing tomorrow? It would be our last day together."


Although my voice was light, just saying 'our last day together' made my chest ache. Slowly, Bang froze, his face lifting to me with a look of pure shock on his face.


My brows furrowed. "You knew that, right?"


He blinked, his eyes on me but not seeing me. I could see him backtracking the days in his head. Realization dawned on him a few seconds later.


"I though there were another--I don't know, two days."


I shook my head. "The two days you think you have were yesterday and today. Maybe it doesn't seem like it because we didn't spend any time with each other until now."


Bang nodded his head as he considered this. "Maybe. But its already been a week?"


I smiled and leaned my elbows in the table. "Did you have fun?"


He didn't reply. The weak smile he gave me wasn't very reassuring either. His phone dinged at his side and he checked it, biting his lip. I tried not to watch that display and waited on him to say something.


"Hyung wants to know if we're ready."


I nodded, collecting all of the garbage neatly into the bag we received it in and throwing it away as Yongguk wiped the table with a napkin. After he disposed of that, we went back onto the pavement having the pleasure of another walk back to the van. He pulled his hat back on, although someone had already seem him and stopped to do a double take.


We took a few steps away from the light of McDonald's. I took a deep breath and unintentionally sighed, my face turned up to the sky. I didn't see him looking at me. I didn't see the way his expression softened when he heard me sigh. But when I, all of a sudden, felt the warmth of fingers wrapping around my hand, I glanced at him quickly only to find him staring straight ahead. He seemed very unsure until I took his hand and hugged his arm briefly before turning my face back to the sky and allowing the walking space between us to return naturally. I saw his smile through the shadow cast over his face. When I say there was nothing that could've bothered me at that point other than someone dying or something, I mean it. 


When we got back to the car, Manager-oppa was already turning the keys in the ignition.Once we were settled against the seat, I couldn't resist anymore; still holding his hand, I snuggled against Yongguk's arm. He was so warm despite his lack of a jacket. Perhaps his body heat was naturally high. It didn't matter; my eyes were closed and my head was leaning comfortably on his shoulder. I felt him tense, but only slightly out of consciousness. Soon, his muscles relaxed and he lounged back into the seat, his eyes closing too. 


"Is there anywhere you particularly want to go tomorrow?"


His voice was a low rumble that made me hum and hug his arm a bit more though I covered it up as a sound of thought. " really. What do you think?"


He hummed as well, his thumb my finger as if it was helping him think. "I'm not really good at things like this."


Yeah? Well you're good at driving me nuts, I thought to myself


"We don't have to do anything big like Lotte World." Although I would love it...."I don't want you to be uncomfortable." 


Yongguk pressed his tongue into his cheek for a while in silence. "What time do you have class tomorrow?"


"I only have early classes tomorrow. I'll be done before noon." I looked up at him, my chin on his arm. "Weayo? Are you going to take care of it all?"


Eyes still shut, he nodded.


"What are you going to do?"


He shrugged.


"Gogitmal." He smiled at that. "You're not even going to give me a hint, huh?"


To my surprise, he simply used his free hand to maneuver my head back to lay on his arm, his fingers grazing my neck a bit too long to have been accidental. I giggled, snuggling into him again, pulling my legs up under me in the seat and closing my eyes.


"Are you comfortable?" he chuckled. 


"Not as comfortable as I'd like, but I'll live."


He let out another y chuckle, sighing when I adjusted the side of my knees to lean on his thighs.






My eyes opened groggily. My vision cleared to show me Yongguk in the same position I left him. I let out a yawn and he squeezed my hand.


"You're home," he announced.


I tried not to frown after we were out of the van, standing in front of the gate. The light flickered a bit but Bang gave it one stern look and it stayed on, illuminating the front porch as if it were a new bulb. Even the lights didn't want to cross him.


I really didn't want to let his hand go. Not after we had just broken into such open skinship. I didn't want things to go back to how they were tomorrow. I didn't want to let this feeling leave. Way in the back of my eyes, I felt tears prickling up but one blink tucked them away. I was not going to be that girl.


"I'll text you."


My eyes finally moved from our linked hands to Bang's face. "Arasso."


He could tell I was beginning to have sad thoughts come over me. I knew he could from the way he rubbed circles on my skin with his thumb. But he let go first, tucking his hands into his pockets and smiling at me so warmly that I didn't feel so bad with my hands interlocked with each other.


The head lights of a car coming up the street toward us, made me look over despite the glare. 






Heejin jumped out of the car carrying a plastic bag of what appeared to be snacks and sweets and ran to where the two of us were standing, her eyes dashing between us briefly before sticking to Bang who bowed with an careful smile. 




Heejin nodded and bowed. "Ne, annyeonghaseyo."


My mother was not very far behind, opting to approach us at a more casual pace as she sipped something hot out of a styrofoam cup. When Yongguk caught sight of her he stepped to the side, as if to give her room to walk by him. He bowed at his waist as she came closer, bobbing his head in an extra nod. 


Heejin held to my mother's arm, grinning. "He's handsome, isn't he, Eomma?"


She nodded in agreement and he bowed again, murmuring his thanks. Mom looked over to me with a saucy, knowing smile. I went to her and gave her a hug, kissing her cheek.


Bang watched curiously until I explained. "This is my mother and little sister," I said motioning to their bodies, "Mira and Heejin."


His eyebrows raised in surprise and he bowed again--a full 90 degrees this time--and smiled. "Annyeonghaseyo. Bang Yongguk imnida. It is a pleasure to meet you in person."


"Omo!" She was a bit taken a back. "Your voice.....You are definitely the one I talked to on the phone."


He chuckled. "Yes, ma'am."


"Oh, please," she waved her hand in dismissal. "No need to be so formal. You're with Minnie after all."


"Ne, Ommonim." He kind of blushed on that one.


His eyes slid over to Heejin who was clinging to our mother as if she was the only thing keeping her feet on the ground. The expression in his eyes softened.


"Its nice to meet you too, Heejin-ah."


"N-ne!" she replied a shade louder than she intended.


She offered him a hand and he smiled good naturedly, shaking it in a trained manner, evidence of all the fansigns he had attended. My eyes widened at the fact that she had extended the hand with her "frozen" fingers to him though he didn't let it show on his face that he noticed.


I stepped forward then. It was getting late and I was sure that he needed to get back to the dorms. Besides that I knew that the longer he stayed the more likely it was that Heejin would say something that would make me want to kill her; I already saw her gearing up to speak. I turned my attention to him and he, in response, turned his to me.


"I'll text you. I don't want you to be in trouble for being out too long. Be safe, OK?"


Yongguk nodded and gave me another one of those smiles that made my temperature rise. "I'll see you tomorrow." He bowed to Jin and Mom again. "Please have good night. Excuse me. "


With one more look to me, he headed back into the van and went home. I sighed once he was gone, having to listen to Jin yap on and on about B.A.P the entire way into the living room. I threw myself on the couch with Nan who was playing Go Stop online.


She didn't so much as pause her game to acknowledge me. "Oh, wasso (you're here)?"


I sighed, leaning back. "Uhng--"


"Guess who was downstairs?" Heejin squealed all of a sudden. "Bang Yongguk! BANG YONGGUK WAS DOWNSTAIRS! Ahhh!" Hopping around, she covered her giggles with her hand. "And even though certain people didn't really let me talk to him, I shook hands with him." Finally she paused for breath. "Omo, I need to tell the girls."


And like that, she was gone, not to be seen for the rest of the night. Not that anyone really cared.


Mom came over to the couch and sat in the arm chair on the short end of the coffee table, putting her bag and coat on the space beside her. "So," she began getting comfortable, "this is for a TV show, I was told?"


I nodded. "A show on Mnet. And don't give me that look," I said when her eyebrow raised. "I only signed up because I lost a bet to Nan. I didn't expect to actually get chosen."


She sighed, sipping her drink. "Your father is going to give you hell for this, you know."


"Only if he finds out."


"And he think he won't?


"He only will if you tell him, mother."


Our eyes met over the table, a steady gaze full of consideration on each side. Mom narrowed her eyes at me.


"Alright, I won't tell him but do you really think that he won't find out eventually?"


I snuggled into Nana's side as she did some card combo. "'Eventually' isn't the problem. As long as its not this week, I couldn't care less."


"And when he asks about your boyfriend?"


"If he asks about him after this week. I'll tell him the truth--all of it--and I'll take whatever he throws at me,"  I replied, holding my mother's eyes still. "If and only if."


I could sense her disapproval at my plans at deception but she also knew that being the one to deliver the message would make her the first to weather the initial wave of his wrath. That was never a good place to be, believe me. To avoid that dreaded, but inevitable job, she wisely conceded to let me do as I pleased without any smart comments.


She sipped at her drink, her face suddenly looking tired. "He seems like such boy, too," she sighed as if Daddy had already planned to assassinate him. "Very polite. And handsome, too. Why is he an idol star?'


I couldn't--or more honestly, didn't want to--come up with an answer for that question. I never asked him. I knew that he had answered this before in an interview somewhere at some point in time. I mean, who wouldn't want to know what made an underground rapper trade in his relatively normal life for the dangerous survival game idol stars play every day of their lives. As far as I was concerned, it wasn't worth it. Not to have people all in private life: stalking me, hurting those close to me, watching my every move like a hawk just to criticize me for being myself. No. I would never have made the decision to step into that world.....


But isn't that what dating Yongguk would do? I would be forced to sink or tread water--not even swim. I'd be lucky if I was still buoyant enough to swim with all the naysayers that would be trying to pull. My body sagged against Nan's with a sigh. Whether I regretted it or not, I had already made my decision on what I was going to do the following day.



Im back, my lovelies! 


Did you all miss me? I missed you!!!



But here's the continuation of the chapter before. There's only one chapter (and an epilogue) left in this story. I hope you like it and keep supporting these two and my crazy hard to keep writing plot ^^





Im so grateful. I will do my best to make this ending POP!

As always, I love all my readers for giving me your time.


Until next time,

God and love

Danisaurus Rex


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COMPLETION....Its feels so good to be done for now


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 1: I'm new to reading the story, but I LOVE IT! you've captured Yongguk's personality so well & ooh man, to have an opportunity like this! I would love it and I'd feel the same way as her~ can't wait to keep reading!
BelieveNU #2
Absolutely excellent story. Well-written and well-organized. You do a great job of introducing the characters and developing them. I appreciate your commitment to creating a character that reflects the real personality of Bang Yongguk.
Shimuken #3
Chapter 11: Amazing story. Kudos to you, OP.
Mianeyo #4
Chapter 10: AHHH ^////^ What happened to shy Yongguk...

I reeeeeeeallly enjoyed every minute of this story from then til now
Mianeyo #5
Chapter 9: Awwww that kiss no drama could've done it better
Mianeyo #6
Chapter 8: Parting is such sweet sorrow
Mianeyo #7
Chapter 7: I dont think you'll ever get over that...never get over that wanting to cuddle against that warm chest
Mianeyo #8
Chapter 4: Talk about about a great dream
Mianeyo #9
Chapter 1: Luccckkkkkky girl
Chapter 10: one of my fave fanfics ever <333