Day 2



I had filled up on the pumpkin pancakes that Nan made for breakfast so I didn't really feel hungry during the day. My classmates were all looking at me funny and talking behind my back as I walked across campus. Instead of my usual "What are they, idiots?" which would come in this situation, I was completely nonchalant with the entire affair. My goal was Music Core, nothing else. I wanted to get in and out of my classes as soon as possible. Don't ask me how I got all my notes down as neatly and as fully as I did. As I look back on it, there was no logical explanation when my mind was literally in the neighbouring district since I woke up. From time to time I would glance at my phone and wonder if I should text my "boyfriend". I had a feeling that he and the other members were up from early this morning to prepare for their performance. Was it right for me to disturb him? Would it even be disturbing him? In the end, I didn't message him, despite the guilt I felt for not doing so.


My phone did end up ringing off though. Later in the afternoon, in the middle of a class, I heard the soft whispers of Shinee's Quasimodo. By the ringtone, I knew exactly who had messaged me, so I only picked it up to turn off the noise. Heejin wanted to rub in my face that she was on her way to the pre-recording and I wasn't. I scoffed and shut it on silent . It bugged me that it was already time for it to start and I was still going through classes. Not only that, but that I had essentially missed my chance to text him before he really got busy. Thankfully though, it was only English class. The tricky part would be getting out with having any annoying people realize exactly why I had to leave so early.


To say that I killed my test would be an understatement; I decimated that test. You see, it wasn't like they were teaching 'sagwa' means 'apple' and how to say that a girl is pretty, but because I grew up with both languages equally, this class merely helped me to understand things further.....which leads to the physical abuse of any quiz that gets thrown my way. I was done long before time was up. My classmates had learned from early on that I didn't care about how unfair they thought it was that I was acing the class so not many of them even batted an eyelash when I handed our lecturer my paper and went to sit on the cushion at the window.


Frantically, I began to text one of BAP's managers. To my surprise, he replied not very long after to tell me that he was actually already on his way. I didn't know how hellish traffic would be, but I was hoping for the best. I really wanted to see him on stage. Once the long hand on the wall clock went pass 6, I wordlessly saluted my lecturer (who good naturedly saluted me back), and dashes out of there, bag slung onto my back and heart pounding in anticipation. The fact that his manager was coming on his own meant that the boys were probably going up soon. I was so scared that I would miss the performance that I slid on my down the railing and pretty much bunny hopped down stairs that weren't slide worthy. The black van was conspicuously parked near the front of the school. I didn't want to laugh but everyone knew that this was a celeb's van and walked by, trying to peek through the tinted windows.


Completely ignoring them, I went right in and closed the door. "Oppa, thank you so much for coming!" I said loudly as he whipped onto the road.


"Don't worry about it. We were expecting a call or something, honestly. Either to say that you couldn't make it or to say that you were taking the train. Yongguk didn't say much but he kept looking at his phone."


I sighed. So thats why I felt as if I should've messaged him; he was hoping that I would. My heart sank into my stomach. My first failure as an idol's girlfriend. I was determined not to fail again. From Mapo-gu, where my school was, to Ilsan where Music Core was being filmed, was not as great a distance as from other districts but it was still was long enough for me to get nervous.


"We're really late." He seemed to say it, not to remind himself, but to will the cars out of our way.


"Because Daehyunnie is a special MC today they are one of the last performing, but its still going to be a close call."


My hands were clasped together under my chin. I was desperately hoping that we weren't that late. That I didn't miss him completely. The MBC Dream Center was in sight and so were the fans who were still milling around outside. I guessed that they were the ones who were too late. But I didn't care for very long; we were pulling around the back entrance before the fans could get it in their head that they should follow our car. The manager and I were in the same "rush" mindset on our way through the building. I could hear the Zelo's opening rap for "Stop it" even as we got closer. I wasn't taken to the waiting room, but to a side space where I could watch with what appeared to be members of staff. Our view of the stage wasn't perfect but it was good enough. Almost effortlessly, I somehow picked my beau out from the blond parade. All of the members looked good in their navy blue sweats that had red and white stripes, but I was admittedly biased toward Yongguk. Although I didn't only watch him--Jongup and Youngjae were having fun on stage as well--I could pretty much tell you when and where he moved. Thinking about how creepy I sounded , I laughed out loud. When the chorus came on, I sang with Daehyun doing bits and pieces of the choreography. The feeling in the air was so exciting that I couldn't help but bob and groove and wave my hands. At the final chorus the boys were spraying each other with foam and everyone was screaming. For a second, I wished that I was down in the pit with them. Then again, my position would be seen as better any day of the week. All my stress that day proved totally worth it.


When the song ended, I was cheering just like everyone else. My got my attention and took me back into the hallways of the building. We were going down the busy corridors rather quickly but I did spot a few idols and their dressing rooms. I saw Big Star though I didn't recognize them at first. I managed to sneak a peek at Fiestar as well through their slightly open dressing room door. We arrived at the door that had "BAP" on a sheet of white paper. It appeared that the boys hadn't come back yet. No doubt they were tired and were taking time in coming back. I bowed to the stylists in the room and went over to stand before the mirror. My lipgloss hadn't smeared. My eyes didn't look as tired as I felt. My dark jeans and emerald thigh length coat were still clean, thank goodness. The moment the door opened , I shot up from where I was half sitting on the counter of makeup. All smiles, sweat and miscellaneous conversations, the boys filed into the room, one by one. Youngjae, who came in first noticed me immediately and moved more to the side of the room so he had space to bow. I bowed as well but I instantly went back to watching the door. I dropped my bag in the chair and went straight up to Bang, who was half way out of his jacket already, just as he walked through the door behind Himchan.


"Oppa," I said in a sort of relief.


My arms instinctively wrapped around his torso. The heat radiating from his stiff from shock body felt so good under my cheek. Instinctively, Yongguk grabbed one of my arms as if to pull me off of him but reconsidered, his other hand coming to touch the top of my head.


I hopped away self-consciously. "I'm sorry. Did I scare you?"


An internal alert told me to turn around, so I did. All of the boys (and the stylists) were looking at me with curious eyes. Suddenly, I felt really stupid. All that bravado I had from the performance had died down now and all I could feel was heat in my cheeks.


"Um, I'm sorry." I bowed in front of everyone, but then noticed that I was bending over right in front of Bang.


"I'm sorry," I said again to him as I scooted from in front of the door. I kind of backed toward the corner then. By that time, Yongguk had recovered just enough sense from the initial surprise to talk and was grinning widely.


"Ah, I didn't know you were here," he said coming toward me.


"Who's this?" Himchan inquired.


I knew that he was voicing the question on everyone's mind. Daehyun and Youngjae were standing close as if they had been talking about something. The maknae line was more retreated into the room, getting sweat wiped off of them. Even so, I knew that they were all listening. Bang motioned for me to come nearer to him.


"I told you guys that there was someone I wanted you all to meet, right? This is Choi Minhee, my......girlfriend."


My eyes lowered at that 'g' word even as I bowed in greeting. "A-annyonghaseyo."


"Where are you from?" inquired Himchan, first.


"Seoul, but I grew up mainly overseas. My dad is a foreigner and my mom was born here in Ilsan."


"What do you do?" Youngjae asked next.


"I'm a college student. I'm in my second year."


I felt when the nearly overwhelming sense of suspicion decreased in the air. I guessed I passed.


"You surprised me, though," Himchan went on, casually. "We were talking and the next thing I know I see something latched to Yonggukie's chest. I was even more worried because he looked worried."


"Its only because I didn't know that she was going to be in here," Bang explained.


"So, you're saying that she hugged you like that before? That this isn't something out of the ordinary?"


", we hadn't hugged before that." Himchan gave him a look. "But," he went on "she's my girlfriend so it shouldn't be that strange, right?"


Oh. I wasn't expecting that answer. My eyes rose to him a bit slowly. He met my gaze and gave me a soft, wry smile.


"When did you get here?"


I remembered what his manager had said about him checking his phone all morning. And immediately felt guilt again. Gently, I tugged on his sleeve when Himchan turned to say something to Zelo. My first thought was to go into the hall, but that thought was quickly extinguished when I remembered that in all truth I shouldn't even be in there. I was grateful that Bang took the hint and allowed me to pull him into the corner.


"I'm really sorry that I didn't text you. I was going to, but then I figured that you would be too busy to answer. But even if I text and you don't answer, if I had sent something encouraging, I would've been content that you would've at least seen my words. Stupid me didn't even do that. I'm really sorry, oppa. I feel like I wasn't there for you. And right now I may sound utterly ridiculous, but...." my voice trailed off on a sigh.


I didn't know if I should've felt relieved or nervous that he didn't reply or change his facial expression much while listening to my rant. I was looking at nothing in particular when Himchan craned his neck comically to spy at me over his friend's shoulder.


"You didn't secretly chastise her, did you, hyung?"


"No," Bang replied simply.


He seemed to turn to whisper something to Himchan who chuckled in a "Oh, that's cute" sort of way. It was soon time for the boys to leave. Normally, Yongguk would've led the way out of the dressing room with their manager to their van, but he hung behind with me. It was suggested that the stlyists and the boys leave together so that I could blend in easier. The vocal and maknae line went out first. Shuffling down the hall, I was super scared that a reporter would take a photo out of curiosity and a bunch of rumors would start swirling. My schoolmates were bad enough; I didn't need the entire fandom hating my guts. I had all the time in the world for that when the episode aired. We turned a corner and I realized that I was beginning to lag behind the boys--and Bang. When he started to get farther away, I--stupidly--reached out to hold onto him. My hand kind of hovered for a second; I had to remind myself that this was Korea: I couldn't just grab his hand like that. Yongguk's looks gave him a pass to be the one of the most forward guys in the world, but he was totally innocent in things like this. I settled for holding the sleeve of his jacket right above his wrist. His eyes dashed back to collide with mine as if to check that it was actually me and that I was OK before he looked away, paying more than just a little attention to his arm after that.


My presence completely messed up the usual fung shuei of their van after a performance. Youngjae went into the front seat since their leader was in the middle row with me and Himchan. The maknae line and Daehyun sat together in the back. We were pulling out toward the front of the building at the squeals of those who waited for even a glimpse of the boys as they left. The last thing I wanted was for them to see me so I was super happy that the windows were well tinted. Even so, I sort of cringed in Yongguk's direction when we stopped in traffic right in front of the Dream Center. Himchan smiled widely before he opened the sun roof and waved. He tugged at Zelo to go out next. The maknae was as hesitant to lean over me as I was to lean into my "boyfriend" to get out of his way. We both got over ourselves eventually though he didn't greet them for very long. Bang had put his back to the side of the car so I didn't really have to touch him however, I could feel his raised awareness of me against my back like physical pressure. I heard Jongup and Zelo talking behind me through the silence of everyone else's tiredness. Even Yongguk's eyes seemed to droop a bit.


"Er, hyung," Zelo said finally, whispering to the leader. "Is she hanging with us tomorrow too?"


I couldn't help but overhear with how quiet it was. I glanced to Bang who began to explain.


"We still have a schedule to finish today, but we have quite a bit of time off tomorrow. We were going to play soccer with our manager hyungs and just chill, ya know?"


"Then should I just see you after that or....?"


"I don't see why you can't come with us," Himchan chimed from my other side.


I smiled at him from the side of my mouth before I returned my attention to the leader. "I guess it'd be good to see what you're made of. That way everyone can get more comfortable."


"How much time exactly to you have?" As the idea struck me, I spoke. "Would I be able to treat you guys to dinner?"


Everyone's ears perked up at that.


"I really want to cook for you," I admitted to Yongguk. "And since this van is filled with the people who are closest to you, I would like to make something for them as well. That includes you, Manager-oppa," I called out.


It was almost as if Bang couldn't believe that I had offered. "Hyung?" he called out to the driver.


"Its doable, I suppose."


At that, I got a gummy smile. "What do the rest of you think? Do you want to go? Zelo?"


The ramen haired cutie sounded very timid. "Only...only if you want us to come too, hyung."


"So we're going?"Youngjae concluded from the front seat. "It sounds like a good idea to me, hyung. That way Himchannie-hyung wouldn't have to cook."


The van pulled up to my apartment. I almost didn't want to go, but there was planning for me to do. Yongguk came out with me after I had said my goodbyes to the other five and walked me to the gated stairs. When I told him it was unnecessary, he only smiled.


"I can't walk you up so be safe."


"Be careful during the rest of your schedule," I retorted. "Make sure to eat well too. I'm sure you're tired now."


He nodded. I told him to go first since they needed to get out of their performance outfits. Someone yelled from further up the road when he went back into the van and it pulled away. Following it with my eyes, I spotted Heejin running toward me from the same direction.


Her eyes were wild. "That outfit...! Was that who I think it was?


"It was BAP's van," I told her matter-of-factly. "Yongguk just saw me off."


Jin gaped. "Were all of them--"


"All of them were in the car. We just came from Music Core. Was the pre-recording good?" I grinned. "The live sure was good."


It wasn't a frown or a scowl, but a kind of awkward fusion of the two. It shouldn't have satisfied me as much as it did; someone had to be the bigger person. However, after years of having her show off that she was privileged as the maknae, I wanted to make her face plant in the fact that this one occurrence trumped all arguments, present or future. Heejin flounced up to the apartment ahead of me since she had a key and slammed the door. I was fully content to take my time on the stairs. Once inside I went straight into my room, grabbing my ringing cell phone up to my ear as I changed my clothes.


"Choi Minhee-shi? This is a representative from Mnet."


My brows furrowed. "Yes?"


"We've gotten word that you planned an indoor event for BAP. Will it be in your apartment? We will be required to install temporary cameras."


Oh, that's what they were taking about. I sighed in relief. I was hoping they weren't going to tell me something ridiculous. Thankfully, this made good sense.


"Ah, yes. I wasn't intending to bring them here though. I was going to a friend's house. Here's her address...."



I had been searching recipes for an hour on my laptop before I finally got a call from Nana.


"I love you," she confessed the second I picked up. "I love you so much right now, Minnie."


"Yeah yeah, your welcome. What time are they going to your house?"


"11 o' clock. They want time to 'test and retest' their equipment, which we all know is code for 'make sure we can see everything so you can't manhandle the boys'."


I giggled. "Even without cameras, you would feel like such a creeper of you messed with them. The aura around them is so innocent that it even makes me worry about whether or not I'm going too fast when dealing with Yongguk."


Nan choked on her laugh. "Oh, don't say that. You're discouraging me."


"Well, there's always Himchan-oppa." We both laughed then. "Anyway, I have almost no idea what to make. I know the boys love meat, but I don't know exactly how to fix it."


"It would be better if we were together to brainstorm this so just sleep over and we'll deal with it in the morning."


I winced in anticipation. "Actually, I have a class and then I'm going to play soccer with them."


I had thought that I would have to move the phone from my ear to escape her screaming. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. I heard her deep exhale and that had all her yelling buried in it.


"Ok," she said finally. "I'm pissed now, but OK. How about this: you bring me the meat and I'll prep it and everything so all you have to do is cook it. I'll make some side dishes too."


"Make some little omlettes. I'll deal with everything else."


I could tell that she still couldn't believe my lack of planning. My eyes rolled as I made it a three way call.


On the second ring I got a reply. "What's this I hear about a boy?"


"Nice to hear from you too, Daddy."


"Good evening, Dejang*," Nan said finally. 


"Why are you two gang calling me?"


I laughed. "Its not a gang call. I need some meat. Good stuff. And lots of it."


My father was not convinced. "For what purpose? You know I'll bring you some when I come."


"Because I'm having guests tomorrow, Daddy. I'm cooking for my boyfriend and his friends at Nana's house. You don't have to worry about them being here in the apartment with Jin."


It was bait. I was "keeping my dear little sister out of trouble". If nothing else, my dad loved when I appeared to be considering Heejin. He knew well of the friction between us though he often didn't do anything to help. But in this case, it was fine.


"I'll send you something nice," he conceded eventually.


"Thank you, Dadd--"


"BUT when I come in the country you better have that young man front and center."


"Of course. Love you."


"Mm-hmm." With that he hung up and I smiled.


I could sense that Nan was more on-board now. All there was left to do now was to cook. We bounced a couple ideas off each other until we were content. I looked at my menu with renewed determination after I hung up the phone.


Mission: Girlfriend Act One was in full effect!

Notes: Dejang means 'General'

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COMPLETION....Its feels so good to be done for now


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 1: I'm new to reading the story, but I LOVE IT! you've captured Yongguk's personality so well & ooh man, to have an opportunity like this! I would love it and I'd feel the same way as her~ can't wait to keep reading!
BelieveNU #2
Absolutely excellent story. Well-written and well-organized. You do a great job of introducing the characters and developing them. I appreciate your commitment to creating a character that reflects the real personality of Bang Yongguk.
Shimuken #3
Chapter 11: Amazing story. Kudos to you, OP.
Mianeyo #4
Chapter 10: AHHH ^////^ What happened to shy Yongguk...

I reeeeeeeallly enjoyed every minute of this story from then til now
Mianeyo #5
Chapter 9: Awwww that kiss no drama could've done it better
Mianeyo #6
Chapter 8: Parting is such sweet sorrow
Mianeyo #7
Chapter 7: I dont think you'll ever get over that...never get over that wanting to cuddle against that warm chest
Mianeyo #8
Chapter 4: Talk about about a great dream
Mianeyo #9
Chapter 1: Luccckkkkkky girl
Chapter 10: one of my fave fanfics ever <333