Dinner Time (Day 3 cont.)



Nana shook me out of my nap with a panicked look. "Yah! What're you doing? The boys' van is pulling into the yard!"
"Mworago? (What did you say?) " I croaked, rubbing my eyes.
She held out a hand to help me stand. In an incredibly calm mood, I stretched my arms out above my head. Meanwhile, Nan was shuffling around, checking her face in the mirror (she wasn't wearing makeup), mumbling something about the heels she bought last week (she would never wear them inside anyway) and talking to herself to psych herself up (as if she ever problems talking to boys). 
Then again this wasn't just one, but all the members of BAP. Maybe I shouldn't make assumptions.
The second the door bell rang, she was out like greased lightning down the hall but once she got pass what she and I were code naming "the threshold" (the point from which you were caught in the view of the not-so-hidden cameras in the corner of the ceiling) she walked casually to let our guests in.
I came out a bit slower due to my stupid ankle. By the time I made it into the living room, the boys were already filing in to take their seats. They were all dressed very neat and casual--not overly done up but a nice additions of accessories to their graphic tees and sweaters. Nan had turned the heat up a bit so it was a comfortable temperature for everyone to leave their coats at the door.
My eyes ran over them all, pausing, of course, on Yongguk who, I found, was watching me as well. He was wearing dark jeans, a nice looking watch on his wrist and a chain looping from under the hem of his warm looking grey and blue striped sweater.
I shot him a particularly warm gaze before bowing to them all collectively. "Annyeonghaseyo."
"Still so formal?" Himchan teased. "Lighten up, ne, Min?"
I lowered my eyes a little at the nickname. If looks could kill, the ulzzang would've been laying at the feet of his best friend who was giving him a strangely muted glare. Nan came in the very second later, showing everyone to the seats around them. I took this chance to hobble into the kitchen and warm up the food.
Nan came in right after me, going into the fridge for some drinks to give them. They were my guests, but this was her house; hospitality was her duty.
I gathered up all the serving bowls and plates as I could, I neatly placing the meat on in them.
"They aren't here to see me," my best friend murmured.
She bumped me with her hip from in front of stove and took over taking up the side dishes. I rolled my eyes. She did have a point. So, tray in hand, I shuffled out to where the boys were.
The moment I stood before them (or rather before Bang and Himchan), I immediately felt a bit self conscious. My hand shook a little in placing the bowls of rice, utensils and small plates for side dishes on the table. I served him first, but I did not move from beside my "boyfriend" in handing out the rest of the food. I was picking the tray up when he reached for his glass of water. Like some thirsty girl, my movements slowed as I watched him drink out of the corner of my eye. 
What did not paying attention get me? Accidentally stepping back on my equally stupid ankle.
My shout of pain remained buried in my throat. I inhaled sharply to brace myself against it. Yongguk was looking up at me when I finally opened my previously screwed shut eyes.
His hand lightly rested over mine which were clenching hard to the tray. "Gwenchanayo?  You shouldn't be up and about like this. Let me help."
He was pushing himself out of his seat but I placed my palm on his chest. My mouth immediately began to salivate when I felt the muscle covered by his form fitting sweater. Why was he always doing this to me? 
Bang took my hint and settled back into his seat. My hand remained on him for a while as we had another silent exchange. 
Let me help He stared worrily up at me.
I smiled.  I can do this much myself, oppa. I do have some pride, you know.
"Arassoyo," he conceded. "But, be careful, alright?"
"Ne~" I sang, my fingers running over the links of the silver chain that hung around his neck.
I caught the glances of the other boys were more than a little impressed with how we were acting. I gave them all a wink, slipping back into the kitchen. Out came the galbi. Then the bulgogi. Then the tangsuyuk (sweet and sour beef). By the time Nana and I came to have our seats, Daehyun was stuffing his mouth full of beef behind Youngjae's hand, seemingly hiding from the leader, whose eyes fell on me the minute I came out again with my rice and utensils. Since I wasn't there to stop him, he rose from his seat unhindered this time. He took my things from my hand with out a word and headed back to the huge armchair he had claimed. Himchan snickered as my mouth opened and closed, looking for a protest but not being allowed to voice one.
It appeared that Yongguk hadn't allowed the other to eat until me and Nan came to the table because the minute we were off our feet, the food began to disappear. It was like over dinner, everybody's mouths became loose. Conversation flowed instantly and we were all having a really good time, though something about it felt incomplete. Meanwhile, I was trying not to let my leg brush against Bang's so much. Since he and I were sharing an armchair, I was pressed right up against his side.
"This galbi is amazing!" Youngjae praised. "I don't usually eat it, but this is really good."
Daehyun who was sitting on the ground next to him nodded enthusiastically in agreement. Jongup was busily munching on some of the tangsuyuk so he wasn't really paying attention to us. Zelo on the other hand was noticeably much quieter than the others. I frowned at this. He wasn't still feeling guilty, was he?
"I like those cute socks too," Himchan added, his eyes dashing once between them and my face.
His comment caused everyone to look at not only my socks, but my entire outfit. Since we were inside, I didn't wear any long clothes--black shorts that stopped halfway down my thigh with suspenders that loosely came over my fitted white tee that had a picture of an ink leopard on it--but to compensate for that (and cover up the bandage on my ankle) I wore black and white striped socks that came up over my knees. Only a bar of brown skin could be seen on my legs.
I felt my face getting hot at all the staring until I caught sight of Zelo who gazing further down than anyone else. Eventually he saw that I was looking at him and lowered his head to fill his mouth with rice. 
"Excuse me, just for a second."
Bang gently touched my shoulder but I was already in motion. "Don't make her uncomfortable, Himchannie," he scolded his best friend once I was in the other room.
A cute gesture, I thought, digging through the fridge for the clear rectangular container I had stashed earlier. You know, him using such an adorable pet name afterwards totally took the sting out of it, but it was still cute. 
I hid the container in my hands until I was back in my seat. "Zelo-ah. Do you want to sit by Noona for a bit?"
The youngest blond was hesitant to move. He glanced between me and his hyung before giving up. Zelo scooted over to the empty space beside my seat. 
"Um, I had no idea if this was legit, but look--"
He took the container from me and popped the top. "Cherry tomatoes?" His mouth hung open for a bit.
I smiled encouragingly when he tossed one into his mouth. A smile stretched across his face as he chewed.
"Noona, gamsahamnida!" he grinned, hugging the container to his chest. "Igeon naekkoya (this is mine)!"
Thank God, that worked. Mentally, I wiped the sweat from my brow. Finally he was feeling better. Now the mood in the room seemed complete. An upset maknae was not good for the environment. Now conversation flowed more easily in the room. Zelo was grinning with me more, every now and again making sure to include me in the conversation with a bright "Right, noona?". Even when it was time for dessert he told me to sit while he helped Nana clear the table and bring out the ice cream.
"Here, noona." The teen handed me a big bowl.
"Yah, Zelo," Yongguk called from my other side. 
I was surprised when he leaned in a bit so that his chest was against my back, his elbow pressing on the armrest that I was using. 
"I saram naekko (this person is mine)." His statement was just that simple.
I hope he didn't notice the way my back kind of arched from his voice being so close to my ear. Oh, what I would've given for the five minute after that to be off-camera and between just the two of us. I bit my lip and looked at anything but the people in the room. 
"Oh...ne, hyung," his dongseng replied with a cheeky chuckle, his eyes meeting mine for a brief second.
I was in no rush to see the expression on HImchan's face. Honest, I wasn't. I sort of kept my head down until Everyone was settled again eating their ice cream. We had bought two flavours in anticipation of guests--chocolate and strawberry, our favourites. The bowl Zelo gave me had both, bless his soul, though too much for me to eat alone. I guess that's why Nan only gave Bang a spoon.
"Now that we're done with dinner," she said, spoon pressed to her bottom lip. "How about some entertainment? Uh....Minnie! Minnie, do the dance for Sistar's 'Alone'. She's really good at it," she bragged to Daehyun who was beside her.
There were mixed reactions, none bad, thankfully.
I rolled my eyes. "In front of my boyfriend and bunch of his guy friends, you want me to do what?"
"Do the dance for 'Alone'," she my best friend repeated as innocently as if she was asking me to get her some water. "Do you want me to sing it for you? 'Wae tto na honja pabuel mokgo? Na honja--' (Why am I eating alone? Alone, I--)"
"Would you quit it?" With a scoff, I scooped a strawberry out of my bowl.
Which reminded me of the fruit we had cut up and saved as a dessert alternative. Why didn't she bring that out? I threw the nearest item at her to top her from dancing. It happened to be a conveniently placed pen cap.
I convinced Bang to let me go get it as Nan said something about letting them watch a home movie. I knew what kind of home movies she had and I knew that there's no way anyone would want to watch her play "Singing tree #2".
I stood at the counter, arranging my slices of melon and apple to accommodate the grapes and orange wedges on a big platter.
"Alright, alright," said what sounded like a DJ from in the living room. "Up next we've got a hometown favourite; four girls who do it big no matter the routine." My eyes shot wide in disbelief. "Shadow Crew, himeul puyeojwo (show us your strength)!"
I was out of the kitchen before he could finish his last sentence. "Yah, Moon Nana! Micheosso (Are you crazy)?!"
All eyes were on me, but my eyes were glued to Nan who paused the DVD. My ankle was protesting because I had ignored it completely in order to get within view faster.
"Wae? Wae? Wae (Why? Why? Why?)" Himchan couldn't decide which one of us he wanted to look at.
Yongguk frowned. "Minhee-ah what's the matter?"
"And who's Shadow Crew?" Youngjae chimed.
"That would be us," Nana declared proudly. "Me, Min, and two or our other friends formed a performance cover group for fun. Min and I had decided to stop dancing in competitions and pay more attention to our school work."
"You guys dance?" Jongup went instantly bright eyed.
"And sing," Nan added with a conspiratorial wink.
I sighed in frustration. She knew that once he said that then all the boys would want to see it. But I was more than just a little embarrassed. We weren't just performing anything in that video--we did a BAP title song medley. I was too nervous to show them what we did to their songs.
"I'm sorry, noona." Daehyun spoke this time. "But you wanting to hide it make me even more curious about what it is."
"Cheodo (Me, too)," Zelo murmured, staring at the table.
"What do you think, oppa?"
Nan was looking for an answer from Yongguk. He had been strangely quiet this entire time. He met my eyes and I held his gaze for what felt like forever.
"I don't want to see anything that she doesn't want me to."
Did I imagine the disappointment that ran across his face as he said those words? I don't believe I did. Obviously, his word was law. I could see it from the barely masked expressions on everyone's faces.
Damn Nana to hell for making me look like the villain.
I slammed the fruit platter on the table, causing poor the poor maknaes to flinch since they were closest to it. My body fell heavily beside my "boyfriend", who kept his arm around me, hand on the armrest.
"Press play." I huffed and crossed my arm.
"You sure?" Bang inquired.
I nodded. Thankfully, that spark of anticipation returned to his handsome face. All was right with the world at that moment.
And then I watched myself walk on stage and everything was dismal again.
I was overcome with relief that I had made our outfits so simple for this performance. It was a play on the outfits they had worn for "Burn it up" only ours were a bit tighter on our bodies and cut to just below our knees.  I (who was doing both Jongup's dance parts and Bang's rap parts in our performance) had red and green paint splattered on my jumpsuit, our maknae, Rin, rocked blue paint and Nana's suit bore pink and grey, while Dahye, our second vocal, wore yellow and green paint (to represent both Youngjae's and Jongup' vocals). The boys seemed to taken with our images on the screen that it seemed like nobody wanted to talk.
Looking at my blank expression in comparison to the others were smiling as they got into their places, I remembered how nervous I was. Our school's showcase was a big deal and brought in a such a huge crowd that there was barely any standing room left in the auditorium. It was quite daunting so I recall telling myself not to look out until I had to.
I tried not to fidget when the intro to "No Mercy" began.
"Yeah.....Sounds good." Rin was bouncing about excitedly as she spoke into her headset. "Shadow Crew presents: BAP!" She smirked. "Leggo!"
Seeing as the four of us we dancing to a song meant for six we had to rearrange their formations a bit. She and I were in the front for the "Boom, clap" part, popping our chests to the beat. I was surprised that the crowd, instead of blowing whistles to show their support chanted "Ho!" where it appeared on the original track. Needless to say that boosted my confidence level to 10,000.
When I came to the satoori raps between me and Rin, I tried shrink back into the chair, but the arm that had been on the armrest hung around my waist lightly, holding me to my boyfriend's side. There was no escape.
"Oh!" Daehyun's mouth rounded a bit listening to Nana sing his sustained note right before the chorus.
No, no, no! No mercy! (Yeah. We are the BAP!) Baby wassup? Uriga wasso. Ijenun neogeuleobge bwajuji angesso.
The catcalls in on the recording when we rolled our hips during the chorus weren't echoed but I did hear Youngjae's soft "Wa~h...".
Then the first transition came up.
(Warning warning warning warning) Ulileul neukil junbi dwaesseum, put ya hands up!
(Warning warning warning warning) Deokeuge sorijilleobwa, get ya hands up!
Over Dahye and Nana finishing up the "No Mercy" segment, Rin and I crouched on the ground, covering our mouths and singing over them, introducing "Power".
Then I popped up.
Everybody say--! (Hate you) One more: say--! (Hate you)
By this point, everyone (including me) was bobbing their heads to the music that had transformed to a harsher rock tune than the first. Thankfully, it appeared the boys considered the tempo transition bearable.
(One shot) Hwa hwan, hwan bicheul garin jadeuri burineun hwapo
Rin imitated the very same moves Zelo did in the MV as she rapped. The blond maknae's eyes were wide watching her dance.
The room exploded into a fit of Ohs after Rin flawlessly completely her verse's LTE rap. Even I was thoroughly impressed with her.
We got the Power (Whoa) I got the Power (Whoa)
We had a nice low toned sing along going on now, Daehyun and Himchan and Youngjae dotting in and out of the song. In the choreo, both Rin and I stood to the front and did Bang's roundhouse kick to their surprise.
Not very long after we had our last transition.
Cheonsaui eolgullo nal, nal, nal chyeodaboji ma go-jit-marida
To the last three syllables the choreo changed to the choking motion to "Warrior's" mogeul joyeoganda~ line. At this point, Rin did a little spin out of our line to move around the stage a little.
Get down. Get down. Ge-ge-ge-ge-get down. Get down. Get down. Bow-wow-wow-wow-wow~
Right in time, though a little later than we had practiced, she returned to her place beside me for the bridge.
"Here we go," Jongup murmured as we began stomping.
To tell the truth, we were a group of small waisted, average height girls, but when our booted feet met the wooden stage, it sounded like the weight of men. Even in our rhythmic grunts, we lowered our voices to a gruffer tone to match the original.
Over time, I was being tucked more and more into Bang's side. So much so that by the last stanza of the chorus, when I looked up at his profile and he looked proudly down at me, our faces were so close that if I had lifted my chin we would've kissed. Could've kissed.
Ever so slowly, I let my nose lead me up. Bang noticed and I saw his nervousness, his apprehension, so I stopped moving, giving him the choice to cover that scant inch. The gears in his mind were turning busily, I could see it in his eyes. But I wasn't going to rush him. I had already made it clear that I didn't mind. The rest was up to him. And he was giving in; instead just his wrist against my side, he turned his hand over so his fingers curled toward my stomach. Yongguk let out a gentle sigh that blew over my lips before he resigned to biting his. He was thinking again which led to a slight retreat.
I knew exactly when the door shut on my opportunity. Instead of snapping at the next person who spoke, I smiled good naturedly and laid my head on his shoulder. Good thing we were done with our little moment, too. The others were no longer distracted by the video.
"That was daebak." I laughed a little at Daehyun's accent coming out in his excitement.
"Minhee-noona, Nana-noona," Zelo beamed. "You guys were great!"
Youngjae reached for his previously forgotten chocolate ice cream. "Why didn't you want us to see that?"
I shrugged. "I guess I just was scared for you guys, whose songs these are, to watch some girls copying you."
"Gotjimal," Nan scoffed. "She didn't want you to dislike her idea of mixing three songs together."
"That was a really nice way to cut it though," Jongup chimed. "The changes tempo were easy to follow."
"I liked it." Bang's voice rumbled over my head and he hugged me closer.
The praises and questions flowed in, firing up another round of conversation. Meanwhile, I casually draped my arm across Yongguk's waist. Himchan snuck me some suggestive glances--wagging eyebrows and poking out his lip to motion at his friend and I--and I smiled contently at his approval. He was a necessary ally to have; I knew that much was true in regards to my budding relationship with Bang.
Zelo seemed interested, so Nan took out her cell phone and called Rin so they could have a maknae convention. The vocal line wanted to talk to Dahye too, but she had gone on a trip to the UK the week before and we weren't sure if we would be able to get through to her. It wasn't much of a maknae convention, anyway; the blond didn't say much, so his hyungs went on to express how much she had impressed them. To say she was ecstatic was an understatement. She was only a first year in high school after all.
"Oh, yeah," Rin said all of a sudden. "I had something I meant to ask. Minnie-unnie?"
"I overheard Heejin talking earlier today. It seems kinda obvious to me now, but I still want to ask."
"Fire away, maknae-ah."
"Is it true that you and Yonggukie-oppa are dating?"
At that everyone looked at us cuddling in the armchair, not even bothering to hide their smiles. Only Nan and Himchan had the nerve to outrightly laugh.
"First off, maknae-ah, not even I call him 'Yongukkie-oppa'," I teased.
"No one ever said you couldn't..." Himchan remarked, pretending the ice cream on his spoon was the most interesting thing for him to look at.
"Yah, Kim Himchan," Bang growled.
I wrinkled my nose at the younger of the two. "Anyway, it is.....true that we're dating right now." Though I don't know how long its gonna last…
"Do you really like him?" she inquired in Japanese.
I guess she assumed that they didn't understand her.....
"Yes, it appear she does," Himchan replied in her native tongue.
....but they were idols; they had to study these things.
"Jeosohamnida," Rin said rushedly. 
But they didn't hold it against her. Yongguk was smiling at her attempt to go over his head and kindly greeted her before Okira-san (her mom) barged in telling her to finish her homework.
By then it was time for the boys to go home. I had packed some of the side dishes for them to give to Manager-oppa to taste since he hadn't stayed. I was glad that everyone was full. They almost seemed to be complaining that they had to practise later. I was laughing nonstop as I led them to the door. Nan said her goodbyes rather quickly as they put on their coats because with golden timing, her mother decided to call the house phone and she was like my mom-- there was no way you could tell her you didn't want to take her call.
I could tell that Zelo wanted to give me a special goodbye but he settled on a big smile as his hyungs waved, going to the van that had pulled up in the driveway. Only Yongguk sort of hung behind on the porch. I leaned on the door post, watching him tuck his hands into his pockets.
There seemed to be something he was having a hard time saying, so I gave him his space.
"Minhee-ah," he said eventually. "Um.....Well, we're supposed to be leaving for Malaysia in a couple hours. I won't be able to see you for the next two days."
My eyes widened. "Ne? Malaysia?"
He nodded. It was clear that he was done speaking. 
I took a deep breath. You knew that this was coming. He's a performer, you can't ignore that or expect him to. Just....Be cool.
A sincere smile creased my lips. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed about that, but I'm glad that you didn't apologize. You should never apologize for doing what you love." Somehow it appeared that he wasn't expecting to hear me say that. "And just because you won't be in Korea doesn't mean I can't see you. We can do video calls." There was a visible apprehension to that. "Or you can send me a bunch of selcas while you're away. Unless, you don't like my ideas.....?"
At that one, he kind of blushed. "Aniyo, your ideas are good ones. I mean they make a lot of sense and.....well...mo.." His voice trailed off.
I held out my hand in the open air between us, confusing him. "A hug is for when you come back," I explained. "So, just a handshake now."
My reasoning entertained him and, thankfully, he humored me, his larger hand curling around mine. It was just a handshake, but my eyes lowered as it became me merely holding onto his fingers like a lost child. 
I didn't want him to go. Heaven knows I didn't because that was 2 days--2 whole days--taken away from my remaining time with him. But there was nothing I could do I just had to be sure to make our last few days epic. That cheering thought gave me the courage to release him.
Yongguk gave me another comforting smile before he began to back away. "Annyeong~" he said cutely with a wave.
Oh, geez even that little bit of aegyo made me regret not tying him the hell up and shoving him in the storage closet.....No, breathe, Minhee-ah. Breathe.
"Annyeong~. Be safe. And careful. And be sure to get some rest. And eat." 
"Arasso," Bang drawled over a low, y chuckle
The five others waved at me one last time as their leader climbed in. Even Manager-oppa gave an acknowledging honk of the horn. I stood and watched them pull away, intending to watch them leave until I heard a booming voice from the vehicle yell "Go inside!"
"Ne~" I shouted right back, shutting the front door behind me.


Earthlings, are you watching?

Whew! Finally an update.

Just a couple things that didn't make it into the chapter but should be stated for clarification

1. The host said, "...himeul puyojwo" because "Show us your strength" was the theme of the competition (Kind of a play on the "show us your bravery" segment the boys did on Kan Miyeon Chin Radio one time. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyFgKEp5Vqg. It was actually really funny). I mean, I had a nice piece of dialogue about that lined up in my head, but it just didn't make it in....oh, well

2. The choreo and music mixing of the mash up was done by Min and Rin alone because the other two were otherwise occupied. I swear to you when I was coming up with it, it sounded so cool in my head. I dunno if you can imagine it, but it sounded pretty epic to me.


Ok....I think that's it. ......Oh, and I see you new subbies




Thank you guys a bunch for putting up with me. I have another story up (two actually, but one new one) so go check it out....if you want.....or not.....


I still love you guys anyway.

See you in the next chapter!


God and love

-Danisaurus Rex


Take it away, Jonguppie!

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COMPLETION....Its feels so good to be done for now


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 1: I'm new to reading the story, but I LOVE IT! you've captured Yongguk's personality so well & ooh man, to have an opportunity like this! I would love it and I'd feel the same way as her~ can't wait to keep reading!
BelieveNU #2
Absolutely excellent story. Well-written and well-organized. You do a great job of introducing the characters and developing them. I appreciate your commitment to creating a character that reflects the real personality of Bang Yongguk.
Shimuken #3
Chapter 11: Amazing story. Kudos to you, OP.
Mianeyo #4
Chapter 10: AHHH ^////^ What happened to shy Yongguk...

I reeeeeeeallly enjoyed every minute of this story from then til now
Mianeyo #5
Chapter 9: Awwww that kiss no drama could've done it better
Mianeyo #6
Chapter 8: Parting is such sweet sorrow
Mianeyo #7
Chapter 7: I dont think you'll ever get over that...never get over that wanting to cuddle against that warm chest
Mianeyo #8
Chapter 4: Talk about about a great dream
Mianeyo #9
Chapter 1: Luccckkkkkky girl
Chapter 10: one of my fave fanfics ever <333