Day 3



I sent Yongguk a text before I went to bed and before I went to school the following morning. He replied quite quickly for a busy man so in return I didn't bother him much. He had let me know that he was taking a break during his morning run with Jongup and their unenthusiastic guest Himchan. I was surprised that he even brought his phone with him but kept my joy to myself. I had already told him that from school I would take the bus and walk the rest of the way to the recreational center where the boys would be.


This time it appeared that the entire campus now knew I was dating Yongguk. One of my lecturers asked if it was true as I walked past their office on the way to class. A freshman actually asked me to get his signature for her. It was wrong to laugh, I know, but I couldn't help it when she scurried away at my hesitant nod. The stares were beginning to burn holes into my shirt. The talking behind my back was becoming annoying. Who didn't want to trip me wanted favors instead. Was this what it was really like being with a Hallyu star?


I yawned my way through class, more tired of the attention than of hearing my lecturer's voice. Nana didn't even have classes that day so I couldn't even run to her and complain. Then again, that's what mobile phones were for, right?


"Finally done," I sighed into the receiver of mine as I headed into the locker rooms to change.


"Now the fun begins, huh?" she replied.


"Definitely. Did you prep everything and get all  the ingredients you were supposed to?"


"Ne. Dejang loaded us up with beef too." She chuckled. "Yah, you better be leaving some of that here."


I rolled my eyes. "Sure, sure. Whatever the boys don't devour tonight, you can keep." I could almost hear her celebrating in the background at that. "Just make me proud today, chingu."


I hung up and put my phone in my bag. I had packed a white tee and blue sweats to change into from earlier that morning. Just when I was out of my jeans, I overheard some girls coming in.


"I bet its not even legit," one of them said. "I mean, really--does that even make sense? Someone said they saw a camera or something in one of the potted plants, right?"


"Yeah," the other admitted, "but in the pictures, Oppa looked happy. He was smiling. He wouldn't hang around with her like that if he didn't want to."


Shamelessly, I tried to make my movements as quiet as possible so I could hear better. I wasn't one to listen to gossip, but I suddenly felt like I needed to know what they were talking about.


There was the shuffling of hard plastic containers--no doubt, makeup--against each other before one snapped open. "Didn't you hear me when I said 'camera'? Oppa may not like them very much but he sure won't look bad in front of one. Besides they're probably doing some reality show if he came alone like that. Do you seriously think he comes out here regularly?"


"A show? But what show would they be filming with hidden cameras?"


All three of us gasped at the same time as we each realized something. I covered my mouth for a second when it sunk in that they were talking about me.


"It can't be Scandal, right?" the younger sounding girl said.


"That's it! Of course," the other said with much less panic than her friend. "They're just pretending to date."


That comment pierced my chest. I didn't want to see it as that even of that's what it technically was.


"I knew that there was no way that that girl would ever in her life get so lucky."


"But, Aram-unnie, did you forget that at the end they actually give them the option of wanting to date for real?"


Aram? I frowned. I knew a girl by that name but I hadn't seen her since middle school.


The very same girl giggled without a care in the world. "You're not worried are you? This isn't some drama: she doesn't have a chance in hell. Sure, he may like her now and enjoy her company or whatever, but can you really see him standing up in front of all the Babyz and saying that he's taken when we all know who she is?"


My chin was on my knees as I sat on the closed toilet seat. To say I was nervous wouldn't be accurate. If I were to be realistic, it was obvious that she was right. People like him went through a lot to keep their dating lives a secret, more or less, from their fans. When, by design or accident, news spreads that a star is dating, its always met with the ire of many of the person's fans. Heaven forbid the one they're dating is a regular person; the hate is practically palpable. Was that how I'd end up? I was already halfway there. Would I be able to survive this sort of treatment on an everyday basis?


"Besides," Aram scorned. "she's not Korean. She's not even Asian; she's black. What is there to really fear?"


Before I even knew what I was doing, I kicked the door of the stall I had been hiding in open. It swung out, slamming into the adjacent one and pretty sending the two gossiping girls skittering into the sinks. If they had jumped any higher they would've been seated in them when I stood.


"Mwo?" I shook my head in disbelief. "Yah, Aram, you haven't changed at all--still ignorant, yet still so talkative."


My old classmate barely regained enough of her sense to stand straight, but she was still supporting herself using the basin behind her. The terror in her eyes was unmistakable. Though her hair was dyed a sandy blond and cut shorter than I remembered, her horrid racist mentality was still intact.


"Y-yah?" she managed to croak. "You can't use panmal* with me. I'm your unnie, Minhee."


I scoffed. "Mian, Babo*-ah," I went on, still using informal speech, "but you don't deserve it; you never have and I doubt you ever will."


I snatched up my clothes and shoved them into my gym bag. The younger girl looked like she was about to faint so I grabbed my bottle of water from the side pouch of my backpack and pressed it into her hand. She gave me a confused look but I ignored it.


"This girl," I warned her, pointing at Aram, "is a bad influence. Don't let her poison your mind."


"Poison her mind? What did I say that was wrong?"


I spun on my heels to face her, fist raised as if to hit her. She screamed and slipped down on her trying to scurry away, out of my reach.


I lowered my arm and sighed in frustration. "Not even worth it."


With that, I picked up my bags and left. As coolly as I could, I crossed campus, fueled by all the crap behind the words I had just heard. It wasn't until I had gotten on a bus and texted Yongguk that I was on my way that l tied the laces of my white sneakers. If I had stopped anywhere else to do it, I knew that I would've lost it so I had to give myself something important to focus on. Like not tripping and completely embarassing myself in public.


I knew that there were people who thought like that ignorant child--there always have been--but it had been quite some time since I had heard it with my own ears. She did shake me, however much I hated to admit it. Not because of her venom but because of the truth some of her words had. I didn't have any high hopes for me to become another Hallyu star's hidden girlfriend, but it did hurt to hear that I didn't have a chance in hell despite my interest's feelings. He was a public figure with a group to lead--anything he did would be seen as a reflection of BAP and TS Entertainment as a whole. It was more than obvious that it would turn the nation on its side if the head of the industry's super rookie group decides to date a foreigner (who isn't even really a foreigner but will be forever seen as one because of her mixed blood).


I moaned softly when my headache returned but quickly collected myself. I had to remind myself that there was, no doubt, someone on this bus recording me. Didn't want look like whiny ungrateful brat on national TV when the network had actually given me this chance out of the goodness of their hearts. That wasn't cool and would only earn me even more hate. In an attempt to release the built up stress, I let out a sigh so heavy that the old lady across from me gave me a worried glance. I bowed my head to her to tell her not to worry about me even as the pressure between my ears built.


I got off at the appropriate stop and looked around for a bit to reorient myself with the area. It didn't take me very long to make it to the recreational center. I met Manager-oppa in the lobby and he led me to the reserved room. With the idea of an indoor field I was worried about the temperature and smell that it would have. Imagine my surprise when I walked in to find the glass ceiling windows open and letting in the cool air of the outside. The boys seemed to be waiting for me, with only Zelo and Youngjae playfully tossing the ball around.


When I came in, Yongguk looked up first and smiled at me. Stupidly, my breath caught. Once he got up to come and greet me, the others took notice of me as well.




I smiled at his succinct salutation. "Hey."


"Aren't you a little cold?" he asked curiously. "That shirt doesn't look very thick and it doesn't have sleeves."


Now that he mentioned it, everyone except me had on a sweater or jacket of some kind. Before I had changed a  cardigan was part of my outfit, but I guess my frustration was enough to even raise my body temperature.


There was no way that I was telling Bang about my troubles, so I took a different route instead.


"So, oppa is checking out how thin my shirt is?" I said cheekily. "How bold."


He was immediately flustered and was fighting for words before I assured him that I was just joking. Laughing at him being shy again was such a good stress reliever. And he was such a good sport about it, smiling on a sigh.


"Minhee-ah." Himchan stood at his best friend's side.


I bowed and greeted everyone. "I'm glad to see everyone again. Were you waiting long?"


"Not really," Daehyun came over with his arm swung over his nearest dongsengs.


"Since you sent a text beforehand," Himchan added with a pat to Yongguk's shoulder, "he wasn't as anxious today."


"What, anxious?" I know I saw the leader's faint blush while shrugging of the other's hand. "Don't exaggerate."


From there we got into the game. As revenge, Yongguk told Himchan to play referee. It was true that I made the number uneven, but I think he just wanted to get back at him for that earlier comment.



It was only fair that each side had a maknae since they were the ones with the most stamina. I honestly believed that I would get whupped if I allowed Bang to have them both so it was settled. Consequently the teams were me, Jongup and Yongjae versus Yongguk, Zelo and Daehyun.


I tied my hair up quickly as we took our places on the field. "Don't even dream of going easy on me. I used to play soccer in high school."


Bang grinned. "I got you. So, no messing around, Zelo."


The tall teen didn't say anything; he merely nodded excitedly. Himchan held the ball hostage for a few long seconds, shooting both me and my "boyfriend" a look. I knew that he was about to say something out of the way so before he could, I gave him my best smile--the one that got my parents to let me do almost anything growing up. And like magic, he finally got over himself and allowed us to start.


I can admit that I did underestimate them a little so Zelo got to score the first two points of the game. He and Daehyun gave each other high fives while I puffed out a breath of slight irritation since that last miss was my fault. Jongup--bless his heart-- assured me that it was OK before we headed back into the game.


"Minhee-ah." Our referee sounded thoroughly upset that I was not completely owning his best friend. "Chigum mwo heyo (Minhee, what are you doing right now)?" 


I bowed my head to him. "Won't happen again."


We met again at the middle of the field, my eyes meeting those of the other captain. Bang's face was void of all emotion at first; our gazes heated in the space between us. Then one side of his lips curled up and I took a subconscious swipe at that side of my mouth with my tongue. I could NOT lose.


True to my word, Zelo did not get another two straight shots off of my team. Somewhere between our 6th and 7th point, I found myself with the ball after stealing it from Yongguk. Blowing him a kiss, I tore off toward the opposite goal. I passed to Youngjae before Bang could catch up with me again. He and Jongup pretty much guided the ball to where Daehyun was trying to guard the net. Neither side had goalkeepers but you sure couldn't tell him that. Of course he didn't go so far as to touch the ball with his hands, but he defended like his life depended on it. When Jongup kicked it, he bounced the high shot off of his chest and once again the ball was headed toward our goal.


I cursed under my breath. Yongguk was on Jongup and Zelo was protecting Daehyun so it was hella hard for Youngjae to steal but he managed to do it, the DaeJae duo laughing up a storm when he did. Almost immediately, he passed it to me. I wouldn't say I wasn't expecting it, but, honestly I was getting tired so I was hoping I wouldn't get the ball back so soon. Regardless, I headed out to score.


I was calculating carefully in my mind how close I would need to get before I could simply kick the ball into the goal. My mind was so occupied that I didn't realize that Zelo was right on me until it was too late. He was going in to steal but either I miscalculated my dodge or he overreached his move. Whichever it was, it resulted in both me and him going down in a tangle of legs. I cried out at the sharp pain in my ankle. Was it sprained? Cut? I couldn't quite tell.

"Minhee-ah!" I heard from not too far away.


I didn't recall Yongguk being so close while the game was going on, but he was sure at my side quickly.


"Noona, gwenchanayo?" Thankfully Zelo wasn't hurt.


I sat up as gently as I could and nodded enthusiastically to dispel his guilt. "I'm fine," I lied.


By that time the other boys and Manager-oppa had all come to crowd around, doting on me as if my leg had snapped in two.


"Chill, you guys. I'm fine."


Bang held out a hand to help me up. I so wanted to stand and coolly finish the game. That would've been great. However, it was never that easy, you know? Once I put pressure on my right foot, pain rocketed up my leg causing me to grab onto the strong arm of the man in front of me to regain my balance. Both his arms were out like lightning, holding me as I held onto him.


"Ah," I whimpered softly. "Its just a little twist. Nothing too bad, you guys. I'm OK."


I might as well not have spoken. BAP's leader slowly turned his attention to the maknae. It seemed that just his gaze alone drained the color from the teen's face.




The volume of his voice did not rise. If anything, it had dropped, the vibrations of sound rumbling in his chest. I knew he was pissed because instead of lazily calling the boy "Jello", Bang used his real name for the first time in front of me, not even bothering to add -ah at the end. It was at that point the youngest blond's eyes widened in glossy terror as if a voice from heaven had called out to him; even I got goosebumps. The other members--including Himchan--were eerily quiet, all avoiding getting in the way of the "big hyung".


I tugged on his sleeve. "Oppa, na gwenchana (Oppa, I'm OK)," I repeated, this time intenionally using panmal*. "Na gwenchana, geureso hwa nejimara (I'm fine so don't get mad)."


His eyes returned to mine. I stared up at him in hopes of saving the maknae. The boy already looked heartbroken so I didn't want him to get chewed out in front of me and the rest of the viewing audience.


"Let's hurry and get something for your ankle," Manager-oppa said.


I had forgotten he was there, to tell the truth. But like a good manager he had a first aid kit in the sitting area in the corner of the room where I had met the boys earlier. I moved away from Bang's protective embrace and tried to make my way over myself, but I'm sure you can see that I had problems with that plan.


Both Himchan and Daehyun dived to help when I first wobbled, but I waved them away. It may have just been my pride, but I didn't want to appear like I was taking advantage of my injury to get sympathy from the boys. I'd be damned if I let the media portray me that way. So I hopped and hopped until all of I sudden I was swung up into the arms of my "boyfriend".


I gasped and hit him lightly on his chest. "Hey, p-put me down. I can....I can make it there myself."


Those who had been carefully walking in my wake to help me in case I fell began to pick up their pace, heading over to the sitting area beside, if not before us. I wiggled in Bang's arms again which only made him pull me closer. All the humor from our game had been washed off of his face; he had switched into 'responsible leader' mode. It was futile to fight against that.


Slower than I should have, I fully realized that I was carried by my bias. Of course, I sneaked a peek at his handsome profile, more particularly his slightly pouted, plump mouth. His hands were firm under my legs and around my back, cradling my body with care. It wasn't long before the fighting spirit that stemmed from my pride was gone. I contented myself with holding lightly to his shoulder, my other arm curled on my lap as I laid my head on the shoulder nearest me. Sure, he was sweating--we all were--but his warmth felt so good against my cheek. So safe.


Yongguk noticed the change in my attitude and eased his hold, trusting I wouldn't try to get away again. He set me in a chair like I was a fragile vase. While Manager-oppa treated me, the others stood with mixed expressions on their faces. Daehyun and Himchan had gone off to the cooler with Zelo under the guise of getting some drinks. I knew that they were comforting him; I wished I could as well, though I wasn't sure that he would accept it from me.


As I stood on my newly wrapped foot, Yongguk held me by the elbow to help me keep my balance when I bowed in gratitude to Manager-oppa. I tried to lean on him as little as possible, taking an experimental stroll in a circle.


"It doesn't look so bad," Youngjae commented.


"I told you that I was fine."


For some reason, my "boyfriend" was still not impressed  "I still think you need to go to the hospital."


"And have them ruin the bandage that was so caringly put on me? No, thanks. Besides, that's money I don't think I need to spend."


He frowned at me but I simply smiled back. Suddenly my brave hand ran up the arm that was at my elbow. Bang blinked and I grabbed onto the sleeve of his sweater. For a moment he seemed frozen, simply staring at me which made me think that I messed up....that was until his teeth met his bottom lip ever so slowly and my feels exploded into confetti. My entire body shivered before I pulled away. I couldn't tell you how relieved I was when Manager-oppa reminded the boys that their day wasn't completely free. I had to keep reminding myself that we were being watched.


In making our way out toward the lobby of the building, I made a sure I showed Zelo that I was fine by walking there myself, refusing to continue to hold onto his hyung for more than just that reason. Apparently, the maknae line had an appointment at the dermatologist's office so they had to leave first. I waved enthusiastically as they got into a mid-sized blue car.


"See you two tonight," I called through their open window.


Of course, they were respectful and acknowledged my comment but Zelo's smile didn't reach his eyes. I watched until the vehicle disappeared out of my sight and Manager-oppa brought the familiar black van around to the front of the building where the rest of us stood. Our seating arrangements were similar to the day before with me sitting in the middle row with Yongguk and Daehyun and Youngjae sitting in the back row. Himchan was comfortably lounging in the passenger seat chatting with Manager-oppa as he drove on.


I twiddled my fingers. I was so sorry to Zelo even though I knew I didn't do anything wrong. I had a good idea of what was going on in his head when he left. I could imagine him thinking that I secretly disliked him because of the accident or feeling totally guilty for it happening at all. I sensed his fear when Yongguk spoke. Hell, even I felt scared. But he seemed so hurt. It not as if it was my first time spraining my ankle however, because I was his hyung's "girlfriend" I knew he felt like he might as well have jumped off TS' roof.


In all my brooding, I didn't notice when a hand reached out to hold mine, but at the last second resigned to simply nudge the side of my knuckles instead. I met Yongguk's eyes. He wasn't smiling either, irritation still present on his features though not as prominent as they were right after the incident.


"I'll talk to Zelo." Its the responsible thing to do, I heard in the pause between sentences. "But are you OK? I'm really sorry that something like this happened on your first get to get together with the kids."


I shook my head. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. And go easy on Jello," I added imitating his pronunciation. "We were both diving like gold medalists on that ball."


Thankfully, that wrung a small smile from his mouth. "Arrassoyo."


"That aside," Youngjae chimed, "did you have fun, noona?"


"Oh, of course I did!" I replied earning grins all around. "Daehyunnie was making our lives hard but we did well, didn't we?"


"I was wondering who died and made him goalie," came Himchan's voice from the front.


Daehyun blushed as we continued to praise his blocking abilities and the even struggle there was between the two teams once we all got into it. Conversation flowed easily from that point, barely slowing when I had to give directions to Nana' house.


Bang hopped out, toting my bags as soon as the van went idle. He offered me a hand and helped me onto the ground. I wished that he would hold my hand for a bit longer--he didn't. I assumed that my disappointed sigh didn't make it to his ears since he offered me his arm instead. I glanced up at him and he quickly averted his eyes. He wasn't fooling me; I saw the way he fought his trademark smile of nervousness. My arm threaded through his, my hand resting in the crook of his elbow, and like that we walked up to the door.


"Aigoo!" His best friend called from behind him, but Bang paid him no mind; I'm sure that he was embarrassed enough as it was.


Nan answered at the first set of knocks. She shot me an impressed look when she saw how we were.


"Annyonghaseyo, oppa," she said bowing her head.


"Nice to see you again, Nana-sshi."


Before he could explain what happened, I moved away from him and went to Nana's side. "Make sure you and the boys come hungry tonight because it gonna be like a gogi* shop in here."


Bang met my gaze steadily, handing over my things. So we're not talking about your ankle then?


I smiled warmly, putting my bag on my shoulder. Nope. We've talked enough right?


He nodded to Nan one more time before he gave me a cute little wave goodbye. He only turned away after I returned his gesture. As he headed back toward the van, I saw that the other members had stuck their faces out from two of the windows to wave as well. A stupid sort of happiness bloomed in my chest as I imitated them. Along with it came a stupid thought: How did I come to trust such dorky friends? Oh yeah. I remember how. Just as he was about to climb back in the vehicle, Yongguk turned to smile at me again. Because they're my dorky boyfriend's dorky friends.


The thought caught me off guard but I didn't regret it. For the second time that day, I didn't take my eyes off a BAP car until it was no longer visible. It was only when they left that I leaned my weight on the door post.


"Yah." Nan touched my shoulder. "Are you alright?"


"I'm fantastic." 


I limped over to the couch and tossed both my stuff and my body onto the cushions. I disturbed my ankle a little in doing that, a hiss sliding from between my teeth. Nan scurried to me immediately.


"What the hell happened to you, Minnie?"

I kicked off my sneaker to show her. "Baby Zelo and I took a tumble. No worries though. I'm fine."


She scoffed. "This is what you call fine? Omo....Is Zelo hurt too? What did you do, Min?"


Some friend you are, I thought rolling my eyes. I understood that there would've been hell to pay if he had actually gotten injured like I did since it would've meant BAP performing as 5 for a while but I was sitting right in front of her. Where was the love and concern for me? Boy, was she lucky I wasn't the type to take things to heart.


I pushed myself to sit up. "The only thing he's suffering from is a guilty heart. I wanted to just hug him, but looking like a pedo-noona on national television isn't exactly my cup of tea."


Nan sat comfortably on the floor. "National television? Chingu-yah, there's this really cool thing these days that we call Youtube. It can take your shame around the globe in less time than it takes to make ramyun*." I facepalmed "And I'm talking instant--not even from scratch."


I had forgotten about damn Youtube. Sure, it was how I used to keep up with music shows and stuff when I lived abroad, but it slipped my mind that all the variety shows I could turn on my TV and see, my cousins in Orlando could watch on Youtube.


Then wouldn't that mean that they possible know already? I hadn't been on my Twitter since I started dating Yongguk--dealing with thirtsy* girls over the internet was not my thing--but it wasn't as if photos hadn't already been posted.


I took out my phone out from my bag and and signed in to my Skpye. I didn't know why I did it but and hour later I heard that annoying ringtone that comes on when someone wants to video chat with you. I wiped my hand of the corn starch powder from the pastry I was making.


My eyebrow raised when I saw who was calling, "Nessa?"


My childhood friend looked at me and grinned. "Look at this trick."


I laughed out loud and went to sit on the couch. "What about this other trick who I haven't heard from in months?"


Nessa grinned at me. "Girl, I've been busy. My boss has been traveling all over the place and I had to be right on her heels the whole time. It's been killer." She rolled her neck as if to release the pressure there. "But you...I hear you been busy too, Bambi. Real busy."


I ignored her wagging eyebrows. "School has, indeed, been a handful."


"O~h," she sang. "So this heifer wanna play dumb, like it ain't already half way across the world that she's getting the business from this fine rapper."


Crap. "I ain't getting nothing from him but time and smiles."


She could tell from my half disappointed tone that I was telling the truth. "Oh, so its like that. You're just dating?"


"Why do you sound like you wanna laugh?" I rolled my eyes at her giggles. "How many times do I have to remind you that artists in the east are different than artists in the west?"


Nessa gave me that 'oh, please' look, but she knew I was right. I remember us staying all night once having that discussion. I understood her argument of 'foreign men are still just men' but their mindset and upbringing was also an important thing to consider. 


"While that's cute and all," she went on. "Are seriously not gonna go for it?"


"I don't think you understand exactly what's going on here. I'm on a TV show; we're dating in front of a camera."


Her face contorted with forming a wobbly 'O'. "Oh, so you doing some "The Bachelor" business just minus any other thirsty broads. Mmm, girl, I don't envy you at all" She shook her head but I could countdown on one hand the time it took for her to change her mind. "He is fine, though. Can't you just touch him a little bit?"


I couldn't help the laugh that came from my throat. Sadly, it was cut abruptly short when I caught the aroma of my food coming from the kitchen. I rushed to check on my galbi.


"I dunno about all that," I replied lifting the pot cover. "But I assure you that I won't be a awkward mess around him. He's already the quiet type, so I will do my best to make this not seem like a waste of time."


"His time? Yah, nal poayo! (Hey, look at me!)" More out of shock that she spoke in Korean than out of feeling like I needed to listen, I met her eyes. "Don't you ever let me hear you say something like that again. I don't care if you're just standing there, you are never a waste of time to any man worth the clothes he has on."


Suddenly tears rimmed my eyes. Why was I always the type to subtly belittle myself? This is why I had friends like Vanessa and Nana. I needed someone to keep me imploding.


"I'm sorry," I blubbered stupidly as the tears flowed freely.


Somehow, that summoned Nan who swooped in within seconds. "Minhee-ah? Wae uro? (Why are you crying?)"


She took my phone from my hands which I then up to brought to cover my face. The two of them chatted briefly before Nessa hung up. Her word of comfort made it through to my ears but didn't quite register in my mind at the time. I'm sure that right now you're probably thinking that I was just over reacting--that I should've been happily making dinner and soaking up the fact that I was dating one of the iest men in the country but you take a moment and think about it: imagine you knew that you only had a limited amount of time with someone you really felt that you could connect with, that this limited time was being recorded and would bear your feelings to the entire world , that the public would never accept you two really becoming anything would you feel? Forgive me if I'm not titanium.



I was never the type to date a guy just to be dating a guy--my emotions ran deep. How I thought I could survive on this show I have no idea. I guess I just really didn't expect them to be able to wrangle in someone who would make me act like a woman and not a fangirl.


I rose to my feet, sniffling. I couldn't let my food burn. Mechanically, I got back to preparing dinner. I only had a couple hours before the boys were expected to come over and I had a few more dishes I had yet to start. Thankfully, Nan didn't ask any questions. I knew that she had hem, but most likely she was going to ask at a time when I didn't need to see Yongguk afterwards.


Time passed very quickly; I had barely noticed until I heard the annoyingly generic ringing of my couple phone. I swear I needed to find a better ringtone.


Wiping my hands, I left the kitchen for a second time to dig in my bag for the device. "Hello?"




Automatically, I smiled a little. "Ne, oppa."


"We're gonna be leaving the dorm in about fifteen minutes to head your way."


I turned to look at the Dooly clock that hung on the wall. "OK. Are you already dressed, waiting for the others?"



I didn't expect for him to pause for so long. ".....Not...really."


He couldn't possibly have been rummaging through his drawers to find something good to wear....right? No, I couldn't let myself get so arrogant as to think that.


"Well, don't worry about us. Dinner is going well. I just hope you like my cooking."


"Everyone is looking forward to it."


"Tell them not to get their hopes up too high. "


I could almost see his warm, comforting smile. "Don't be like that."


"OK. See you when you get here."




With that, he was gone. I put the phone down. I hadn't noticed that Nan had gone into the kitchen to tend to the pots there. I tended to tune everything else out when his voice was in my ears.


When I was about to get up from my seat, my ankle which had gotten so comfortable resting protested.


"You need to take a load off." She wasn't looking at me but I felt like she had seen my wince of pain. "Things are pretty much done here so go take a nice hot shower and get dressed. They are coming to see you after all."


I shook my head at that. Still, a hot shower sounded good. I found myself hobbling into the hallway. The boys would be here before I knew it anyway and I'd be forced to show a happy face so why not take time to get my emotions under wrap?


Silently, I thanked Nana shut the bathroom door behind me.


NOTE: - panmal is informal or casual speech in Korean that is only used with those younger than you, the same age as you, or someone who you are very close with.

-gogi is just Korean for "meat"

-It's not so hard to see that ramyun is just how Koreans pronounce "ramen".

(I swear I'm making a freaking dictionary down here  =_=)

-thirsty (as a slang term)...I'm sorry, but I just get the feeling that some people may be unfamiliar with this term. Like, already stated, its a slang term and it is used when you are referring to someone's desperation in a certain area or their desperate feelings on a subject.


In other news, this story actually has 4 subscribers


I'd like to thank the Academy and my parents.....


But on the real, thank you guys so much! I really wasn't expecting it. I had a mini moment rolling on the floor and stuff..Seriously I did. It was quite the scene ^^


Anyways, the next chapter wont really be a continuation of the story, per se. When you see it, you'll know what I mean, but trust me, its still gonna be something enjoyable to read, so anticipate it.

Until then, I'm out.

God and love:

- D. Phantom

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COMPLETION....Its feels so good to be done for now


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 1: I'm new to reading the story, but I LOVE IT! you've captured Yongguk's personality so well & ooh man, to have an opportunity like this! I would love it and I'd feel the same way as her~ can't wait to keep reading!
BelieveNU #2
Absolutely excellent story. Well-written and well-organized. You do a great job of introducing the characters and developing them. I appreciate your commitment to creating a character that reflects the real personality of Bang Yongguk.
Shimuken #3
Chapter 11: Amazing story. Kudos to you, OP.
Mianeyo #4
Chapter 10: AHHH ^////^ What happened to shy Yongguk...

I reeeeeeeallly enjoyed every minute of this story from then til now
Mianeyo #5
Chapter 9: Awwww that kiss no drama could've done it better
Mianeyo #6
Chapter 8: Parting is such sweet sorrow
Mianeyo #7
Chapter 7: I dont think you'll ever get over that...never get over that wanting to cuddle against that warm chest
Mianeyo #8
Chapter 4: Talk about about a great dream
Mianeyo #9
Chapter 1: Luccckkkkkky girl
Chapter 10: one of my fave fanfics ever <333