Chapter 2

Friends with Benefits (not literally)

Minhee's POV

“Hi Ren~ Why are you here?” I asked returning the hug.

“Heard you got injured during PE.” He replied as he placed his hand on my forehead. “You feeling better?” He looked at me worriedly with an emotionless face, but his eyes gave away him away.

“Yup. Thanks.”

“Baekho!!!!!” I looked over my twin’s shoulder just in time to see HanByul give one of the boys who came in with Ren a hug. He had blond hair like my bro but sandy coloured and it was spiked up.

“Oi, Ren! Come and introduce your girlfriend to us!” Shouted another boy.

I jumped off the bed and giggled as Ren took my hand in his.

“Guys. This is MinHee and she’s my twin sister.” He rolled his eyes, emphasizing on the word ‘sister’. He turned towards me. “This is Baekho.” he introduced, pointing to the other blond. “JR and Minhyun.” He continued to introduce me to the other two brown haired boys.

“Hi.” I bowed.

“And this indescribable weirdo is HanByul unless you guys have not met her already,” Baekho explained to us while trying to shake her off him. HanByul just laughed and poked her tongue out at him, hitting the back of his head but still clinging onto him.

“Oh! MinHee! You’re up!”

“Totally~” I grinned. I guess I can warm up a bit more towards her. She doesn’t seem to want to take advantage of our friendship and get close to my brother.

“C’mon… We should get outta here before the nurse comes back and throws a fit…” Minhyun urged. I noticed the boys and HanByul were especially quiet as they crept out the door. I wonder why?

“GOSH! It’s them! It’s the Prefects!!!” Fangirl squeals filled the corridor which made everyone turn around and more screams join the noise.

“JR my darling!!!”

“Ren! You’re sooo cute!!!”

“I want you Baekho!!!”

“Minhyun~ Kya!”

Baekho turned around and saw me staring wide eyed at the crowd starting to close into us. He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him as our group quickly ran out the nearest door. I noticed that HanByul was being dragged along by Ren. Baekho still didn’t let go of my hand as we’d crossed to the other side of the high school and had gone into a room with a sign saying ‘Prefects’. Once JR had closed the door, we heaved a sigh of relief. Then I couldn’t contain it inside of me anymore; I cracked up.

“Pftt!” HanByul glanced at my face and burst out laughing.

Minhyun looked at us amused and sighed. “It isn’t that funny when majority of the female students are obsessed with hunting you down.” 

JR came back from the far end of the room with a tray of drinks and snacks. Setting it down he nodded his head towards the beanbags at the corner. “Help yourself.”

I looked back up at HanByul. She’d collected herself and was biting her lip trying to not give into another round of laughter. I skipped over and plopped myself on a beanbag next to Ren while HanByul lowered herself on one next to me.

“Now we can continue our conversation, hopefully in peace.” Ren sighed, contently munching on a biscuit.   

“Yes yes. So… I’ve never seen you before MinHee… Ren didn’t mention he had a twin as well.” Baekho glared accusingly at the innocent looking Ren who was still eating.

“Huh? I thought I’d told you… Oh well, you know now.”

“Yea~ Today’s her first day here. Which high school did you go to before?” HanByul chirped and took a sip of her lemonade.

“Hansung High. It’s like in the next suburb.”

“I see…”

“But I’ve never seen HanByul around before, is she new too?” Ren asked tilting his head. Minhyun and Baekho looked at each other and laughed.

“You were too busy being in your own world, which is why you never saw her around before you idiot” said Baekho ruffling my brother’s hair.

“Hey guys. You wanna hang out this weekend? I got free tickets to the amusement park” Suggested Minhyun waving the tickets in front of us.

“Yes! I’m on!” My eyes sparkled with excitement. Then I heard a forced cough next to me. “My oh-so-awesome oppa~” I smiled and said with my best cute-sweet voice, “I know you are the best and totally perfect so will you let me go?”


Another chapter written by kakaily~ Thanks for reading! Comment and subscribe if you like it~ ^3^

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