Chapter 6

Friends with Benefits (not literally)

MinHee’s POV

“Omigosh! It’s waffle!!!” I yelped and scampered over to another store.

“You like to eat, eh?” Baekho asked amused, following me into the little shop.

“Yup~ I love to cook too! Ah~ isn’t such an awesome feeling~?” I sighed happily as I peered inside the counter to see their samples.

“Yea~ but wow… I’m surprised you can still stay the sam-“

“You’re just saying that you can’t believe I eat so much that I’m not fat right?” I smirked and playfully punched his arm. He shot me a joking glare and pretended to be offended.

“Humph! Just when I thought I’d found someone who had the same interests as I do… I’m cut.”

I giggled and stood up straight again. “Excuse me?” I called over the counter. A woman quickly looked up from where she was reading a magazine and strode over.

“Welcome~ how may I help you?” She asked while grabbing a tray and a pair of tongs.

“Um… May I have one waffle topped with chocolate and strawberry with a small mango smoothie? Thanks.” I turned to Baekho. “What ‘bout you?”

“Ah… one waffle topped with honey and cherry. And… medium ice chocolate. Yup.”  Nodding while tapping his chin thoughtfully.

“Ok, please take a seat while I do your orders.” She handed us a little stand with a pole numbered 8. Baekho led the way and sat down at of the seats with tables set for two. I lowered myself onto the other chair opposite and placed the stand on the table.

“So, do you cook a lot?” I questioned Baekho, tilting my head a bit to the side.

“Yup. I usually do the cooking at home. You? What cuisine do you usually cook?”

“Well… I don’t exactly cook a cuisine… I do anything that seems interesting and should be given a go.”

“Nice~ I prefer eating though~” He grinned cheekily and nodded a thank you to the lady who placed our orders onto the table in front of us.  I smiled and took a sip of the smoothie.

“I’m training to be a pastry chef… Yea… I’ll be participating in next month’s patisserie challenge.”

“Really? Smart… I’ll be there cheerleading for you.” He nodded as he bit into his waffle. I stared at him for a second imagining him in a sparkly fairy tutu with pink pompoms and bunny ears doing aerobics.

“Pttfff!!!” I covered my mouth with my hand and I started to laugh, rocking myself back and forth at the hilarious and disturbing scene in my head.

“What’s so funny?” He’d stopped mid-chew and was looking at me suspiciously leaning on the table with his elbows supporting him.

“Y-yo-you…” I giggled and tried to calm down. However, it just made it worse seeing him peering at me even more.

“I see… I see…”

“Ahh gosh~” I’d finally managed to stop my crazy giggles.

“Let’s hurry up and finish this so we can go and take sticker photos.” Baekho suggested.

“OK!!!” I grinned and made the peace sign.

“You gonna now tell me about your reason of laughing at my beautiful face?”

“… Nup! Me to know and you to find out~”   



Baekho’s POV

This girl… she can’t stop making me smile at her personality… Anyways… Why was she suddenly laughing like hell? Her eyes had turned kinda like an arc or crescent moonish when she erupted into a fit of giggles.

“What’s so funny?” I demanded suspiciously. Did I just say something weird? Huh?


“I see… I see…” I relaxed back on my chair. I’m gonna get the reason in every single way I can. Kekeke~

“Ahh gosh~” She took a deep breath to calm herself.

“Let’s hurry up and finish this so we can go and take sticker photos.” I suggested.

“OK!!!” I grinned and made the peace sign.

“You gonna now tell me about your reason of laughing at my beautiful face?”

“… Nup! Me to know and you to find out~”


A slightly longer chapter~ They're gonna be getting longer and longer, so please anticipate! This was written by kakaily~ Baekho's POV! It's not going to be happening often though, but please read anyway~ Comment and subscribe! ^3^

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