Chapter 7

Friends with Benefits (not literally)


{Ren’s POV}

No… She is not dragging me there… I mentally groaned. I cannot tell her I was afraid of the dark or anything that has to do with ghosts in general. God, why did I have to be left with this random girl? You stupid twin sister…

“Come on~!” She started to drag me towards the front of the ride. I tried to think of a way to escape but before I could even complain the seatbelt was down and I was stuck here, at the very front. About to go into the haunted house… please someone save me…

As soon as the ride started to move she started to get hyper and I didn’t know what to do but to close my eyes. The ride was long and fast. I heard screaming and laughter from her along with the creepy music that was playing inside. Oh god… please let this ride end fast…

Suddenly I felt a hot breeze on my neck which got me curious so I opened one eye only to meet face to face with a creepy masked guy. I screamed and grabbed onto Hanbyul’s arm tightly swearing to myself that I’m never opening my eyes again. She chuckled as she patted my head which felt strangely calming as the ride slowly came to an end.

{Hanbyul’s POV}

I secretly smiled to myself as Ren was hanging on to me even if the ride was over. He was so cute. He looked cold and expressionless on the outside but I have seen other sides of him, geez I sound like a stalker. Ok I admit I kind of stalked him ever since that day he saved me. It is partly his own fault for catching my attention that day.

“Are you okay?” I asked letting him sit down on a bench. I bent down and stared at him concerned. Was he that scared? I thought as I stared at his face. It was completely different from his usual face. His usual expressionless face was showing so much emotion at the same time.

I have seen so many face expressions from him now. I mentally checked my list of expressions I wanted to see on Ren’s face. He opened his eyes slightly and looked directly into my eyes. A shudder went through me as I looked at the beautiful eyes so close.

Wait close?? I noticed our face was few inches away and Ren seemed to have noticed this too. Both of us blushed slightly but none of us backed away. Our eyes were as if there was something that we both wanted to say to each other but did not know what.

“Look at those lesbians mum!!” shouted a kid nearby and both of us jumped and I backed away coughing.

“Don’t say that at loud!” muttered the mother as she dragged the kid away giving us a disapproving look.

“I’m not a freaking girl…” muttered Ren. He glared at the kid as they walked away. I laughed ruffling his hair.

“But you look like one and act like one.” I earning a punch on my shoulder. As we started to laugh and chase each other around the bench.


Sorry! Haven't updated in a while, eh? Sorry for the super short chapter, so today will be a double update!~ This was written by heavenwing~ 

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