Step Two

10 Steps To Hear: You're My Girlfriend ♥

The wind hit my face waking me from my reverie and I kept the phone without answering the message of Himchan. We dated for a few months now and no; I'm not tired of him; of course not, but sometimes I need some time to myself. I wasn't going to walk into that ice cream shop again. I wouldn't approach Himchan and tell him, ‘hey I'm here, everything is okay, we can continue with our date’. Of course not. After all, I have my pride and I have to preserve it, though I also have to preserve Himchan, right?

I looked straight ahead and walked the streets to go home. I know Himchan will not come after me and in fact, I don't care about that because I told him I would only talk to him when I wanted. I don't think he wants to be ignored. I got home; I opened the front door and closed it with my foot. I leaned my forehead against the wall and a long breath came out of my mouth involuntarily. You're my girl. This phrase wouldn't leave my head. I wanted the message to say, you're my girlfriend, but that will only happen in my dreams, definitely. I don't know why I care so much about that word, I know I shouldn't be worrying about it but it's stronger than me, and when I put something on the head, I can hardly take it.

I took off my forehead of the wall; I threw the house keys to the table in the living room and lay down on the couch. I took the control and the television. Himchan's face appeared on the television screen and I rolled my eyes. It was just what I needed. Not a second passed and I turned off the television and stared at the ceiling. I know the anger that I had minutes ago had passed, I know I wanted to send him a message or call him just to hear his voice but I will not do that. I turned to the other side and stared at the pillow with the words 'You are my cutie pie', that Himchan gave me on our first month of dating. Although he doesn't seem, he is very sweet to me, but only once in a while. I grabbed the pillow and closed my eyes, eventually falling asleep.




I woke up with back pain. I shouldn't have fallen asleep on the couch; this isn't a good option. I sat on the couch and rubbed my eyes. I took the phone from the pocket and pressed the button to see the time. 08:04 am. I slept more than 12 hours for sure, and I'm still sleepy. The more I sleep, the more sleep I get, but I wouldn't sleep more. I got up from the couch and went to take a shower and change clothes. I'd walk somewhere to unwind the mind. I took a bath with calm, and wore comfortable clothes. Before leaving home, I looked around and saw that everything was in order. I took the keys and locked the door. Today I would walk alone, but wait there. I got that feeling that I'm forgetting something. Oh well. Today I have another scheduled step, to be more exact; I have scheduled the second step. I took the phone from the pocket and sat on the stairs; I entered my email and had a new message, wow that was fast, the day has barely begun. I loaded the unread message and read the second step.


‘Second Step: when you're with your boyfriend and you go through a clothing shop, see if you can find couple t-shirts that say 'boyfriend and girlfriend' and buy it.'


Oh, no way. Me and Himchan? Buy couple t-shirts? This is a joke right? Should I do this step? Well, maybe I have to do it, it isn't so difficult but I'm ashamed to say I want a couple t-shirt. Well, I'll think about it later. Now I want to be alone. I got up from the stairs and put the phone in my pocket. I took a few steps and stopped walking when I looked at my front. Himchan was leaning against a tree with his hands in his pockets, apparently was waiting for me. I crossed my arms and walked to be ahead of him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a raised eyebrow without looking at him but at the flowers that were around the tree. I heard him sigh and raised my head to face him. He stepped away from the tree and placed his hands on my shoulders making my heart warm with just his touch.

"I don't like when you're mad at me." He approached more his body to mine and hugged me. "I don't like to spend hours and even minutes without talking to you ______-ah." He hugged me tightly and I grabbed his sweater and closed my eyes. I could feel his heart pounding. It was comforting to know that his heart beat for me. "I'm sorry for making you be angry with me." He kissed my hair and I smelled his sweater, feeling the sweet perfume he had. I was unable to not forgive him. Suddenly, I no longer wanted to be alone but next to him.

"It's okay Himchan." I squeezed more his sweater. "I'm sorry I get angry with you suddenly." I said and he joined our fingers and squeezed them lightly.

"Don't worry about it. It's past." He broke the hug and kissed my forehead. "But you'll have to pay your ice cream." He said in a playful tone and my eyes widened.

“Omo.” I took a hand to my mouth. "I completely forgot." I freed my fingers from his and started walking to the ice cream shop. When I was halfway, I felt the strong and warm arms of Himchan, embracing me from behind. I could hear my heart beating the same time as his heart; both hearts played an enchanting melody. This was the first time he had embraced me this way. I swear I didn't want him to release me, ever again. I felt so good at the moment.

"There's no need to go there." He rested his chin on my shoulder. "I've already paid it." He gave a popped kiss on my neck making my skin crawl.

“Oh.. Ok.” I managed to say and he turned me until my eyes meet with his. He was a little taller than me, so I had to raise my head a little to be able to look him in the eyes. I looked into his big and beautiful eyes and reminded me of something. "Wait." I pushed myself out of his arms and pointed with my index finger to his chest. "What are you doing out here at this hour? You could be sleeping and resting." I said and he gave a soft chuckle.

"Are you worried about me?" He asked in a playful tone and I rolled my eyes.

"No. Well, I'm going. Goodbye." I pretended I wasn't worried about him and turned my back to him. I took two steps and stopped walking because he grabbed my wrist. I turned my face to be able to see him and raised an eyebrow. He pouted and released my wrist.

"Yah ______-ah, you don't care about your boyfriend?" He asked in a soft voice and I couldn't contain my feelings so I squeezed his cheeks. "I left the dorm early, because I wanted to be with you." He said.

"Aigoo, don't do this cute little face." I squeezed his cheeks more and he grabbed my hands.

"Yah, it hurts." He complained. There goes the cute Himchan.

“Sorry, sorry.” I asked with a smile. Seconds later I started walking, and Himchan accompanied me. A few minutes went silent until I sae with my peripheral vision that he put a hand to his mouth and feigned a cough to gain my attention. I gave a small smile and looked at him.

"I was just wondering." He began speaking. "Do you wanna go with me to a place?" He asked, slightly blushing, and I stopped walking. Wait, wait there. Kim Himchan is blushing? Oh God, the world is about to end or this is a miracle. I looked at him and tried to hide my laughter. "So what do you say?" He asked and I nodded. I was curious to know where he wanted to take me. He grabbed my hand and joined our fingers and pulled me to the opposite path that we were walking. Both walked in silence and he never let go of my hand, like I was going to run away to somewhere. Suddenly, he stopped and I looked at my front. We were in front of a small clothing shop. It was here that he wanted to bring me? We come closer to the shop window and my eyes caught two couple t-shirts that said 'boyfriend and girlfriend'. They were cute, but I'm sure that Himchan wouldn't use it. Maybe it's better to forget this thing of the steps. "Wait here, I go in there and I’ll be right back." He let go my hand and went into the shop. I approached more my face of the shop window; I was delighted with the t-shirts. Minutes later, Himchan left the shop and poked my shoulder. I slowly turned my face to him and almost choked on my own saliva. Himchan was wearing a t-shirt and it said 'I'm ______’s boyfriend.’


"What.. What is.. What is this Himchan?" I asked gaped, such was my admiration. He had never done such a thing; he had never used such a thing. He bit his lower lip, a little blushed and my heart skipped a beat to see him like that.

"Before.. Before going to your house I passed by this shop and noticed the t-shirts. When I saw them, I immediately thought it would be good on us." He explained in a whisper and I blushed. He thinks of me. He thinks of us. "Hmmm, I have one for you here. Wear it." He pulled out a t-shirt like the one he was wearing of the bag and placed it in my hands. A slight tingling appeared at the tips of my fingers while a small smile formed on my lips and my mind just said, the t-shirt says girlfriend, the t-shirt says girlfriend. I looked at the front of the shirt and the smile that I had on my lips disappeared. The t-shirt said 'I'm Himchan’s girl.’ Well, it doesn't say girlfriend, I guess I thought too much about it but deep down I loved the t-shirt. "______, wear it." Himchan asked with a deep voice that he had and I did what he asked. "Oh ______, you are so cute." He pinched my flushed cheeks and kissed my forehead gently. "Come on." He gave me his hand and both walked the streets holding hands, where we passed, all people stopped doing their things to look at us, leaving me totally embarrassed. Kim Himchan, I don't know what to do with your mood swings.


Second step,

Conclusion: Apparently Himchan like couple t-shirts, but mine didn't say 'girlfriend', as it was expected.

                                AUTHOR'S NOTES 

Hi there ^^, now here is another chapter.. ^^, Well, I want to say just a little thing and then I will not annoyance you guys more.. Well, I just wanna say: Thank you.. The fic has barely begun and I'm already receiving lots of love from you guys.. 

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bumpkin #1
and i love this one just as much hehe
Riesta #2
Chapter 10: I read your stories and i think i fall in love with youngjae at first. Now, i love the goofy himchan, hahaha. Author-nim, you are the best!!
Chapter 10: Finally Himchan! XD my heart melted while reading this :) I loved it!
ZakhirahMeyh #4
Chapter 10: Gosh authornim/// I'm on cloud 9... He finally said it.... Please someone explain ehy my tears fell??~~ Gosh my heart~~!! Stop being oversensitive already... Gosh./... LOVE IT~~!!
Chapter 10: Oh my God! From now in I really do love crossword (although I've love it before) hahahaa
And finally, aaah~ how I wish himchan really say those words to me in real life *sigh*
Hekiki #7
Chapter 10: Himchan is so weird haha. Gonna read the next one.
Chapter 10: This was super adorable too <3
I died a little <3