

Seungri’s POV


I rubbed my eyes and wiped my nose with my sleeve without looking up to see who was at the door. When I looked up, I saw a man standing in the middle of the room with a confused expression on his face. I think he was a nurse as he had a clipboard in his hands and is looking up and down up repeatedly.

“Hi, Mr. Kwon? “he asked looking up at Jiyong

“Hi Yeah, that’s me “he said and I breathed out a short relief. He remembers his whole name which is good.

“Mr. Lee? “

“Yes, “I looked at him with nervous eyes. Did she come to give us bad news? I hope not.

“You two are very lucky young men. “ He said as he turns over the first page on the clipboard. “Mr Lee, I’m sure you were told but in case you weren’t, you have a fractured rib and bruises but you should be fine. You can sign your release papers if you want.

“Mr. Kwon, “he asked as he turned facing Jiyong and turning over the second page on the clipboard. You have stitches on your arms, forehead, on your left leg and your left arm is broken.

I looked at Jiyong and see the cast on his left arm that I foolishly missed before. I cursed myself angrily, he must been in so much pain and I didn’t even realize it. I was too busy crying my eyes out.

The nurse continued talking with Jiyong so I tuned back in. “The Doctors would like you to stay for observation but if you really need to go, you can also sign your release papers at the front desk.

My heart sinks at his words. “If you really must go“ He almost mentioned the band. What would I do? How will I begin to explain everything to him? There are so many things to tell him and so many things to explain.

“I think I am going out, I need some air. “ I said not even realizing I said the words out loud until Jiyong and the nurse looked at me. “Uh…. “I stutter before I catch myself. “Will you be okay if I go, Jiyong?

“Yeah, I will be fine. “ He says nodding.

I smiled weakly at him before heading to the door. The nurse speaks to Jiyong as I pass him. “I will be right back with your medicine Mr. Kwon. “ I opened the door and we both walked out.

I looked at him as he turns to a cart right outside the door. I catch him staring at me and he blushes, looking away quickly down at the cart. I continued looking at him for a couple seconds as his mouth releases a shy smile. He looks up at me as he found what he was looking for and his smile widened.

“I wish you speedy recovery, Mr. Lee. “He said smiling and  I smiled back at him before he pulled Jiyong’s door and walked inside.

I turned around as I heard someone calling my name from far to my right. I saw Daesung walking towards me with with the other members behind. I walked slowly over to them, ignoring the slight stares from the patients and staff. I don’t if it’s because of my injuries, my teary red eyes, or because I am who I am but I don’t care to know. I finally made it over to them.

“Hi ri How’s Jiyong? “Daesung asked before I even had a chance to sit down.

“Uhm… He’s…. “I look up to see mirroring anxious expressions on their faces. “He’s a bit confused and he hasn’t asked any questions yet but I can tell he wants answers.

“Huh? Answers? “TOP asked confused

“The nurse told us he has amnesia and he woke up with 4 strangers in a strange hospital with no memory of… well… anything. He doesn’t remember the last four years, that’s for sure. “ I explained and looked down in regret.

I looked up and studied the buys faces. Daesung is looking down at his hands, fiddling with his finger. TOP is looking at all of us, but not keeping his gaze on us for more than a second. Taeyang has his eyes trained on the hospital staff walking around, nearly glaring at them as if he wanted to strangle them.

“hang on a sec, “ Taeyang turned his head slowly to look at me as he stood up just as slowly. “this sounds way to rehearsed. If you and Jiyong are joking about this whole thing and it isn’t real, “ Taeyand said angrily as he grabbed my shirt in a tight grip and pulls me to stand up with him as he stares me down. “ I will beat some sense into you. “

“Taeyang, Stop right there! “ TOP stands up and pulls Taeyang away from me and stand between us. “Why would you think that Seungri made this up? Can’t you see all the injuries and didn’t you see the video so why are you acting like this!

 “Why would I make this up? “ I repeated as I looked up to Louis. I was starting to get angry. Why would he think like that? “I am in as much pain as you are to see him like this!



Holla Readers~ here is a new chapter for my readers.. Thanks for reading and dont forget to Comment, Suscribe and Vote! I will update soon as possible<3

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cottonFinland #1
Chapter 6: Omoo!! Ji and Ri, what will happen. and what was that pain Seungri was feeling (」゜ロ゜)」
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 6: Good Job! I like it! Looking forward to more.
Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwn so cute!!!!! GRi moment! ok next chapter!
Chapter 3: OMFG WHAT JUST HAPPEND?! A ING TWIST IN THE STORY?! I LOVE IT! BUT...BUT...BUT....ok i will wait for the next chapter to see what happens
Chapter 1: O.O OMO!!!DONT DIE GD!!!Amazing start!!!! already loving it!
MessyPeanut #6
Chapter 6: I want more... Please update soon...
Chapter 6: <3 Owww sweetie! Dedicated to meee :D Love ya

Bae is an idiot! a big big idiot!!! And Seungri...oh poor boy! you're suffering so much :( . Jiyong on too much drug is so funny but still it breaks my heart! :( update soon baby big hyung :D
Chapter 6: Wow, the members must really be suffering.

Really felt it when Seungri said he hated it how it was like meeting for the first time.. because that's how it really was to Jiyong, but not to them.
Bontsikka #9
Chapter 5: Jiyong get better soon! I'm crying because of this (T_T)
theatreballadstorm #10
Chapter 5: Awwe poor ji I hope he remembers soon. Update soon please