

Seungri’s POV


The room fell into silent. Nobody could talk. We all turned to look at Jiyong and I can clearly read the expression on everyone’s face. Daesung is in utter shock, he’s gaping as if he doesn’t know what to say or do. Taeyang looks sad, almost depressed at the words. TOP seems to stop for a moment and his eyes darted to me for a second. I looked at them before turning my gaze back to Jiyong. I was confused as well and in shock. I now feel even worse than I did when Jiyong had been unconscious.

TOP was the first one to recover.

“Good joke Jiyong, serious though, tell me how you are? “ TOP says grinning to Jiyong and brushing his blond hair out of his eyes.

“I am being serious. Do I know you from somewhere? “Jiyong says again sitting up a little. He winces and I mimic him, feeling the pain for him.

“Ji, be reasonable here. We’re seriously worried about you. Stop fooling around and tell us how you are doing. “Taeyang cut in stepping forward.

“Are you seriously kidding us right now Ji! Don’t you recognize us? “Daesung asked, his eyes full of sadness.

“It’s me Ji, Daesung. That’s Seungri the maknae, That’s TOP and Taeyang. Come on, Ji. “He ends in a whisper of desperation. I can see that he is tearing apart as much as it had been to me before and now.

“Sorry guys but I don’t know anyone who is called Taeyang. “At Jiyong’s words, Taeyang looked like he had been stabbed in the heart. He pales and appears to think that his shoes have become horrendously interesting.

“I also don’t know anyone with the name TOP“ He said while pointing at TOP.

“And I also don’t know anyone who looks like either of you. “ Jiyong now said pointing at Daesung and I. “seriously, I don’t know who you guys are…. “Jiyong concludes avoiding all of our eyes.

“I need some time to think about it so if you don’t mind, can you please wait outside. “He said still not meeting our gaze.

“It’s alright Ji, we will give you some time. “ TOP said and wrapped his arms around Taeyang who was getting more and more distraught. Daesung looked at me and I started to walk over to him.

“Wait, “Jiyong’s voice pulls me back to him and I turn around.  “You’re Seungri right? “He questions while pointing at me. I nod once and I can feel the others eyes on me back. “Can you please stay? “

“Why him? “ I heard Taeyang mutter behind me in a jealous voice. He’s right. Why me? I thought as I walked back to chair where I was sitting as the boys file out of the room. I couldn’t look up to Jiyong. I mean, this is all my face and I can’t face him.

“Uhm… Seungri. “ Jiyong says and as I look up at him, I see him trying to peer into my face.

“Do you seriously don’t remember us, Jiyong? “ I questioned him in a soft voice. I hope that he will just wink at me and say that it’s all a big prank on the boys. That he will laugh his laugh and say that he got us all good. But, it never came. His face shows some shock at my voice and my heart sinks even further.

“Who…. Who are you to me? “He asks hesitantly. I can see that he is nervous to ask as if he is scared that I’ll be angry at him

“We… we are your best friends, Jiyong. Daesung, TOP, Taeyang, Me and you... We’re best friends. “I said in a soft voice. I didn’t tell him about Bigbang and that he’s that leader. I’ll have to check up with TOP first to see if it’s alright. I don’t want to make the situation worse.

Jiyong made an ‘O’ with his mouth but didn’t say anything again. He looks away from me and I take the change to rub my eyes, pushing the tears away that we threaten to pour away. When I looked up at him, I saw him studying me and I can’t help but take a shallow breath. A question has been nagging at my back of my brain and I gather up the courage to ask him. I look away from his eyes focusing on my fingers instead.

“Why me? “ I asked him lightly. “Why did you ask me to stay behind? “ I finally look up steeling myself for his answer.

“Well, you were sitting here when I woke up, even before the others, so i… I’m guessing I mean a lot to you? I am really sorry I don’t remember you. “ Jiyong says and looks away again.

I blush slightly and look at my hands. I take a breath to steady myself before looking up.

“Uhm… listen Jiyong, “I started but he interrupted me

“You can call me Ji If you want. “ Jiyong smiles and my heart literally break. I break down crying like a baby. I am sobbing and shaking all over the place. I probably look like a mess but I couldn’t care less. Jiyong looks at me worriedly but I still can’t stop crying.

“I’m so sorry Jiyong! Please, I’m so sorry! “I cry out in a teary voice. I cover my face with my hands and try to wipe as many tears away as possible.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Jiyong staring at me with pity filled eyes. “Come here. “He beckons me. I practically leap into his arms and wrap my arms around him tightly. I know in the back of my mind that I should be comforting him, telling him that everything will be alright and he’ll get his memory back but right now, I’m so distraught.

He’s basically comforting s stranger after waking up in a hospital with no recollection of anything, for all I knew. I finally control myself and pull away as I heard the door being opened again.



~~AN: hey readers:) i kept my promise ^^

Enjoy this chapter and remember..Comment, suscribe and vote! Thanks for reading and i will be updating soon:) love ya'll and Take care:D

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cottonFinland #1
Chapter 6: Omoo!! Ji and Ri, what will happen. and what was that pain Seungri was feeling (」゜ロ゜)」
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 6: Good Job! I like it! Looking forward to more.
Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwn so cute!!!!! GRi moment! ok next chapter!
Chapter 3: OMFG WHAT JUST HAPPEND?! A ING TWIST IN THE STORY?! I LOVE IT! BUT...BUT...BUT....ok i will wait for the next chapter to see what happens
Chapter 1: O.O OMO!!!DONT DIE GD!!!Amazing start!!!! already loving it!
MessyPeanut #6
Chapter 6: I want more... Please update soon...
Chapter 6: <3 Owww sweetie! Dedicated to meee :D Love ya

Bae is an idiot! a big big idiot!!! And Seungri...oh poor boy! you're suffering so much :( . Jiyong on too much drug is so funny but still it breaks my heart! :( update soon baby big hyung :D
Chapter 6: Wow, the members must really be suffering.

Really felt it when Seungri said he hated it how it was like meeting for the first time.. because that's how it really was to Jiyong, but not to them.
Bontsikka #9
Chapter 5: Jiyong get better soon! I'm crying because of this (T_T)
theatreballadstorm #10
Chapter 5: Awwe poor ji I hope he remembers soon. Update soon please