Risk #6: Man In Love


ChaeRin's POV

I heard the soft humming of a certain love song coming from within the doors of the classroom. I checked the class plate before I entered. It was my class alright. The voice wasn't familiar. Who could it be? There shouldn't be anyone else in the room at this point of time. I inhaled and pulled the lever, entering the room. I saw oppa sitting in his seat. Humming that song. Looking at his phone with headphones on, nodding from point to point at times. "Oppa?" I walked over, looking over his shoulder. He was watching a melodrama. "Ah! ChaeRin." he paused the drama and took off his headphones. He looked...different. "How does oppa look today?" He beamed, like he was proud of himself. He never really cared about how he looked. I looked at the styrofoam sitting on the side of his desk. "Oppa! Are you running a fever?" I slapped my hand onto his forehead, under his pile of mint colored hair. 

"Of course not! Why are you worrying so much?" he laughed, pulling my hand off him. "But...you're actually drinking coffee. Watching melodramas. Humming love songs." I looked at him in disbelief, "and not running a fever." Classmates started pouring in. "Coffee?" Seunghyun oppa, a senior of ours who always dropped by before class, arched his eyebrow and smirked in amusement, "I'm sure I'll be able to strike lottery today." I agreed, JiYong oppa was being weird. He never liked bitter things. He said melodramas were too unrealistic. He never really liked love songs. He never bothered about how he looked. 

"And so x..." the professor's voice served as a background. JiYong oppa was too distracting. He was tapping his feet impatiently, looking intently at the clock from time to time. "Argh damn! Cut!" he muttered softly as he tore the paper off his notebook and threw it into the dustbin right at the front of the classroom. Considering him sitting at the back with me, it was a remarkable feat. This repeated for god knows how many times till the lesson ended and we got dismissed. I walked to the front and picked out the papers he threw into the bin while he was packing his bag.

"Chae! I'll walk home with you today!" he tapped me on the shoulder after I stuffed the pieces of paper into my bag. "But...I have activities after this..." I looked down, sorry for rejecting. "I'll accompany you," he replied proudly. "Are you sure?" I arched an eyebrow, I wasn't sure if JiYong could handle it. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, pleaseeee." He begged. "Okay..." I let him follow me, I couldn't disappoint him, not when he was giving me puppy eyes. "I love you so much Chae-ah!" he pulled me into his embrace and jumped with joy. Oppa. Is. Being. Too. Weird. Today.

"Stretch like this," the yoga instructor demonstrated before having us try it out. Most, no, almost all the people in the room were looking at JiYong, who was sitting in the corner, bored to death, but he beamed whenever I turned to check on him. I sighed and focused on the session instead. This wasn't the oppa I knew. How could he have changed so much this few days? I shivered at the thought. It was as though he changed into a totally different person. "Lee ChaeRin! Focus!" that snapped me back. I sighed yet again, using all my willpower to focus till the end. 

"Cold?" JiYong reached his hand over, holding fruit flavoured soda, and the other holding hot chocolate, "or warm?" "I'm doubting that you're not running a fever oppa, are you sure you're alright?" I took the warm beverage from him, he was never one to drink hot chocolates or fruit flavoured sodas. These were more of my thing. I thought he'd dump the cooler drink. Until he popped it open and drank from the can. "Pretty much fine, except that I'm going a little bonkers these days." his face flushed red, his head lowered. "I knew it. You actually drank fruit flavoured soda oppa." I snapped my fingers as if I'd solved a mystery. "Not that kind of bonkers." he shook his head, and started laughing like a maniac. Gosh. "I'm sure it is. 'Cause you're exactly that." I stared at him as if he were some alien from outer space. He cooled down a little, before setting off, laughing again.

"No. ChaeRin. I'm not crazy. I'm crazy crazy." He laughed, breaking his sentence up. "You're becoming weird." I looked at him with side glance. "I'm just different from others," he winked while laughing, "one of a kind." "Whats wrong with you oppa. Tell me what's making you so weirdly scarily crazy." I looked into his eyes and begged. We stopped walking. Standing there in the middle of the streets. "You." He stopped laughing. He looked serious. "What?" I was confused. "You're making me crazy. Lee f-ing ChaeRin. You're the reason why." people turned to look at us when he said that word. (THE F-WORD DUDES). 

"Because of you. Whenever I read, its like the letters are dancing around to form your name. You become the main character of the movies I watch. Its like you're the moon in my sky. Because I keep seeing you. The traces of you are everywhere. My heart keeps palpating because you're not mine yet. AND EVEN IF I DO THINGS YOU LIKE. YOU DON'T NOTICE!" He grabbed my arms, still serious. No fever. No traces of craziness. It was JiYong. "I want to stay by your side. There's so much more I want to do for you. I want to give everything in my life to you. I don't know when this started." 

When a man's in love, he wants to stay by your side. There's so much he wants to do for you. When he's in love, he wants to give everything in his life to you. With just one expectation, your heart. When he's in love. When he's fallen in love.

A/N: Well hello there people~ Here's a oneshot to celebrate INFINITEMANINLOVE6THWIN. Do I have to explain the risk here? I believe you all know. A happy one to make up for the sad one I posted earlier. No inspirations lately. So I'm doing so many songfics aren't I. Forgive me people! All my thoughts are lost. I want to update too~ But school and the other fic is all my inspirations away. I'd like to thank all of you subscribers. Although its just that migre amount. I'm still happy. I'm an author in love with my readers~ Because I lost alot of you after Trial Boyfriend...I'm glad alot of you stayed...TT TT  I'm touched. So do please tons of comments~

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ghouse7 #1
Chapter 10: Risk #8 is particularly good!
omfg this is too good!
Want a poster for ur skydragon stories? ゚∀゚)ノ
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(゚ロ゚」)」here baby here

sorry for taking up space! - you can delete this if its kinda annoy you ^-^
Chapter 12: i love thissss :))
mimi_qitchi #5
Chapter 12: Why chae always forgive Ji so easly. Can i make a request in your next chapter make story about jealous ji cause im always like jealous ji...
"̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐ"̮ƗƗɐƗƗɐ"̮ƗƗɐƗƗe
mimi_qitchi #6
Chapter 11: U must updateee sooon, i dont u derstand why ji break up with chae...
mimi_qitchi #7
Chapter 10: OMG it so sweet...
I always loveee your update...
Chapter 8: why is he so cuuteeee WEEELPPP!!! >3< Jiiii you're so cute cute cute lemme take you home, wait no, both of you! I will have both of you home so I can stare at you two all day long :3
mimi_qitchi #9
Chapter 7: OMG i like your story, in every chapter u have diffrent plot, and im glad u update this story ...
Chapter 7: GAHHH!I'm really confused @.@