Six Degrees of Separation


Her phone buzzed over and over again, being the only sound source in the solemn room except for the seldom knocks from concerned members. She closed the romance novel and took deep breaths. Trying to keep her tears from falling. She resorted to burying herself inside the soft comfort of her soft toys. But there were traces of him left in the cottons. His scent was like an evidence of his existence. Their existence.

"Chaerin?" It was Dara's turn to knock. But she was only greeted with the static of the television being . A romance drama was showing. She flipped the television off. 

She glanced at the tarot cards, gems and stones her memberd gave her when they heard of the news. It'd help, they said. It doesn't. She walks over to the mini fridge sitting under her desk. She hated it when he drank. But now she was resorting to it as well. She opened a can. And another. She'd think getting drunk would set her free from her sorrows at least for awhile. Or just a tiny little bit. But it only reminded her of him and the times they spent together. Everything that took place in this very room. 

She was desperate to drive him out of her head. She didn't shed a tear when she bid him goodbye. The last one she would share with him as lovers. There was no way she'd be able to forget everything. Its for the fans. He always says. But he promised she'd be at the top of his list. His VIP amongst VIPs. Yet she ended up losing to them. 

"Are you okay?" It was Bom's shift now. "I'm fine, better than ever. I'm finally uncomitted to that selfish possessive jerk." Her voice was rasp from the first words she ever let out of her lips today. Then the soft locking of her bathroom door. Who was she lying to? She's not okay at all. But she'll get over this. What could be worse than this suffering she has right now. What could be worse than her broken heart?

But there were worse things. It was her memories with him. They linger in every corner of her sight. She buried herself in the water. I'm okay. She repeats over and over again mentally. I'm okay. She was almost hypnotized before memories snapped in. She wasn't fine at all. All memories flooded into her brain. It felt like her world was being torn apart. 

Maybe this was what she needed to fix everything and get back to normal. She gasped as she lifted herself up from the tub, smiling into the mirror. She put on a fresh change of clothes and walked out of her room. It'd already been a week since she broke up with him. It was time to get out of her coop.

"GDragon's back with Kiko again?" The gossiper exclamation travelled through the speakers. She watched as the screen hanging in the living room showed pictures of them together. It was because the fans liked JiKo better. Its always the fans. The fans were what kept him at the top. Why would he sacrifice all of them for a mere person like her? She could be easily replaced anyways.

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ghouse7 #1
Chapter 10: Risk #8 is particularly good!
omfg this is too good!
Want a poster for ur skydragon stories? ゚∀゚)ノ
you can request it from our graphicshop´ε` )

(゚ロ゚」)」here baby here

sorry for taking up space! - you can delete this if its kinda annoy you ^-^
Chapter 12: i love thissss :))
mimi_qitchi #5
Chapter 12: Why chae always forgive Ji so easly. Can i make a request in your next chapter make story about jealous ji cause im always like jealous ji...
"̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐ"̮ƗƗɐƗƗɐ"̮ƗƗɐƗƗe
mimi_qitchi #6
Chapter 11: U must updateee sooon, i dont u derstand why ji break up with chae...
mimi_qitchi #7
Chapter 10: OMG it so sweet...
I always loveee your update...
Chapter 8: why is he so cuuteeee WEEELPPP!!! >3< Jiiii you're so cute cute cute lemme take you home, wait no, both of you! I will have both of you home so I can stare at you two all day long :3
mimi_qitchi #9
Chapter 7: OMG i like your story, in every chapter u have diffrent plot, and im glad u update this story ...
Chapter 7: GAHHH!I'm really confused @.@