Risk #3



JiYong's POV
I called number 1 on my speed dial for the umpteenth time today. To be directed to her voicemail. "Hello, please leave a message if you're not a guy!" My own voice came in the background. I called her again. "JiYong." she finally answered. "RooIn-ah." Her name left my lips unconsciously. "What do you want?" Her tone showed that she was annoyed, "we're over, so cut the crap." "RooIn-ah! Nothing went wrong! Why are you breaking up with me!" I begged for a reason. 
"Nothing. I'm just sick of everything. I'm sick of you." She hanged. I was lost. I'm not feeling like myself anymore. The love songs played on the radio made it worse. Yet I couldn't bring myself to turn it off. "Oppa?" I heard someone call from the door. "I'm coming in." the door clicked, unlocked. "Out." I stated, face buried in my hands. "I'm sure you're going to die if I went away," the door closed shut and clicked again, locked. 
"You really shouldn't be listening to love songs at this point of time." She continued, but she didn't turn it off. "Turn it off then." I whispered. "You'd want it on anyways." She settled a few plastics on the table. I heard her sigh, she shuffled over and pulled at my arm, "Get up, you're going to have to bath, you stink like alcohol." "Let me be," I groaned as I pulled her down onto the sofa with me. "Heartbroken for the *I lost count time*" she stated sarcastically, lifting herself up by pressing her palms on my chest. "Damn you Chae. FEELINGS ALWAYS GETS ME. You should have known by now." I cursed. 
"If I didn't I wouldn't be here." She arched on of her eyebrows cockily, "now get up." "Fine." I groaned and sat up letting her tug me to the washroom. "Change." She handed me a pair of boxers, turning around. I took off my clothes and slipped into the pair of boxers. "Done." I leaned onto her back and rested my head on her. "Aish. You're such a drag when you're heartbroken you know that." She complained as she turned around, I collided with her chest. I looked up and she blushed crimson red. "G-get in." She pushed me towards the bath tub gently.
"Why are you always doing this?" I asked as I rested in the bathtub. "Because no one else would do it." She simply replied as she put the bath salt into the warm water. "Can't you get a guy to do it or something, your eyes have limited view." I teased. "Like anyone would want to take care of a heartbroken JiYong," she rolled her eyes as she prepared the bath sponge. "You do," I smiled weakly, mood still ruined from the break up. "I'm an idiot." 
"I have such a caring idiot dongsaeng~" I cooed as she sighed again, pulling the plug and letting the water get away. "Close your eyes oppa." She ordered as she pulled the spray off its resting place and hover it above my head. I followed her orders. She draped a waterproof fabric over me. I felt cool water wet my hair soon after. Both of us kept silent as she washed my hair thoroughly. 
"We're done." She heaved as she washed the conditioner off. Replacing the fabric with a towel, she started drying me. "Chae-ah.." My eyelids flicked open, "if only you were my girlfriend. I'd never have to bath myself again." "Shut...up..." she adverted her gaze away from me, hanging the towel onto the rack as she aided me in standing up. I got my left leg up, and just as I was getting my right leg out, I slipped, pushing Chae during the process and pinning her against the wall.
"Watch it," she blamed, "you okay?" I leaned in and kissed her. Whether or not it was a effect of having my heart broken. I felt like doing that. Kissing her. "Oppa!" She pushed me away, "don't kiss someone when you don't love them." "I..." I looked down as she steered me out of the bathroom in my soaked boxers and to my bedroom. I watched as she picked out a pair of hand-made silk pants from her duffle tote bag and an oversized t-shirt from my wardrobe. She dug further into the drawers and pulled out a dry boxer. "Go change." She threw the clothes at me. "Chae-ah...are you mad?" I asked. 
"About the kiss? Yes. About you dating girls who clearly are playing around with you? Yes. About you not learning your lesson? Yes. About having to take care of you every time you fall due to your mistakes? No." She answered, looking away as I changed into the new set of clothes. "About loving you...yes" I heard her whisper something. "What were you saying?" I asked walking over. "Nothing. Nothing important enough for you." she smiled as she steered me and pushed me down onto my bed, "Now sleep." "No." I smirked, "unless you wanna sleep with me." "Will you sleep?" She questioned. "If you promise you won't leave me in the middle of the night like the other times." I replied. 
"Fine, move to the other side," she sighed as she crawled into bed after I rolled over. I pulled the covers up and turned the lights off using my beside remotes, they really do come in handy at times like this. "Night." I whispered as I let my heavy eyelids fall.
ChaeRin's POV.
I slept for a few hours before getting up. Yet I was pinned down. "Ugh." I groaned at the heavy weight pinning me down. "Please..." I heard JiYong murmur. "Oppa?" I asked, afraid he was awake and would stop me from leaving. "Don't go..." He tightened his grip around me. "Oppa...let go." I commanded. "Don't leave me alone. RooIn-ah...don't go...Don't leave me." He continued. He was asleep. And dreaming of someone else while hugging me. "Oppa, RooIn unnie isn't here." I whispered, trying to get him off. "RooIn-ah!" He screamed. I was shocked, till his warm tears soaked through my shirt and brought me back to reality. "No...not you too...ChaeRin...no...I'm sorry! CHAE DON'T GO!" His sobbing was more vigorous. 
"I'm here...I'm not going anywhere." I answered, as though he could hear me."Promise you won't leave if I let go." He sobbed. "I promise." "I don't believe you." He barked as his tears continued to soak my shirt. "I'm keeping you prisoner. Lee ChaeRin, you're mine, forever, so don't think of leaving." He howled. I decided to just let him be. He clung onto me as if he was clinging on for dear life. This never happened before. I didn't know how to handle this JiYong. Who is spilling everything he hides in the day. "I love you...Chae-ah...I love you." And his sleeptalk ended there. Leaving my heart pounding furiously. Kwon JiYong, the one who said I was his favourite dongsaeng, and nothing more, confessed. He confessed. 
JiYong's POV
I woke up, eyes sore, as soon as I opened them, I was greeted by a familiar scent of strawberry. My favourite scent of strawberry. I focused as my vision began to get clearer. Chae is still here, she didn't leave. Thank god. I noticed that part of her arms were red and I was on top of her. I must have held on to her when dreaming. Damn Kwon JiYong, you got ChaeRin hurt. "Oppa." I heard her groan, "mind getting off?" "Sorry," I slide off her, "did I say anything...well...out of place last night? Like I LOVE YOU or anything?" ChaeRin blushed crimson red. "No...I don't know, did you even say anything?" Her eyes darted everywhere, she was lying. She heard it all. All. "Lee ChaeRin," I cupped her face, forcing her to look at me. "Its all true. I don't want you to leave me anymore. You're mine, I don't want to share you. I want you all to myself. And, I want you to feel the same too." I took a deep breath and said something I never said even to the previous girls I dated, "I love you."

A/N: HELLO. I felt like writing ...but I'm not familiar with it, so nah. I decided against that. More epic JiYong moments here. Risk #3 confessing his feelings he had covered up so well. It was a risk to him because he was afraid of rejection. THERE HAPPY WITH MY EXPLAINATION? Please leave comments! None of you guys commented. Now I'm sad. ㅠㅠ hulll.


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ghouse7 #1
Chapter 10: Risk #8 is particularly good!
omfg this is too good!
Want a poster for ur skydragon stories? ゚∀゚)ノ
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(゚ロ゚」)」here baby here

sorry for taking up space! - you can delete this if its kinda annoy you ^-^
Chapter 12: i love thissss :))
mimi_qitchi #5
Chapter 12: Why chae always forgive Ji so easly. Can i make a request in your next chapter make story about jealous ji cause im always like jealous ji...
"̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐ"̮ƗƗɐƗƗɐ"̮ƗƗɐƗƗe
mimi_qitchi #6
Chapter 11: U must updateee sooon, i dont u derstand why ji break up with chae...
mimi_qitchi #7
Chapter 10: OMG it so sweet...
I always loveee your update...
Chapter 8: why is he so cuuteeee WEEELPPP!!! >3< Jiiii you're so cute cute cute lemme take you home, wait no, both of you! I will have both of you home so I can stare at you two all day long :3
mimi_qitchi #9
Chapter 7: OMG i like your story, in every chapter u have diffrent plot, and im glad u update this story ...
Chapter 7: GAHHH!I'm really confused @.@