
It's Your Turn

I'm amazed that I was able to write 13 pages in such a short amount of time.  The same rules still apply.  But still... I can't promise frequent updates at the moment.  Exams are right around the corner, and I have a CPT due in three days!  As I promised though, this is...  very long... and very... very.. fluffy...  I WILL put more fluff up.  I can promise that!

But I can't really promise consistent updates.  Sorry!  It's hard to juggle 3 stories (1 unposted and unrelated to TaeNy or kpop lol) but I'm trying my best (:

Do any of you like action adventure sort of things?  When I finish this fanfiction I could write action based sorts of stories with TaeNy.  Although, I'm planning on keeping this one story alive for another 2 years. (:

Without further ado, enjoy!


The sky was slowly darkening as the sun began to set.  Taeyeon had wanted to watch it set for a long time.  But she didn’t want to do it alone.  She wanted to watch the sunset with Tiffany.  It was the top priority on her phone’s To-Do list and she intended to complete it soon.  She looked out the window.

“Tiffanyyyy!!!”  Taeyeon unintentionally used her natural aegyo as she poked at Tiffany’s cheek.

“Hm?”  The sleepy girl opened her eyes and sat up on the couch.

“I have to show you something.”

“What is it?”

“Just come with me.”

“But I’m tired!”

“Then I’ll carry you.”  Without hesitation, Taeyeon leaned over and picked Tiffany up.  Oddly enough, she didn’t object or make a sound.  With the feeling of accomplishment in her chest, Taeyeon carried Tiffany out the door.

“Whoa!  Where are we going?  I didn’t think we’d be going outside!”

“Somewhere.”  Taeyeon smiled happily as Tiffany allowed her to continue.  “You trust me, right?”

“No, Taeyeon.  That’s why I’m letting you bring me somewhere without telling me where we’re going.”  Tiffany joked sarcastically.

About five minutes of silence went by.  Taeyeon had arrived at the park and Tiffany had fallen asleep in her arms.  She sat down on the bench and lovingly admired the sleeping girl’s face.

“Wake up, sleepyhead.  We’re here.”  Taeyeon lightly shook Tiffany’s shoulder.

“Are we…  Are we at the park?”  Tiffany rubbed her eyes.

“Remember the last time we were here?”

“Yeah…  I saw you throwing rocks into the water at 6am.  When I talked to you, you sounded kind of sad…  Were you alright?”

“Uhm…  Well…  I wouldn’t say alright.  It’s funny how you can tell that I wasn’t very happy that day.”

“Care to talk about it?”

“That’s what I brought you here for.  I just figured that you’d also enjoy the sunset too.”

“I’m all ears, then.”  Tiffany smiled.

“Here goes…”  Taeyeon prepared herself and tried to push away the nervousness.  Her heart was racing, her palms were sweaty, her legs were shaking, and Tiffany… was beautiful as ever.

“I have something that I’ve been holding back.  And I really need to get it off my chest.  Another reason I brought you here was so that we could be alone.  Since…  I didn’t want anyone to disturb us.”

Tiffany watched Taeyeon carefully with a curious expression.  Even with the sun setting in front of them, she didn’t take her eyes off Taeyeon for a second.

“The truth is…  I love you.”

“Well, I love you too!”  Tiffany smiled, causing an eruption of fast-paced heartbeats for Taeyeon.

“No, not the sisterly kind of love, not the friendly kind of love, or the family kind of love.  No, Tiffany.  I’m in love with you.  I have been for a while now.  Maybe even longer.  I just didn’t know it until a few months ago.  I didn’t know what to do.  I didn’t want to confess and risk throwing away our friendship.  But I didn’t want to watch you fall in love with someone else, ether.  So I guess…  I have to reach for what I really dream for.  If you don’t feel the same way, I understand.  I just really need you to know how I really feel about you.  I need to tell you how your hugs have the power to make me stop breathing and that the little kisses on the cheek you give me send jolts of electricity through my entire body.  Even your simple smile makes my body stiffen and all I can do is stare, as butterflies take over in my stomach.  Even if you don’t love me back this way, I still want you to know that I love you.  I love you more than anything in the universe.”

A long silence passed by as the two stared at the pond in front of them.  All Taeyeon could hear was the sound of her heart pounding.

“I know.”  Tiffany finally broke the silence as Taeyeon looked at her with a puzzled face.  “I know you love me.  Not in the sisterly way, or the friendly way, or the family way.  I know.  I’ve known for a while, actually.”

Taeyeon lowered her head in defeat.  She was almost positive that Tiffany was going to reject her confession.  And the more gently she would try to do it, the more it would hurt.

“You always tell me that love is different for everyone.  It has no meaning for you until someone gives it one.”  Tiffany thought deeply on her words.  “You don’t know what it is, until someone shows you.”  She lifted her gaze from the pond and looked at Taeyeon, who also turned her head to meet with Tiffany’s eyes.  “But you know…  I think I DO know what love is.”  She held Taeyeon’s hand and interlocked their fingers.  “You showed me what it is, over and over again.  I think it’s time that I return the favour.  I love you too.”

A wave of relief washed over Taeyeon.  She did it.  She confessed to Tiffany without messing it up.  Tiffany replied with mutual feelings.  Everything was perfect as the sun was setting just on time.  Everything was still until Taeyeon noticed that the look in Tiffany’s eyes changed.  They weren’t friendly and purposely composed.  They were nervous and hopeful with a hint hidden within them.

Hurry up and satisfy your girl.

Taeyeon leaned closer, and closer.  The gap was slowly disappearing between them.  She watched it grow smaller and smaller until she closed her eyes and felt another pair of warm lips on hers.  Upon contact, electricity flowed through her body and her heart fluttered.


I’m glad I held on.

All that pain and struggling was worth it.

In the middle of the kiss, Taeyeon couldn’t help but smile, causing Tiffany to smile with her.  To make Tiffany smile even more, Taeyeon decided to repeat what was on her mind.

“I love…”

“You.”  Tiffany finished her sentence.

Suddenly their surroundings faded.  The sunset disappeared, along with the trees and the pond.  Taeyeon didn’t open her eyes, but suddenly, she felt that Tiffany wasn’t there.  The warmth of her lips was no longer present.  In confusion, she opened her eyes and found herself staring at the same white ceiling she saw every morning.

It was only a dream…

“Enjoy your first kiss?”  Yuri laughed.

“What?!”  Taeyeon sat up.

“You were dreaming about Tiffany again, weren’t you?”  She put her hands on her hips and gave Taeyeon a sarcastic smirk.

“Maybe…”  Taeyeon blushed a little.  “How did you know?”

“Because you were doing this.”  Yuri imitated Taeyeon’s puckered lips and emotional expression.

“Aah…  Stop!!!”  Taeyeon’s face turned even redder.

“I feel bad for you.”


“You have to constantly control yourself around her.  Isn’t that hard?”

“Yeah, it is!  But there are times when I look at her and my stomach gets filled with pink butterflies. And I just really want to hug her.  But it might be weird with a hug coming out of nowhere.  I lose my appetite, and I can’t sleep because my heart’s beating too fast.  I can’t even breathe when she smiles at me!  She makes me feel like I’m falling through the air and then I land softly in a field of pink cotton candy.”  Taeyeon opened up her arms, as if ready to give someone in a hug.

“My goodness, what even…”  Yuri raised an eyebrow.

“I sound stupid, right?”

“Yeah, maybe a little.”  The taller girl chuckled.  “Sorry.”

“I don’t feel bad.  Sure, it was only a dream, but I’ve learned to look at the brighter side.”

“And what’s that?”

“I just had the best dream of my entire life and my whole month is already amazing.”  Taeyeon inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly with a happy smile.

“You really like her, huh?”

“No, I don’t.”


“I don’t like her.  I love her!”  Taeyeon jumped off the bed.  “And I’ll do everything it takes to show her.”

“You could just tell her and everything will be done faster…”

“Actions speak louder than words.  If I tell her, I’ll only be giving her letters, stringed together poorly because I get nervous.  If I show her, I’ll be giving her promises that last forever.”

“Well, do it quickly before someone steals her away.”

“Too late…”  Taeyeon chuckled bitterly.

“Siwon may be her boyfriend.  But she doesn’t love him.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Remember the last meeting we had with our managers?  They said that if we were to date, try to make it with someone popular.  Oppa said it would make for good fan service and that it would help us with popularity.  And then Tiffany coincidentally has a date with Siwon the next day?  I really doubt she actually likes him.”

“But he IS good looking.  Every girl in SM entertainment, at the least, would love to get a date with him.”

“Would you?”


“Then there has to be others that don’t want a date with him, and maybe Tiffany is one of them.”

“So you think she’s only with him because she’s doing this for fan service?”

“That’s my guess.  Tiffany doesn’t even like his type of personality anyway.”

“What would she like?”

“Your type.  So don’t change, Taeyeon.”

“I’m not saying that I don’t appreciate this.  I do, really.  But how do you know about my love?  Actually… How does everyone here know about this?”  Taeyeon motioned, meaning all of her group members.  “The only person I’ve actually told is Sooyoung.”

“For starters, you kind of unintentionally blurt things out when you’re daydreaming about her…  And second, no words are needed.  The way you look at her is different.  It’s special.”

“And she doesn’t notice.”  Taeyeon sighed.  “I guess…  I can’t get myself down about this.  I’m gonna show her!”  The little dork pumped her fist in the air with spirit.

“That’s the spirit, Prince Taengoo.  Your Princess is waiting for you!”

“It’s almost funny how Prince Taengoo can’t even take the initiative to be more composed and… affectionate… around her.”  Taeyeon laughed at herself being unable to be the smooth, perfect prince.

“Love does funny things to people.  I guess it makes you complete fool for Tiffany.”

“But I act so stupidly around her sometimes.”

“It’s okay.  She might find your stuttering, blushing, giggling, and funny faces cute.”  The two girls laughed at the images in their head.

“Well I should get going.  It’s a day off for me, but I don’t feel like lazing around in bed all day.”  Taeyeon grinned.  “Not like Jessica.”  She laughed as she made her way towards the door.

She turned the handle and walked through the doorway, without looking.

“Ow!”  A husky voice called out in pain and surprise.

“Ahh!  Sorry, Fany!  I wasn’t looking where I was going!”  Taeyeon looked up and her eyes met with Tiffany’s, which were only 3 inches away.

“It’s alright, Tae Tae.”  Tiffany smiled and her eyes formed perfect crescents.

The two stood in the same place, faces only inches apart, in complete silence.

Her smile is perfect…

Taeyeon smiled, being influenced by beautiful Tiffany’s eyes that were smiling too.  They remained motionless until Taeyeon felt her cheeks warm up as she backed up.

“Are you sure?”  Taeyeon naturally snapped into her caring personality and rubbed Tiffany’s forehead.

“I’m fine, I’m fine!”  Tiffany chuckled while lightly pushing Taeyeon’s hand away.  “Are YOU okay?”

“Don’t worry.  My lips have incredible tolerance for forehead impact.”  She joked.

“You didn’t leave any teeth marks on my forehead, right?”  Tiffany felt for any strange dents in her skin.

“Sorry.  Maybe I should learn to kiss lighter.”  Taeyeon stood on her toes, and left a proper kiss on Tiffany’s forehead.  “Feel better?”

“Mhm!”  Tiffany nodded cutely and continued on her way to the bathroom as Taeyeon walked to the kitchen.

Less than ten minutes later, Taeyeon finished making her breakfast.  She had a piece of toast in with a bowl of cereal in her hands.  Taeyeon was making her way to the living room, to watch TV and eat.  As she reached the kitchen door, Tiffany walked out of the bathroom, still fixing her hair.  She wore a plain t-shirt, black skinny jeans, pink socks, and had tied her hair up.  When Taeyeon looked over to see who made the sound of an opening door, she was greeted by the sight of Tiffany in casual clothes, taking her hair out of a hair tie, and flipping it.

Oh… My… Gosh…

Like in a movie, the scene played in slow motion to Taeyeon, who was instantly petrified.

Her hair, her hair…

Falls perfectly without her trying…

Taeyeon sang the song lyrics in her head as she stared.  When Tiffany looked over, she flashed Taeyeon her eyesmile.

If only my reaction were better…

Taeyeon’s jaw loosened, dropping the piece of toast into her bowl of cereal, and splashing milk all over her.  At the sight of clumsy Taeyeon, Tiffany laughed and immediately rushed over to help the poor, milk-covered dork.

“This is seriously the third time you’ve dropped food from your mouth in front of me.  Your jaws are very clumsy!”  Tiffany grabbed tissues and helped Taeyeon clean up.

“Eh…  Yeah…  You still remember the first time when I got tea all over my jacket?”

“That was the second time.  The first time was 3 years ago when you spilled water all over yourself in the dance studio.”

“You saw that?”

“You don’t know how hard I had to try to hold in my laughter.”

“As long as it made you laugh.”  Taeyeon smiled.

“You’re too kind, Tae Tae.”  Ignoring the milk on Taeyeon’s body, Tiffany gave the shorty a hug, who in turn hugged back.

“You changed out of your sleeping attire…  I thought we didn’t have a schedule today.”

“We didn’t, but our manager called this morning, and he said we need to redo background vocals for the upcoming concerts.”

“Ah, I’ll get ready and call the others.”

“Actually, he only asked for us two.  Apparently, our recordings were accidentally deleted and we have to do it again.”

“Ahh…”  Disappointment was heard in Taeyeon’s voice, although, she secretly rejoiced at being allowed to sing with Tiffany for a few hours.

“So when you eat that soggy piece of toast and cereal, change, and we’ll go.”

“I’ll be quick!”  Taeyeon shoved the entire piece of toast into .

“And don’t drop anything from that lazy mouth of yours.”  Tiffany laughed and stuck her tongue out.

The girl with shorter legs ran faster than the speed of light around the room to change while eating her breakfast.  Within five minutes, the soggy bread and cereal were in her stomach and she was ready to go.

“That was fast…”

“Just because I have short legs doesn’t mean I can’t run quickly.”  Taeyeon stuck her tongue out and opened the door.


After a long ride in the car, the pair finally arrived at the recording studio.  For Tiffany, it felt like a long ride, which she spent catching up on her sleep.  For Taeyeon, it was a short ride, which she spent staring at Tiffany while she had the chance.

Not enough time to marvel at your beauty…

As soon as they walked into the building, their producer greeted them at the door.

 “It’s nice to see you girls again.  So, you got the call this morning, right?  Perfect.  Here are the lines we need to record today.  Please warm up and prepare.  We’ll begin shortly.”

“Oh jeez…  The high part again.”  Taeyeon looked at the papers and groaned.

“You’ll do great, Tae Tae.  You always do.”

“It’s really hard to sing high notes while quietly too…  Aish…”  Taeyeon opened the door to the recording room with the microphone that was already set up.

“Tae, don’t you want to review the part that you’re singing?”

“Oh, right.  My jacket’s outside with my phone in the pocket.  Could you help me change the song to the one we’re recording?  The music player app is already open.”  Taeyeon gratefully nodded as she took her position at the microphone as Tiffany entered the tiny room with a phone in her hands.

“Which song are we doing first, anyways?”

“Into the New World, I think.  I haven’t sung this in almost two years…”

Tiffany face lit up as she giggled while tapping the screen.

“What?”  Taeyeon gave her a confused look.

Tiffany showed the phone to Taeyeon, who blushed a little, turned away and laughed.

“You were listening to our cover of A Moment Like This.”

“… So?”

“Our cover was… really quite terrible.”  Tiffany laughed.  “Why would you listen to THIS instead of the original song?”

“Is it a crime to love your voice?”  Taeyeon winked.

“Cheesy Prince Taengoo.”  Tiffany smiled with her eyes and handed the phone to Taeyeon.

After 10 minutes of aimless warm ups and practicing lines, the producer sat down at his desk, which was covered in all sorts of confusing buttons that caught Taeyeon’s eye.

“Are you girls ready?  We’ll start off with the chorus, and work our way back to the introduction where the most powerful singing takes place.  I don’t want to strain your vocal chords.”

“Ready!”  Taeyeon cleared and replayed the line in her head.

After an hour, the entire song was already recorded, except for the very beginning.

“Take a break for now.  I need to change the microphone for this part.  Just make sure you’re both back in half an hour.”  The producer typed away at his computer, fixing the harmony to the song.

“After you, Princess Tiffany.”  Taeyeon held the door open and gestured for Tiffany to walk through first.

“Why, thank you very much, Prince Taeyeon.”  Tiffany laughed and lightly punched Taeyeon in the arm.

Thirty minutes later, the pair returned to the tiny room as their producer provided instructions.

“Alright, Taeyeon, please come out here.  The next session is purely Tiffany’s part.”

Taeyeon nodded and exited the room as she gave Tiffany thumbs up for support.

“The parts you recorded before were a little off key…  I understand as you haven’t sung this in a very long time, but we are on a very tight schedule.  Please, make sure to perfect the lines this time.”

“Ah… Sorry.  I’ll try my best.”

After 20 minutes of countless tries, the producer wasn’t satisfied.

“Tiffany, I think you may need to… uhm…  work on vocal control…”

“Wait, please, let me try one more time!”

“It’s pointless.  Please just come back tomorrow after seeing a vocal coach and then we’ll try again.”


Yah… How dare he…

She may not be the best singer in the universe,

But she’s definitely better than a lot of the clients you work with…

“Ahh!  What do I do?  I haven’t talked to my vocal coach in three months.  He’s on vacation right now!  I just can’t sing that part.  Maybe you can do it for me.”  Tiffany buried her face into her hands.

“Tiffany, it’s okay.  You just need to practice that line slowly.  When we get home, I’ll play the line on the piano, and maybe you can try to sing along to it.”

“It’s just a note that I can’t hit.”

“You’ve done it before.  I’m sure you can do it again.  How about…”

Tiffany looked up with her face wet from tears.

“How about we go back tomorrow, and show that producer what you can do.”  Taeyeon cupped Tiffany’s face in her hands and wiped the tears away with her thumbs.

“Why would you go?  Your parts are recorded and polished.”

“Because I’m going to sit there and support you for the entire three hours that you have.”

“I thought you made plans with Yoona and Yuri.”

“I’ll cancel.”

“You’ve been planning that shopping trip for a week.  I don’t want to get in the way.”

“You wouldn’t be getting in the way.  I really don’t’ mind.”

“Are you sure?”

“Tiffany, you know I would do anything in my power to make you happy.”  Taeyeon smiled.

“Well, I’m sad right now.  Make me happy.”  Tiffany gave her hand to Taeyeon, as if asking her to do something with it.  When Taeyeon took too long to think about what to do, Tiffany pouted.  Without hesitation, Taeyeon lowered her head and kissed the Tiffany’s hand.

“Still sad?”  Taeyeon grinned while happy Tiffany’s cheeks turned to a light shade of pink.

“Maybe just a little.”  Tiffany spread out her arms, asking for a hug, which Taeyeon made no hesitation to give.

“Please smile, Fany-ah.  It breaks my heart when you’re sad.”  Taeyeon said with sincerity and closed her eyes.  “Now…  Let’s go work on that song.”

“But my vocal coach isn’t here.”

“What do you think a vocal coach is?”

“Well… I guess anyone who has lots of singing experience…  More than me…  And they teach.”

“Then I’m proposing to be your backup vocal coach.”  Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany’s hand and led her out of the car and to the piano when they arrived in the driveway of their dorm.


“Ready for the last set?”


“Don’t waste this session, please.”  The producer shot her a cold look as Taeyeon glared at him, causing him to look away uncomfortably.

After two failed attempts, the worry built up inside Tiffany.

“Sorry, sorry!  I can do this!  Please don’t give up on me!”

“Look, if you aren’t ready, we can just play the backup vocal track from 2007.  But… it won’t sound that great.  Maybe we’ll just go with that.  You obviously didn’t prepare.”

The producer stood up and sighed.  As he was about to leave, Taeyeon caught his wrist.

“Wait.  Give us one more try.”  Taeyeon entered the recording room as the producer sat down.

“Fany, you can do this.  You just have to focus a little more.”

“No, I can’t.”

“You did it yesterday and you sounded amazing.  You can do this.”  Taeyeon held Tiffany’s hand and squeezed it lightly while smiling.  After earning a shy smile from Tiffany, Taeyeon signaled the producer to push the record button.

In a matter of 5 marvellous seconds, Tiffany sang the line perfectly on time and in tune with the other members’ voices.  Tiffany’s voice made Taeyeon’s ears tingle, causing the dork to grin foolishly.  As the section of track ended, the producer clicked the stop button and stood up with his mouth, wide open.

“Well done, Tiffany.  You surprised me.”  The producer smiled and held the door open.  “The session is over, and you two may return home.”

As Tiffany was putting on her coat, the producer whispered to Taeyeon, “You’re a miracle worker.  Seriously, thank you for making my job easier.”  Taeyeon responded with a dimpled smile and a thumbs up.


Not long after the recording day, the performance day had arrived.  Strangely, Tiffany couldn’t hit the high note with the formation that was planned during rehearsal.

 “Let’s try facing each other, then.”  Taeyeon suggested, hoping that she could help boost Tiffany’s confidence.

Surely enough, she was able to sing perfectly, and the new circle formation was kept.

Video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyP8x7oORNs

The nine girls danced the night away on stage along with countless fans in the crowd.  Even with the overwhelming fan chants, the entire world was blocked out from Taeyeon.

I couldn’t hear anything…

I couldn’t see anything…

Nothing but…


When the performance had ended, Tiffany ran past the other members and hugged Taeyeon tightly with so much force that the two almost toppled over.  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“For what?”  Taeyeon laughed, enjoying the sudden contact.

“Everything.”  Tiffany snuggled her face into Taeyeon’s neck after planting a kiss on it as the two enjoyed the embrace.

Although Taeyeon was calm, her stomach was tossing and turning with butterflies inside.  Her heart and lungs felt like they were about to burst.



“I’m not dreaming, right?”

“Maybe you are.”  Tiffany pinched Taeyeon, who retaliated with a poke in rib.

“Nobody pinches my cheeks!”  Taeyeon pouted as Tiffany laughed.

“But they’re my cheeks.”

“No, they’re mine.”

“No, you’re mine.”

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Thank you!
SO. Since lots of you loved this story (THANK YOU), someone requested a sequel or continuation. I'm working on one!


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maemae08 #1
dalanDAN18 #2
Chapter 13: Oh my god!!! This story is so cute!!! ”Gentletaeng” is so sweeeeeeet ? Taeny ❤️

BTW author shi could u plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz give another link of Tiff doing a dance for Tae???? cuz the one u gave here is locked and doesn't open on YT so could u plz give another link of that moment???? i would appreciate it alot! if u do that for me! also for the other readers who also wanna see this moment :)
creamcarlton #4
Chapter 21: time to read the sequel :)
wanderluzt05 #5
author shhiii, can you release pdf of this?? pls
Real story? :)
Chapter 21: Oh my..... omo.... i really love this story author \(^o^)/
Taeyeon is really a dork prince kekeke... nice one Tiff being a little meany... give torture for Taeyeon o.O" but absolutely in cute wayyy^^
Its really so cheesy and fluffy, finally TaeNy hahaha... (i got taenybetes now)
*i even captured some thoughts of taeyeon pov* XD
Author jjang! My favorite^^
nice story (y)
Chapter 20: i really really envy towards Taeyeon's love! aigoo.... dorky prince taenggo....
Chapter 21: finally i can finished this story wohooo

i really love this story. its so fluffy i am gonna die.hahaha and you say the sequel is 20x fluffier. omg.hahaha okay i am gonna read the sequel now